V chemical symbol, vanadium; symbol, volt; vision; visual acuity.
v. [L.] vena (vein); pl. venae (vv.) [L.].
V domain the variable region or domain of immunoglobulins.
V factor see diphosphopyridine nucleotide.
V region variable region of immunoglobulins.
v tach ventricular tachycardia.
VAC vincristine, doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide; a cancer chemotherapy regime.
vaccigenous producing a vaccine.
vaccina [vak-si’n] vaccinia virus.
vaccinable susceptible of being successfully vaccinated.
vaccinate [vak’s-nāt] to inoculatewith vaccine to produce immunity.
v.-associated sarcoma see sarcoma.
core v. one that should always be included in the basic immunization program for the species.
dead v. inactivated vaccine; one with organisms that have been killed.
inactivated v. see dead vaccine (above).
killed virus (KV) v. see dead vaccine (above).
live v. a vaccine prepared from live, usually attenuated, microorganisms.
mixed v. see mixed bacterial vaccine.
modified live virus (MLV) v. see attenuated vaccine (above).
polyvalent v. one prepared from more than one strain or species of microorganisms.
recombinant v. one created by recombinant DNA technology.
subunit v. one containing only specific antigenic proteins of the infectious agent.
vaccinial [vak-sin’e-l] pertaining to or characteristic of vaccinia.
vacciniform [vak-sin’-form] resembling vaccinia.
vacciniola generalized vaccinia.
vaccinotherapy [vak“s-no-ther’-pe] therapeutic use of vaccines.
vacuolar [ak“u-o’lr] containing, or of the nature of, vacuoles.
vacuolated [vak’u-o-lāt“d] containing vacuoles.
vacuolation [vak“u-o-la’shn] the process of forming vacuoles; the condition of being vacuolated.
vacuole [vak’u-ōl] a space or cavity in the cytoplasm of a cell.
vacuolization [vak“u-o-l-za’shn] vacuolation.
vacuum [vak’ūm] a space devoid of air or other gas.
v. collection use of a handheld vacuum to recover ectoparasites from the coat of animals.
v.-dehydrated freed of moisture while in a vacuum. Used in the packaging of food.
v. gauge pressure gauge in a milking machine which indicates the level of vacuum in the system.
vagal [va’gl] pertaining to the vagus nerve.
v. attack see vasovagal attack.
v. bulbi (1) see Tenon’s capsule.
vaginal pertaining to the vagina, the tunica vaginalis testis, or to any sheath.
v. anulus see anulus vaginalis.
v. aplasia manifested by imperforate hymen or residual strands of hymen. See imperforate hymen.
v. cyclic changes see vaginal cytology (below).
v. cysts see Gartner’s ducts, Bartholin’s glands.
v. hypertrophy see vaginal prolapse.
v. hypoplasia segmental see müllerian duct aplasia.
v. inflammation see vaginitis (1).
v. neoplasm include papilloma, sarcoma, leiomyoma.
v. prolapse see vaginal prolapse.
v. retainer see bearing retainer.
v. stricture cicatricial contraction after traumatic injury.
vaginalitis [vaj“-n-li’tis] inflammation of the tunica vaginalis testis; periorchitis.
vaginate [vaj’-nāt] enclosed in a sheath.
vaginectomy [vaj“-nek’t-me] 1. resection of the tunica vaginalis testis. 2. excision of the vagina.
vaginismus [vaj“-niz’ms] painful spasms of the muscles of the vagina.
vaginitis [vaj“-ni’tis] 1. inflammation of the vagina; colpitis. 2. inflammation of a sheath.
contagious v. see infectious pustular vulvovaginitis, epivag.
pustular v. see infectious pustular vulvovaginitis.
vaginoabdominal [vaj“-no-ab-dom’-nl] pertaining to the vagina and abdomen.
vaginocele [vaj’-no-sēl“] colpocele; vaginal hernia.
vaginofixation [vaj“-no-fik-sa’shn] vaginopexy; colpopexy.
vaginolabial [vaj“-no-la’be-l] pertaining to the vagina and labia.
vaginomycosis [vaj“-no-mi-ko’sis] any fungal disease of the vagina.
vaginopathy [vaj“-nop’-the] any disease of the vagina.
vaginoperineal [vaj“-no-per“-ne’l] pertaining to the vagina and perineum.
vaginoperineotomy [vaj’-no-per“-ne-ot’-me] incision of the vagina and perineum.
