39 Michele A. Steffey Accurate staging information is an extremely important component of an overall oncologic plan, and identification of metastatic disease can significantly alter surgical and adjuvant treatment recommendations. Although advanced preoperative diagnostic imaging studies have vastly improved our ability to define the disease stage for a given patient, noninvasive imaging can underestimate the tumor burden, especially in cases of pleural carcinomatosis or mesothelioma, smaller multifocal pulmonary metastases from a variety of neoplasms, or micrometastatic disease to regional lymph nodes. Diffuse or multifocal smaller lesions are very difficult to define on noninvasive imaging modalities such as radiography, ultrasonography, computed tomography (CT), or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Diagnostic thoracoscopy may have a place in some patients for a variety of purposes, including providing staging information by identifying metastatic lesions missed by other imaging modalities, identifying locoregional lymph nodes for biopsy, providing an option for a minimally invasive diagnostic biopsy of the primary lesion, and providing a preliminary evaluation of lesion resectability. Tissue diagnosis is an important component of an oncologic therapeutic plan, and although other image-guided techniques such as fine-needle aspiration (FNA) or percutaneous biopsy may also provide minimally invasive options in diagnosis, the benefits of thoracoscopic biopsy include excellent lesion visualization, the ability to manipulate and possibly minimize injury to nearby viscera, the potential for larger tissue samples, and an improved ability to provide hemostasis. In addition to using video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) approaches for primary staging procedures, some patients may already be receiving VATS procedures for their primary tumor resections. Advantages of minimally invasive thoracic procedures over open surgical procedures have been demonstrated in human and veterinary patients and include reductions in postoperative stress and pain; a more rapid return to normal activity; and advantages in dissection, including improved lighting and magnification of anatomic structures.1-3 In addition to differences in overt measurements of pain, patients undergoing a lateral thoracotomy experience greater reductions in respiratory function in the immediate postoperative period compared with patients undergoing thoracoscopy.4,5 In cases of pericardial effusion, thoracoscopy can be used as both a diagnostic and therapeutic tool. VATS pericardectomy provides the opportunity for relief of pericardial tamponade and the ability to obtain diagnostic samples, as well as inspection for cardiac masses that may be the underlying cause of the effusion. Resected portions of pericardium should be submitted for histopathology. Chapter 33 provides a complete discussion of thoracoscopic management of pericardial effusions and pericardectomy. Thoracoscopy offers an alternative to invasive open thoracotomy in obtaining diagnostic samples in cases of possible pleural or mediastinal neoplasia in which the diagnosis cannot be made any other way. Mesothelioma is an uncommonly diagnosed neoplasm in veterinary patients, and obtaining a definitive diagnosis can be very difficult without surgical biopsy for histopathology. Median survival times for dogs with mesothelioma have been reported to be quite variable, ranging from 120 days to 13.6 months.6,7 Thoracoscopic biopsy offers clients a minimally invasive option with quicker recovery times in dogs that may have limited survival time. However, because mesothelioma is still notoriously difficult to diagnose, numerous samples from multiple pleural surfaces (parietal pleura, mediastinal pleura, pericardium) are recommended. Exploratory thoracoscopy and biopsy procedures are usually very well tolerated with few complications. However, a case of port site metastasis after diagnostic thoracoscopy, thought to be associated with leakage of neoplastic effusion through the portal sites, has been described in a case report of mesothelioma in a dog.8 In veterinary patients, intrathoracic surgical staging of lymph nodes is most commonly done as part of diagnosis and treatment of primary lung tumors. Assessment of the tracheobronchial lymph nodes for metastatic disease is known to be an important predictor of outcome in canine patients with primary bronchioalveolar carcinoma.9,10,11 Median survival times have been described for dogs with primary lung tumors with evidence of metastatic disease (26–58 days) to the