Eddy R.J. Cauvin AZURVET Referral Veterinary Centre, Saint-Laurent-du-Var, France Stifle injuries are increasingly recognized as a major cause of hind limb lameness. Ultrasonography is well suited to image the stifle and has gained popularity as it is easily available, may be used in the standing patient, and will provide access to most parts of this joint. It has tremendously improved our ability to confirm or rule out stifle lesions, which, in most cases, primarily involve soft tissue structures. Radiography may be useful to detect bony lesion such as fractures, osteochondrosis, cyst-like lesions, etc., but most frequently, only late degenerative changes will be recognized. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) are increasingly used for the diagnosis of stifle conditions in horses but access to these modalities remains limited. CT-arthrography (images acquired after intra-articular injection of iodinated contrast medium) of the stifle has been described in recent years. It procures useful information on joint surfaces and the outlines of menisci and ligaments. However, the parenchyma is poorly visualized and the presence of synovial thickening can alter the appearance of intra-articular structures. MRI has been little used so far because of difficulties placing the stifle in most magnets and long acquisition times, although it may be increasingly used in coming years. The equine stifle is a large, complex region and its ultrasonographic examination requires a thorough knowledge of the anatomy. A comprehensive, standardized approach is recommended. A systematic approach to the joints is paramount to avoid overlooking subtle changes, which may have strong clinical repercussions, in particular meniscal tears or focal cartilage or subchondral trauma. Many artifacts can impair the sensitivity and specificity of the examination, so it is particularly important to acquire experience and a thorough knowledge of the gross and ultrasonographic anatomy in order to optimize stifle ultrasonography. The stifle region should be finely clipped from distal to the tibial tuberosity up to the stifle skin fold, and all around the limb, then prepared as usual. Most of the examination is performed with the limb weightbearing, although, in very lame horses, examination can be adequately performed with the limb partially flexed. To scan the cranial aspect of the femorotibial joints, however, the limb must be flexed in order to expose the joint surfaces and intra-articular structures. It may be useful to use a wooden block to stabilize the foot. It is not necessary to achieve full flexion, which is often not tolerated by the injured horse. Intra-articular analgesia will dramatically interfere with evaluation of the joint, as it causes hemorrhage, inflammation, and effusion, and because air may be introduced into the joint space or periarticular soft tissues. Gas can persist in the joint for up to 2 weeks; it is therefore preferable to perform an ultrasonographic examination prior to diagnostic intra-articular analgesia whenever possible. A high-frequency (8–15 MHz) linear probe is best to evaluate the femoropatellar joint and the medial aspect of the stifle. A standoff pad may be used but can be fiddly and is not usually necessary. To examine the cranial, lateral, and caudal aspects of the stifle, 4–10 MHz convex to micro-convex, curved array transducers are preferred, as they are easier to align to deeper structures not parallel to the skin. Comprehensive examination of the stifle may be time-consuming, although with experience it may be performed in under 15 minutes. Typically, it is performed in 5 stages (Figure 7.1 ). Figure 7.1 5-stage protocol for the ultrasonographic examination of the stifle. (1a) the femoropatellar articulation is examined with a linear transducer from a cranial approach with the limb extended and weightbearing, in both transverse and longitudinal planes. The transducer is moved from proximal to distal and from lateral to medial over the cranial one half of the stifle. (1b) and (1c) The medial femorotibial articulation is then examined with the limb weightbearing or flexed, first in a frontal plane from craniomedial to caudomedial over the joint space (1b). It is important to follow the curvature of the stifle, i.e., in a craniomedial position the probe must be aimed slightly caudally, and at the caudomedial aspect it must be tilted slightly cranially. Transverse section images are obtained by placing