18 Male Animal Contraception Scott T. Norman* and Tonya M. Collop Male animal contraception is considered desirable in many animal management contexts. Examples include wild and domestic animal population control (Asquith et al., 2006), the control and management of individual animals, and assisting in the management of breeding programmes. As a minimum, effective male contraception should either block sperm production, or interfere with the ability of sperm to reach or to fertilize an oocyte (Hogarth et al., 2011). The primary contraceptive effect may be coupled with requirements to modify secondary sex characteristics and behaviour, as the situation dictates. Essential requirements for methods of male contraception include effectiveness and safety. More specific requirements may include options such as reversibility, and whether or not the technique allows the maintenance of male physiological processes, behaviour and social structure (Spay Neuter Task Force, 2011). When designing a suitable male contraceptive, there is a need to consider the health and safety of the animal, human health and safety, and the specific requirements of animal caretakers. This means that it is unlikely that there will be one universally acceptable method of male contraception and that a number of different options should be available (Bowen, 2008). For many contraceptive techniques, the procedure is coupled either directly or indirectly to a reduction in the concentrations of circulating sex steroids. A reduction in circulating testosterone concentrations has negative effects on libido, male secondary sex characteristics, psychotropic effects, protein anabolism, bone structure and haematopoiesis (Neischlag et al., 2004). These effects may be seen as beneficial in reducing undesirable meat qualities such as boar taint in pork, male territorial behaviour and modification of general behaviour to improve human safety while handling and training. However, in some contexts, such as for athletic animals and the production of lean beef, the reduction in sex steroids associated with some forms of male contraception may be seen as a disadvantage. This chapter will define the need for male contraception and explore current contraceptive options, with emphasis on non-surgical techniques. Male contraception will then be reviewed in a species-specific context. Before embarking on a review of male contraceptive techniques, it is worthwhile defining some of the terminology involved. In this review, the term ‘contraception’ in the male refers to any procedure that prevents spermatozoa achieving successful fertilization of the oocyte. In addition to immunological techniques, and procedures such as transection or occlusion of the ductus deferens, male contraception may involve inactivation of the gonads. Importantly, contraception commonly implies the possibility of reversibility (Munson, 2006). In contrast, castration is defined here as any process rendering a male incapable of reproduction through permanent removal, destruction or inactivation of the gonads. Castration may be achieved by surgical, chemical or possibly immunological means, but to be considered as castration in this discussion, the technique must be irreversible. Permanency is an important aspect of the definition that provides a universal understanding that castration is not a reversible procedure. The application of male contraceptive techniques is justifiable only if there are benefits to one or more of the following: 1. The welfare or management of the treated animal. 2. The welfare or management of an animal population. 3. The welfare or management of another species (including humans) that may be adversely affected by the treated animals. 4. The sustainability of a habitat that might otherwise be adversely affected by the treated animals. 5. Disease control within animal and human populations. With these factors in mind, male contraception is most commonly undertaken to control animal populations, modify undesirable behaviour, modify secondary sex characteristics to assist with animal management and assist with disease control. There are also very specific applications for male contraception, such as teaser animals (i.e. a sterile male used for the purposes of eliciting sexual behaviour in the female) for the preparation of sheep, cattle and horses to assist with the management of breeding programmes. Population control may have different end points depending on the context. In many instances, it specifically refers to efforts to correct or to prevent excessive animal numbers. However, in animal husbandry, population control can relate to the close management of breeding in order to manipulate the timing of progeny production and/or the genetic make-up of the population. Overpopulation can be problematic for both domestic and wild animal species. Domestic pet overpopulation is well recognized, with estimates of between 10 and 20 million unwanted dogs and cats being euthanized every year in the USA (Bowen, 2008), and similar trends noted throughout the world (RSPCA, 2012). Other undesirable consequences of pet overpopulation include the economic cost of animal control programmes to society, the potential for serious injuries being inflicted on other animals or humans, and sanitation problems in cities associated with animal faeces and urine. Depending on geographic location, there are significant overpopulation problems associated with many other animal species, including wild or feral horses, deer, elk, geese, pigs, possums, rabbits and elephants (Barfield et al., 2006). There is also an annual loss of wild or feral animals due to starvation, being killed on roads, or death associated with fighting or hunting. Stray or wild animals on roads can pose a major risk to human safety. In countries where