tracheobronchial lymph nodes compared with those without evidence of tracheobronchial lymph node metastasis (186–452 days) at the time of surgical resection of the primary tumor.9,10 However, existing data do not differentiate between patients with microscopic metastatic disease and gross metastatic disease. Intrathoracic lymph nodes are very challenging to access for percutaneous FNA or biopsy because of their location in the mediastinum, many of which are intimately associated with major neurovascular structures. Because of this, it is currently recommended that when lung tumor excision is performed, that as part of the surgical procedure, the tracheobronchial lymph nodes should be palpated and biopsied if enlarged.10 The VATS lymphadenectomy procedure precludes direct digital palpation of the pulmonary hilus. Although techniques, parameters, and outcomes for VATS lung lobectomy have been described for veterinary lung cancer patients and very good success has been obtained in removal of the primary tumor, the approach to the tracheobronchial lymph nodes and histologic information on lymph node status has been limited in these case series.12-14 A VATS surgical approach to the tracheobronchial lymph nodes has been described in normal dogs.15 In humans, VATS is commonly used for diagnosis and treatment of early stage non–small cell lung cancer and the evaluation of regional lymph nodes.3,16 Pathologic node status is the single most significant prognostic factor in human lung cancer; therefore, unless there is clear evidence of metastatic disease on preoperative imaging, removal of regional lymph nodes for pathologic staging is considered an intrinsically important part of primary lung tumor resection in humans. Standardized procedures for lymph node description and resection are reported for humans.17 The overall oncologic outcome for patients with lung tumors undergoing VATS resection is identical to those obtained by open thoracotomy.3,16,18-21 Despite this, there is some controversy in the human medical literature regarding the adequacy of lymph node evaluation achieved by thoracoscopic resections compared with open dissection.23 However, recent studies have demonstrated that mediastinal lymph node dissection can be performed as effectively by the video-assisted approach as by the open thoracotomy approach and that furthermore, the video-assisted approach allows a better visualization of different lymph node zones.21,24 Pan et al.22 demonstrated that VATS lobectomy and lymphadenectomy in humans were associated with fewer complications, recurrence, and shorter length of stay, with no differences in blood loss or number of lymph node dissections compared with open lobectomy. Regardless, the importance of lymphatic staging for lung cancer is clear in the human medical literature, and the choice of a VATS approach should not compromise appropriate lymphatic staging and other oncologic principles. Ideally, surgical staging would not be necessary, and minimally invasive clinical staging modalities (imaging, cytology) should result in a clinical TNM (tumor, node, metastasis) stage that is highly predictive of the final pathologic TNM stage. Although noninvasive staging modalities have improved their sensitivity and specificity, stage migration occurs when clinical T stage, N stage, or M stages differ from ultimate pathology-confirmed stages, which is seen in up to 53% of human lung cancer resections.25-27 Pathologic micrometastasis has been reported in 27% to 45% of patients and is associated with considerably poorer outcome.28 Because of these limitations, current evidence-based guidelines recommend that human patients with any mediastinal lymphadenopathy by CT or positron emission tomography (PET) scan undergo surgical lymph node sampling to ensure accurate staging.29 In fact, it is recommended that lymph node sampling should be the first invasive diagnostic procedure in patients with suspected lung cancer with mediastinal lymphadenopathy without distant metastases because the procedure can be used for both diagnosis and staging.29 This is unlikely to be logistically feasible in veterinary patients, but it does highlight the importance of lymph node staging on prognosis and therapeutic decisions. Variation in long-term survival outcomes after curative intent resection in human lung tumor patients, even in patients with ostensibly similar stages of disease, is partly due to variability in the quality of lymph node evaluation.30-32 Missed lymph node metastasis can impair survival because of misclassification of risk. Patients with missed metastatic disease are