The Kidney

The Kidney

Andrea A. Bohn1 and Raquel M. Walton2

1 Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA

2 IDEXX Laboratories, Inc., Langhorne, PA, USA

Abnormalities in laboratory values can help determine the presence and severity of urinary tract disease. Many different disorders of the equine urinary tract have been described and include prerenal, intrarenal, and postrenal processes. Routine laboratory data are used to assess glomerular filtration rate (GFR) as well as other functions of the kidney. The kidney is very important in filtering wastes from the blood as well as maintaining electrolyte, water, and acid–base balances. The kidney also plays an important role in erythropoiesis and vitamin D activation.

Comprehensive evaluation of the equine renal system requires a complete blood count (CBC), serum biochemical panel, and full urinalysis. The CBC can help detect inflammatory conditions and the presence of anemia. Serum biochemical analysis will detect increases in nitrogenous waste products normally excreted by the kidneys, reveal electrolyte and protein abnormalities, and provide information regarding acid–base status. Urinalysis is essential in differentiating causes of azotemia as well as providing clues as to the presence, location, and cause of urinary tract disorders (Table 6.1).

6.1 Laboratory Assessment of the Kidney

In examining laboratory data for evaluation of the urinary tract, the functions of the kidney can essentially be broken down into three main actions (Figure 6.1). The first is the filtering of blood through the glomerulus; total plasma volume is filtered approximately 60–70 times every day [1]. While this is essential for removal of waste substances, essential blood solutes are also filtered during this process. Therefore, the second major action of the kidney is to reabsorb those solutes so that appropriate plasma concentrations are maintained. The third major action is the maintenance of blood volume or body water. This is predominantly regulated in the collecting ducts under the influence of vasopressin.

6.1.1 Glomerular Filtration Rate Creatinine and Serum Urea

The ability of the kidneys to filter blood can be evaluated by determining the GFR. While there are more complicated methods to precisely determine GFR, serum urea and creatinine provide a readily available estimation of GFR. If there is an elevation of these nitrogenous waste products in serum, termed azotemia, it indicates that GFR is decreased. Creatinine has been considered an insensitive method of detecting a decrease in renal functional capacity, as three‐fourths of nephron mass is typically lost before azotemia is seen. However, the loss of 75% renal mass translates to a lower functional loss due to compensatory renal hypertrophy, so the actual sensitivity of serum creatinine for detecting decreased renal function is higher than historically assumed [2]. For example, in dogs, creatinine was shown to increase after GFR decreases of 48% on average [3].

Decreases in GFR can be due to prerenal, renal, or postrenal factors or a combination of these processes. If the rate of glomerular filtration decreases, serum urea and creatinine concentrations will increase. Urea concentrations can rise faster than creatinine because of the tubules’ ability to reabsorb urea, particularly with a prerenal cause of decreased GFR. Other values that increase with a decrease in GFR are serum phosphorus and total magnesium concentrations.

If the cause of a decrease in GFR is purely prerenal and there are no extenuating circumstances, a horse should have a urine specific gravity >1.025 in the face of azotemia. If a horse is not able to concentrate its urine in the face of azotemia (and the animal has not been treated with fluids), the kidney is not functioning properly and one of the most common causes is renal disease. There are, however, other reasons for the kidneys not being able to concentrate urine, as discussed below. These factors need to be considered before a definitive diagnosis of renal failure is made. With postrenal azotemia, urine specific gravity can be variable and is often isosthenuric in the postobstructive phase. The diagnosis of most postrenal urinary tract disorders is usually predominantly based on history and clinical signs.

Table 6.1 Common laboratory findings associated with different renal diseases.

Azotemia + + ± ± ± +
Urea/Creat >1:10 <1:10

USG 1.008–1.012 1.008–1.012 Variable Variable Variable >1.025 >1.035
Proteinuria + + ± +++ +
Other potential findings Nonregenerative anemia
Metabolic acidosis
High FE
Urine casts and WBCs
Metabolic acidosis
High FE
Red cell casts

Na/Cl N‐L N‐L N N L L‐N‐H N‐H
Ca N‐H L‐N‐H N N‐L N N‐L N
Phosphorus N‐L H N N‐H N N N‐H
Additional testing FE
Water deprivation test
UPC ratio Ratio of abdominal fluid creat to serum creat Retest later

ARF, acute renal failure; CRF, chronic renal failure; Creat, creatinine; FE, fractional excretion; Mg, magnesium; L, low; N, normal; H, high; UPC, urine protein creatinine ratio; USG, urine specific gravity; WBC, white blood cell.