the probe horizontally directly over the edge of the meniscus which is found proximal to the palpable edge of the medial tibial condyle (1c). (1d) The lateral femorotibial articulation is approached in a similar manner, using a linear probe and, if necessary, a convex or microconvex probe. It may be necessary to slightly tilt the probe downward to improve the images (Figure 7.1d). (1e) The caudal aspect of the stifle is assessed with the limb weightbearing, using a convex transducer. It may be approached through the semitendinosus or semimembranosus muscles, pushing the probe into the muscles either at the caudal angle of the stifle or 10 cm proximally, slightly tilting the probe downward. (1f) To image the cranial aspect of the femorotibial joints and intercondylar space, the limb is partially flexed (~45 degrees). A convex or microconvex transducer must be used from a cranial approach. The technique requires accurate knowledge of the 3-D arrangement of each structure and will be detailed later in this chapter. The anatomy of the stifle region has been described elsewhere and the reader is encouraged to study anatomy texts in detail to better understand the 3-D arrangement of this complex joint. The femoropatellar joint is best imaged with the joint extended, as most of the trochlea is hidden by the patella when the limb is flexed. In the extended position the patella points craniolaterally, and the large medial trochlear ridge is palpable under the skin cranially. Starting in transverse planes, the probe is placed cranioproximally over the quadriceps muscles and examination is continued from proximal to distal, down to the tibial tuberosity. The quadriceps muscle is relatively homogeneous with a typical hypoechogenic muscular pattern. There is no insertion tendon as such, so that there is a sharp interface between the muscle belly and the proximal outline of the patella (Figure 7.2). The cranial surface of the patella forms a sharp, smooth hyperechogenic interface. Distally, it forms a shallow groove at the origin of the middle patellar ligament (PL) (see below). Medially, it is prolonged by the hypoechogenic, crescent-shaped parapatellar fibrocartilage, which curves around the medial trochlear ridge and terminates via the thin medial collateral patellar ligament (Figure 7.3). It also gives rise to the medial PL (see below). Figure 7.2 Imaging of the proximal recess of the femoropatellar joint (arrow) in a longitudinal (sagittal) plane proximal to the patella. The synovial recess is virtual unless distended and extends between the quadriceps muscle (Q) and the cranial surface of the femur (F). Proximal is to the left of the image. Figure 7.3 In transverse planes the cranial surface of the patella (pat) appears as a smooth, curved, hyperechogenic interface. Medially, the medial collateral patellar ligament forms a large fibrocartilaginous pad (parapatellar fibrocartilage (pfc)), which curves around the medial trochlear ridge (MTR) and terminates via the thin medial collateral patellar ligament. Distal to the apex of the patella, the trochlear groove appears as a wide, U-shaped bone interface covered by anechogenic cartilage (Figures 7.4 and 7.5). In many horses, the latter is irregular in the center of the groove, but this is considered to be a normal feature. The medial trochlear ridge is broad, smooth, and rounded, and is covered by relatively thin cartilage (0.8–1 mm thickness). This becomes irregular medially. The lateral trochlear ridge is much narrower and triangular in cross-section. Its cartilage is thicker (2–4 mm). In longitudinal sections (parasagittal), the trochlear ridges form a smooth, convex bone interface, topped by anechogenic cartilage, which should be perfectly regular in thickness. The lateral PL is seen as a striated structure lying directly over the cartilage of the lateral ridge. The capsule is tightly applied against the cartilage surface, and no fluid is normally visible over the trochlea. Figure 7.4 Transverse plane image of the right femoral trochlea 4 cm distal to the patellar apex (pat). The probe is place over the trochlea, i.e., over the craniolateral aspect of the stifle. The trochlear groove (TG) forms a concave trough, the lateral trochlear ridge (LTR) a narrow, sharply convex surface, and the medial trochlear ridge (MTR) a wide, rounded surface. The cartilage is thickest over the LTR and thinnest over the MTR (red arrows). The bone surface and cartilage may be irregular in the center of