deemed to have stage I disease and do not receive adjuvant therapy, which likely contributes to recurrent disease and reduced survival rates.26,33 Even when careful surgical staging is performed, micrometastases that can affect survival may still be missed on histopathologic evaluation. At this time, a standardized methodology for pathologic evaluation of low-volume tumor metastasis in lymph nodes has not yet been defined in veterinary patients. In a recent study of human lung cancer, occult nodal metastasis was detected by cytokeratin immunohistochemistry in 22% of patients with tracheobronchial and mediastinal lymph nodes that were initially diagnosed as N0 on standard hematoxylin and eosin staining of the same lymph nodes, and this occult nodal metastasis was associated with decreased disease-free and overall survival times.34 On the basis of their results, Rusch et al.34 recommended that immunohistochemical evaluation of N0 lymph nodes should be performed to identify patients that may benefit from combined modality treatment. There is much that we do not currently know about the prognostic significance and impacts of adjuvant therapy on dogs with lung tumor micrometastasis, but it is conceivable that earlier identification of low-volume metastatic disease in the tracheobronchial lymph nodes (TBLNs) of dogs with lung cancer could alter treatment recommendations and prognosis in our patients as well. On the flip side of the coin, there has been growing interest in limiting the extent of mediastinal lymph node dissection in human lung cancer patients, and as a result, growing interest in the application of sentinel lymph node (SLN) mapping techniques to this tumor or location. The most common methods of intraoperative SLN mapping include the use of lymphoscintigraphy; intraoperative vital blue dyes; and more recently, the use of intraoperative near-infrared fluorescent imaging.26,35-42 Near-infrared fluorescence imaging is an emerging modality that in early studies appears to have similar sensitivity and specificity to the combined use of scintigraphy and vital blue dyes and offers the benefit of avoiding patient and surgeon exposure to ionizing radiation.26,42 The main downsides for near-infrared imaging are the need for specialized imaging systems that are not yet widely available and that the most commonly used near-infrared tracer, indocyanine green, is nonspecific and passes very quickly through the lymphatic system, making it prone to highlight second- and third-tier nodes if close attention to timing is not given. A small volume of the chosen tracer is injected peritumorally within the lung parenchyma. Assessment for tracer uptake in the locoregional lymph nodes is then performed, and dissection is directed to the identified nodes. In a recent meta-analysis of SLN biopsy in human non–small cell lung carcinoma, the rate of detection of SLNs by SLN mapping ranged from 77% to 84%.28 Lower detection rates were identified when using dye alone than when combined with a radiotracer, which may be related to preexisting black discoloration of the lymph nodes in many patients.28 Studies have demonstrated evidence of “skipped” lymphatic drainage patterns (in which the anatomically closest node was not the sentinel node) in 20% to 30% of patients, but these “skipped” lymph nodes were identified with a high sensitivity by SLN mapping.26,28 A VATS approach does not limit the ability to perform SLN mapping for lung cancer.28,42 Chapter 26 provides a more complete discussion of SLN mapping. Although species differences, especially anatomic differences, exist between veterinary and human lung cancer patients, similar to the case in humans, the regional lymph node status of veterinary patients has been shown to be a very important prognostic indicator of outcome.9,10 As a result, it is logical to infer that although the exact role of many of these techniques in veterinary species have yet to be determined, well-considered staging is likely to also benefit our patients, and VATS approaches to staging have the potential to improve owner acceptance and patient care. In dogs, thoracic lymph nodes can be categorized into regional lymphatic centers, including the dorsal thoracic lymphatic center, ventral thoracic lymphatic center, mediastinal lymphatic center, and bronchial lymphatic center.43,44 The dorsal thoracic lymphatic center encompasses the intercostal lymph nodes, receiving afferents from the pleura, muscles of the thoracic wall, and trunk.43,44 The ventral thoracic lymphatic center encompasses the sternal lymph nodes, receiving afferents from the