U chemical symbol, uranium; unit; uracil.
U-suture interrupted horizontal mattress suture.
UAA ochre codon, one of the three stop codons.
UAG amber codon, one of the three stop codons.
uakari (Cacajao spp.) small, bald-faced New World monkey with a short, stumpy tail.
Uberreiter’s syndrome see chronic superficial keratitis.
ubiquinol [u″b –kw –nol’] the form of ubiquinone when reduced by two electrons.
UD Utility Dog; the third level title, after CD and CDX, awarded in obedience trial competition.
u. abscesses these form at the base of the teat and are usually associated with summer mastitis.
u. acne see udder impetigo (below).
u. amputation done in cows with severe mastitis or rupture of the suspensory apparatus (below).
u. dermatitis see intertrigo; flexural seborrhea, ulcerative mammary dermatitis.
u. development failure congenital defect of no mammary development in a female
u. infusion tube see teat tube.
u.-thigh dermatitis see flexural seborrhea, ulcerative mammary dermatitis.
u. washing see teat sanitization.
UDP-G-pyrophosphorylase an enzyme that synthesizes uridine diphosphoglucose as part of glycogenesis.
UDX Utility Dog Excellent; the highest level title earned in obedience trial competition.
UFAW Universities Federation for Animal Welfare.
UGA opal codon, one of the three stop codons.
Uhl’s anomaly [yōōl] congenital hypoplasia of the myocardium of the right ventricle.
Boxer u. see refractory ulcer (below).
decubitus u. see decubital ulcer.
eosinophilic u. see eosinophilic ulcer.
geographic u. a superficial, irregularly shaped corneal ulcer.
indolent u. see eosinophilic ulcer, refractory ulcer (below).
lip u. see eosinophilic ulcer.
lip and leg u. see ulcerative dermatosis.
melting u. see collagenase ulcer (above).
necrotic u. of swine see ulcerative granuloma of swine.
u. of pars esophagea of swine see gastric ulcer of swine.
phagedenic u. a necrotizing lesion in which tissue destruction is prominent.
rodent u. see eosinophilic ulcer
stromal u. a corneal ulcer involving the stroma.
ulcerate [ul’sr-āt] to undergo ulceration.
ulceration [ul″sr-a’shn] 1. formation or development of an ulcer. 2. an ulcer.
ulcerative [ul’s–ra″tiv, ul’sr––tiv] pertaining to or characterized by ulceration.
u. balanitis see enzootic balanoposthitis.
u. cellulitis see ulcerative lymphangitis.
u. colitis see eosinophilic ulcerative colitis, histiocytic ulcerative colitis.
u. enteritis see ulcerative enteritis.
u. gingivitis see necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis.
u. keratitis see corneal ulcer.
u. lymphangitis see ulcerative lymphangitis.
u. mammillitis see bovine herpes mammillitis.
u. pododermatosis see ulcerative pododermatitis.
u. posthitis occurs sporadically in rams and bulls and as part of ulcerative dermatosis in rams.
u. shell disease see shell rot.
U-2: (A) Ulcerative dermatosis of the penis in a ram. (B) Ulcerative dermatosis on the vulva of a ewe
u. vulvitis of ewes, see ulcerative dermatosis (above).
ulcerogangrenous [ul″sr-o-gang’r–ns] characterized by both ulceration and gangrene.
ulcerogenic [ul″sr-o-jen’ik] causing ulceration; leading to the production of ulcers.
ulcerous [ul’sr–s] 1. of the nature of an ulcer. 2. affected with ulceration.
ulcus [ul’ks] pl. ulcera [L.] ulcer.
ulectomy [u-lek’t–me] 1. excision of scar tissue. 2. excision of the gingiva; gingivectomy.
ulitis inflammation of the gums.
ulna [ul’n] together with the radius, forms the skeleton of the forearm. See Table 10.
ulnad [ul’nad] toward the ulna.
cutaneous u. vein in birds, a venipuncture site.
u. nerve block see ulnar block.
u. nerve injury results in extension of the carpus, a ‘dropped’ carpus.
ulnaris [l-na’ris] [L.] ulnar.
ulnocarpal [ul″no-kahr’pl] pertaining to the ulna and carpus.
ulnoradial [ul″no-ra’de–l] pertaining to the ulna and radius.
ulocace ulceration of the gums.
uloglossitis inflammation of the gums and tongue; gingivoglossitis.
ulorrhagia a sudden discharge of blood from the gums.
ulotomy [u-lot’–me] 1. incision of scar tissue. 2. incision of the gums.
u. duct cysts derived from remnants of the ultimobranchial body and found in the thyroid gland.
u. tumor a neoplasm containing thyroid C cells.
ultra- word element. [L.] beyond, excess.
ultracentrifuge [ul″tr–sen’tr–fūj] the centrifuge used in ultracentrifugation.
ultrafilter [ul″tr–fil’tr] the filter used in ultrafiltration.
ultraheat heating to a very high temperature for a very brief period.
u. treated milk milk heated at 175–200°F (79–93°C) for a few seconds.
ultramicroscopic [ul″tr–mi″kro-skop’ik] too small to be seen with the ordinary light microscope.
u. heating the use of ultrasound for producing localized hyperthermia.
u. pregnancy diagnosis see ultrasonography.
u. tooth scaling the use of vibrations to remove supragingival calculus. See also ultrasonic scaler.
ultrasonogram [ul″tr–son’o-gram] the record obtained by ultrasonography.