rabies is prevalent, stray dogs are important vectors of the virus, leading to the deaths of tens of thousands of people annually (Knobel et al., 2005). Mating behaviour needs to be considered when assessing the potential for male contraception to assist with wild, or feral, animal population control (Jewgenow et al., 2006). Animal populations in which monogamous breeding occurs, such as the fox, are more amenable to control by male contraceptive techniques. In contrast, contraception may be more effectively applied to the female of polygamous species such as the domestic cat (Jewgenow et al., 2006). Situations may arise in zoological collections where otherwise endangered animals become overpopulated, resulting in the need to restrict or prevent further reproduction (Bowen, 2008). Control of the genetic makeup of a zoological or production animal population, as well as the common managerial requirement to control when offspring are produced, are managed in many species by castration of excess males. This is usually complemented by the provision of suitable infrastructure to keep intact males and females separate until breeding is required. As castration is irreversible, the problem with this approach is that it permanently removes what may be genetically desirable individuals from the gene pool before they have had an opportunity to prove their value. These contexts provide the motivation to develop effective, but reversible, contraception and behaviour modification so that animals may be utilized safely, yet still retain breeding potential should they prove suitable. The sex steroids have profound effects on male behaviour (Senger, 2003), influencing social interactions, libido, aggression and territorial activity. Due to their anabolic, anti-inflammatory and behaviour-modifying effects, there is the possibility that sex steroids may also influence the feeling of wellbeing in animals, which could affect athletic performance in species such as horses and dogs. Therefore, when developing contraceptive techniques in any species, the influence of the technique on the sex steroids and behaviour of the animal needs to be considered in conjunction with the husbandry under which the animal will be maintained. With techniques such as orchidectomy, sex steroid concentrations are permanently reduced and consideration may be given as to whether it is appropriate or legal to supplement animals with exogenous steroids if the retention of male behaviour is required. Secondary sex characteristics are not directly associated with the reproductive system, but distinguish gender. Male characteristics vary widely depending on the species, with manifestations as diverse as: tusks in boars, variations in vocal range, spines on the penis in cats, manes in lions, scent glands, meat taint, the presence and size of horns or antlers, pheromone production, increased muscular development and, in birds, varied plumage. When considering a method of contraception, it is necessary to determine whether or not the maintenance of secondary sex characteristics is desirable in a species. For example, boar taint in pork can adversely affect consumer acceptance, and requires contraceptive methods to reduce sex steroid production. In contrast, the loss of secondary sex characteristics in males of feral animal populations may leave them vulnerable to injury or traumatic death resulting from adverse social interactions with intact individuals, thus highlighting a need for contraception with retained production of sex steroids. The influence of contraception on disease processes is mainly associated with whether or not sex-steroid production is altered. There has been extensive research into the advantages and disadvantages of removing the source of sex steroids in companion animals, with orchidectomy before puberty being a specific area of investigation (Howe et al., 2000, 2001). While further studies are required, there are some emerging patterns that can be used to assist with the decision of whether, and when, to castrate an animal. Despite significant benefits with regard to management and behaviour, studies are ongoing on the long-term effects of contraceptive techniques that reduce the concentrations of sex steroids. Some areas undergoing further assessment are urinary tract function, the timing of epiphyseal closure, and ligament and tendon resilience. These studies also support the need to have contraceptive options available to allow context-specific goals to be achieved. Methods of contraception that reduce circulating concentrations of sex steroids can assist with disease control by preventing sexually transmissible disease, by reducing steroid hormone influence on specific tissues, or by modifying behaviour that may lead to traumatic injury. There are a number of disease conditions that may be positively influenced by reduced concentrations of sex steroids, such as prostatic disease in dogs (Howe, 2006), and a reduced prevalence of injuries associated with territorial behaviour in various mammals (Hart, 1974). In the domestic situation, this is particularly relevant to catfight wounds, but also has relevance in production animal and equine contexts. Examples of sexually transmitted diseases that can be reduced or prevented by contraceptive methods preventing copulation include: transmissible venereal tumour and brucellosis in dogs; campylobacteriosis and trichomoniasis in cattle; and contagious equine metritis and coital exanthema in horses. From the aspect of human health, the control of feral animal populations can lead to a reduction in the prevalence of bite injuries and of many zoonotic diseases, such as rabies, leptospirosis, Q fever, toxoplasmosis and other parasitic infestations (Golden, 2009; Spay Neuter Task Force, 2011). Surgical castration and