Wound Dressing
Biologic Dressings
Basic Information
• Equine amnion (EA): EA is believed to have most of the qualities of an ideal dressing. Despite its occlusive properties in the horse it did not encourage the formation of exuberant granulation tissue, but did result in more rapid wound healing when compared to a synthetic semiocclusive control dressing. Best used to suppress the formation of exuberant granulation tissue and to accelerate epithelialization.
• Equine peritoneum and split-thickness allogeneic skin: A study done in horses found that wounds dressed with equine peritoneum or split-thickness allogeneic skin did not heal faster than similar wounds dressed with a control synthetic dressing
• Collagen dressing (CDs): CDs made into gels (Collasate, PRN Pharmacal, Pensacola, FL), porous and nonporous membranes, particles (Collamend, Veterinary Products Laboratory, Phoenix, AZ), and sponges reportedly enhance wound healing in humans and laboratory animals. Studies evaluating bovine porous and nonporous collagen membranes or gel dressings in horses found no benefit for this dressing over semiocclusive control dressings.
• Extracellular matrix scaffolds (ECMs)