diaphragm, mediastinum, pleura, and various muscles of the trunk.43,44 The mediastinal lymphatic center encompasses the cranial mediastinal lymph nodes, receiving afferents from the mediastinum, heart, esophagus, trachea, thymus, and bronchial lymphocenter.43,44 The bronchial lymphatic center encompasses the left, right, and central tracheobronchial lymph nodes and any inconsistently found bronchial lymph nodes.43,44 Reportedly, the left tracheobronchial lymph node receives afferents from the cranial and caudal portions of the left cranial lung lobe, the central tracheobronchial lymph node, and any left pulmonary lymph nodes.43,44 The right tracheobronchial lymph node receives afferents from the right cranial, middle, and caudal lung lobes; mediastinum; esophagus; and right pulmonary lymph nodes.43,44 The central tracheobronchial lymph node receives afferents from the right caudal, left caudal, middle, and accessory lung lobes, mediastinum, esophagus, and pulmonary lymph nodes.43,44 The central TBLN has been described as a bilobed lymph node.44 However, the author’s group reported that during retraction and dissection of the central TBLNs in dogs, the central TBLNs narrowed to a very thin tubular isthmus connecting the two lobes at what would be the cranial apex of the lymph node and that the lymph node(s) tended to easily separate at this isthmus during dissection.15 Whether this indicates that these structures are actually two separate, closely affiliated lymph nodes, or truly one bilobed lymph node is unknown. The clinical implication of this observation is that if it is desired to extirpate both lobes, attention must be given to ensure that both lobes are actually removed and not just the ipsilateral lobe. Thoracic radiographs are the most commonly used screening tool for the diagnosis and staging of intrathoracic neoplasia in veterinary patients. However, thoracic lymphadenomegaly was identified radiographically in fewer than 10% of all cases of dogs with primary pulmonary neoplasia.45 It is likely that radiography is not sensitive enough to pick up subtle enlargement in lymph node size.49 In dogs, the presence of radiographic evidence of tracheobronchial lymphadenomegaly was associated with a diagnosis of neoplasia in 84% of cases.46 Advanced cross-sectional imaging modalities such as CT (Figures 39.1 and 39.2) and MRI are increasingly being used in the assessment of locoregional lymph nodes in veterinary patients, and imaging characteristics of lymph nodes in veterinary patients have been described for these modalities.47-50 MRI presents challenges in application within the chest because of cardiorespiratory motion, and techniques of cardiac- or respiratory gating may be required to obtain images of sufficient detail for lymph node evaluation. Compared with radiography, evaluation of regional lymph nodes with CT is clearly much more accurate for preoperative assessment, with a reported sensitivity for correctly assessing TBLN status of 83% and specificity of 100% in a small case series of 14 dogs.45,49 However, with most cross-sectional imaging techniques, size and morphologic characteristics remain insufficient to provide a fully accurate identification. In addition to limitations in distinguishing reactive lymph nodes from malignant lymph nodes, CT and MRI also do not always accurately identify micrometastatic disease. The reported accuracy of CT for evaluating regional mediastinal lymph nodes in humans with pulmonary neoplasia is variable with reported sensitivities ranging from 25% to 95% and specificities ranging from 46% to 100%, impacted by factors such as subjectivity of individual radiologists, small node size, microscopic metastasis, and concurrent inflammation or hyperplasia.49 A combination of CT and PET scans (PET/CT) has shown improved accuracy in preoperative staging.51 In a single canine case report, PET/CT was reported to accurately differentiate between neoplastic and reactive tissue in a dog with a pulmonary tumor,52 but this is not an imaging modality that is available to most veterinarians, and surgical staging is still likely to be very important in providing prognostic information to the client and in directing therapy for this disease. Box 39-1 Instrumentation for Thoracic Lymph Node Dissections Instruments Required Instruments That May Facilitate the Procedure
Minimally Invasive Cancer Staging in the Thorax
Diagnostic Thoracoscopy and Biopsy
Pericardial Effusions
Pleural and Mediastinal Biopsy
Lymphatic Staging
Preoperative Considerations
Surgical Anatomy
Diagnostic Workup and Imaging
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