K 1. chemical symbol, potassium (L. kalium); symbol for kelvin. 2. equilibrium constant.
κ kappa, small letter; tenth letter in the Greek alphabet.
kaalmelkbos Euphorbia mauritanica.
Kaeshi disease Ibaraki disease.
kaffir one of the types of grain sorghum.
kakosmia [kak-oz′me–] cacosmia.
kala-azar [kah′lah-ah-zahr′] see leishmaniasis.
marrowstem k. Brassica oleraceae var. acephala.
kalemia [k–le′me–] the presence of potassium in the blood. See also hyperkalemia.
Kalicephalus a genus of hookworm of the family Diaphanoce- phalidae, found in snakes.
kaliemia [ka″le-e′me–] kalemia.
kaliopenia [ka″-o-pe′ne-d] hypokalemia.
kalium [L.] potassium (symbol K).
kaliuresis [ka″le-u-re′sis] excretion of potassium in the urine.
k. apples Solanum aviculare, S. laciniatum, S. simile, S. symonii, S. vescum, S. capsiciforme.
k. posture see kangaroo posture.
Kansas horse plague see equine viral encephalomyelitis.
Kantrowitz forceps a curved clamp with serrations at the end designed for thoracic surgery.
kappa [kap′] the tenth letter of the Greek alphabet, K or κ.
karaka see Corynocarpus laevigatas.
karakin toxic nitrocompound in Corynocarpus laevigatus.
kary(o)- word element. [Gr.] nucleus.
karyogenesis the formation of a cell nucleus.
karyogram [kar′e-o-gram″] a graphic representation of a karyotype.
karyolymph the fluid portion of the nucleus of a cell, in which the other elements are dispersed.
karyolysis [kar″e-ol′–sis] dissolution of the cell nucleus.
karyomorphism [kar″e-o-mor′fiz-m] the shape of a cell nucleus.
karyon [kar’e-on] the nucleus of a cell.
karyophage [kar’e-o-faj″] a protozoan that phagocytizes the nucleus of the cell it infects.
karyoplasm [kar’e-o-plaz″m] nucleoplasm.
karyopyknosis [kar″e-o-pik-no′sis] shrinkage of a cell nucleus, with condensation of the chromatin.
karyosome any aggregation of chromatin within a cell.
karyotheca [kar″e-o-the’k] the nuclear membrane.
Kashmiri a goat; see Central Asiatic Pashmina.
kata [kah′td] see peste des petits ruminants.
kat(a)- word element. [Gr.] down, against. See also words beginning cat(a)-.
Katayama’s disease [kah-tah-yah′mah] schistosomiasis.
katipo see Latrodectus mactans.
kb kilobase; a thousand bases or nucleotides in a nucleic acid molecule. See also kbp.
kbp kilobase pair; for double-stranded nucleotides, a thousand nucleotide base pairs.
KCS keratoconjunctivitis sicca.
44-kDa phosphoprotein see osteopontin.
kebbing see enzootic abortion of ewes.
ked [ked] see Melophagus ovinus.
keep 1. to feed, e.g. long-keep steer. 2. pasturage.
Keith-Flack node [keth′ flak′] see Keith’s bundle.
KELA test kinetics-based, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.
Kent Marsh [kent] see Romney Marsh.
Kenya Boran cattle an improved Kenyan version of Boran cattle.
Kenya SGPV Kenya sheep and goat poxvirus.
keraphyllocele [ker″-fil′o-sēl] keratoma.
keratalgia [ker″d-tal′j] corneal pain.
keratectasia [ker″d-tek-ta′zh] corneal ectasia; protrusion of a thin, scarred cornea.
keratectomy excision of a portion of the cornea; kerectomy.
keratic [kd-rat′ik] 1. pertaining to keratin. 2. pertaining to the cornea.
k. tag see fibrovascular papilloma.
keratinase [ker′–t–nās] a proteolytic enzyme that hydrolyzes keratin.
keratinization [ker″–tin″–za’shn]the development of or conversion into keratin.
Keratinomyces see Trichophyton.
keratinous [k–rat′–ns] containing or of the nature of keratin.
interstitial k. inflammation of the corneal stroma, causing dense corneal opacification.
k. nigrum see corneal sequestrum.
pigmentary k. see corneal pigmentation and corneal melanosis.
k. sicca see keratoconjunctivitis sicca.
ulcerative k. see corneal ulcer.
kerat(o)- word element. [Gr.] horny tissue, cornea.
keratoacanthoma [ker″–to-ak″an-tho′m] see intracutaneous cornifying epithelioma.
keratocele [ker′–to-sel″] hernial protrusion of Descemet’s membrane.
keratocentesis [ker″d-to-sen-te’sis] aqueocentesis.
keratoconjunctivitis [ker″d-to-kdn-junk″ti-vi′tis] inflammation of the cornea and conjunctiva.
chronic immune-mediated k. syndrome see chronic superficial keratitis.
keratoconus [ker′–to-ko′ns] conical protrusion of the central part of the cornea.
keratoderma [ker″–to-dur′m] hypertrophy of the horny layer of the skin.
keratodermia [ker″-to-dur′me-] keratoderma.
keratogenous [ker′–toj′–ns] giving rise to a growth of horny material.
keratoglobus [ker″–to-glo′bs] an anomaly in which the cornea is enlarged and globular in shape.
keratohelcosis [ker″–to-hl-ko’sis] ulceration of the cornea.
keratohemia [ker″–to-he′me-] deposition of blood in the cornea.
keratoid [ker′–toid] resembling horn or corneal tissue.
keratoiridoscope [ker″–to––rid′–skōp] a compound microscope for examining the eye.
keratoleukoma [ker″–to-bo-ko′m] a white opacity of the cornea.
keratolysis [ker″–toid-sis] loosening or separation of the horny layer of the epidermis.
keratoma [ker″–to′m] keratosis.
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