The pathogenic Zygomycetes

Chapter 42

The pathogenic Zygomycetes

Zygomycosis (older term phycomycosis) is an all-embracing term for an infection due to a fungus in the taxonomic Class Zygomycetes, phylum Zygomycota. Most of these fungi are saprophytes and widespread in the environment but some of them can be opportunistic pathogens. Clinical disease usually occurs if the host’s defences are lowered or if large numbers of spores are ingested or inhaled. The hyphae, in cultures and in animal tissues, are wide (5–15 µm diameter), irregular and ballooning (Fig. 42.1). They lack septa except near fruiting structures and if there has been damage to hyphae or in older cultures. The sexual spores are thick-walled zygospores (Fig. 42.2) produced through fusion of gametangia, often from two different strains of the species.

The Class contains three Orders of veterinary significance – Mucorales, Mortierellales and Entomophthorales. Pathogenic species within the Order Mucorales are found within several genera including Lichtheimia (Absidia), Mucor, Rhizopus, Rhizomucor, Saksenaea. The Order Mortierellales contains one genus of veterinary significance, Mortierella. The Order Entomophthorales includes Basidiobolus ranarum and Conidiobolus coronatus both of which can cause disease in animals and humans.

The mucoraceous zygomycetes (orders mucorales and mortierellales)

The mucoraceous zygomycetes characteristically have rapidly growing colonies with greyish, woolly mycelium that fills the Petri dish in three to five days and often reaches and raises the lid of the plate (Fig. 42.3). An exception to this is Mortierella wolfii that has a white, low, velvety growth (Fig. 42.4). The aerial hyphae (sporangiophores) arise from stolons and usually end in a columella that is enclosed in the sac-like sporangium. Within the sporangium the asexual spores (sporangiospores) are formed. These spores can be colourless, yellowish or brown and the sporangia, packed with spores, often appear as dark, pinhead-sized dots within the woolly grey mycelium. As the spores mature, the wall of the sporangium becomes fragile and ruptures releasing myriads of spores (Fig. 42.5). The root-like rhizoids are produced by several genera and promote anchorage to the substrate (Fig. 42.6).


Infection with these fungi is associated with immunodeficiency, corticosteroid treatment. prolonged administration of antibiotics and immunosuppressive viral infections such as feline leukaemia or feline panleukopaenia in cats. Members of the genera Rhizopus, Rhizomucor and Lichtheimia (Absidia) are thermotolerant and able to grow at core mammalian body temperature. The enzyme ketone reductase is produced by Rhizopus species and facilitates the growth of this fungus in the acidic and glucose-rich environment of the rumen following grain overload. Proteases and lipases produced by Rhizopus species probably assist in the invasion of host tissues. Lichtheimia (Absidia) species produce siderophores that aid iron scavenging.

The route of exposure usually determines the clinical presentation. Inhalation of large numbers of spores may result in pulmonary disease while ingestion of mouldy feed may result in intestinal infection. Infection is thought to reach the placenta via the bloodstream from the respiratory or alimentary tract. The most common form of zygomycosis (sometimes referred to as mucormycosis) affects the lymph nodes of the respiratory and intestinal tracts. The lymph nodes may enlarge and show caseous necrosis. The internal organs can also be involved. This type of infection is most common in cattle, pigs and dogs. Young animals are more prone to intestinal tract infections, clinically manifested by diarrhoea. A granulomatous reaction, ulceration and caseous necrosis occur in the intestinal tract. In acute and severe infections the fungi characteristically display a pronounced angiotropism and invade blood vessels, causing a necrotizing vasculitis with thrombosis and haemorrhage.

Mortierella wolfii causes abortion in cattle and in about 5% of these animals an acute, fulminating pneumonia followed by death occurs within 48 hours of the abortion. Lesions are characteristic of mycotic abortion and resemble those seen in Aspergillus fumigatus infections. The placenta is thickened and ‘wooden’ in appearance (Fig. 42.7) and the foetus may have ringworm-like fungal skin plaques (Fig. 42.8). In fatal pneumonia cases the lungs are heavy, red and wet with most lobes affected (Fig. 42.9). A variable amount of fluid is present in the thoracic cavity. Other zygomycetes have been isolated from cases of abortion in cattle but, as these other fungi are more widely distributed than M. wolfii, fungal involvement should be confirmed by histological examination of cotyledons and foetal lesions. Table 42.1 summarizes the main hosts and diseases caused by the mucoraceous zygomycetes. Zygomycosis has also been reported in mink, guinea pigs, mice, poultry and exotic birds.

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