Parenchymal Disease

Structural Diseases

Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia


Normal cilia are made up of nine pairs of microtubules surrounding a central pair. Inner and outer dynein arms connect the microtubules, and the enzyme dynein splits ATP to provide energy for ciliary motility. Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a congenital or inherited disorder that is most often associated with a defect in the dynein arms (total or partial absence) resulting in defective ciliary motion. All organs that contain cilia are affected including the respiratory tract, middle ear, and reproductive tract. PCD that is accompanied by situs inversus and bronchiectasis is referred to as Kartagener’s syndrome.

History and signalment

PCD has been reported in related Bichon Frise, English pointers, Springer Spaniels, Newfoundland, Old English Sheepdogs, and other breeds. It is rarely reported in the cat. Clinical signs can be seen in puppies as early as 5 weeks of age, or animals may be older when the severity or recurrence of signs triggers evaluation. Historical complaints include chronic or recurrent sneezing, serous to mucoid nasal discharge, chronic cough, and episodes of antibiotic-responsive pneumonia. Signs of otitis media (head tilt, aural discharge, or nystagmus) or infertility may also be reported.

Physical examination

Bilateral serous to mucopurulent nasal discharge is common and dogs may display evidence of pneumonia with a moist cough on tracheal palpation, increased tracheal sensitivity, and increased bronchovesicular sounds. Severely affected animals can be cyanotic. Nonrespiratory abnormalities that may be found include hydrocephalus and otitis media.


A complete blood count may be supportive of bronchopneumonia, with alterations in neutrophil numbers, and thoracic radiographs reveal alveolar infiltrates during bouts of pneumonia. Airway sampling typically reveals a septic suppurative response and infection with Mycoplasma and aerobic bacteria (Pasteurella, Streptococcus, and Staphylococcus) is common. Diagnosis of PCD requires documentation of functional and structural defects of cilia. In an intact male dog with the appropriate clinical history, lack of purposeful sperm motility is consistent with a diagnosis of PCD. Respiratory ciliary function is assessed through tracheal scintigraphy using 99-technetium-labeled macroaggregated albumin deposited at the carina. Ciliary movement of the radiolabel is followed with a gamma camera, and animals with ciliary dyskinesia have no motion detected. Mycoplasma and Bordetella infections should be appropriately treated prior to performing tracheal scintigraphy because infection with these organisms causes ciliostasis and could result in a falsepositive scintigraphic study.

Nasal or tracheal biopsies or a semen sample fixed in glutaraldehyde can be submitted for electron microscopy to identify the characteristic ultrastructural abnormalities seen in PCD; however, electron microscopy is not widely available and a properly sectioned sample is critical to assess ciliary structures. A pathologist should be consulted prior to obtaining a biopsy to insure that an adequate sample is obtained and that a proper interpretation can be provided. Dogs with PCD will have multiple defects in cilia (loss or shortening of dynein arms, loss of central pair of microtubules, triplets in place of doublets, etc.) and will have >5–20% of cilia affected. Findings must be distinguished from those of acquired or secondary ciliary abnormalities, which can be found with a variety of chronic respiratory tract diseases. These secondary defects typically affect <5% of the affected cilia, and compound cilia (multiple cilia contained within a single membranous layer) are often prominent. In human patients, PCD can occur in the absence of specific electron microscopy abnormalities and it is likely that this occurs in veterinary patients also, although it has not been specifically documented.


Aggressive therapy for pneumonia is required and owners should be taught to recognize recurrence of disease so that treatment can be instituted immediately. Intermittent or sustained respiratory therapy with nebulization and coupage can be used to encourage clearance of respiratory secretions. Cough suppressants should not be used because of the risk for trapping infected secretions in the lower airways and promoting the development of secondary bronchiectasis.


Many dogs with PCD are able to survive multiple bouts of pneumonia and develop fewer episodes as they mature; however, they remain at risk for recurrent infection. If pneumonia is insufficiently treated, bronchiectasis may develop. Contact with other animals that might serve as a source of infection should be limited. Affected dogs should not be used in the breeding pool and genetic counseling is recommended.

Lung Lobe Torsion


The precise etiology of lung lobe torsion is unknown. It may be associated with atelectasis of a lobe from bronchial obstruction (by mucus impaction or a neoplasm) and twisting of the lobar bronchus on its axis. Lobar consolidation due to infection might also predispose to torsion. Alternately, it is possible that pleural effusion precedes lung lobe torsion, causing collapse of a lung lobe and an environment that allows the lobe to twist along the bronchial axis.