the groove (yellow arrow). The lateral (LPL) and middle (MiPL) patellar ligaments are recognized because of the regular, grainy appearance (double white arrows) but contrast poorly with the surrounding infrapatellar fat pad tissue (FP). Note that the joint capsule is tightly applied against the cartilages with no visible fluid. Figure 7.5 Rotating the probe by 90 degrees into a parasagittal plane from a cranial approach, the whole trochlea is evaluated from lateral, over the LTR (position 1) all the way to the MTR (position 2). The cartilage (yellow arrows) forms a hypoechogenic, homogeneous tissue between the smooth, hyperechogenic subchondral bone interface and the echogenic joint capsule (red arrows). Laterally, the thin lateral patellar ligament forms a regular striated pattern (double white arrows). SC: subcutaneous tissue. Anatomically, the patellar ligaments actually correspond to the quadriceps tendon and they are, therefore, similar in appearance to digital flexor tendons (Figure 7.6). Their borders are, however, ill defined due to poor contrast with the surrounding, hyperechogenic infrapatellar fat pad (see Figure 7.4). The middle PL is round to oval in cross-section and is the largest of the three PLs. It runs from the apex of the patella to the cranial-most part of the tibial tuberosity, within the fat pad and in the center of the trochlear groove (Figure 7.6). Distally, it becomes more triangular in section and always contains thin, hypoechogenic lines, giving it a webbed appearance. This should not be mistaken for a tear. Tilting of the probe to create an off-incidence artifact will cause the ligament to become hypoechogenic, enhancing its outline within the fat pad (Figure 7.7). The medial PL is triangular in cross-section and, in the extended limb, lies over the medial aspect of the medial trochlear ridge, 4 or 5 cm caudal to the apex of the ridge (Figure 7.8). Proximally, it becomes more heterogeneous as its fibers spread out into the parapatellar fibrocartilage (Figure 7.9). Distally, it inserts on the medial aspect of the tibial tuberosity, approximately 2 cm medial to the middle PL and receives a tendinous branch from the sartorius muscle. The lateral PL is thinner, flatter, and crescent-shaped in cross-section (Figure 7.4). It caps the apex of the lateral trochlear ridge, outlining the cartilage (Figure 7.5). It inserts on the tibial tuberosity, immediately lateral to the middle PL’s insertion. There is often a small to moderate amount of anechogenic synovial fluid in the lateral femoropatellar joint recess, caudal to the LPL, and over the lateral surface of the lateral trochlear ridge. A small amount of fluid may be present caudal to the medial PL, although this is less prominent. Figure 7.6 Longitudinal (top images) and transverse plane (bottom images) of the middle patellar ligament from proximal (left) to distal (right). The outline of the ligament is indicated by yellow arrows. Proximally, the MiPL originates from a curved groove on the distal surface of the patella (pat), before continuing its course within the fat pad. The section is oval proximally, then rectangular to round in the middle third, and triangular distally. In the distal third of the ligament, endoligamentar connective tissue forms hypoechogenic linear areas on longitudinal plane images and a reticulated webbed pattern on transverse plane images (red arrows). TB: tibia. Figure 7.7 The patellar ligaments are of a similar echogenicity to that of the fat pad, so that their edges may be difficult to delineate (yellow arrows). Creating an off-incidence artifact (bottom image) can help to better delineate the ligament contours because their aligned fibers will become hypoechogenic, while the non-aligned adipo-elastic tissue will remain hyperechogenic in all planes. The middle patellar ligament is shown in these images. Figure 7.8 Longitudinal (frontal) plane image of the medial patellar ligament obtained caudomedial to the edge of the medial trochlear ridge (MTR) (top image). The ligament has a regular striated pattern (yellow arrows). Rotating the probe by 90 degrees to obtain a transverse plane image (bottom image), the ligament is triangular in shape and poorly defined from the surrounding fascia and joint capsule (yellow arrows). Figure 7.9 Longitudinal (frontal) plane image of the origin of the medial patellar ligament (yellow arrows). The ligament has a typical striated pattern and runs over the medial aspect of the medial femoral