I chemical symbol, iodine (L. iodum).
I band the lighter colored cross-striation of muscle fibers; composed of filaments of actin.
I-cell disease see mucolipidosis II.
-ia word element, state; condition.
-iasis word element. [Gr.] condition, state.
iatr(o)- word element. [Gr.] medicine, physician.
IACuC Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.
Ibaraki disease see Ibaraki virus.
IBD 1. infectious bursal disease of chickens. 2. inflammatory bowel disease.
IBK see infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis.
ibotenic acid [i″bo-ten″ik] the insecticidal agent in the mushroom Amanita muscaria.
IBR see infectious bovine rhinotracheitis.
IBR/IPV see infectious bovine rhinotracheitis/infectious pustular vulvovaginitis.
i.c. medical record abbreviation for intracardiac.
-ic suffix meaning pertaining to.
-ical suffix meaning pertaining to.
ICAMs intercellular adhesion molecules.
ice plant [īs] see Mesembryanthemum.
Icelandic cattle usually polled, mostly red or red and white dairy cattle.
Icelandic pneumonia see maedi.
ICH infectious canine hepatitis.
Ich [ik] see Ichthyophthirius multifiliis and Cryptocaryon irritans.
ichor a watery discharge from wounds or sores.
ichorrhea copious discharge of ichor.
Ictadenovirus a genus in the family Adenoviridae that contains a virus isolated from sturgeon.
ichthyoid [ik′the-oid] fishlike.
ichthyology [ik″the-ol′-je] the study of fishes.
ichthyophagous [ik′the-of-gs] eating or subsisting on fish.
ichthyophoniasis see Ichthyophonus.
Ichthyophthirius [ik″the-o-thi′re-s] a genus of protozoan parasites in the phylum Ciliophora.
ichthyosarcotoxin [ik″the-o-sahr′ko-tok″sin] a toxin found in the flesh of poisonous fish.
Ichthyospofidium obligate, intracellular protozoan parasites in the class Microsporea.
ichthyotoxin [ik′the-o-tok″sin] any toxic substance derived from fish. See also ichthyosarcotoxin.
ichthyotoxism [ik″the-o-tok′siz- m] any intoxication due to an ichthyotoxin.
ICSH interstitial cell-stimulating hormone. See luteinizing hormone.
ictal [ik′t l] pertaining to or characterized by a seizure.
icteric [ik-ter′ik] pertaining to or affected with jaundice.
icterogenic [ik″t r-o-jen′ik] causing jaundice, e.g. icterogenic hepato- pathy.
icterohepatitis [ik″tr-o-hep″-ti′tis] inflammation of the liver with marked jaundice.
icteroid [ik′t r-oid] resembling jaundice.
icterus [ik′tr-s] see jaundice.
ictus [ik′ts] a seizure, stroke, blow, or sudden attack.
ID 1. infective dose. 2. L-iditol dehydrogenase.
ID50 median infective dose; the dose that will infect 50% of the experimental group.
-id [Gr.] a suffix meaning having the shape of, or resembling.
idazoxan an α2-adrenoceptor antagonist used to reverse xylazine.
IDDM insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.
-ide suffix indicating a binary compound.
identical twins see monozygotic twins.
identity [i-den′t-te] the aggregate of characteristics by which an individual is recognized.
idio- word element. [Gr.] self, peculiar to a substance or organism.
juvenile amaurotic familial i. see amaurotic familial idiocy.
Idiogenes a genus of tapeworms of bustards belonging to the family Paruterinidae.
idiogram [id′e-o-gram″] a drawing or photograph of the chromosomes of a particular cell.
idiopathic [id″e-o-path′ik] self-originated; occurring without known cause.
idiopathy [id″e-op′-the] an undiagnosed morbid state arising without known cause.
idiot fruit see Idiospermum australiense.
idiotope [id′-o-tōp″] an antigenic determinant on the variable region of an antibody.
idiotrophic [id″e-o-tro′fik] capable of selecting its own nourishment.
idioventricular pertaining to the cardiac ventricle alone.