Typically, venous compression caused by the torsion leads to congestion and swelling of the lung lobe. This could then cause pleural effusion, which is commonly, but not always, found with lung lobe torsion. Pleural effusion is often hemorrhagic or chylous in character. The lobes most commonly affected by torsion are the right middle lung lobe (particularly in large-breed dogs) and the left cranial lung lobe (in Pugs and other small-breed dogs).

History and signalment

There is an increased incidence of lung lobe torsion in the Afghan hound and deep-chested dog breeds, although it is also seen in small-breed dogs, with Pugs affected most commonly. Torsion appears to be uncommon in the cat but it has been reported in a cat with chronic, poorly treated lower airway inflammatory disease and was likely preceded by lobar collapse associated with mucus obstruction. Clinical complaints reported with lung lobe torsion include tachypnea or difficulty breathing, lethargy, anorexia, and coughing. In chronic cases, weight loss may be noted.

Physical examination

Tachypnea is a common finding, and Heart and lung sounds can be muffled or absent focally in the region of the torsion or ventrally in the thorax due to the presence of pleural effusion. Elevated body temperature occurs in 50–60% of cases.

Diagnostic findings

Affected animals usually display a neutrophilic leukocytosis due to stress, inflammation, necrosis, or infection. Radiographs reveal pleural effusion in over 80% of cases, and thoracocentesis is indicated to alleviate respiratory distress and improve visualization of thoracic contents. Lobar opacity is a common radiographic finding (Figure 6.1), and an abnormal bronchial position can be visualized in 10–50% of dogs. Thoracic ultrasound with evaluation of pulmonary blood flow may be helpful in some cases although the most common finding appears to be hepatization of the lung lobe. A vesicular gas pattern is seen on radiographs, ultrasound, or computed tomography. Bronchoscopy can document lung lobe torsion as the cause for lobar consolidation through visualization a twisted appearance to the bronchial opening.

Figure 6.1. Dorsoventral radiograph from a 3-year-old MC Pug with torsion of the left cranial lung lobe. Note the absence of pleural effusion in this case.


Thoracic fluid analysis reveals chyle (see Chapter 7) in up to one-third of dogs and a modified transudate, hemorrhage, or exudate has been reported in the remaining cases (Neath et al. 2000). Cytology of the fluid is indicated to rule out infectious or neoplastic disease, and samples should be evaluated by aerobic and anaerobic bacterial culture. Histopathology of lung tissue usually shows pulmonary hemorrhage, inflammation, and infarction but may reveal a primary disease process responsible for the torsion such as neoplasia or bronchial obstruction.


Lung lobectomy is required for appropriate treatment. The lobe should not be de-rotated prior to removal because of the risk for ischemic injury associated with reperfusion.


Over 50% of dogs will have an uncomplicated recovery from lung lobectomy; however, some dogs will experience persistent chylothorax that necessitates further intervention. Torsion of a second lung lobe can also occur.

Infectious Diseases

Viral Pneumonia


Etiologic agents of viral pneumonia in the dog include canine distemper virus (CDV) and canine influenza virus (CIV). Less commonly, canine parainfluenza virus-3 (PI-3), canine adenovirus-2 (CAV-2), canine herpesvirus (CHV-1), and canine respiratory coronavirus (CRCoV) can cause parenchymal infection but these organisms more typically result in airway disease (see Chapter 5). In the cat, feline calicivirus (FCV) is the most common viral cause of pneumonia, although feline herpesvirus-1 (FHV-1) can cause a severe tracheitis and pneumonia.

Viruses are spread by inhalation of aerosolized viral particles that gain access to the lower respiratory tract. These viruses cause diffuse epithelial cell death and provoke an inflammatory response primarily within the interstitium. Most viral infections are self-limiting but predispose animals to bacterial bronchopneumonia and thus can lead to more severe systemic signs.

Noneffusive feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) virus (the mutated coronavirus) can cause a granulomatous pneumonia due to immune mediated vasculitis and pyogranulomatous response rather than due to an infectious process (see Chapter 7).

History and signalment

Puppies and kittens are more susceptible to most viral agents than adult animals with the exception of canine influenza virus, which tends to affect mature dogs. Generally clinical signs are acute in onset and associated primarily with cough. Animals held in close confinement are more prone to infection. CDV results in more severe clinical and systemic signs of illness and is characterized by concurrent or sequential development of gastrointestinal and neurologic signs (typically myoclonus).

Physical examination

Dogs or cats with viral pneumonia may have fever and/or tachypnea that ranges from mild to severe. Lung sounds may be slightly harsh and tracheal sensitivity is usually found. Dogs with CDV may have retinochoroiditis or neurologic deficits that involve the cerebrum, cerebellum, or spinal cord.