contraceptive techniques in the male consist of: the destruction or removal of the gonads; occlusion or removal of a portion of the excurrent duct system (most commonly vasectomy, but also epididymectomy); methods of redirecting or restricting the penis to prevent intromission; or amputation of the penis. This section will focus on orchidectomy and vasectomy only. Currently, the most reliable method of sterilization for male animals of most species is to physically disassociate the vascular supply from the testicles. This requires the testicles to either be removed or rendered atrophic, and can be achieved by open or closed techniques. The result is the generally desirable combination of infertility, behaviour modification and, where applicable, improvement in consumer acceptance of meat products. While these techniques are reliable and well tolerated, it should be noted that in a field situation, care should be taken with animals exhibiting conditions such as cryptorchidism or inguinal herniation. As with all surgical procedures, there may be complications associated with restraint, anaesthesia, infection, haemorrhage and cutaneous myiasis. It appears that fewer complications are encountered when the procedure is performed on younger animals, and this is reflected in the policy documents and legislature of many jurisdictions, where it is recommended that a higher level of skill and facilities is required for surgical castration as animals get older. For species in which the surgery is performed in the field, cool, dust-free environments are desirable in order to reduce wound contamination. As a summary, there are four physical methods that are utilized to destroy or remove the testicles. These are: • Orchidectomy via a scrotal or parascrotal incision, which is applicable to males of most species. • Closed constriction of the vascular supply to the testicles utilizing elastic (Elastrator®) rings, as are commonly used in young production animals. • Closed crushing of the vascular supply to the testicles utilizing a Burdizzo® device, as used in cattle. • Closed crushing of the vascular supply utilizing a tension banding technique (Calicrate®), which has been used in older cattle. This technique is not recommended owing to the risk of incomplete compression of the blood supply, leading to possible life-threatening complications (Newman, 2007). Surgical castration is currently perhaps the most common form of contraception used for male animals, regardless of animal species or animal management context. This is true in: the cattle industry (Coetzee et al., 2010); the pig industry, in which, with the exception of a few European countries and Australia, male pigs generally undergo orchidectomy at a very young age (Bonneau and Enright, 1995); dogs and cats, where orchidectomy is the most common method of male contraception (Bowen, 2008); and the horse industry (Reilly and Cimetti, 2005), where there is a requirement for both contraception and the behaviour modification of most males. The main advantage of this technique is that permanent contraception can be guaranteed when performed by an experienced operator. Due to the widespread use of surgical castration techniques within each industry, there are generally adequate numbers of experienced operators to competently perform the procedure in a humane manner. With species variation, orchidectomy is also beneficial in reducing the prevalence of diseases such as prostatic hyperplasia, testicular tumours and sexually transmissible diseases. Surgical castration is labour intensive, can cause morbidity and mortality, is stressful to the animal (Von Waldmann et al., 1994), and there are ethical and animal welfare concerns (Bonneau and Enright, 1995; Coetzee et al., 2010). Importantly, as with all surgical procedures, there are inherent costs and risks associated with restraint, anaesthesia and surgery. In some production contexts, the removal of the source of sex steroids creates economic disadvantages, as intact males are usually more feed efficient and leaner than castrated animals (Bonneau and Enright, 1995; Oonk et al., 1998). Because intact males have betterfeed efficiency, avoiding the loss of sex steroids associated with castration may also significantly reduce the amount of biological pollutants excreted by production animals into the environment. The adverse effects of castration on growth and efficiency can largely be reversed by the administration of anabolic steroids, although this is not an option in many countries, where their use is banned; it also does not solve the ethical and welfare concerns that are associated with surgical castration. So the challenge is to reduce management and meat quality concerns and, at the same time, maintain the advantages of intact animals (Bonneau and Enright, 1995). In control programmes for the feral animal population, orchidectomy may not be practical and the loss of male behaviour associated with removal of the gonads may have an undesirable influence on social dynamics and territorial behaviour (Jewgenow et al., 2006). This may adversely affect the wellbeing of individual animals, as well as interfering with the effectiveness of population control methods that require sterile but sexually active males. In veterinary terminology, the duct leading from the tail of the epididymis to the ampulla or pelvic urethra is described as the deferent duct, or ductus deferens (Senger, 2003). However, in human terminology, it is described as the vas deferens, and remnants of this terminology associated with surgical or manipulative procedures have persisted within the veterinary literature. Thus, surgical vasectomy refers to bilateral removal of a portion of the ductus deferens, rendering the animal sterile by preventing sperm from being ejaculated during