trochlear ridge (MTR). It arises as a continuation of the medial parapatellar fibrocartilage (red arrows), which is hypoechogenic and devoid of striation. A linear transducer is best suited, as the joint surfaces lie very close to the skin. The topography of the medial aspect of the joint and organization of the medial meniscus are reviewed in Figure 7.10. The proximal edge of the tibial condyle and the round, smooth surface of the medial femoral condyle form a triangular space filled by the echogenic medial meniscus (Figure 7.11). The latter is separated from the condyles by thin, hypoechogenic cartilage. Linear, anechogenic artifacts running perpendicular to the probe interface through the meniscal parenchyma are caused by refraction at the insertion of the capsule on the outer surface of the meniscus. These are easily mistaken for tears but they should remain perpendicular to the probe when the latter is tilted. The capsule inserts over the whole abaxial aspect of the meniscus, so that fluid can only accumulate proximal to it, over the abaxial surface of the medial femoral condyle. Discrete distension of the joint is common cranial to the collateral ligament but the synovial membrane should remain thin. Small villi may be seen in the pouch in normal horses. Occasionally, very small gas bubbles, forming multiple, punctate hyperechogenic interfaces casting strong acoustic shadows, may be seen within the joint fluid. These represent nitrogen released by articular depression (vacuum phenomena). This is a normal, physiological occurrence. Transverse plane images of the menisci are obtained by rotating the probe by 90 degrees. The scan plane should be parallel to the edge of the tibial plateau. These images are useful to better evaluate the configuration of certain tears. Figure 7.10 (A) Computed tomography (CT) scan three-dimensional (3-D) reconstruct of the stifle showing the topography of the medial femorotibial joint. The medial femoral condyle (MFC) and medial tibial condyle (MTC) are separated by the wedge-shaped meniscus. The latter is topographically divided into body (2), at the level of the medial collateral ligament (black arrows), and cranial (1) and caudal (3) horns. The medial collateral ligament (MCL) is flat but strong and extends from the medial femoral epicondyle (E) to the medial aspect of the MTC and is divided into two distinct branches. MTR: medial trochlear ridge. (B) Schematic view of the menisci (proximal view after removal of the femur) indicating the topographic division of the medial meniscus. The middle third is the body (2), deep to the medial collateral ligament (L). The cranial horn (1) is prolonged by the cranial meniscotibial ligament (yellow arrows), which attaches to the cranial surface of the medial tibial protuberance of the tibial eminence (te). The caudal horn (3), the largest and thickest portion, inserts on the tibia via a short caudal meniscotibial ligament (red arrows). CrCL: cranial cruciate ligament. Cranial is at the top of the image. (C) CT arthrography reconstructions help to understand the ultrasonographic anatomy of the menisci. The three sections correspond to the red dotted lines on Figure 7.10B. The hyperattenuating contrast medium appears white and indicates the joint space and synovial recesses, the largest bulging proximal to the cranial and caudal horns of the meniscus (m). The joint capsule and medial collateral ligament (central image) (yellow arrows) adhere to the abaxial surface of the meniscus. The red arrows point to the cartilage (dark, hypoattenuating rim along the condylar surfaces) showing that it is thinnest at the contact points with the meniscus and thickest around the tibial eminence. MFC: medial femoral condyle; MTC: medial tibial condyle. Figure 7.11 (A) Position of the transducer over the medial aspect of the medial femorotibial joint. (B) Longitudinal (frontal) plane ultrasonographic image obtained cranial to the collateral ligament. The meniscus is echogenic, wedge-shaped, and amorphous. It sits axial to an imaginary line drawn between the edges of the condyles (dotted line). The underlying cartilage is smooth and even (white arrows) and the fibrous capsule (red double arrows) inserts over its abaxial border. Note the hypoechogenic artifacts running perpendicular to the transducer (yellow arrows). (C) Image obtained proximal to that in (B). Note the mild distension of the joint pouch by anechogenic fluid. No fluid is seen over the meniscus (B). The