Σ sigma, capital letter; eighteenth letter in the Greek alphabet. A mathematical symbol for sum.
Sabouraud’s dextrose agar [sah-boo-ro′] see Sabouraud’s dextrose agar.
sabulous [sab′u-ls] gritty or sandy.
saburra [s-bur′] sordes; foulness of the mouth or stomach.
saburral [s-bur′l] pertaining to saburra.
SAC Scottish Agricultural College.
sac [sak] a pouch; a baglike organ or structure. See also conjunctival sac.
endolymphatic s. the blind, flattened cerebral end of the endolymphatic duct.
hernial s. the peritoneal pouch that encloses a herniated viscus or mesentery.
pleural s. the pleura-lined cavity which contains the lung.
sacahuiste, sacahuista Nolina texana, N. microcarpa.
saccadic [s-kad′ik] characterized by saccades.
saccate [sak′āt] 1. shaped like a sac. 2. contained in a sac.
sacchariferous containing sugar.
saccharogalactorrhea secretion of milk containing an excess of sugar.
saccharogenic capable of producing a sugar.
saccharolytic [sak″-ro-lit′ik] capable of splitting up sugar.
saccharometabolic [sak″-ro-met″-bol′ik] pertaining to the metabolism of sugar.
saccharometabolism [sak″-ro-m-tab′o-liz-m] the metabolism of sugar.
Saccharomyces farciminosum [sak″-ro-mi′sēz] see Histoplasma capsulatum var farciminosum.
Saccharomycopsis guttulatus [sak″-ro-mi-kop′sis] see Cyniclomyces guttulatus.
saccharum [sak′-rm] [L.] sugar (especially sucrose).
sacciform [sak′s-form] shaped like a bag or sac.
Saccostrea glomerata farmed bivalve; called also Sydney rock oyster.
saccular [sak′u-lr] pertaining to or resembling a sac.
sacculated [sak′u-lāt″d] containing saccules.
large intestinal s. see haustrum.
sacculectomy surgical removal of saccular structures.
sacculitis [sak″u-li′tis] inflammation of a saccule, e.g. airsacculitis, anal sacculitis.
sacculus [sak′u-ls] pl. sacculi [L.] a saccule.
s. laryngis see laryngeal saccule.
saccus [sak′s] pl. sacci [L.] a sac.
s. cecus the blind sac of a viscus such as the fundus of the stomach in the horse.
sacrad [sa′krad] toward the sacrum.
sacral [sa′krl] pertaining to the sacrum.
s. dysgensis see sacrocaudal agenesis.
sacralgia [sa-kral′j] pain in the sacrum.
sacrectomy [sa-krek′t-me] excision or resection of the sacrum.
sacred bamboo see Nandina domestica.
Sacred cat of Burma see Birman.
sacr(o)- word element. [L.] sacrum.
sacrocaudal pertaining to the sacrum and the tail.
s. fusion an anomalous union between the sacrum and coccygeal vertebrae.
s. joint the joint between the sacrum and the tail.
sacrococcygeal [sa″kro-kok-sij′e-l] see sacrocaudal.
sacroiliitis [sa″kro-il″e-i′tis] inflammation of the sacroiliac joint.
sacrolumbar [sa″kro-lum′br, -bahr] pertaining to the sacrum and lumbar vertebra; the loins.
sacropelvic [sa″kro-pel′vik] pertaining to the pelvis and sacrum.
sacrosciatic [sa″kro-si-at′ik] pertaining to the sacrum and ischium.
sacrospinal [sa″kro-spi′nl] pertaining to the sacrum and vertebral column.
sacrotuberous ligament [sa″kro-too′br-s] see Table 12.
sacrouterine [sa″kro-u′tr-in] pertaining to the sacrum and uterus.
sacrovertebral [sa″kro-vur′t-brl] pertaining to the sacrum and vertebrae.
sacrum [sa′krm] the triangular-shaped bone between the lumbar and coccygeal vertebrae; formed usually of five fused vertebrae (four in pigs, three in dogs) that are wedged between the two hip bones. See also Tables 10.
SAD rabies vaccine Street–Alabama–Dufferin strain of attenuated rabies vaccine.
s. thrombus see saddle thrombus, aortic embolism.
s. scab see equine staphylococcal dermatitis.
Saddleback see Wessex saddleback.
saddlepatch disease see columnaris disease.
safety avoidance of occupational, iatrogenic or personal injury.
restraint s. proper use of appropriate restraint procedure when dealing with any animal.
saffron see Colchicum autumnale.
sage [sāj] common name for plants in the genus Salvia.
poison s. Isotropis atropurpurea.
s. sickness unspecified poisoning by Artemisia spp.
sagging crop see pendulous crop.
S. goat many varieties of this dual-purpose breed in North West Africa.
Sahiwal a reddish-dun zebu type breed of dairy cattle. Usually has white markings.
SAIDS simian acquired immune deficiency syndrome.
St. George disease see Pimelea.
St. Hubert hound see Bloodhound.
St. John’s wort see Hypericum.
St. Louis encephalitis see St. Louis encephalitis.
St. Lucia grass Brachiaria brizantha.
saki (Pithecia spp.) a small, longhaired, bushy-tailed, New World monkey.
salbutamol [sal-bu′t-mol] see albuterol.
Salers mahogany red, dual-purpose French cattle.
salicylamide [sal″-sl-am′īd] an amide of salicylic acid; used as an analgesic; toxic in cats.
salicylazosulfapyridine [sal″-sil-az″o-sul″f-pir′-dēn] see sulfasalazine.
salicylic acid [sal′-sil′ik] o-hydroxybenzoic acid; used as a keratolytic. See also salicylate.
salicylism [sal′-sil″iz-m] toxic signs caused by salicylic acid.
saline [sa′lēn, sa′līn] salty; of the nature of a salt.
hypertonic s. a solution contining 1–23.4% NaCl.
s. water poisoning see sodium chloride poisoning.
