CHAPTER 23 Headshaking Syndrome
The term headshaking describes both a syndrome that includes many other behaviors and a specific behavior within this collection. Not all horses that are reported by their owners to shake their head or to be headshakers necessarily have a medical problem involving the head, and it must first be established that the behavior observed in a given horse is not an expression of normal behavior. Shaking the head is a natural behavior in horses and is typically seen as a manifestation of facial irritation, such as from flies, or an expression of frustration, as might arise when the horse is being held back at a race or separated from other horses or food. Head nodding describes a repetitive up-and-down movement of the head and commonly occurs in two contexts. First, in the housed horse, head nodding is often seen in response to locomotor frustration, as in a horse restrained by a barrier, such as the stable door, which prevents access to things the horse wants, including other horses. Like weaving, head nodding is reduced by increased social contact (see Chapter 24, Management of Stereotypic Behavior [Stable Vices]). Second, in exercised horses, head nodding arises with lameness and is often most evident at the trot.
Owners typically present horses with a headshaking problem in spring, summer, or fall with recurrent, intermittent, sudden, and apparently involuntary bouts of head tossing that may be so extreme as to throw the horse and rider off balance. For this reason, headshakers can be dangerous to ride, and owners commonly report an inability to train or compete effectively on them. With such horses, sneezing or snorting, nasal discharge, and attempts to rub the nose on the ground, a forelimb, or other nearby objects frequently accompany the headshaking. Other common behaviors include clamping the nostrils as if to close them, wriggling or flipping the top lip, and engaging in protective behaviors to avoid contact between human handlers and the head (Table 23-1). Horses in the stages of a headshaking attack may be best described as acting as though an insect has flown up their nostril. Video footage of the behavior should be considered an essential prerequisite to assessment and is relatively simple to obtain.
Table 23-1 Reported Causes of Headshaking
Diseases of the nasal cavity | Allergic or vasomotor rhinitis |
Sinusitis | |
Nasal sinus tumors | |
Trombicula autumnalis (harvest mite) infestation | |
Diseases of the ear | Psoroptes spp. mites in the ear canal |
Otitis media or interna | |
Diseases of the eye | Melanotic iris cysts |
Diseases of the nervous system | Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis |
Cervical spinal injury or other cause of cervical instability (e.g., subclinical wobbler syndrome) | |
Trigeminal neuralgia (many causes) | |
Glossopharyngeal neuralgia | |
Diseases of the skeletal system | Maxillary osteoma |
Temporohyoid osteoarthropathy, with or without associated cranial nerve damage | |
Premaxillary bone cyst | |
Periapical dental abscess | |
Diseases of the soft tissues of the head | Parotid gland melanomas |
Guttural pouch mycosis | |
Irritation from poorly fitting tack |
Readers are referred to Mills DS, Taylor KD, Cooper JJ: Weaving, headshaking, cribbing, and other stereotypies. In Proceedings. Annual Convention of the American Association of Equine Practitioners 51:221-230, 2005. Available on-line at a more extensive list of putative causes.
Approximately 60% of headshakers appear to be affected only during the spring and summer months; the remaining horses are typically affected year round, either intermittently or persistently. In the latter group of horses, the condition may initially have been seasonal and the severity of headshaking may continue to worsen during the warmer months. Given the seasonal pattern of onset, many associations have been made, by owners and in the literature, between the season and the condition with little solid supporting evidence. The condition’s seasonality has been explained by the effects of increased exercise, heat, bright sunlight, and changes in air quality (such as the presence of irritants and allergens). In the United States, none of these trigger factors has been reported to reliably elicit the problem except exercise and exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light. In the United Kingdom, even ultraviolet light does not appear to consistently induce headshaking in horses known to have the condition. Increased workload during the spring and summer seems an unlikely explanation for the seasonality of the problem, and it is more likely that headshaking is more common in those months because of an accumulation of risk factors rather than because of any single factor.
The intermittent and apparently involuntary nature of headshaking, together with the presence of other behaviors (see Table 23-1), suggests that headshaking is frequently a response to nasofacial irritation or pain, but it is important to appreciate that there is no single cause of headshaking and owners must be prepared for a potentially lengthy diagnostic process that ultimately reveals little. Case reports in the veterinary literature suggest that a number of disease syndromes can be associated with headshaking.

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