membrane is thin and even (yellow arrows) in the absence of inflammation. MFC: medial femoral condyle; Tib: tibia. The medial collateral ligament (MCL) is a strong, flattened structure, approximately 5–6 mm in thickness. As in most joints, it is made up of two poorly differentiated branches (Figure 7.10). It is necessary to rotate the probe to image each branch individually, as they run obliquely to each other, crossing over the meniscus. The superficial branch runs vertically; it originates on the femoral epicondyle several centimeters proximal to the joint, and inserts on the abaxial surface of the tibia (Figure 7.12). It receives part of the insertion of the adductor muscle proximally. The deep branch originates caudal to it, and runs in a craniodistal direction to insert on the tibia, cranial to the superficial branch. It is strongly adherent to the abaxial surface of the meniscus. Figure 7.12 (A) Position of the transducer over the medial aspect of the stifle to image the medial collateral ligament. (B and C) Longitudinal (frontal) plane ultrasonographic images over the medial aspect of the stifle showing the superficial branch of the collateral ligament (yellow arrows), recognized by its striated pattern. It runs from the medial femoral epicondyle (MFE) over the medial meniscus and abaxial borders of the medial femoral condyle (MFC) and medial tibial condyle (MTC). The deep branch (red arrows) runs obliquely to it, hence a grainier pattern as the fibers are not aligned with the transducer. It separates the superficial branch from the meniscus to which it adheres. Note that the ligaments are poorly distinguished from the rest of the fibrous capsule. As for its medial counterpart, the general topography is presented in Figure 7.13. The joint is covered by a thicker layer of muscle and the bone surfaces are very oblique to the skin. It is consequently difficult to obtain sharp images using a linear transducer. Convex or micro-convex probes, allowing the beam to be angled relative to the skin, may provide better images. Craniolaterally, the tendon of origin of the long digital extensor and peroneus tertius muscles originates on the lateral femoral epicondyle and runs within the extensor groove of the proximal tibia (Figure 7.14). The groove is covered by cartilage and a synovial recess extends from the lateral femorotibial joint (LFT), between the bone surface and the tendon. Similarly to the MCL, the lateral collateral ligament (LCL) is divided into two branches, superficial and deep, although they are more difficult to tell apart. They insert respectively on the tibia and the fibular head. The popliteal tendon originates from a small depression on the lateral femoral epicondyle, immediately cranial to the LCL and caudal to the long digital extensor tendon. It runs obliquely in a caudodistal direction, passing over the meniscus and underneath the LCL. Because of its oblique course, it will be located proximal to the meniscus at the level of the collateral ligament and directly adjacent (abaxial) to the meniscus caudolaterally. It is triangular in cross-section at the level of the collateral ligament and should not be mistaken for a torn portion of the meniscus. It becomes rectangular in shape over the caudal horn. The tendon runs within the joint space cranially and in the capsule caudally. Its hypoechogenic muscle belly fans out over the caudal proximal tibia. Fluid may be seen proximal to the meniscus and cranial or caudal to the collateral ligament, but this is less common than in the medial compartment. Figure 7.13 (A) CT scan 3-D reconstruct showing the topography of the lateral femorotibial joint. The lateral femoral (LFC) and tibial (LTC) condyles are separated by the lateral meniscus (m). The lateral collateral ligament (yellow arrows) is made up of two closely related branches originating from the lateral femoral epicondyle (LFE). Both insert on the tibia and fibula (yellow arrows). The common tendon of origin (black arrowheads) of the peroneus tertius and long digital extensor muscles (lde) originates from the abaxial aspect of the lateral trochlear ridge and runs over the cranial horn of the meniscus, within the extensor fossa of the tibia. The tendon of origin of the popliteus muscle (white arrows) originates from the femoral epicondyle, cranial to the collateral ligament and runs between the latter and the lateral meniscus, in a caudodistal direction. F: fibula. (B) Same schematic as in Figure 7.10B