Toxicologic Problems

CHAPTER 22 Toxicologic Problems

In today’s world any list of substances that are toxic or potentially toxic is probably incomplete. Industrial societies continues to produce new and different compounds that are potentially hazardous or fatal to human beings and many species of animals. Knowledge of toxic compounds and the mechanisms whereby they produce disease also is changing constantly, so certain substances that previously were thought to be inert now are known to affect the health of animals or human beings. As the saying goes, almost everything is toxic in the right dose.

It behooves the veterinary clinician to be as informed as possible about the potentially toxic substances found in an animal’s environment. Not all toxins are distributed uniformly in nature (this is particularly true of toxic plants), so another reasonable assumption would be that in any given geographic area, certain toxicities are much more common than others.

Many factors influence the toxicity of a given substance, and a detailed discussion is not within the scope of this chapter. Books cover the specific aspects of toxicity and all the different mechanisms that come into play when a specific substance causes harm to a specific animal at a specific point in time. The reader is referred to other sources for information regarding general toxicologic principles and measurements and quantification. It is important to note that age, species of animal, reproductive status, nutritional status, management, diet, and numerous other factors relating to the animal can influence the toxicity of a given substance. Other factors related to the compound itself—such as its bioavailability, its chemical form or structure, its concentration—also can influence the toxicity of a substance at any point.

Most toxins do not damage a solitary tissue, organ, or organ system preferentially but frequently affect several organs or body systems at the same time. Although for clinical signs to be related predominantly to a single organ system is not unusual, multiple organ involvement is the rule rather than the exception. This fact necessitates a thorough physical examination and evaluation of any animal presented for diagnosis of possible toxicosis. The clinician should evaluate all body systems horses that are suspected of having a toxicity.

The clinical manifestations of many toxicologic problems do not occur immediately but rather some time after initial exposure to the toxin. This delay can make diagnosis and treatment difficult. For this reason many cases of suspected toxicity are treated empirically. If a specific antidote is available or indicated, however, it should be used in the treatment regimen (Box 22-1).

In this chapter the toxins have been divided into broad categories of general clinical signs. A toxin is discussed most completely under the system to which the major clinical signs are referable. One must remember, however, that most toxins involve more than one organ system, so a number of toxins can be found in several categories.


Oak (Quercus species)


The toxicity of oak is attributed to a group of structurally similar compounds called gallotannins and their metabolites. Digallic acid is the major active metabolite produced by oak tannins. After bacterial fermentation digallic acid is converted to gallic acid and pyrogallol, both of which are considered toxic.1 Pyrogallol and gallic acid are toxic to renal tubules and result in acute tubular necrosis, anuria, electrolyte abnormalities, and uremia.1,2 Pyrogallol is also responsible for causing hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, subcutaneous hemorrhage, and hemolysis. Tannic acid itself is thought to result in increased vascular permeability, hemorrhage, and subsequent fluid loss into body spaces.1

Castor Bean (Ricinus communis)


Castor beans contain ricin, a protein phytotoxin that acts as a potent proteolytic enzyme with significant antigenic qualities.2 A latent period ranging from hours to several days usually occurs before the onset of clinical signs in affected horses. The bean is apparently distasteful to horses, and intoxication most likely occurs when the bean inadvertently is mixed into the feed source. To cause problems, the bean must be broken apart by chewing; beans swallowed intact are thought to pass through the gastrointestintal tract uneventfully.

The most commonly reported clinical signs of castor bean toxicosis described in the literature are varying degrees of abdominal pain, diarrhea, depression, incoordination, profuse sweating, and increased body temperature. Muscle twitching, convulsions, and prominent cardiac contractions occasionally are observed. If the horse absorbs enough ricin, signs of shock and anaphylaxis predominate.2,3 Death may ensue as soon as 24 to 36 hours after ingestion.

Ricin is reported to be toxic to horses. One reference cites a ricin dosage of 0.1 μg/kg as a lethal dose,2 and a second source indicates 25 g of castor beans is lethal.3 A published report in 1945 describes seven deaths attributed to castor bean toxicosis from a stable of 48 horses in London in 1931.4 The exact number of affected horses was not reported. A review of the literature suggests that castor bean (ricin) toxicosis in human beings and dogs is not nearly as lethal as reported in the literature of the early twentieth century.5,6 Whether this holds true for horses is open to speculation.