Simplified illustration of the three major functions of the kidney that can be assessed by laboratory methods displaying the glomerulus, proximal to distal tubules, and collecting duct.

Figure 6.1 Simplified illustration of the three major functions of the kidney that can be assessed by laboratory methods.

Both urea and creatinine concentrations can be elevated for reasons other than decreased GFR. Urea is a by‐product of protein metabolism so urea concentration can increase with a high protein diet or urea supplementation. Mild increases in urea may be seen with protein catabolism associated with fasting or prolonged exercise [1]. Interestingly, while urea concentration may increase with fasting in horses, it tends to decrease in ponies [1]. Decreases in urea can also occur with protein‐poor diets or liver failure.

Creatinine is a by‐product of muscle metabolism and therefore is correlated with total muscle mass. Heavily muscled animals may have creatinine concentrations that are normally slightly above reported reference intervals. Release of creatinine from muscle during exercise, fasting, muscle wasting, or rhabdomyolysis can influence creatinine concentration. In addition, if the Jaffe colorimetric method is used to measure creatinine, the concentration of creatinine may be artefactually increased in the presence of noncreatinine chromagens; this may actually be the main reason for the increase in creatinine associated with fasting. Spurious increases in creatinine have also been associated with various metabolic disorders and administration of cephalosporin antibiotics [4]. Hyperbilirubinemia can interfere with the measurement of creatinine, resulting in falsely low values. During the first few days of a foal’s life, creatinine concentration can be quite high relative to adult reference values, but should decrease to adult reference values by 3–5 days if the kidneys are healthy [1, 5].

The blood urea nitrogen (BUN):creatinine ratio is not very useful in determining whether azotemia is prerenal, renal, or postrenal, but it has been used to help differentiate between acute and chronic renal disease. In many (but not all) cases, the ratio will be <10:1 in acute renal failure (ARF) and >10:1 in chronic renal failure (CRF) [4]. If the ratio becomes >15:1 with CRF, this may be an indication of excess protein in the diet [6]. Symmetric Dimethylarginine (SDMA)

Symmetric dimethylarginine is an amino acid released from cells during protein degradation that is primarily eliminated by renal excretion; the concentration has been shown to be correlated with GFR in animals and humans. Some reports show SDMA to be an earlier indicator of kidney dysfunction than serum creatinine concentration in dogs and cats with chronic kidney disease [3, 7]. SDMA is not influenced by muscle mass, the major nonrenal influence on serum creatinine concentration [2]. Currently, very little information is available on the use of SDMA for detection of kidney dysfunction in horses. Preliminary evaluations of SDMA in healthy draught‐breed horses (n = 165) showed correlation with serum creatinine (R = 0.59, P <0.001) and no significant differences in SDMA between sexes. SDMA concentrations in all healthy draught‐breed horses (Belgian, Percheron, and Clydesdale) were <14 μg/dL, similar to the reported reference limit in cats and dogs [8].

6.1.2 Reabsorption and Electrolyte Regulation

For many of the solutes that are filtered through glomeruli, reabsorption predominantly occurs in the proximal tubules, whereas additional regulation may occur further along the nephron. Because all glucose is normally absorbed in the proximal tubules unless the serum concentration exceeds the renal threshold, the presence of glycosuria without hyperglycemia is an indication of proximal tubule dysfunction. Glycosuria is more commonly seen with ARF than CRF.

Serum electrolyte abnormalities can also be seen with tubular dysfunction, including hyponatremia, hypochloremia, hyper‐ or hypocalcemia, hypophosphatemia, hyper‐ or hypokalemia, and increased or decreased bicarbonate levels. Horses normally excrete a large amount of calcium and serum calcium concentrations are often abnormal with equine renal failure. Hypercalcemia is commonly seen with CRF whereas hypocalcemia is more commonly associated with ARF.

A relatively easy way to assess whether there is decreased reabsorption of electrolytes by the kidney is to determine their fractional excretion (FE). The FE of sodium is most commonly determined; the second most common electrolyte used is phosphorus. FE is calculated using the concentrations of the electrolyte and creatinine in both serum and urine and plugging those numbers into the following equation:


The FE of sodium and phosphorus is normally <1%. Values greater than 1% (0.8%) imply tubular dysfunction, unless the animal is receiving a diet very high in sodium or phosphorus, has been administered polyionic intravenous fluids or certain medications (furosemide), recently performed low‐intensity exercise, or there is aldosterone or parathormone deficiency [9].

6.1.3 Water Conservation and Blood Volume Regulation

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