indicating the topographic division into three segments for the lateral meniscus. The lateral cranial meniscotibial ligament (yellow arrows) is similar to its medial counterpart. The caudal ligament is much slighter (red arrow). The meniscofemoral ligament (mfl) is a strong ligament arising from the caudal horn. The long digital extensor (LDE) tendon runs over the cranial meniscal horn. The popliteal tendon (pop) runs freely between the lateral collateral ligament (lcl) and the abaxial border of the meniscal body then follows the caudal horn. CrCL cranial and CaCL caudal cruciate ligaments. (C) CT-arthrography multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) reconstructions along the three planes indicated in (B). The hyperattenuating (white) contrast medium highlights the joint recesses of the lateral femorotibial articulation. On the craniolateral aspect (1) the LDE tendon runs within a synovial pouch over the abaxial border of the meniscus (m). A thin synovial fold partially separates the tendon from the rest of the joint (black arrow). Moving caudally to the lateral aspect of the joint (2), the lcl appears hyperattenuating but receives less attenuating (darker) aponeurotic fibers from the lateral thigh muscles (yellow arrows). The origin of the popliteal tendon (red arrow) has a triangular section. Finally, on the caudolateral aspect (3), the popliteal tendon (red arrows) becomes wider and blends into the joint capsule. The caudal meniscal horn (m) has a more triangular section. Lg: lateral gastrocnemius muscle. Figure 7.14 (A) 3-D reconstruct showing the position of the transducer in the two positions (B and C) corresponding to the ultrasound images over the extensor groove of the tibia (B) and lateral aspect of the lateral femorotibial joint (C). Compare to Figures 7.7, 13C1, and 13C2. (B) Longitudinal (frontal) plane ultrasonographic image showing the common tendon of origin of the peroneus tertius and long digital extensor muscles (arrows) coming off the abaxial aspect of the lateral trochlear ridge (LTR) and running over the extensor groove of the tibia (T). (C) Longitudinal (frontal) plane ultrasonographic image showing the lateral collateral ligament (LCL, yellow arrows). The striation is lost proximally because of the use of a curved array transducer inducing an off-incidence artifact. The hypoechogenic artifact helps to better see the ligament contours. At this level the popliteus tendon (pop: calipers) is flat and located between the meniscus (m) and LCL. LFE: lateral femoral epicondyle. Imaging the cranial aspect of the femorotibial articulation requires that the stifle be flexed, in order to expose the femoral condyles, cranial horn of both menisci, intercondylar space, and the cruciate ligaments (Figure 7.15). Full flexion will expose most of the articular surfaces of the femoral condyles but the cruciate ligaments will flatten out against the tibial eminence and horses with stifle disease may resent this degree of flexion unless sufficient analgesia is provided. A 30–45-degree flexion is sufficient to image the cranial meniscal attachments and cruciate ligaments. A convex array or micro-convex transducer must be used to allow for angulation of the beam in relation to the skin. The surface of the femoral condyles, overlying cartilage, and cranial horns of the menisci are easily visualized dorsomedially (medial femoral condyle) or laterally (lateral femoral condyle), deep to the infrapatellar fat pad. The round surfaces of the condyles can be assessed for cartilage or subchondral defects as flexion exposes their distal-most aspect (Figure 7.16). Figure 7.15 3-D CT-scan reconstruct showing the topographic anatomy of the cranial aspect of the femorotibial articulation. The stifle is partially flexed to expose the intercondylar space. Full flexion will expose most of the articular surfaces of the femoral condyles but the cruciate ligaments will flatten out against the tibial eminence. A 30–45-degree flexion is sufficient to image the cranial meniscal attachments and cruciate ligaments. The ligaments have been drawn to show their general topography. The cranial cruciate ligament (1) runs in a caudoproximolateral to distocraniomedial direction, between the axial surface of the lateral femoral condyle (LFC) and the tibial eminence; the caudal cruciate ligament (2) runs in the sagittal plane, in a cranioproximal to caudodistal direction, crossing its cranial counterpart medially between the two condyles. It