The oil extract of the bean contains ricinoleic acid. Within the small intestine ricinoleate acts to reduce net absorption of fluid and electrolytes and stimulates peristalsis.7 The fibrous residue of the seed contains the water-soluble toxalbumin ricin. Ricin is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and is a potent inhibitor of protein synthesis. Ricin contains two polypeptide chains. Chain B, a lectin, binds to the cell surface to facilitate toxin entry into the cell. Chain A disrupts protein synthesis by activating the 60S ribosomal subunit. The red blood cell–agglutinating properties of ricin are independent of these toxic effects.8

Pokeweed (Phytolacca americana)

Nightshade (Solanum spp.)


Solanine is a toxic substance found in Solanum species; it is a water-soluble glycoalkaloid capable of producing local irritation2,3,8 and is absorbed poorly from the gastrointestinal tract. Intravenous doses caused ventricular fibrillation in rabbits, and intraperitoneal doses caused mild to moderate inhibition of specific and nonspecific cholinesterase activity.8 It has been shown that exposure to Solanum plants can potentiate the effects of ivermectin in horses.11

Jimsonweed, Thornapple (Datura spp.)


Several species of Datura grow throughout North America, all of which can produce signs of toxicosis in livestock. However, these plants are rarely a source of natural intoxication in horses, probably because of the unpalatability of the plant.9,10 One report of equine acute toxicosis resulted when ingested feed was contaminated heavily with jimsonweed seeds. According to this report, one horse was affected acutely and died because of gastric rupture and gas-filled intestinal loops. A second horse was treated for several days before being euthanized. Clinical signs observed in the treated horse included abdominal distention with gas-filled intestinal loops, prolonged ileus, mydriasis, tachycardia, hyperpnea, and dry mucous membranes.12


The toxic substances found in Datura spp. are the tropane alkaloids atropine (a racemic mixture of d– and l-hyoscyamine) and scopolamine (l-hyoscine).9,10,12 These substances exert an antimuscarinic effect by competitive inhibition with acetylcholine for receptor sites, resulting in attenuation of the physiologic response of neuroeffector junctions to parasympathetic nerve impulses. Blockade of the muscarinic receptors of different tissues accounts for the various clinical signs observed.


Dioctyl Sodium Sulfosuccinate

Dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate (DSS) is an anionic surface active agent commonly used to treat constipation and intestinal impaction in horses. The recommended dose of DSS is 17 to 66 mg/kg, with a maximum dose of 200 mg/kg.2,13


Much information about the pharmacologic action of DSS remains uncertain.7 The primary organ of involvement is the small intestine, where epithelial denudation, villous atrophy, and submucosal edema and congestion occur. DSS has been suggested possibly to cause epithelial detachment by lowering the surface tension on the basement membranes of intestinal epithelial cells.13 Once detachment occurs, loss of fluid and electrolytes into the intestinal lumen is possible. The absorptive capacity of the epithelium is lost, and the osmotic effect of intestinal content causes further loss of fluid into the lumen. With extensive mucosal damage, the horse also becomes much more susceptible to endotoxemia. The rapid death in affected animals is caused by hypovolemic shock, endotoxemia, and circulatory collapse resulting from the loss of fluids and electrolytes into the intestinal lumen.

Inorganic Arsenic

Arsenic is found in a number of products, including insecticides, herbicides, defoliants, rodenticides, livestock dips, medications, wood preservatives, paint pigments, detergents, and certain insulation materials.14,15 Horses are most likely to be exposed to arsenic by eating contaminated or treated forage being exposed accidentally to stored or improperly discarded pesticides.15 Horses cannot receive a significant exposure through cribbing on arsenic-treated wood. However, if arsenic-treated lumber is burned, ingestion of the arsenic-laced ash could be problematic.


The clinical signs associated with arsenic toxicity are essentially those of a severe gastrointestinal irritant. Most toxicities result from inorganic forms of arsenic, and signs are similar in several animal species.

In peracute cases the animals may be found dead with no premonitory signs. Acute signs of toxicity include severe colic, staggering, weakness, salivation, diarrhea that may contain blood or shreds of mucosa, and signs of shock that indicate cardiovascular collapse. Death usually occurs in 1 to 3 days.1416 In subacute poisoning animals may live for several days, exhibiting signs of depression, anorexia, colic, diarrhea that may contain blood and mucus, polyuria followed by anuria, and subsequent shock before death. Horses that are poisoned by topical application of arsenic can show signs of blistering and edema of the skin.14 Chronic arsenic poisoning rarely occurs in domestic animals.


