T symbol, tesla; tera-; (absolute) temperature; thymine.
T1 in magnetic resonance imaging, a time constant; called also spin-lattice relaxation time.
t in genetics, symbol for translocation.
t1/2 context context-sensitive half-time.
θ theta, small letter; eighth letter in the Greek alphabet.
T conformational state deoxy (‘tense’) conformational form of hemoglobin.
T helper cell see helper lymphocyte.
T lymphocyte see T lymphocyte.
T tubule see transverse tubules.
t-PA tissue plasminogen activator.
t-distribution see t statistic.
t-strain mycoplasma see Ureaplasma.
TAB a vaccine prepared from killed typhoid, paratyphoid A and paratyphoid B bacilli.
tabes [ta’bēz] any wasting of the body; progressive atrophy of the body or a part of it.
tabescent [t-bes’nt] growing emaciated; wasting away.
tabetiform [t-bet’-form] resembling tabes.
inner t. the inner compact layer of the bones covering the brain.
outer t. the outer compact layer of the bones covering the brain.
statistical t. tables of values used in statistics, e.g. t-tables.
tabula vitrea [tă’bu-l] inner layer of very dense bone in the bones of the cranium.
tabular [tab’u-lr] resembling a table.
tachogram [tak’o-gram] the graphic record produced by tachography.
tachography [t-kog’r-fe] the recording of the movement and speed of the blood current.
tachy- word element. [Gr.] rapid, swift.
tachycardia [tak″-kahr’de-] abnormally rapid heart rate.
ectopic t. rapid heart action in response to impulses arising outside the sinoatrial node.
idioventricular t. one occurring as a compensation for a sinus bradycardia and A-V block.
supraventricular t. a combination of junctional tachycardia and atrial tachycardia.
ventricular t. see ventricular tachycardia.
tachymeter [t-kim’-tr] an instrument for measuring rapidity of motion.
tachyphagia [tak″-fa’je-] rapid eating.
T-1 Sinus tachycardia in a dog.
From Ettinger SJ, Feldman E, Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 6th Edition. Saunders, 2004.
tachypneic respiratory failure see respiratory failure.
tack abbreviation for tackle; a horseman’s word for saddlery and gear generally.
tactile [tak’til] pertaining to touch.
t. hair hairs particularly sensitive to touch. See also hair (1).
t. placing reaction, t. reflex see placing reflex.
t. receptors located in the skin most are connected to very fast, myelinated nerve fibers.
tadpole edema virus see Ranavirus.
T. crassiceps adult tapeworms in foxes and coyotes, the larval stage (cysticercus) in rodents.
T. hyenae tapeworms are in hyenas and the cysticerci in antelopes.
T. martis the adult tapeworms in the marten and the cysticercus in the vole.
T. omissa adult tapeworms in the cougar and larvae in deer.
T. parva adult tapeworms in genets, larval stage in rodents.
T. polyacantha adults are in the intestine of foxes and the metacestodes in microtine rodents.
T. rileyi adult tapeworms found in lynx, larvae in rodents.
T. serrata see T. pisiformis (above).
T. twitchelli adult tapeworms found in wolverines, larvae in lungs and pleural cavity of porcupines.
taeniacide [te’ne--sīd″] teniacide.
taeniafuge [te’ne--fūj″] teniafuge.
Taeniorhyncus the genus of mosquitoes.
tafes see Perralderia coronopifolia.
cutaneous t. see fibrovascular papilloma.
radioactive t. a radioisotope that has been incorporated in a chemical compound.
bob t., bobbed t. see bobtail.
caudal t. fold see caudal tailfold.
t. fold dermatitis see fold dermatitis.
t. and mane dystrophy see mane and tail dystrophy.
t. pyoderma equine staphylococcal folliculitis.
t. root where the tail joins the body.
t. sore the early or mild lesions in a tail-biting problem of pigs.
t. stock first part of the tail, of a whale or dolphin, before it divides into the flukes.
t. worm equine staphylococcal dermatitis.
tailhead dorsal aspect of the root of the tail.
taillessness see tail absence.
talampicillin [tal-amp″-sil’in] an antibiotic derived from ampicillin.
talapoin (Miopithecus spp.) the smallest of the Old World monkeys.
talcosis [tal-ko’sis] a condition due to inhalation or implantation in the body of talc.
talcum [tal’km] talc, talcum powder.
Talfan disease see porcine viral encephalomyelitis.
talipes [tal’-pēz] see dactylomegaly.
t. Cape honeyflower Melianthus major.
t. chloris Chloris ventricosa.
t. delphinium Delphinium trolliifolium.
t. yellowtop Senecio magnificus.