L-iditol dehydrogenase see L-iditol dehydrogenase.
idopsin a visual pigment in the cone membranous lamellae of the eye.
IDR insect development inhibitor; idiosyncratic drug reaction.
iduronidase deficiency [i″du-ron′-dās] see mucopolysaccharidosis I.
IDV intermittent demand ventilation.
IEWG International Elbow Working Group.
IFA test indirect fluorescent antibody test.
IFLUTD idiopathic feline lower urinary tract disease
iforrestine heterocyclic nephrotoxin in Isotropis spp.
Ig immunoglobulin of any of the five classes: IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG and IgM.
IgA immunoglobulin A. See immunoglobulin.
IgD immunoglobulin D. See immunoglobulin.
IgE immunoglobulin E. See immunoglobulin.
IGF-I insulin-like growth factor I. See somatomedin C.
IgG immunoglobulin G. See immunoglobulin.
IgM immunoglobulin M. See immunoglobulin.
ignipuncture [ig′n-punk″chr] therapeutic puncture with hot needles.
Ignis sacer [ig′nis] see rye ergot1.
IgY immunoglobulin Y, the avian equivalent of IgG; found in chicken yolk.
IHA isoimmune hemolytic anemia. See alloimmune hemolytic anemia of the newborn.
IHA indirect hemagglutination.
ileac [il′e-ak] 1. of the nature of ileus. 2. pertaining to the ileum.
transmissible i. hypertrophy see wet tail.
granulomatous i. see granulomatous enteritis.
proliferative i. 1. see porcine proliferative enteropathy. 2. see wet tail of hamsters.
regional i. see terminal ileitis (below).
ile(o)- word element. [L.] ileum.
ileocecal [il″e-o-se′kl] pertaining to the ileum and cecum.
ileocecocolic, ileocaecocolic pertaining to the combined ileum, cecum and colon.
ileocecostomy [il″e-o-se-kos′t-me] surgical anastomosis of the ileum to the cecum.
ileocolitis [il″e-o-ko-li′tis] inflammation of the ileum and colon.
ileocolostomy [il″e-o-k-los′t-me] surgical anastomosis of the ileum to the colon.
ileocolotomy [il″e-o-ko-lot′-me] incision of the ileum and colon.
ileoileostomy [il″e-o-il″e-os′t-me] surgical anastomosis between two parts of the ileum.
ileorectal [il″e-o-rek′tl] pertaining to or communicating with the ileum and rectum.
ileorrhaphy [il″e-or′-fe] suture of the ileum.
ileoscope inspection of the lumen of the ileum, usually with a flexible endoscope.
ileoscopy inspection of the lumen of the ileum with an endoscope.
ileotomy [il″e-ot′-me] incision of the ileum.
duplex i. congenital duplication of the ileum.
i.-umbilicus fistula a persistent and patent Meckel′s diver- ticulum.
functional i. paralytic ileus.
mechanical i. obstructive ileus.
obstructive i. a physical lesion accounts for the intestinal distention.
spastic i. persistent contraction of a segment of ileum, effectively causing an obstruction.
iliac [il′e-ak] pertaining to the ilium.
iliadelphus [il″e--del′fs] iliopagus.
ili(o)- word element. [L.] ilium.
iliofemoral [il″e-o-fem′or-l] pertaining to the ilium and femur.
ilioinguinal [il″e-o-in′gw-nl] pertaining to the iliac and inguinal regions.
iliolumbar [il″e-o-lum′br] pertaining to the iliac and lumbar regions.
iliopagus [il″e-op′-gs] symmetrical conjoined twins united in the iliac region.
iliopectineal [il″e-o-pek-tin′e-al] pertaining to the ilium and pubes.
iliotrochanteric [il″e-o-tro-kan-ter′ik] pertaining to the ilium and femoral trochanters.
ilium [il′e-dm] pl. ilia [L.] the cranial portion of the hip bone. See also Table 10.
illacrimation [hlak″rima′shn] see epiphora.
illumination [-loo″m-na′shn] the lighting up of a part, cavity, organ or object for inspection.