originates distal to the trochlea and inserts on the caudal aspect of the tibial plateau; the two arrows indicate the cranial meniscotibial ligaments. MFC: medial femoral condyle; lm: lateral meniscus; mm: medial meniscus; TT: tibial tuberosity. Figure 7.16 (A) Position of the transducer to image the lateral femoral condyle and cranial aspect of the lateral femorotibial joint compartment (left) and the medial condyles and medial femotibial joint (right). A linear transducer may be used but a convex or micrconvex probe will allow for some angling of the beam. The stifle is flexed as much as the horse will allow to expose the femoral condylar surfaces. The beam must be kept perpendicular to the bone surface while scanning from medial to lateral (red arrows). (B) Longitudinal (parasagittal) scan image over the cranial aspect of the medial femoral condyle (MFC). With full flexion, a large portion of the latter is exposed. Note the perfectly smooth and round surface of the calcified cartilage/subchondral bone layer (yellow arrows) and overlying, hypoechogenic hyaline cartilage (white arrows). The fibrous joint capsule (red arrows) is tightly applied over the cartilage, unless there is marked joint distension. Very mild joint distension of the medial femorotibial joint pouch is visible (mftj) between the MFC and tibial plateau (TP). To image the cranial cruciate ligament (CrX), the ultrasound beam must be aligned perpendicular to the ligament fibers (Figure 7.17): the probe is placed immediately distal to the patella, over or medial to the middle PL. The probe is angled downward in the sagittal plane to image the surface of the tibial eminence. The beam is then rotated 15–20 degrees clockwise in the left limb and anticlockwise in the right limb until the linear pattern of the ligament is recognized. The CrX originates caudally on the axial (medial) aspect of the lateral femoral condyle, and inserts in a dip between the medial and lateral prominences of the tibial eminence. It may be useful to approach the joint immediately medial to the middle PL and point the probe slightly toward the lateral side to image the axial (medial) surface of the lateral femoral condyle, before rotating very slightly toward the intercondylar space to find the ligament, which curves around the condyle. Cross-sectional images can be obtained by rotating the probe 90 degrees in the same position. The CrX is hyperechogenic with a regular striated pattern. As the ligament curves around the caudal cruciate ligament, it is difficult to image its entire length on one scan image. Cross-sections may be obtained but as the ligament is surrounded by connective tissue and fat, its margins are ill-defined and the ligament contrasts poorly with intercondylar tissue. Figure 7.17 (A) Position of the transducer to image the cranial cruciate ligament; the stifle is partially flexed. The probe is placed 1 or 2 cm distal to the patella, pushing it into the skin, and angled downward 20–30 degrees in the sagittal plane; it is rotated anticlockwise (right stifle) to align the beam to the ligament fibers. (B) Corresponding longitudinal (sagittal) plane ultrasonographic image showing the cranial cruciate ligament (calipers) between the axial aspect of the lateral femoral condyle (LFC) and tibial eminence (TE). fp: fat pad. (C) Corresponding 3-D multiplanar reconstruction (MPR) CT image (soft tissue window) showing the relationship of the scan beam to bone surfaces on the section plane. The cranial (femoral) origin of the caudal cruciate ligament (CaX) is visualized by directing the beam upward, with the probe placed between the lateral and middle PLs, or directly over the latter, immediately proximal to the tibial tuberosity (Figure 7.18). The surface of the intercondylar space of the femur is identified between the condyles and distal to the trochlear groove. The CaX runs distocaudally in the sagittal plane, directly over the bone surface of the femur between the condyles. It crosses over the medial aspect of the cranial cruciate ligament within the intercondylar fossa. The ligaments are slightly curved, so that it is difficult to obtain perfect alignment of the fibers throughout their lengths and both ligaments are often visible on the same scan image (Figure 7.19 ). Figure 7.18 (A) Position of the transducer to image the femoral origin of the caudal cruciate ligament from a cranial approach. The stifle is partially flexed. The probe is placed distally close to the tibial