Many factors play a role in the development of arsenic toxicosis in horses. In general, horses that are debilitated, weak, or dehydrated are more susceptible to toxicosis than normal animals. The formulation of the compound (trivalent arsenicals are more toxic than pentavalent forms), the solubility of the compound, the route of exposure, the rate of absorption from the gastrointestinal tract, and the rate of metabolism and excretion by the individual animal are factors that can influence the toxicity of the various arsenic formulations.14 The most hazardous preparations are products in which the arsenical is in a highly soluble trivalent form, usually trioxide or arsenite. Sodium arsenite is 3 to 10 times more toxic than arsenic trioxide. The average total oral lethal doses of these compounds for the horse are 10 to 45 g arsenic trioxide and 1 to 3 g sodium arsenite.14,15

Soluble forms of arsenic are absorbed from all body surfaces. Less soluble arsenicals are absorbed poorly from the gastrointestinal tract and essentially are excreted unchanged in the feces. After absorption trivalent arsenic is excreted readily by way of the bile into the intestine, and pentavalent arsenic is excreted by the kidney. Regardless of whether an introduced arsenical is in the trivalent or pentavalent form, all the major actions can be attributed to the trivalent form.14

All arsenicals are thought to exert their effects by reacting with sulfhydryl groups in cells. Trivalent arsenic acts primarily by combining with the two sulfhydryl groups of lipoic acid, thereby inactivating this essential cofactor necessary for the enzymatic decarboxylation of the keto acids pyruvate, ketoglutarate, and ketobutyrate. By inactivating lipoic acid, arsenic inhibits the formation of acetyl, succinyl, and propionyl coenzymes A. The net effect is the blocking of fat and carbohydrate metabolism and cellular respiration.14,15 Trivalent arsenic may inactivate sulfhydryl groups of oxidative enzymes and the sulfhydryl group of glutathione and other essential monothiols and dithiols. Arsenic also causes a local corrosive action on the intestine.15

Arsenic seems to prefer tissues rich in oxidative enzymes such as the liver, kidney, and intestine. The capillary endothelial cells in these organs appear sensitive to arsenic because it relaxes capillaries and increases capillary permeability. Blood vessels with smooth muscle in their walls also dilate. In the intestinal tract the mucosa easily sloughs away because of the accumulation of fluid in the submucosa. In the kidney renal tubular degeneration occurs.15


Specific therapy for arsenic toxicity is dimercaprol (or British antiLewisite [BAL]). This chelating agent forms a nontoxic and easily excretable complex with arsenic. However, BAL may mobilize stored arsenic in tissues and cause an initial exacerbation of clinical signs by allowing more arsenic to circulate to the intestine and liver. BAL also can be toxic in sufficient doses. Signs of overdose include tremors, convulsions, coma, and death. In horses the recommended dose is 3 mg/kg intramuscularly as a 5% solution in a 10% solution of benzyl benzoate in peanut oil. This dose is administered every 4 hours for the first 2 days, every 6 hours on the third day, and twice daily for the next 10 days until recovery.15

Sodium thiosulfate also has been advocated for treatment of arsenic toxicosis, but its efficacy is questionable. The recommended dose for horses is 20 to 30 g orally in 300 ml of water, plus 8 to 10 g intravenously in a 10% to 20% solution.15

Symptomatic care of affected animals includes evacuation of the gastrointestinal tract with laxatives and oral demulcents to coat the intestinal tract. The clinician should evaluate fluid, acid-base, and electrolyte indices and provide support if necessary. Aggressive intravenous fluid diuresis is advocated by many to maintain adequate hydration and enhance urinary arsenic excretion. Because endotoxemia may develop as a result of the intestinal and liver lesions, prophylactic administration of flunixin meglumine at a dosage of 0.25 mg/kg every 8 hours may be beneficial. Other therapy to prevent shock and cardiovascular collapse also may be indicated.