copulation (Johnston et al., 2001a). A technique resulting in a similar outcome, but not technically a vasectomy, is ductal occlusion. The procedure for vasectomy in many species is well described (Boundy and Cox, 1996; Johnston et al., 2001a,b). In dogs and cats, vasectomy can be performed through a 1–2 cm incision located in the inguinal region of the dog, or located cranial to the scrotum in cats (Johnston et al., 2001a,b). In sheep, a 4 cm vertical incision is made over the left and right spermatic cords on the cranial surface of the neck of the scrotum (Boundy and Cox, 1996). Following skin and subcutaneous incision, the spermatic cords are identified, separated and exteriorized from the tunic using a combination of blunt and sharp dissection. Traction and manipulation of the testicle can be helpful in identifying the spermatic cord and ductus deferens. Following isolation of the ductus deferens, a segment of the ductus is removed and the proximal and distal severed ends of the ductus are ligated. Success of the procedure can be confirmed by submission of the excised tissue for histological assessment (Johnston et al., 2001a). Vasectomy may also be performed laparoscopically by occlusion of a segment of ductus using bipolar forceps and electrocoagulation (Mahalingam et al., 2009). Studies have reported azoospermia to occur from 2 to 21 days in the dog following bilateral vasectomy (Pineda et al., 1976; Schiff et al., 2003), and within 1 week in rams (Boundy and Cox, 1996). This is relatively quick compared with cats, in which live sperm have been identified for up to 49 days following pre-scrotal vasectomy (Pineda and Dooley, 1984). Variations in the duration from vasectomy to azoospermia is associated with sperm storage capacity and the presence or absence of accessory sex glands such as the seminal vesicles (Schiff et al., 2003), which may produce secretions to support sperm viability for a short duration. Vasectomy is a well-developed method for permanent contraception, which has been applied to pets in order to eliminate reproductive potential while retaining their testicular function. In humans, methods for successful reversal (vasovasostomy) are well documented (Bowen, 2008), and these techniques have been transferred into animal contexts. This provides the possibility of a return to fertility should genetic worthiness be identified subsequent to contraception. There is limited data from animals, but pregnancy rates following vasovasostomy in humans are estimated at 60% if the vasectomy was performed less than 5 years before reversal and 40% if performed more than 5 years from the original surgery (Barfield et al., 2006). In the veterinary context, vasectomy is a relatively quick procedure, but still requires general anaesthesia in companion animals. Vasectomy of dominant males has been suggested as a method of feral cat population control (Howe, 2006), as vasectomized dominant tomcats can prevent submissive, intact toms from inseminating non-spayed females, and can reduce receptivity in queens by inducing periods of pseudopregnancy. In sheep, vasectomy is an ideal contraceptive choice when preparing teaser rams to assist with artificial breeding programmes, as it is a quick procedure and allows the required male behaviour to remain unaltered (Boundy and Cox, 1996). There is also application for vasectomy or ductal occlusion in captive animals, and the successful vasovasostomy of a zoo animal was confirmed when a bush dog at the St Louis Zoo in Missouri sired three healthy pups (Barfield et al., 2006). Despite the effectiveness of vasectomy as a contraceptive technique, most owners of domestic animals desire both contraception and behaviour modification for their pets. The persistence of male sex characteristics and behaviours after vasectomy may permit territorial fighting and androgen-dependent conditions such as prostatic disease to develop (Johnston et al., 2001a). These considerations, coupled with the fact that vasectomy in dogs and cats either costs the same as or, commonly, is more expensive than castration means that it is rarely practised in domestic species (Bowen, 2008). In a wild, or feral animal context there is a significant disadvantage in vasectomy owing to the need to capture, transport, anaesthetize and release animals. Although the testes are immunologically shielded by the blood–testis barrier, any situation such as trauma or physiological stress that may allow the production of anti-sperm antibodies (ASAs) to spermatozoa can lead to undesirable testicular pathology. These conditions can occur as a result of vasectomy. In human studies, a large proportion of vasectomized men have ASAs in their serum and this has been associated with an increased risk of epididymitis, orchitis and varicocele (Skakkebaek et al., 1994). These conditions are not only problematic in their own right, but also reduce any potential for reversibility (Bowen, 2008). In cattle, there are anecdotal reports of placing rubber (Elastrator™) rings around the scrotum, distal to the testicles, to push them firmly up into the inguinal region; thereby producing an iatrogenic, bilateral, ‘high-flanker’ cryptorchid. While there are no published studies reporting the effectiveness of this technique, placing the testicle close to the abdominal wall will ensure a sustained increase in testicular temperature compared with the normal scrotal position. A prolonged increase in temperature should adversely affect spermatogenesis but maintain testosterone production. Risks associated with this technique include wound dehiscence, clostridial infection and variable effectiveness. Non-surgical approaches to physical destruction of the testicles have been based on injection into the testes of a variety of materials that induce tissue destruction, orchitis