vaginoperitoneal [vaj“-no-per“-to-ne’l] pertaining to the vagina and peritoneum.
vaginoplasty [vaj’-no-plas“te] colpoplasty; plastic repair of the vagina.
vaginoscopy [vaj“-nos’k-pe] viewing of the vaginal lining with a vaginoscope.
vaginotomy [vaj“-not’-me] colpotomy; incision of the vagina.
vaginovesical [vaj“-no-ves’-kl] pertaining to the vagina and bladder.
vagolysis [va-gol’-sis] surgical destruction of the vagus nerve.
v. agents includes atropine sulfate, glycopyrrolate, propantheline, isopropamide.
vagotomy [va-got’-me] interruption of the impulses carried by the vagus nerve or nerves.
vagotonia [va“go-to’ne-] irritability of the vagus nerve.
vagotropic [va“go-tro’pik] having an effect on the vagus nerve.
vagus [va’gs] the tenth cranial nerve. For vagus nerve, see Table 14.
valerian [v-lēr’e-n] see Valeriana.
valine (Val) [va’lēn, val’ēn] a naturally occurring amino acid.
valinemia [val“in-e’me-] hypervalinemia; elevated concentration of valine in the blood and urine.
vallate [val’āt] having a wall or rim; rim-shaped. See also vallate papilla.
vallecula [v-lek’u-l] pl. valleculae [L.] a depression or furrow.
v. cerebelli a large groove on the ventral cerebellum, in which the medulla oblongata is lodged.
v. epiglottica the depressions on either side of the median glossoepiglottic fold.
v. unguis the sulcus of the matrix of the nail.
valley fever coccidioidomycosis.
valproic acid [val-pro’ik] an anticonvulsant drug.
absolute v. the size of an observation or measurement regardless of its sign.
valva [val’v] pl. valvae [L.] a valve.
Adam’s pressure reducing v. see reducing valve (below).
coronary v. a valve at entrance of the coronary sinus into right atrium.
ileocecal v., ileocolic v. see ileocecal valve.
nonreturn v. in anesthetic circuits, it prevents exhaled gas from returning to the patient.
portal v. regulates the amount of venous blood entering the avian kidney.
pressure reducing v. see reducing valve (below).
valvotomy [val-vot’-me] incision of a valve.
valvular [val’vu-lr] pertaining to, affecting or of the nature of a valve.
valvulitis [val“vu-li’tis] inflammation of a valve, especially of a valve of the heart.
valvuloplasty [val’vu-lo-plas“te] plastic repair of a valve, especially a valve of the heart.
valvulotome [val’vu-lo-tōm“] an instrument for cutting a valve.
valvulotomy [val“vu-lot’-me] valvotomy.
balloon v. see balloon valvuloplasty.
vanadium (V) [v-na’de-m] a chemical element, atomic number 23, atomic weight 50.942. See Table 4. Its salts have been used in treating various diseases.
vanadiumism [v-na’de-m-iz-m] poisoning by vanadium.
Vangueira pygmaea Pachystigma pygmaeum.
vapor [va’pr] steam, gas or exhalation.
vaporize [va’pr-īz] to convert into vapor or to be transformed into vapor.
vapotherapy therapeutic use of steam, vapor or spray.
VA/Q see ventilation:perfusion ratio.
Vaqueta see Thiloa glaucocarpa.
Vaquez–Osler disease [vah-ka’- ōs’lr] primary polycythemia.
variability [var“e--bil’-te] the state of being variable.
discontinuous v. see discrete variable (below).
endogenous v. dependent variable.
exogenous v. independent or predetermined variable.
spatial v. a measurement relating to area or location.
temporal v. one relating to chronological time.
v. ratio distribution see f distribution.