Diagnostic findings

Diagnosis is often based on clinical suspicion, history and signalment, environmental exposure, and vaccination status. A CBC may reveal lymphopenia early in viral infection. Viral pneumonia is expected to result in a diffuse interstitial pattern on chest radiographs, although bacterial complications can lead to alveolar infiltrates.

Various methods can be used to confirm the presence of virus or exposure to a virus; however, it can be more difficult to determine if the virus is the cause of the disease (see CIRD, Chapter 5). Airway wash fluid or pulmonary tissue can be analyzed by fluorescent antibody staining or application of immunohistochemistry to fixed tissue can identify virus-specific antigen; however, tests are not widely available for all viruses and can be difficult to perform. Also, electron microscopy can be used to detect viral inclusions.


General supportive care measures are instituted including subcutaneous or intravenous fluid therapy, airway humidification, and oxygen therapy as needed. Affected animals are kept segregated from other animals to avoid spread of disease. No specific antiviral therapy is generally recommended; however, broad-spectrum antibiotics are often administered to treat or to prevent secondary bacterial infection. Mycoplasma spp. are commonly found in conjunction with suspected viral infection, thus doxycycline or azithromycin would be appropriate for use.


Regular vaccination protects against most of the viral infections that can result in pneumonia. In general, viral pneumonia has a good prognosis as most animals will respond to supportive care and treatment of secondary bacterial pneumonia. Dogs with distemper virus that develop neurologic disease have a poor prognosis in general, although some will survive.

Bacterial Pneumonia


Bacterial pneumonia occurs when increased numbers of opportunistic pathogens overwhelm host defense mechanisms or when highly pathogenic organisms gain access to the airways. It can also result from failure of respiratory defense mechanisms, systemic immune compromise, or inhalation of a foreign body or caustic substance. Therefore, in the animal with bacterial pneumonia, a search should begin for an underlying disease or predisposing disorder that allows parenchymal infection. Enteric organisms are the most common bacteria found in lower respiratory tract infections in adult dogs and are implicated (along with Bordetella) in community-acquired pneumonia in puppies. Exposure to primary respiratory pathogens (Bordetella or Mycoplasma) can result in lung infection and life-threatening pneumonia in kittens and puppies.

Bacterial colonization of the respiratory epithelium incites chemotaxis of neutrophils. These inflammatory cells release proteolytic enzymes and reactive oxygen species to kill the bacteria; however, this process sets up an inflammatory environment within the lung. A delicate balance develops between control of bacterial growth and lung inflammation. In some cases, overwhelming inflammation perpetuates lung damage, resulting in gas-exchange abnormalities that can lead to respiratory failure.

History and signalment

Pneumonia is encountered at any age of animal. Puppies are most commonly affected by community-acquired pneumonia, young hunting or sporting dogs are most commonly affected by foreign body pneumonia, and older animals develop pneumonia in association with aspiration injury or immune compromise. Certain dog breeds are predisposed to infectious pneumonia. For example, Irish Wolfhounds develop an unusual rhinitis/ bronchopneumonia syndrome (Clercx et al. 2003). The reason that some of these dogs have a propensity for bacterial pneumonia is unclear but may be related to a heritable immunodeficiency.

Dogs or cats with bacterial pneumonia generally have an acute history of a productive cough, labored breathing, and respiratory difficulty or distress. However, some animals present with more chronic and vague signs of illness such as malaise, depression, anorexia, and weight loss. Nasal discharge is sometimes the primary complaint when animals cough respiratory secretions into the nasopharynx or have coincident nasal infection.

Physical examination

Abnormalities indicative of bacterial pneumonia are found in the examination of the respiratory tract. Parenchymal infection with alveolar flooding by inflammatory debris leads to restrictive lung disease, and a rapid shallow breathing pattern typically results. Depending on the stage and severity of disease, thoracic auscultation usually reveals adventitious lung sounds (crackles or wheezes) or loud, harsh bronchovesicular sounds. Absence of lung sounds in a specific region of the thorax might be suggestive of lung consolidation or pleuropneumonia.

A mucopurulent nasal discharge can be present in some animals. Although pneumonia is an inflammatory condition, fever is detected in <50% of affected adult dogs or puppies (Radhakrishnan et al. 2007).

Diagnostic findings

Leukocytosis with a left shift supports the diagnosis of bacterial pneumonia in an animal with appropriate clinical findings. Neutropenia with a degenerative left shift can occur if acute fulminant pneumonia results in pulmonary sequestration of neutrophils. A biochemical profile and urinalysis assist in the diagnosis of underlying conditions such as diabetes mellitus and hyperadrenocorticism, which are associated with defective neutrophil function and might rarely predispose the animal to pneumonia. FeLV/FIV serology should be performed in cats with pneumonia, although a direct association has not been made between viral status and the development of bacterial pneumonia.