Doppler u. see Doppler ultrasound.
ultrastructure [ul’tr–struk″chr] the structure visible under the electron microscope.
umbilical [m-bil’–kl] pertaining to the umbilicus.
u. abscess see urachal abscess.
u. cord inflammation see omphalitis, funisitis.
u. gas gangrene umbilicus infected with Clostridium septicum, C. oedematiens.
u. inflammation see omphalitis.
u. vein infection see omphalophlebitis.
u. vein abscess residual after subsidence of acute omphalophlebitis.
umbilicated [m-bil’–kāt″d] marked by depressed spots resembling the umbilicus.
Umbilicus rupestris Cotyledon umbilicus.
umbo [um’bo] pl. umbones [L.] a round projection.
umbrella tree Jatropha multifida, Schefflera actinophylla.
UMP uridine 5’-monophosphate, a pyrimidine nucleotide.
UMP synthase deficiency see DUMPS.
unciform [un’s–form] hooked or shaped like a hook.
Uncinaria a genus of canine hookworms in the order Strongylida, suborder Ancylostomatoidea.
U. criniformis occurs in the badger and fox.
U. hamiltoni, U. lucasi found in the fur seal.
U. stenocephala the common species in the dog, cat and fox.
U. yukonensis found in all ursids.
uncinate [un’s–nāt] 1. unciform. 2. relating to or affecting the uncinate gyrus.
uncipressure [un’s–presh″r] pressure with a hook to stop hemorrhage.
unclassified viruses a diminishingly small number of viruses remain unclassified.
uncovertebral [ung″ko-ver’t–brl] pertaining to the uncinate processes of a vertebra.
unction [ungk’shn] 1. an ointment. 2. application of an ointment or salve; inunction.
unctuous [ungk’choo–s] greasy or oily.
uncus [ung’ks] the medially curved anterior part of the hippocampal gyrus.
undecylenate see undecylenic acid.
underfeeding see malnutrition, starvation.
underflue the soft, fluffy part of a feather, next to the skin. Called also flue.
undernutrition [un″dr-noo-trish’n] see malnutrition, starvation.
undersized see dwarfism, runt.
undescended testis see cryptorchidism.
u. chronic pneumonia see enzootic pneumonia.
undulant fever [un’dy–lnt] brucellosis of humans.
undulation [un″dy–la’shn] a wavelike motion in any medium; a vibration.
unethical said of conduct not conforming with professional ethics.
unfavorable therapeutic response see adverse response.
ung. [L.] unguentum (ointment).
unguent [ung’gwnt] an ointment.
unguentum [ng-gwen’tm] pl. unguenta [L.] ointment.
unguiculate [ng-gwik’u-lāt] having claws; clawlike.
unguilysis necrosis and dissolution of the claw or hoof as in equine canker.
unguinal pertaining to a nail.
unguis [ung’gwis] pl. ungues [L.] a nail. See also claw, nail.
uniaxial [u″ne-ak’se–l] 1. having only one axis. 2. developed in an axial direction only.
unicameral [u″n–kam’r–l] having only one cavity or compartment, e.g. unicameral cyst.
unicellular [u″n–sel’u-lr] made up of a single cell, as the bacteria or protozoa.
uniform basic data set see minimum data set.
uniglandular [u″n–glan’du-lr] affecting only one gland.
unigravida [u″n–grav’–d] a female pregnant for the first time; primigravida; gravida I.
unilocular [u″n–lok’u-lr] having only one loculus or compartment; monolocular.
uninucleated [u″n–noo’kle-āt″d] mononuclear.
uniocular [u″ne-ok’u-lr] monocular.
uniovular [u″ne-ov’u-lr] monovular, monozygotic.
uniparous [u-nip’–rs] 1. producing only one ovum or offspring at a time. 2. primiparous.
unipolar [u″n–po’lr] having a single pole or process, as a nerve cell.
SI u. any unit of the International System of units (the metric system). See SI units.
unitary [u’n–tar″e] pertaining to a single object or individual.
unitocous giving birth to a single young at one time.
univalent [u″n–va’lnt] having a valence of one.
unmyelinated [n-mi’–l–nāt″d] not having a myelin sheath.
unpacking lay term for parturition in camelids
unphysiological not in harmony with the laws of physiology.
u. fatty acids see fatty acid.
unsex to deprive of the gonads.
unsharpness [n-shahrp’nis] lack of detail in an X-ray picture.
unstriated [n-stri’āt–d] having no striations, as smooth muscle.
unthrifty weaner sheep see weaner illthrift.
ununbium (Uub) a temporary name for a chemical element, atomic number 112, atomic weight 285. See Table 4.
ununhexium (Uuh) a temporary name for a chemical element, atomic number 116, atomic weight 293. See Table 4.
u. medial coronoid process see fragmented coronoid process.
ununoctium (Uuo) a temporary name for a chemical element, atomic number 118, atomic weight 294. See Table 4.
ununpentium (Uup) a temporary name for a synthetic chemical element, atomic number 115, atomic weight 288. See Table 4.
ununquadium (Uuq) a temporary name of a radioactive chemical element, atomic number 114, atomic weight 289. See Table 4.
ununseptium (Uus) a temporary name of an undiscovered chemical element, atomic number 117, atomic weight is 294. See Table 4.
ununtrium (Uut) a temporary name for a synthetic chemical element, atomic number 113, atomic weight 284. See Table 4.
UPC urine protein:creatinine ratio.
upper burner in traditional Chinese medicine, the thoracic cavity; associated with respiration.
upsilon [up’si-lon] twentieth letter in the Greek alphabet, ϒ or υ.
urachal [u’r–kl] pertaining to urachus.
u. cyst symptomless fluid-filled cavities in the urachal remnant.
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