Varicellovirus a genus in the subfamily Alphaherpesvirinae.
varices [vār’-sēz] [L.] plural of varix.
variciform [var-is’-form] resembling a varix; varicose.
varicoblepharon [var“-ko-blef’-ron] a varicose swelling of the eyelid.
varicocelectomy [var“-ko-s-lek’t-me] excision of a varicocele.
varicomphalos [var“-kom’f-ls] a varicose tumor of the umbilicus.
v. scrotal tumor benign vascular proliferation in dogs; resembles cavernous hemangioma.
varicotomy [var“-kot’-me] excision of a varix or of a varicose vein.
varicula [v-rik’u-l] a varix of the conjunctiva.
variety [v-ri’-te] a taxonomic subcategory of a species.
variegated tick see Amblyomma variegatum.
varix [var’iks] pl. varices [L.] an enlarged, tortuous vein, artery or lymphatic vessel.
arterial v. a racemose aneurysm or varicose artery.
varization a surgical procedure that decreases the angle of inclination of a part.
varkoor see Zantedeschia aethiopica.
varnish tree Aleurites moluccana.
varolian [v-ro’le-n] pertaining to the pons varolii.
varroosis a disease of the honey bee (Apis mellifera) caused by the mite Varroa destructor, which parasitizes bee larvae and adults causing developmental deformities, reduced life span and ultimately destruction of the colony or hive. A disease notifiable to the OIE (see Table 22).
vas [vas] pl. vasa [L.] a vessel.
v. afferentia vessels that convey fluid to a structure or part.
v. brevia short vessels such as the gastric arteries.
v. efferentia vessels that convey fluid away from a structure or part.
v. lymphatica lymphatic vessels.
v. vasorum the small nutrient arteries and veins in the walls of the larger blood vessels.
vasa [va’s] [L.] plural of vas.
vascular [vas’ku-lr] pertaining to blood vessels or indicative of a copious blood supply.
v. clamps see hemostatic forceps.
v. disease see arteritis, phlebitis, lymphangitis, thrombosis, aneurysm, capillary fragility.
v. grafts see vascular conduit.
v. hemophilia von Willebrand disease.
v. malformation includes hamartoma, arteriovenous fistula, telangiectasia.
v. pole the point on the renal glomerulus where the blood vessels enter and exit.
v. prosthesis see vascular conduit.
v. ring anomaly see vascular ring.
v. stasis serious slowing, or complete cessation, of blood or lymph flow through vessels.
v. tone the state of contractile tension in the vessel walls.
v. tumor see vascular neoplasm (above).
v. tunic of the eye; the uvea. Consists of the choroid, the ciliary body and iris.
vascularity [vas“ku-lar’-te] the condition of being vascular.
vascularization [vas“ku-lr--za’shn] the formation of new blood vessels in tissues.
vascularize [vas’ku-lr-īz] to supply with vessels.
leukocytoclastic v. see hypersensitivity angiitis.
V-3: Cutaneous vasculitis. Peripheral edema caused by vascular leakage associated with vasculitis.
From Medleau L, Hnilica KA, Small Animal Dermatology, 2nd Edition. Saunders, 2006.
vasculopathy [vas“ku-lop’-the] any disorder of blood vessels.
v. of Greyhounds see idiopathic cutaneous and renal glomerular disease.
vasectomized [v-sek’t-mīzd] subjected to vasectomy.
Vaseline trademark for white petrolatum (USP), petroleum jelly.
vasey grass Paspalum urvillei.
Vasgotaspets see Swedish Vallhund.
vasiform [vas’-form] resembling a vessel.
vasitis [v-si’tis] inflammation of the vas (ductus) deferens.
vas(o)- word element. [L.] vessel, duct.
vasoactive [vas“o-ak’tiv] exerting an effect on the caliber of blood vessels.
v. fibers adrenergic nerve fibers in the walls of all blood vessels except capillaries.
vasodepression [vas“o-de-presh’n] decrease in vascular resistance with hypotension.
vasodilatation [vas“o-d-l-ta’shn] vasodilation.
vasodilation [vas“o-di-la’shn] a state of increased caliber of blood vessels.
vasoformative [vas“o-for’m-tiv] pertaining to or promoting the formation of blood vessels.
vasoganglion [vas“o-gang’gle-on] a vascular ganglion or rete.
vasogenic [va“zo-jen’ik] emanating from or pertaining to blood vessels.
v. circulatory failure see vasogenic shock.
vasography [va-zog’r-fe] radiography of the blood vessels.
vasohypertonic [vas“o-hi“pr-ton’ik] vasoconstrictor.
vasoinhibitor [vas“o-in-hib’-tr] an agent that inhibits vasomotor nerves.
vasoligation [vas“o-li-ga’shn] ligation of the vas (ductus) deferens.
vasomotion [vas“o-mo’shn] change in caliber of blood vessels.
v. system the part of the nervous system that controls the caliber of the blood vessels.
vasoneurosis [vas“o-n -ro’sis] angioneurosis.