Whittingham’s s. a phosphate-buffered saline used to store fertilized embryos.
saliva [s-li′v] the enzyme-containing secretion of the salivary glands.
salivant [sal′-vnt] causing flow of saliva.
salivary [sal′-var-e] pertaining to the saliva.
s. calculus sialolith. See salivary calculus.
s. duct dilatation see ranula.
s. ducts excretory ducts that carry the saliva from the glands to the mouth cavity.
s. g. inflammation see sialoadenitis, parotiditis.
salivation [sal″-va′shn] 1. the secretion of saliva. 2. ptyalism.
s. inhibitor antisialagogue; examples are atropine and glycopyrrolate.
salivon a functional salivary unit consisting of several acini and their related ducts and tubules.
Chinook s. Oncorhynchus tshawytscha.
s. louse Lepeophtherius salmonis.
pink s. Oncorhynchus gorbuscha.
sockeye s. Oncorhynchus nerka.
S. abortusequi causes abortion in horses.
S. abortusovis, S. montevideo cause abortion in sheep. A disease notifiable to the OIE (see Table 22).
S. bovismorbificans causes enteritis in cattle and horses.
S. dublin causes septicemia, meningitis, enteritis and abortion in cattle and abortion in sheep.
S. gallinarum causes fowl typhoid.
S. heidelberg an occasional isolate in horses.
S. pullorum causes pullorum disease.
S. typhisuis an uncommon isolate in pigs.
salmonid a member of the fish family Salmonidae. Includes salmon, trout, char.
salpingectomy [sal″pin-jek′t-me] excision of a uterine tube.
salpingemphraxis [sal″pin-jm-frak′sis] obstruction of a pharyngotympanic (eustachian) tube.
salpingian [sal-pin′je-n] pertaining to the auditory or the uterine tube.
parenchymatous s. pachysalpingitis.
salping(o)- word element. [Gr.] tube (eustachian tube or uterine tube).
salpingocele [sal-ping′go-sēl] hernial protrusion of a uterine tube.
salpingocyesis development of the embryo within a uterine tube; tubal pregnancy.
salpingolithiasis the presence of calcareous deposits in the wall of the uterine tubes.
salpingolysis [sal″ping-gol′-sis] surgical separation of adhesions involving the uterine tubes.
salpingo-oophorectomy [sal-ping″go-o-of″-rek′t-me] excision of a uterine tube and ovary.
salpingo-oophoritis [sal-ping″go-o-of″-ri′tis] inflammation of a uterine tube and ovary.
salpingo-oophorocele [sal-ping″go-o-of′-ro-sēl] hernia of a uterine tube and ovary.
salpingopexy [sal-ping′go-pek″se] fixation of a uterine tube.
salpingopharyngeal [sal-ping″go-f-rin′je-l] pertaining to the auditory tube and the pharynx.
salpingoplasty [sal-ping′go-plas″te] plastic repair of a uterine tube.
salpingotomy [sal″ping-got′-me] surgical incision of a uterine tube.
salpinx [sal′pinks] 1. a uterine tube. 2. an auditory tube.
SALT see skin-associated lymphoid tissues.
common s. see sodium chloride.
Rochelle s. potassium sodium tartrate, a cathartic.
s. sick see copper nutritional deficiency.
smelling s’s aromatic ammonium carbonate, a stimulant and restorative.
salt sickness dual copper and cobalt deficiency.
saltatory [sal′t-tor″e] pertaining to or emanating from saltation.
barrier s. see Enchylaena tomentosa.
four wing s. Atriplex canescens.
ruby s. see Enchylaena tomentosa.
Salter–Harris classification see Salter classification.
saltpeter, saltpetre potassium nitrate.
salubrious [s-loo′bre-s] conducive to health; wholesome.
S-8 : Salter-Harris classification of physeal fractures.
From Fossum TW, Small Animal Surgery, 3rd Edition. Mosby, 2007.
S-9 : Salter I fracture of the distal tibia in a cat.
From Seaman JA, Simpson AM: Tibial fractures. Clin Tech Sm Anim Pract 19:151-167, 2004. Elsevier.
saluresis [sal″u-re′sis] excretion of sodium and chloride in the urine.
saluretic [sal″u-ret′ik] 1. pertaining to saluresis. 2. an agent that promotes saluresis.
salutary [sal′u-tar″e] healthful.
salvage statistics [sal′vj] see salvage statistics.
Salvation Jane Echium plantagineum.
Salvia [sal′ve-] a genus of the plant family Lamiaceae.
samarium (Sm) [s-mar′e-m] a chemical element, atomic number 62, atomic weight 150.35. See Table 4.
samore trypanosomiasis; called also nagana.
EPSEM s. acronym for ‘equal opportunity of selection method’.
simple random s. see random sample (above).
sampling [sam′pling] the process of selecting a sample.
area s. dividing the population into equal areas and randomly selecting from among the areas.
s. fraction ratio of the number of units in the population to the number of units in the population.
San Joaquin Valley fever the primary form of coccidioidomycosis.
sanatory [san′-tor″e] salubrious.
Sancassania berlessei a mite of stored products occasionally infests sheep.
sand twin leaf Zygophyllum ammophilum.
sandbath, sand roll a stall covered with deep sand used for horses to roll in after exercise.
S-11 : Sandcrack in horse’s hoof.
From Knottenbelt DC, Pascoe RR, Diseases and Disorders of the Horse. Saunders, 2003.