Pulse oximetry should be employed to determine the severity of lung dysfunction as well as the need for oxygen supplementation because hypoxemia is common in animals with moderate to severe disease. SPO2 can also be used to follow response to therapy, although an arterial blood gas provides a more accurate assessment of oxygenation (see Chapter 2).

Thoracic radiographs obtained in the early stages of bacterial pneumonia may demonstrate mild or diffuse interstitial infiltrates. Alveolar infiltrates with air bronchograms are considered the classic radiographic finding (Figure 6.2). In severe cases, these infiltrates can coalesce to cause lobar consolidation. A lobar infiltrate can also be suggestive of foreign body pneumonia. Pleuropneumonia is uncommon in small animals unless a pleural foreign body or bite wound is the cause of pneumonia. In these cases, infection with Actinomyces can be found.

Direct airway sampling through tracheal wash, bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage, or fine-needle aspiration of the lung is indicated to confirm the etiology of pneumonia and to obtain samples for Gram stain, aerobic and anaerobic bacterial culture with antibiotic sensitivity testing, Mycoplasma culture, and cytology. Of these techniques, tracheal wash is most suited for radiographically diffuse disease, while bronchoscopy (Figure 6.3) or fine-needle lung aspiration would be preferred for focal disease (see Chapter 2). Gram staining characteristics and cytology can be useful for identifying the most likely infecting organism and initiating early antibiotic therapy.

Figure 6.2. Right lateral (a) and dorsoventral (b) radiographs from a 7-year-old MC Australian Shepherd with bronchopneumonia affecting primarily the right lung lobe. Air bronchograms are visible in both views primarily in the right lung lobe. Nodular densities likely represent metastatic lung disease.


Various bacteria can be recovered from airways of healthy cats and dogs, although only cats with pulmonary disease have had Mycoplasma isolated from lower airways to date. Therefore, documentation of pneumonia requires isolation of bacteria in conjunction with detection of septic suppurative inflammation on airway cytology (Figure 6.4). Pneumonia in the dog is usually caused by Gram-negative enteric bacteria (Table 6.1). Multiple species are isolated in almost half of all cases, and 22% of infections are complicated by the presence of anaerobic bacteria (Angus et al. 1997). Bacterial pneumonia is clinically recognized much less commonly in the cat than in the dog, and less information is available about potential causes, although it appears that Bordetella and Mycoplasma spp. are commonly involved in conjunction with Pasteurella spp (Bart et al. 2000) (Table 6.2). A more recent study also implicated Mycoplasma spp. as the most common isolate in feline pneumonia (Foster et al. 2004).

Figure 6.3. Bronchoscopy image from a dog with Mycoplasma pneumonia reveals airway hyperemia and marked mucus plugging of an isolated airway.



While waiting to obtain results of cultures, antibiotic treatment should be initiated by using antibiotics likely to be effective against the organisms involved. The combination of a fluoroquinolone and penicillin derivative is used most commonly for initial therapy. Antibiotics are usually required for >3 weeks, and long-term treatment is based on results obtained from culture and susceptibility testing. Clinical signs, pulse oximetry, and radiographic changes are used to determine when therapy can be discontinued.

Figure 6.4. This image of airway cytology confirms bacterial pneumonia by the presence of dark blue rod-shaped bacteria within neutrophils. Note the swollen nuclei and degenerate changes in neutrophils throughout the slide. Bacterial culture identified E. coli.


Table 6.1. Bacterial organisms commonly found in dogs with lower respiratory tract infection (Angus 1997)

Isolate Number of Samples Gram-Stain characteristics
Enteric group 53 (46%) Gram-negative rods
Escherichia coli 36 (31%)
Klebsiella 8 (7%)
Other enterics 15 (13%)
Pasteurella species 26 (22%) Gram-negative rods
ß-Hemolytic Streptococcus 14 (12%) Gram-positive cocci
Streptococcus/Enterococcus 14 (12%) Gram-positive cocci
Obligate anaerobes 25 (22%) Gram-positive or -negative
Bordetella bronchiseptica 14 (12%) Gram-negative coccobacilli
Coagulase + Staphylococcus 11 (10%) Gram-positive cocci
Pseudomonas species 9 (8%) Gram-negative rods
Mycoplasma 6 (5%) None (no cell wall)
Other 18 (16%)

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Jul 3, 2017 | Posted by in EQUINE MEDICINE | Comments Off on Parenchymal Disease

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