vaso-orchidostomy anastomosis of the epididymis to the severed end of the vas (ductus) deferens.
vasoparesis [vas“o-p-re’sis] paralysis of vasomotor nerves.
v. test see antidiuretic hormone response test.
vasopuncture [vas“o-punk’chr] surgical puncture of the vas (ductus) deferens.
vasoreflex [vas“o-re’fleks] a reflex of blood vessels.
vasorelaxation [vas“o-re-lak-sa’shn] decrease of vascular pressure.
vasorrhaphy suture of the vas (ductus) deferens.
vasosensory [vas“o-sen’sr-e] supplying sensory filaments to the vessels.
vasospasm [vas’o-spaz“m] spasm of blood vessels, decreasing their caliber.
vasostimulant [vas“o-stim’u-lnt] stimulating vasomotor action.
vasostomy [vas-os’t-me] surgical formation of an opening into the ductus (vas) deferens.
vasotomy [va-zot’-me] incision of the vas (ductus) deferens.
vasotonia [vas“o-to’ne-] tone or tension of the vessels.
vasotonic [vas“o-ton’ik] pertaining to, characterized by, or increasing vasotonia.
vasovagal [vas“o-va’gl] vascular and vagal.
vasovasostomy [vas“o-va-zos’t-me] anastomosis of the ends of the severed vas (ductus) deferens.
VCI Veterinary Council of Ireland.
vCJD variant Creutzfeld-Jakob disease caused by the agent of bovine spongiform encephalopathy.
VCNZ Veterinary Council of New Zealand.
VCPR veterinarian-client-patient relationship.
VDH valvular disease of the heart.
Western v. calves see heavy veal calves (above).
vealer young calf destined to be marketed as veal.
vection [vek’shn] the carrying of disease germs from an infected animal to a well animal.
v. data representation see vector data representation.
vedaprofen a propionic acid nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent used in horses and dogs.
VEE Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis.
v. drugs derived from plants; includes alkaloids, glycosides, resins, gums and oils.
vegetal [vej’-tl] 1. pertaining to plants or a plant. 2. vegetative.
vegetarian [vej“-tar’e-n] a person who eats no meat, eggs or dairy food.
lacto-ovo v. a person who eats no meat, but does consume dairy products and eggs.
inherited v. dermatosis see dermatosis vegetans.
v. nervous system autonomic nervous system.
cloning v. see cloning vector.
v. cell fibroblast-like cells which surround small vessels in the dermis.
vein [vān] a vessel through which blood passes from various organs or parts back towards the heart, in the systemic circulation carrying blood that has given up most of its oxygen. Veins, like arteries, have three coats, an inner, middle and outer, but the coats are not so thick and they collapse when the vessel is cut. Many veins, especially the superficial, have valves formed of reduplication of their lining membrane. For a complete list of the named veins of the body, see Table 15.
afferent v’s veins that carry blood to an organ.
precardinal v’s paired venous trunks in the embryo cranial to the heart.
pulp v’s vessels draining the venous sinuses of the spleen.
sublobular v’s tributaries of the hepatic veins that receive the central veins of hepatic lobules.
trabecular v’s vessels coursing in splenic trabeculae, formed by tributary pulp veins.
velamen [ve-la’mn] pl. velamina [L.] a membrane, meninx or velum.
velamentous [vel“-men’ts] membranous and pendent; like a veil.
veldt sickness see heartwater.
vellein coumarin glycoside of uncertain toxicity in Velleia discora.
velopharyngeal [ve“lo-f-rin’je-l] pertaining to the velum palatinum (soft palate) and pharynx.
Velpeau sling see Velpeau sling.
velum [ve’lm] pl. vela [L.] a covering structure or veil.
v. abomasicum two folds on either side of the omasoabomasal orifice.
v. interpositum the membranous roof of the third ventricle of the brain.
palatine v., v. palatinum soft palate.
v. uteri see intracornual frenulum.
vena [ve’n] pl. venae [L.] vein. See also Table 15.
caudal v. caval syndrome vena caval thrombosis (below).
v. cava spontaneous rupture recorded as a cause of sudden death in horses.
v. caval hiatus see vena cava foramen.
v. caval syndrome see caval syndrome.
posterior v. cava caudal vena cava.
venectasia [ve“nk-ta’zh] phlebectasia.
venectomy [ve-nek’t-me] phlebectomy.
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