Insertion of the vaginoscope is done by applying sterile lubricant to the exterior of one end of the scope. Then, the scope is inserted through the vulva at a 60-degree ventral angle to the spine (the scope will be partially vertically oriented). At this angle, the scope is pushed dorsal and cranial for 5 to 6 cm until slight resistance is felt. When resistance is felt, the free end of the vaginoscope is elevated until advancement is possible. The final position of the vaginoscope is approximately horizontal. The light source is attached or inserted and the cervix identified and inspected (Figure 54.6). The cervix is recognized by the spiral form of the external os. The cranial vagina and cervix normally have a pink color and smooth surface with an absence of fluid. In the presence of a dominant follicle, the cervix is relaxed (“open”) and can be recognized by the presence of a noticeable lumen. In the presence of a CL, the cervix is “closed,” and the lumen is difficult to detect.