ILT infectious laryngotracheitis.
im- a prefix, replacing in- before words beginning b, m and p.
i. amplifier system includes amplifer and viewer or television camera and tape player.
i. display modes see ultrasonography, A-mode, B-mode and M- mode.
digital i. a computer graphic file made up of a matrix of picture elements (pixels).
gray-scale i. see gray scale ultrasonography.
imago [i-ma′go] pl. imagoes, imagines [L.] the adult or definitive form of an insect.
vasomotor i. autonomic imbalance.
imbecile an animal in a continuous state of imbecility.
imbibition [im″b-bish′n] absorption of a liquid.
imbricated [im′br-kāt″d] overlapping like shingles or roof slates or tiles.
IMHA immune mediated hemolytic anemia.
imidazothiazoles a group of broad-spectrum anthelmintics including butamisole and levamisole.
imide [im′id] any compound containing the bivalent group -CONHCO-.
immature [m″-ch r′] unripe or not fully developed.
i. syndrome vagal reflex, induced by contact with very cold water, causes cardiac arrest and death.
immiscible [-mis′hbl] not susceptible to being mixed.
immobilization [-mo″bil--za′shn] the rendering of a part incapable of being moved.
immobilize [-mo′bil-īz] to render incapable of being moved, as by a cast.
immobilizing drugs see muscle relaxant.
i. competent an individual with a fully functional immune system.
i. complex see antibody-antigen complex.
i. complex reaction type III hypersensitivity (1).
i. hemolysis see immune-mediated hemolytic anemia.
i. modulator see immunomodulation.
i. reaction fever aseptic fever occurring in anaphylaxis, angioedema.
i. response (Ir) genes see immune response genes.
secondary i. response see anamnestic response.
i. tolerance see immunological tolerance.
immune-mediated caused by an unspecified immune reaction.
i.-m. contact hypersensitivity see allergic contact dermatitis.
functional i. see immunity (above).
I-2: General dynamics and characteristics of the primary and secondary antibody responses.
From Cunningham JG, Klein BG. Textbook of Veterinary Physiology, 4th Edition. Saunders, 2007.
natural i. see innate immunity (above).
protective i. see immunity (above).
transplacental i. see passive immunity (above).
immunize [im′u-nīz] to render immune.
immunoadjuvant [im″u-no-aj′-vnt] see adjuvant.
i. agents include BCG, mixed bacterial vaccine (MBV), and Cory- nebacterium parvum.
immunoblast [im″u-no-blast′] lymphoblast. See also B immunoblasts.
immunoblot [im′u-no-blot″] see Western blot.
immunochemotherapy [im″u-no-ke″mo-ther′-pe] a combination of immunotherapy and chemotherapy.
immunocomplex [im″u-no-kom′plks] immune complex.
immunocytochemical staining [im″u-no-si″to kem′-kl] see immuno- histochemical.
immunocytochemistry [im″u-no-si″to-kem′is-tre] see immunohisto- chemical.
acquired i. see immune deficiency disease.
combined i. see combined immune deficiency syndrome (disease).
congenital i. see immune deficiency disease.
i. disease see immune deficiency disease, combined immune deficiency syndrome (disease).
iatrogenic i. see secondary immune deficiency disease.
severe combined i. see combined immune deficiency syndrome (disease).
immunodiagnostic [im″u-no- di″g-nos′tik] pertaining to diagnosis by immune reactions.
i. testing see fluorescence microscopy.
immunofluorescent see immunofluorescence.
i. antibody test see fluorescence microscopy.
i. microscopy see fluorescence microscopy.
immunogen [im′u-no-jn] substance that elicits an immune response.
immunogenic [im″u-no-jen′ik] producing immunity; evoking an immune response.
I-3: Structure of an immunoglobulin molecule.
From Tizard IR, Veterinary Immunology. An Introduction, 6th Edition. Saunders, 2001.