Surgery of the Ovaries and Uterus

Chapter 91 Surgery of the Ovaries and Uterus

Surgical procedures performed on the uterus and ovaries include ovariohysterectomy, cesarean section, uterine biopsy, and rarely, ovariectomy. Uterine surgery usually is straightforward but requires sound basic surgery skills and a thorough understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the reproductive tract.

ANATOMY (Fig. 91-1)


Surgical Procedure


12. Loosely place a circumferential ligature around the proximal clamp (Fig. 91-2F). Tighten the ligature as the clamp is removed. In this manner, the circumferential ligature is tightened in the groove of crushed tissue created by the clamp (Fig. 91-2G).

13. Place a transfixing ligature between the circumferential ligature and the transected end of the OAVC (Fig. 91-2H and I). A full ligature (circumferential) may be used instead of a transfixing ligature in young cats or small dogs.

19. Divide the uterine body after two ligatures are placed (Fig. 91-2M through O). Remove the entire uterus proximal to the cervix.

Aug 27, 2016 | Posted by in SMALL ANIMAL | Comments Off on Surgery of the Ovaries and Uterus

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