and fibrosis. Other targets for blocking sperm flow include the epididymides and the ductus deferens. Numerous sclerosing agents have been injected into the tail of the epididymis to induce blockage of the tubules and subsequent azoospermia. Physical devices or chemical compounds have also been used to block the ductus deferens. Basic welfare requirements for any chemical injected into the testes, epididymides, or ductus deferens should be that they are non-mutagenic, non-carcinogenic, non-teratogenic and induce minimal pain. Methods of obstructing the ductus deferens can be divided into two broad categories: extravasal and intravasal techniques. For blocking the epididymides, sclerosing agents have most commonly been utilized. Extravasal methods of obstructing the ductus deferens involve the placement of a device, such as clips or a suture, around the ductus deferens in order to cause occlusion. Extravasal techniques are not commonly used in humans owing to the difficulty in removing clips, which leads to inadequate restoration of fertility, where this is needed (Barfield et al., 2006). However, the requirement for reversibility may not be as relevant in animal species. Yet attempts to avoid surgery by placing clips across the scrotal skin to occlude the ductus deferens have proven ineffective and traumatic (Barfield et al., 2006). Intravasal methods of ductal obstruction include the use of injectable silicone, cylindrical plugs, spherical and polypropylene beads, threads of silicone or suture material. Unfortunately, none of these techniques can sustain effective long-term sperm obstruction without generating fibrosis or perforation. A ductus deferens valve was developed, with the goal of turning sperm flow on or off, but unfortunately reliable occlusion and problems with ductus perforation could not be overcome (Barfield et al., 2006). Percutaneous injection of sclerosing chemicals into the lumen of the ductus using compounds such as ethanol, silver nitrate, acetic acid and formaldehyde has been used as a non-reversible method of ductal occlusion in rats and dogs (Freeman and Coffey, 1973). While generally effective, there is a possibility of retrograde flow of the chemical to the testis, causing testicular atrophy (Barfield et al., 2006). This may or may not be a concern, depending on the context in which it is used and any need for reversibility. Zinc arginine (ZA) is one of the primary sclerosing agents that has been trialled for ductal obstruction of the canine epididymis, with the intra-epididymal injection of 50 mg of ZA (0.5 ml/testis) resulting in azoospermia within 90 days of injection (Fahim et al., 1993). ZA is used because it is considered to be non-mutagenic, non-carcinogenic, and nonteratogenic (Fahim et al., 1993). Contraception by injecting ZA into the epididymis initially seemed quite promising in both dogs and cats (Pineda and Dooley, 1984; Fahim et al., 1993). Unfortunately, when applied more widely in the context of animal shelters, it was associated with a high incidence of serious inflammatory responses, and is not currently considered suitable for contraception in domestic species (Bowen, 2008). Despite this, the ZA formulation has been found to be suitable for intra-testicular administration to induce testicular degeneration, and its use for this purpose will be discussed further in the next section. Testicular degeneration can be chemically induced by a number of methods. These include the direct injection of a chemical into the testicular parenchyma, the administration of a chemical by the oral or parenteral route, and, more recently, the conjugation of cytotoxic agents to gonadotrophins. This section will focus on the induction of testicular degeneration by the intra-testicular administration of chemicals. Intra-testicular injections have been investigated as a method of inducing orchitis, seminiferous tubule degeneration and male contraception since the 1950s (Freund et al., 1953). Injecting an adjuvant, such as Freund’s complete adjuvant (FCA) or Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG), directly into the testis incites a local inflammatory response that enables lymphoid cells to gain access to the testicular tissue, resulting in an autoimmune response. A single intra-testicular injection of FCA, or 10–25 units of BCG, resulted in severe oligospermia or azoospermia without granuloma formation or the development of circulating ASAs (Naz and Talwar, 1981). Other substances, such as glycerol formulations (Wiebe and Barr, 1984; Wiebe et al., 1989) and calcium chloride (Jana and Samanta, 2007) have been trialled as contraceptive agents. However, subsequent studies utilizing glycerol have not supported an ongoing role for their use in contraception (Immegart and Threlfall, 2000). While there have been promising preliminary results from the use of calcium chloride as a contraceptive agent in dogs, there is currently no commercial product registered for such use (Jana and Samanta, 2007). One protocol that has generated significant interest involves the intra-testicular injection of solutions containing zinc gluconate neutralized to a pH of 7 with arginine. This formulation (commonly referred to as zinc arginine, or ZA) is considered to be efficacious and safe based on contraceptive efficacy and minimal adverse reactions, especially when applied to young dogs (Tepsumethanon et al., 2005). The product is quite expensive, but it was marketed for a brief time for canine contraception as Neutersol®. It has been trialled in other species as well, but with equivocal results (Brito et al., 2011), possibly due to the dosing used being based on canine studies. Unfortunately, with canine use, there were also some undesirable inflammatory responses that warranted withdrawal of the product from the