tuberosity, and the beam is directed in the sagittal plane, proximally, to visualize the intercondylar fossa of the femur. (B) Corresponding longitudinal (sagittal) plane ultrasonographic image showing the caudal cruciate ligament (calipers) running from just distal to the femoral trochlea (F) to the caudal aspect of the proximal tibia. TE: tibial eminence. Medial femorotibial effusion (ef) in this horse enhances the normal appearing ligament. fp: fat pad. (C) (optional) Corresponding 3-D MPR CT image (soft tissue window) showing the extent of the scan beam. Figure 7.19 Slightly oblique view obtained half-way between those in Figures 7.11B and 7.12B, showing the crossing point between the cranial (calipers 1) and caudal (calipers 2) cruciate ligaments. As the two ligaments are slightly curving around each other, it is common that both appear within the same scan plane. TE: tibial eminence; FP: fat pad; ICS: intercondylar eminence. Finally, the cranial tibial insertions of the menisci (cranial meniscotibial ligaments – CMTL) are imaged from the craniolateral and craniomedial aspects respectively. The cranial horn of the meniscus is visualized as a wedge-shaped structure between the femoral and tibial condyles cranioabaxially. Each meniscus is followed cranially by following the curved contour of the ipsilateral femoral condyle and then along the cranial aspect of the tibial eminence. To visualize the ligaments, the probe must be angled downward to keep the proximal surface of the tibia perpendicular to the beam (Figure 7.20). Both longitudinal and transverse images of the ligaments may be obtained from this position by rotating the transducer by 90 degrees, revealing a regularly striated, echogenic structure running between the cranial meniscal horn and the cranial aspect of the tibial eminence. This requires some practice but reproducible images of the CMTL and cranial meniscal horn can easily be obtained. Figure 7.20 Imaging the cranial meniscotibial ligaments may be challenging. This is, however, a common site of pathology. (A) The stifle should be partially flexed and the probe placed cranial to the corresponding meniscus (craniomedially for the medial meniscus). A longitudinal scan image of the ligament is obtained by placing the probe half-way between the patella and tibial tuberosity, and orienting the beam transversely across the limb and tilting the probe downward, in order to be more or less perpendicular to the tibial plateau. (B) Corresponding scan image. The regularly striated ligament is visible (calipers marked 1 and 2) between the cranial horn of the meniscus (calipers marked 3) and the craniomedial border of the tibial eminence. This view may be obtained with a curved or linear array transducer. (B2) (optional) Corresponding 3-D MPR CT arthrography image (soft tissue window) showing relationship of scan beam to the bone surfaces and ligament on a transverse section plane. (C) A transverse ultrasonographic image of the ligament is obtained by rotating the beam by 90 degrees. The calipers mark the extent of the cranial meniscotibial ligament. The topography is reviewed in Figure 7.21. The leg is examined extended and weightbearing. Because of the large caudal muscle mass, the depth of the joint varies from 5–12 cm. For this reason, lower frequency (e.g., 5–9 MHz) transducers may be necessary. Convex or micro-convex probes are used to angle the probe up or down in relation to the skin to image the various ligaments. Adequate images of the caudal cruciate ligament are obtained with the transducer placed on the caudal aspect of the distal thigh muscles, 10–15 cm proximal to the junction thigh/leg. The probe is pushed into the semimembranosus/semitendinosus muscle mass and angled downward at 15–30 degrees (i.e., perpendicular to the tibia) (Figure 7.1e). From a caudal approach, the femoral condyles are round and smooth with an even anechoic cartilage. The caudal meniscal horns are wedge-shaped and curve around the caudal aspect of each condyle (Figure 7.22). The joint capsule is only obvious when highlighted by a joint effusion which may be voluminous in the caudal aspect of the stifle.
Ultrasonography of the Stifle
Preparation and Scanning Technique
Ultrasonographic Anatomy
Femoropatellar Joint
Medial Femorotibial Joint: Medial Aspect
Lateral Femorotibial Joint: Lateral Aspect
Cranial Aspect of the Femorotibial Joints
Caudal Aspect of the Femorotibial Joints
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