One report describes an unexpectedly high incidence of horses on the same farm showing clinical signs compatible with granulomatous enteritis and the presence of abnormally high levels of aluminum in various body organs and tissues of the affected horses.17 Clinical signs included weight loss with or without diarrhea, hyperkeratosis, ulcerative coronitis, and neurologic deficits compatible with cervical stenotic myelopathy. Laboratory abnormalities included hypoalbuminemia and elevated serum concentration of alkaline phosphatase in some horses. All horses had histologic evidence of granulomatous inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract in varying degrees of severity and distribution. Granulomas occurred in the mucosa, submucosa, and serosa of the small and large intestines and in the abdominal lymph nodes, portal areas of the liver, and pancreas. Aluminum was found within granulomas, and elevated aluminum levels were present in kidney and liver tissue.

Chronic environmental exposure to aluminum was postulated as a cause for the condition. Environmental factors (e.g., soil pH, moisture content, plants) may have an effect on the bioavailability of aluminum, and it has been suggested that repeated exposure may induce hypersensitivity to aluminum in these horses. In human beings aluminum is known to induce nonimmunologic (foreign body) and immunologic granulomas after administration of aluminum-containing vaccines and hyposensitization products.18 The association between high environmental concentrations of aluminum and increased incidence of generalized granulomatous inflammation in horses warrants further investigation.

Petroleum Distillates

Horses can be exposed to excessive amounts of crude oil or petroleum distillates through contamination of rangeland with by-products of the oil industry or by iatrogenic application, because petroleum distillates commonly are used as carrier agents for many insecticides.


The toxicity of crude oil is correlated with the gasoline, naphtha, and kerosene content in the oil. Crude oil rich in these low-temperature distillates is more toxic than petroleum containing a great deal of sulfur but less of the low-temperature distillates.15 Petroleum products are irritating to mucous membranes, and their oiliness makes them difficult to remove from skin and mucous membranes and virtually impossible to remove from the respiratory epithelium. Once aspirated, they serve as a focus for foreign body pneumonia that may progress to abscessing pneumonia, pleuritis and pleural effusion, and death.


Slaframine is an indole alkaloid produced by Rhizoctonia leguminicola, a mold that infects red clover, alfalfa and other legumes.14,15,19 R. leguminicola is a ubiquitous soil fungus that infects certain legumes during conditions of high rainfall or humidity.19 The toxin can survive and persist in dried and baled hay.14


The most consistently reported clinical sign is excessive salivation characterized by profuse, viscous, clear saliva.19 Salivation may begin 30 to 60 minutes after eating the affected feed, and response from one feeding may persist for up to 24 hours. Other, less commonly reported clinical signs include anorexia, polyuria, and sometimes watery diarrhea.14 One case of abortion in an affected mare has been reported.19 Clinical signs generally abate 48 to 96 hours after the infected feed is removed from the diet.14


No specific treatment usually is necessary. Animals generally recover uneventfully 48 to 96 hours after withdrawal of the contaminated forage.14 Atropine and antihistaminic therapies have been suggested to help control clinical signs,14,15 but their efficacy is questionable.


Documented instances of horses becoming intoxicated with pentachlorophenol are rare. However, because pentachlorophenol was used routinely as a wood preservative and because other domestic animals, including cattle and swine, have been poisoned, some aspects of this toxin require description. Exposure potentially occurs as a result of the horse drinking from a container containing pentachlorophenol or lying on recently treated lumber or contaminated soil.

The chlorophenols (which include pentachlorophenol) generally are not water soluble but are soluble in oils and organic solvents.15,20 Pentachlorophenol is volatile and can give off toxic vapors.15 The chlorophenols are absorbed readily from the gastrointestinal tract, by inhalation, and from intact skin and are excreted rapidly by the kidney.15,20

Several factors affect the toxicity of chlorophenols. High ambient temperature, physical activity, poor body condition, oily or organic solvent vehicles, prior exposure, and hyperthyroid states serve to enhance toxicity in human beings and other animal species. Cold temperatures, antithyroid drugs, and increased amounts of body fat help diminish the toxicity.15

The mechanism whereby the chlorophenols exert their toxicity involves the energy production sites of mitochondria, where they uncouple oxidative phosphorylation. The chlorophenols act at sites of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production to decrease or block their production without blocking the electron transport chain. Free energy from the electron transport chain then is converted to body heat. As the body temperature is increased, the heat-dissipating mechanisms are overcome and metabolism is increased. The electron transport chain responds by using more oxygen in an effort to produce ATP, but much of the free energy is liberated as more body heat. Eventually, the oxygen demand overcomes the oxygen supply, and energy reserves become depleted.15


Chlorate salts (sodium chlorate or potassium chlorate) are used as herbicides and defoliants. Horses may become exposed by grazing in recently sprayed areas or by ingesting sodium chlorate when it is mistakenly substituted for sodium chloride as a feed additive.