Tallebudgera horse disease see Ageratina adenophora.
tallow tree Chinese tallow tree; see Sapium sebiferum. Called also Chinese tallow wood.
talocalcaneal joint [ta″lo-kal-ka’ne-l] see tarsal joints, Table 11.
talocalcanean [ta″lo-kal-ka’ne-n] pertaining to the talus and calcaneus.
talocalcaneocentral joint the joint between the talus and central tarsal bone; see also tarsal joints, Table 11.
talocrural [ta″lo-kroo’rl] tarsocrural.
talofibular [ta″lo-fib’u-lr] pertaining to the talus and fibula.
talonavicular [ta″lo-n-vik’u-lr] pertaining to the talus and navicular bone.
talus [ta’ls] the most proximal of the tarsal bones. Called also the tibial tarsal bone. See also Table 10.
tamboril da campo see Enterolobium.
tameridone a purine alkyl piperidine derivative used to sedate cattle and wild ruminants.
Tamias striatus the genus of chipmunks.
tampan [tam’pan] a tick; see Ornithodorus.
tamponade [tam″pon-ād’ ] 1. surgical use of a tampon. 2. pathological compression of a part.
Tamus communis [ta’ms] see Dioscorea communis.
Tamworth a golden-red, long faced, prick-eared bacon pig produced in the UK.
Tanaisia a genus of flukes in the family Eucotylidae.
T. zarudnyi found in ruffed grouse.
tangled hypericum Hypericum triquetrifolium.
tank [tank] an artificial receptacle for liquids.
tannate [tan’āt] any of the salts of tannic acid, all of which are astringent.
tanner grass [tan’r] Brachiaria radicans.
tansy Tanacetum vulgare. See also tansy ragwort and tansy mustard.
tantalum (Ta) [tan’t-lm] a chemical element, atomic number 73, atomic weight 180.948. See Table 4. It is a noncorrosive and malleable metal used for plates or disks to repair cranial defects, for wire sutures, and for making prosthetic appliances.
TAP trypsinogen activation peptide.
tap [tap] 1. a quick, light blow. 2. to drain off fluid by paracentesis.
tape [tāp] a long, narrow strip of fabric or other flexible material.
tapeinocephaly [tap″-no-sef’-le] flattening or depression of the skull.
tapetal [t-pe’tl] emanating from or pertaining to the tapetum.
t. aplasia failure of the tapetum to develop. A variation of normal.
t. degeneration occurs as an inherited defect in beagles and in cats with Chediak–Higashi syndrome.
t. cellulosum a type of tapetum lucidum made of cells called iridocytes, as found in carnivores.
bass tapeworm see Proteocephalus ambloplitis.
broad t. Diphyllobothrium latum.
broad fish tapeworm see Diphyllobothrium latum.
dwarf t. see Hymenolepis nana.
fish t. Diphyllobothrium latum.
fringed tapeworm see Thysanosoma actinioides.
hydatid t. Echinococcus granulosus.
coal t. pitch see coal tar pitch.
hot t. a cause of burns in dogs and cats, usually made more severe because it sticks to the skin.
Stockholm t. see Stockholm tar.
Tarai a black Indian dairy buffalo with a white tail; occasionally brown in color.
tarbush see Flourensia cernua.
Tarentaise cattle fawn to yellow, dual-purpose cattle from the French Alps.
t.–film distance the distance from the target of the X-ray tube and the plane of the X-ray film.
tarichatoxin [tar’ik--tok″sin] a neurotoxin from the newt (Taricha), identical with tetrodotoxin.
taro Colocasia esculenta, Xanthosoma spp.
giant t. Alocasia brisbanensis.
tarry [tahr’e] said of feces that are black and glutinous. See also melena.
tarsal [tahr’sl] pertaining to the tarsal plate of an eyelid or of the foot. See also Table 10.
t. adenitis see meibomian adenitis.
t. hydrarthrosis see bog spavin.
t. sheath the synovial sheath around the deep flexor tendon in the horse.
tarsalia [tahr-sa’le-] the bones of the tarsus.
tarsalis [tahr-sa’lis] [L.] tarsal.
tars(o)- word element. [Gr.] edge of eyelid, tarsus of the foot.
tarsoclasis [tahr-sok’l-sis] surgical fracture of the tarsus.
tarsoconjunctiva [tahr″so-kn-jnk’ti-v] the tarsal plate and palpebral conjunctiva.
tarsocrural [tahr″so-krōōr’l] pertaining to the tarsal bones and the tibia and fibula.
t. joint the articulation between the tibial tarsal bone (talus) and the tibia and fibula.
tarsomalacia [tahr″so-m-la’sh] softening of the tarsal plate of an eyelid.
tarsometatarsal [tahr″so-met″-tahr’sl] pertaining to the tarsus and metatarsus.
tarsophyma any tumor of the tarsus.
tarsoplasty [tahr’so-plas″te] plastic repair of the tarsal plate of the eyelid.
tarsotomy [tahr-sot’-me] surgical incision of a tarsus, or the tarsal plate of an eyelid.
Tarui disease [tah’roo-e] 6-phosphofructokinase 1 deficiency.
T-8 Accumulation of dental tartar and resulting perialveolar gingivitis in cat.
From Greene CE, Infectious Diseases of the Dog and Cat, 3rd Edition. Saunders, 2008.