US market in 2011. With modifications to the formulation, the product may re-emerge commercially as Esterisol®, Zeuterin® or Testoblock®, and with a claim to have use as a method of permanent contraception in dogs after a single administration. Despite this claim, it must be recognized that severe adverse reactions may still occur in close to 4% of cases, including necrotizing reactions requiring surgical orchidectomy and debridement (Levy et al., 2008). Such reactions can be minimized through careful dose placement and calculation of the dose for each testicle based on width measurements. Ultrasound has been utilized to interfere with sperm production or transport via the combined effect of heat and mechanical vibration (Fahim et al., 1977; Fried et al., 2002; Roberts et al., 2002; Leoci et al., 2009). Targeted structures include testicular parenchyma, the epididymides or the ductus deferentia. For the latter two structures, short-term (20 to 120 s), high-energy (3–19 W) ultrasound can be administered to induce coagulative necrosis, resulting in luminal occlusion within 2 weeks of treatment (Fried et al., 2002; Roberts et al., 2002). However, there is still a need for long-term studies to assess the contraceptive efficacy of this method. With current techniques and technology, there is an unacceptably high occurrence of adverse reactions such as skin burns (Fried et al., 2002), though studies to accurately determine the ideal therapeutic window for both power and duration of application for different species may help overcome this problem. The testicular parenchyma of dogs and toms were treated with a high-intensity, focused ultrasound consisting of 1–2 W/cm2 for 10–15 min administered one to three times at 2–7 day intervals (Fahim et al., 1977; Leoci et al., 2009). Although it is apparent that further work is necessary to clearly define treatment intensity and duration, ultrasound administration was shown to suppress spermatogenesis without affecting testosterone concentrations. The possibilities for immunocontraception in the male include stimulation of either the humoral or cell-mediated actions of the immune system, or a combination of these. The goals are to either stimulate antibody production against molecules (most commonly hormones) important for fertility, or to activate a cell-mediated response involving cytotoxic T-lymphocytes to specifically destroy cells required for fertility (Golden, 2009). There are two main areas in male reproductive physiology that have been investigated as potential targets for immunocontraception. First, there is the hypothalamicpituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis, in which gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) from the hypothalamus and the gonadotroph cells of the anterior pituitary have been the primary targets. Contraceptive vaccines targeting the HPG axis have been investigated and developed for several decades, with much of the research focused on controlling female reproduction. The first commercial vaccine, which targeted GnRH, was available for use in cattle in 1990 (Hoskinson et al., 1990). Hormone receptors and the gonadotrophins themselves have also been assessed as immunological targets. In the case of gonadotrophins, inactivation of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) is of particular interest in males as it will interfere with spermatogenesis, but not with testosterone production (Yang et al., 2011). This approach fulfils a niche in which contraception is achieved without interfering with either secondary sex characteristics or male behaviour. Secondly, immunocontraceptive targets include specific gonadal and extragonadal sites. Gonadal targets include the testicular germ cells and supporting somatic Sertoli and Leydig cells (McLaughlin and Aitken, 2011). Extragonadal sites for vaccine targeting include the epididymis and its luminal content of maturing spermatozoa. An example of this approach is immunization of male monkeys with human recombinant epididymal protease inhibitor (EPPIN) to suppress sperm maturation (Yan Cheng and Mruk, 2010). The development of vaccines against sperm membrane proteins such as glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored sperm-specific protein (PH-20) is also being investigated (Sabeur et al., 2002), though these anti-sperm vaccines may be more suited to deployment within the female population. Gonadal germ cells express unique antigens, some of which develop at the time of sexual maturation, long after the differentiation between self and non-self that occurs early in fetal development (Pöllänen and Cooper, 1994; Golden, 2009). Therefore, gonadal tissues contain non-self-antigens requiring protection from the body’s normal defence mechanisms. The traditional view has been that complete sequestration of testicular autoantigens behind the blood–testis barrier was the only protective mechanism preventing immune responses against them (Pöllänen and Cooper, 1994). Although the inter-Sertoli-cell tight junctions certainly protect the autoantigenic germ cells in the luminal compartment of the seminiferous tubules, there is evidence that there are also autoantigens on the surface of germ cells just about to enter meiosis, but still in the basal compartment of the seminiferous tubules (Yule et al., 1988; Saari et al., 1996). In addition, sperm autoantigens have been identified within the epididymis at concentrations exceeding that within the testis (Pöllänen and Cooper, 1994). It is now apparent that the regulation of immune responses to these antigens involves a system of interactions requiring a balance between activation and attenuation of responses (Golden, 2009) to ensure there are few or no immune responses mounted against most of these cells or tissues. In most cases, there