After making the diagnosis, the clinician should immediately seek out the chlorate source and remove it from the horse’s environment. Methemoglobinemia is treated with methylene blue at a dose of 4.4 mg/kg given as a 1% solution by intravenous drip. This dose may be repeated in 15 to 30 minutes if a clinical response is not obtained.2,15 Other recommended therapeutic measures include gastric lavage with 1% sodium thiosulfate and the oral administration of intestinal protectants and demulcents.2,14 Blood transfusion and oxygen supplementation may be beneficial in certain instances.15

Pyriminil (Vacor)

Pyriminil currently is not commercially available, but in previous years it was marketed as a rodenticide. Reports of toxicosis in horses are rare,21 and no deaths caused by pyriminil ingestion have been reported.21,22


The polychlorinated dibenzodioxins include a large number of isomers that differ chemically only in the number and location of chlorine atoms on the dioxin nucleus but that vary greatly in their toxic potential to various animal species. Of the 75 possible isomers of polychlorinated dibenzodioxin, the specific isomer designated 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzodioxin (TCDD; dioxin) is most toxic and generally is considered the most toxic synthetic molecule known. TCDD was once a contaminant of certain herbicides and is a by-product of certain chemical manufacturing and combustion processes.14 It can also be found in soil as a naturally occurring compound or as a result of contamination by industrial waste. As recently as a few years ago, dioxins have been found in ball clay that had been used as a binding agent for livestock feed. Currently, dioxins are more of a tissue residue issue for production animals rather than a toxicologic hazard for livestock.The chemical is a highly stable contaminant in the environment, with a half-life in soil of approximately 1 year.23

Cantharidin Toxicosis (Blister Beetle Toxicosis)

Cantharidin toxicosis results from ingestion of dead blister beetles that become entrapped in hay during harvesting. Essentially all reports are of horses being fed alfalfa hay or alfalfa products, but anecdotal reports exist of horses intoxicated by ingesting grass hay. More than 200 species of blister beetles inhabit the continental United States, but toxicity results primarily from beetles of the genus Epicauta.24 Depending on the species of beetle, as few as a half dozen ingested beetles can be problematic. The liquid form of cantharidin is suspected in the malicious poisoning of horses.

Cantharidin is the sole toxic principle and is contained in the hemolymph, genitalia, and possibly other tissues of the beetle. Cantharidin is a highly irritating substance that causes acantholysis and vesicle formation when in contact with skin or mucous membranes, and the substance is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and rapidly excreted by the kidney. Storage of hay does not reduce the toxicity of cantharidin.24


The signs associated with toxicosis are many, varied, and dose dependent. Horses affected with a minimal dose may show only signs of depression, anorexia, and occasionally polyuria, whereas horses ingesting a lethal dose may show signs of profound shock, gastrointestinal and urinary tract irritation, myocardial dysfunction, and hypocalcemia.24,25 The onset and duration of clinical signs vary from hours to days, but horses that succumb to cantharidin generally die within 48 hours of onset of signs. Horses that live longer than 48 hours have a better prognosis for recovery if no complications arise.

The most commonly observed clinical signs include varying degrees of abdominal pain, anorexia, depression, and repeatedly submerging the muzzle in water or frequently drinking small amounts of water. The respiratory and cardiac rates are elevated, and cardiac contractions are occasionally forceful enough to be observed through the thoracic wall. Mucous membranes are congested and cyanotic, and capillary refill time is prolonged. The feces may be watery in consistency but rarely contain blood or mucus. Profuse sweating is typical of more severely affected horses and may be a sign of severe abdominal pain. Affected horses often make frequent attempts to void urine. The urine is grossly normal early in the disease course but later may become tinged with blood or contain clots of blood. Gross hematuria, if it occurs, is usually in the later stages of the disease process. Less commonly observed signs include synchronous diaphragmatic flutter; erosions of the gingival and oral mucous membranes; and occasionally a stiff, short-strided gait similar to that seen in acute myositis. Sudden death also has been reported.24


The mechanism of action of cantharidin at the cellular level has not been elucidated fully. Acantholysis and vesicle formation result from disrupted cell membranes. Cantharidin does not have a direct effect on membranes but is thought to interfere with oxidative enzymes bound to mitochondria. These enzyme systems are involved directly in active transport across the plasma membrane, and their failure results in cell death caused by significant permeability changes in the cell membrane.24

Hypovolemic shock and pain develop rapidly in more severely affected horses. The normal transfer of fluid, nutrients, and electrolytes across the intestinal mucosa is disrupted because of the morphologic changes induced by cantharidin. Although renal tubular damage is not severe enough to cause death, changes in the renal tubular epithelium also may be related to the development of fluid, acid-base, and electrolyte abnormalities.24,25

Hypoproteinemia develops later in the disease course, probably as a result of protein loss across the damaged intestinal mucosa. Protein also is lost into the peritoneal space, and a minor amount may be lost through the urine.24

The profound hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia that may occur in many horses have not been explained fully. Calcium loss, derangement of calcium homeostasis, or a combination of both is the most likely explanation because the acute onset of the disease eliminates reduced intake as a possible cause. Calcium can be lost through urine and sweat and as protein-bound calcium through the damaged intestinal wall. An influx of intracellular calcium also may occur in certain tissues. Whether cantharidin has an effect on calcium-binding sites on proteins or in cells is unknown.24

The low urine specific gravity in most horses may be caused by decreased permeability of the collecting ducts to water. Other findings, however, point to a mild pathologic insult as a cause of the low urine specific gravity. These findings include the facts that a low specific gravity occurs suddenly within hours of toxin exposure; specific gravity returns to normal in 2 to 4 days in surviving horses; only mild to moderate changes are noted in other renal function tests; and the histologic renal lesions are mild, and neither acute nor chronic renal failure is associated with cantharidin toxicosis in horses.24

Myocardial necrosis is a common finding in affected horses and may be caused by the direct effect of cantharidin on cardiac muscle. Dose-related intracellular changes involving the mitochondria, cristae, nuclear chromatin, sarcoplasmic reticulum, and myofibrils have been observed in the cardiac muscle of rabbits that were given cantharidin. A proposed mechanism for these changes suggests that an excessive transport of calcium into the myocardial cells occurs, leading to an intracellular calcium overload. This overload may result in a high-energy phosphate deficiency within the cell, leading to necrosis and cell death.24


The clinician should consider cantharidin toxicosis when horses exhibit signs of abdominal pain, depression, or polyuria, and their diet contains alfalfa hay or alfalfa products. The diagnosis can be made when horses have clinical signs and laboratory findings compatible with cantharidin toxicosis and beetles are found in the hay. Because the beetles can be difficult to identify in hay, it should be thoroughly searched. Cantharidin can be assayed using high-pressure liquid chromatography and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry techniques.24,26 Samples to be tested are serum, urine, kidney, and stomach content from horses in which cantharidin toxicosis is suspected.

Laboratory findings are nonpathognomonic, but several abnormalities typically are noted. Packed cell volume (PCV) and serum protein concentrations are elevated early, but hypoproteinemia frequently develops after about 24 hours. Mild hypokalemia can occur but is not a striking feature of this disease. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) concentration may be elevated moderately, and hyperglycemia is almost always present initially.24

Serum calcium and magnesium concentrations are significantly decreased in most horses and remain low for longer than 48 hours if untreated. The urine generally contains red blood cells and has a low specific gravity, even in the face of clinical dehydration. Abnormal peritoneal fluid findings include increased protein concentration but relatively normal fibrinogen and white blood cell values. Feces are often positive for occult blood. Serum creatine kinase (CK) activity may be elevated in more severely affected horses and augurs a poor prognosis.24 Although not diagnostic, laboratory findings of prolonged hypocalcemia and hypomagnesemia and elevated CK concentration may help differentiate cantharidin toxicosis from other causes of acute abdominal crisis.


Elemental phosphorus can be available in red and white forms. Red phosphorus is used in manufacturing fertilizers and safety matches and is considered inert and relatively nontoxic. White phosphorus was used as a rodenticide and can be found in pastes containing from 1.5% to 5% phosphorus. The reported toxic dose for horses is 0.5 to 2. g.14

Jun 8, 2016 | Posted by in EQUINE MEDICINE | Comments Off on Toxicologic Problems

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