is more than one protective mechanism in place to shield sperm autoantigens (Verajankorva et al., 1999). Hence, the development of an immunocontraceptive targeting gonadal germ cells requires selection of a suitable target antigen within the gonad, production of an effective vaccine and development of a suitable mode of delivery to overcome whichever immunoprotective mechanism may be in place. Importantly, the development of immunity to autoantigens increases the risk of inducing autoimmune reactions. These can present complex challenges to address (Verajankorva et al., 1999). However, perhaps, the greatest obstacle to the extensive use of immunocontraceptive technology is the variability of the duration and intensity of those immune responses that are attained (Bowen, 2008). Due to the difficulty in predicting the efficacy and duration of effect, there are problems in utilizing this form of contraception in light of the definitive contraceptive requirements for the reproductive management of most species. In general, hormonal vaccines targeting the HPG axis provide only short-term contraception from 3 to 12 months duration, but, with the use of suitable adjuvants, and the strategic administration of booster vaccinations, GnRH vaccines may be able to deliver useful fertility control in some species over extended periods (Dowsett et al., 1996; Miller et al., 2004; Walker et al., 2007; Bowen, 2008); this method would then have the potential advantage of reversibility. Deeper understanding of the hypothalamic control of reproduction may lead to improvements in target antigen selection, and in immunization efficiency, duration and predictability of action. The recent advances in knowledge associated with kisspeptins and their receptors (Tena-Sempere, 2006; Scott et al., 2010) provide an example of additional target antigens that may be investigated in the future. Since its initial discovery in 1971, GnRH has been considered to be the main hormone regulating and controlling gonadotrophins in the HPG axis (Schally et al., 1971), and it is only in the last decade that other peptide hormones, such as kisspeptin and gonadotrophin inhibitory hormone, have been identified to also be significant contributors to HPG control. Despite the recent identification and significance of these latter peptides, GnRH still plays a critical role in reproductive control, leading to a body of research into the development of GnRH vaccines as a means of contraception (Hoskinson et al., 1990; Bonneau and Enright, 1995; Dowsett et al., 1996; Levy et al., 2004; Golden, 2009). In mammals, GnRH-producing neurons are generally found scattered within the hypothalamus extending from the median eminence (ME) through to the medial basal hypothalamus (MBH) and to the preoptic area (POA) (Jasoni and Porteous, 2009; Scott et al., 2010). Within this distribution, the GnRH neurons are grouped into nuclei, with species variation in GnRH activity within each nuclei. For example, GnRH neurons in rodents have been identified in the ME, POA and anterior hypothalamic areas (AHA); in horses, they are primarily located in the arcuate nucleus of the MBH (Scott et al., 2010); in primates and sheep, the distribution of GnRH neurons extends from the ME through to the arcuate nucleus (ARC) of the MBH (Herbison, 2006). It is only recently that the specific anatomical location and distribution of GnRH neurons in the canine hypothalamus has been described; the pattern of distribution is heavily concentrated in the MBH, including the ME and extending into the ARC (Buchholz et al., 2012). GnRH is produced in cell bodies of the hypothalamic neurons and is transported by axonal flow to the terminal synapses. These synapses lie adjacent to the vessels of the capillary plexus within the ME (Herbison, 2006). Stimulation of the GnRH neurons causes release of stored peptide from their secretory granules into the extracellular space, followed by diffusion into the capillary blood of the ME. GnRH then travels via the hypophysial portal system to the capillary plexus within the anterior pituitary. Here, a portion of the GnRH leaves the capillaries, and becomes available for binding to the pituitary gonadotrophs, stimulating the release of FSH and LH (luteinizing hormone). It is during transport within the hypophysial portal blood that GnRH can be immunologically targeted. GnRH is a small peptide that is identical in all mammals (Senger, 2003). These two factors (small and identical) result in it producing minimal immunogenicity. However, it can be made more immunogenic by coupling it to a carrier such as keyhole limpet haemocyanin (KLH) (Miller et al., 2004), or ovalbumin (Hoskinson et al., 1990). The coupled GnRH peptide is called a GnRH-conjugate; this is combined with an adjuvant to create a vaccine (Hoskinson et al., 1990). In animals treated with GnRH vaccine, anti-GnRH antibody within the hypophysial portal blood binds to the newly released GnRH from the hypothalamus, thus preventing GnRH from binding to the pituitary gonadotroph cells (Miller et al., 2004). Provided that sufficient specific antibodies are present in the circulating blood entering the ME, virtually all of the GnRH peptide secreted into the hypophysial portal vessels will be bound and neutralized (Donald, 2000). The binding of the antibody to GnRH neutralizes it either by preventing it from diffusing through the capillary walls owing to the size of the GnRH-antibody complex, or by masking the receptor binding site on the GnRH molecule. This neutralization of endogenous GnRH results in profound suppressive effects on the pituitary gonadotroph cells. Further, physiological responses to GnRH and its efficacy are correlated with GnRH antibody titre; animals with high titres are sterile, whereas those with lower titres are not (Levy et al., 2004). In addition to those vaccines against GnRH, others directly targeting pituitary gonadotrophins such as FSH show promise for male contraception (Delves, 2004). The main difference between the action of FSH vaccine and GnRH vaccines is the preservation of androgen-dependent functions and behaviour with the former. Immunocontraception targeting LH has been successful in dogs, with reproductive function being severely impaired for up to 12 months (Lunnen et al., 1974). Although large-scale trials are lacking, the induction of immunity to GnRH represents a promising approach to contraception for males. It can be administered with two injections, and possibly by a single injection; no surgery is required; there are minimal adverse reactions; it has the potential to stop both spermatogenesis and androgenrelated behaviour; and, in theory, it should be reversible. As the efficacy of treatment is closely correlated with antibody concentration, measurement of anti-GnRH antibody concentrations can be used as a means of assessing vaccination history and current function. Immunization with GnRH-conjugate vaccines has been reported to induce periods of sterility or infertility in dogs (Ladd et al., 1994; Jung et al., 2005), cats, rats (Levy et al., 2004), deer (Miller et al., 2004) and boars (Wagner et al., 2006). The vaccines also prevent androgen-driven aggression as effectively as surgical castration for bulls (Price et al., 2003), stallions, elephants (Barfield et al., 2006), piglets and lambs (Levy et al., 2004), though the influence on spermatogenesis has not been adequately studied in these latter species. With the development of suitable delivery methods, GnRH vaccines may be acceptable for the control of pest species (Barfield et al., 2006). Specific uses of the vaccine are outlined in the section on contextspecific applications of male contraception. Despite some successes, GnRH vaccine technology is still developing. For example, the same GnRH vaccine that was effective in dogs had no efficacy in cats (Ladd et al., 1994). More recently, it has been suggested that these anomalies may be overcome by modifications to the injection delivery method so that the antigen is protected from rapid destruction by the animal’s immune system (Miller et al., 2004). Perhaps the biggest disadvantage of GnRH vaccine contraceptive technology is the difficulty in stimulating a prolonged immune response of predictable duration. Coupled with this is the requirement for administering one or two injections for the induction of immunity, with the possible requirement for booster vaccinations. This may be impractical in some animal management contexts. However, GnRH conjugation technology has been progressing since the 1990s; a commercial product has been released in the Australian market (Hoskinson et al., 1990), and further development of a single-injection product is available in the USA (Miller et al., 2004). Within a given species, there is concern that a particular vaccine may be very effective in inducing infertility in some animals, but not effective in others. This variation in efficacy has led to concern that significant application of an immunocontraceptive may result in selection of a population of non-responders with altered or restricted immunogenetic make-up and responses (Cooper and Larsen, 2006). A corollary is that the duration of action of effective contraceptive vaccines is typically quite variable, making animal management less predictable than definitive methods such as surgical castration. Anti-GnRH vaccines combine the inhibition of fertility with the suppression of sex-steroid dependent behaviour but, if there is a need to provide contraception while maintaining sex-hormone production, further work on specific inhibition of the pituitary gonadotrophins is required. Whereas the neutralization of FSH has resulted in severe disruption of spermatogenesis (Delves, 2004), it has been shown in some species that azoospermia will not be achieved as long as LH remains active (Barfield et al., 2006). More recent work targeting FSH function has focused on priming and boosting immunizations using recombinant human FSH receptor (rhFSHR) peptide. This strategy has led to decreased fertility in mice 10 weeks after vaccination (Yang et al., 2011). Even though azoospermia was still not achieved, there may be uses for this technology in the suppression of animal populations. Immunocontraceptive technology targeting sperm membrane proteins is well suited to female contraception by the induction of sperm antibody formation in the female reproductive tract. When administered to females, such an immunocontraceptive can prevent fertilization by blocking sperm–oocyte interaction. In some contexts, there is also potential for its administration to be applicable to males (Sabeur et al., 2002). In general, successful immunocontraception in males targeting sperm-membrane proteins will prevent fertilization of the oocyte and, at the same time, preserve sexual behaviour and secondary sex characteristics.
Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, New South Wales, Australia
General Concepts
Male Contraception – Defining the Need
Population control
Modification of behaviour
Modification of secondary sex characteristics
Influencing disease processes
Contraception Based on Surgical Techniques
Iatrogenic ‘high-flanker’ cryptorchidism
Contraception Based on Non-surgical Castration and Ductal Obstruction
Ductal obstruction
Induced Testicular Degeneration
Chemical methods of inducing testicular degeneration
Physical methods of inducing testicular degeneration
Contraception Based on Immunological Approaches
GnRH and pituitary hormone vaccines
Immunocontraception targeting sperm membrane proteins
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