G symbol for giga; gingival; glucose; gonidial; guanine.
γ gamma, small letter; third letter in the Greek alphabet.
G banding the technique of demonstrating g bands.
G-CSF granulocyte-colony stimulating factor.
G1 phase, G1 period see cell cycle.
G2 phase, G2 period see cell cycle.
G6PD glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.
gadolinium (Gd) [gad″o-lin′e-m] a chemical element, atomic number 64, atomic weight 157.25. See Table 4.
Gaertner’s canal see Gartner’s ducts.
mouth g. (1) see Drinkwater mouth gag, Haussman gag, spring gag (below), Varnell gag, probang.
gagging [gag′ing] the swallowing–vomiting activity of the gag reflex.
gaggle collective noun for a group of geese.
Gaigeria [ga-je′re-] a genus of hookworms in the family Ancylostomatidae.
gain [gān] increase in body weight. See also growth rate, gain ratio.
feed cost of g. total feed cost divided by total pounds of gain.
asymmetric g. refers to right-left symmetry of leg movements; in the horse, canter and gallop.
ataxic g. an unsteady, uncoordinated walk, employing a wide base.
base-wide g. feet are wider apart than normal, suggesting instability. Seen with cerebellar ataxia.
diagonal g. one in which a forelimb is moved in unison with its opposite hindlimb, e.g. trot.
G-1: Spring gag.
From Sonsthagen TF, Veterinary Instruments and Equipment: A Pocket Guide. 2nd Edition. Mosby, 2011.
spastic g. a walk in which the legs move in a stiff manner, the toes seeming to drag and catch.
gaited [gāt’d] see five-gaited.
GAL virus Gallus adeno-like virus; the Aviadenovirus genus.
galactans [g-lak’tns] an ingredient of the toxins of some Mycoplasma spp.
galactemia [gal″ak-te′me-] the presence of milk in the blood.
galactic [g-lak′tik] 1. pertaining to milk. 2. galactagogue.
galactischia [gal″ak-tis′ke-] suppression of milk secretion.
galact(o)- word element. [Gr.] milk.
galactoblast [g-lak′to-blast] a colostrum corpuscle in the acini of the mammary gland.
galactocerebrosidosis see globoid cell leukodystrophy.
g. deficiency see galactosemia.
galactolipid, galactolipin [g-lak″to-lip′id, g-lak″to-lip′in] see galactocerebroside.
galactoma [g-lak″to’m] galactocele (1).
galactophore [g-lak′to-for] 1. galactophorous. 2. a milk duct.
galactophoritis [g-lak″to-for-i′tis] inflammation of the milk ducts.
galactophorous [gal″ak-tof′o-rs] conveying milk.
galactophygous [gal″ak-tof’-gs] arresting the flow of milk.
galactoplania secretion of milk in some abnormal part.
galactopoiesis [g-lak″to-poi-e′sis] the production of milk by the mammary glands.
galactosamine [gal″ak-to’s-mēn] an amino derivative of galactose.
galactoside [g-lak′to-sīd] a glycoside containing galactose.
galactosis [gal″ak-to′sis] the formation of milk by the lacteal glands.
galactosuria [g-lak″to-su′re-] the presence of galactose in the urine.
galactosylceramidase [g-lak′to-sl“s-ram’-dās] see galactocerebrosidase.
galactosylceramide [g-lak′to-sl″ser’-mīd] see galactocerebroside.
galactosyl transferase [g-lak′to-sl″trans’fr-ās] an enzyme which contributes to glycolization.
galactotherapy [g-lak′to-ther’-pe] treatment of sucking neonates by medication given to the dam.
galacturia [g-lak″to-u′re-] chyluria; the discharge of urine with a milky appearance.
Galba the host snail genus for the intermediate stages of Fasciola hepatica in North America.
galea [ga′le-] pl. galeae [L.] a helmet-shaped structure.
g. capitis the cap over the head of the spermatozoon. Called also acrosomal vesicle.
g. glandis the diminutive caplike glans of the ruminant penis.
galena a mineral containing lead.
galeta grass Hilaria jamesii, commonly infested with Claviceps cinerea, which causes poisoning.
Galiceno small, solid-colored (any color) pleasure horse of Mexican origin.
Galician Blond cattle Spanish cream to red-brown meat cattle.
Galician sheep prolific Spanish meat and medium-wool sheep, mostly polled.
g. edema a gross lesion in many cases of infectious canine hepatitis.
g. inflammation cholecystitis.
porcelain g. intramural mineralization of the gallbladder.
g. radiography see cholecystography.
Gallibacterium genus of gram-negative bacteria associated with disease in birds.
G. trehalosiformentans bacterial species isolated from a case of septicemia in a budgerigar.
gallinaceous, galliform belonging to the genus Gallus, hence domestic and wild fowl.
gallium (Ga) [gal′e-m] a chemical element, atomic number 31, atomic weight 69.72. See Table 4.
g. nitrate used in the treatment of hypercalcemia.
diastolic g. see gallop rhythm.
gallotannic acid [gal″o-tan′ik] tannic acid.
gallstone [gawl′stōn] a stonelike mass that forms in the gallbladder. See cholelithiasis.
G. domesticus see Gallus gallus (below).
GALT gut-associated lymphoid tissue.
Galtonia clavata see Pseudogaltonia clavata.
Galumna oribatid mites which act as intermediate hosts for Moniezia spp. (tapeworms).
galvanic current [gal-van′ik] a steady direct electric current.
galvanometer [gal“v-nom’-tr] an instrument for measuring current by electromagnetic action.
galvanopalpation [gal“v-no-pal-pa′shn] testing of nerves of the skin by means of galvanic current.
Galway sheep polled, Irish meat and longwool sheep.
Gambian sleeping sickness [gam′be-n] see Trypanosoma gambiense.
g. fish fish hunted for sport.
g. meat meat from slaughtered game animals.
g. ranch see game farm (above).
gamefowl [gām′foul] see game cock.
gametocyte [g-me′to-sīt] an oocyte or spermatocyte; a cell that produces gametes.
gametogenesis [g-me″to-jen’-sis] the development of the male and female sex cells (gametes).
g. benzene hexachloride see chlorinated hydrocarbons.
g. delta T lymphocyte see T lymphocyte.
gamma camera see scintillation camera.
gammaglobulinopathy [gam″-glob“u-lin-op’-the] see gammopathy.
Gammarus water crustaceans; intermediate hosts for Tetrameres spp. nematodes.
gamogenesis [gam″o-jen’-sis] sexual reproduction.
ganado bravo [Span.] see fighting bull.
ganglial [gang′gle-l] pertaining to a ganglion.
gangliated [gang′gle-āt″d] provided with ganglia; ganglionated.
gangliectomy [gang″gle-ek’t-me] excision of a ganglion; ganglionectomy.
gangliform [gang′gl-form] having the form of a ganglion.
gangliitis [gang″gle-i′tis] see ganglionitis.
gangli(o)- word element. [Gr.] ganglion.
ganglioblast [gang′gle-o-blast″] an embryonic cell of the cerebrospinal ganglia.
gangliocyte [gang′gle-o-sīt″] a ganglion cell.
gangliocytoma [gang″gle-o-si-to’m] see ganglioneuroma.
ganglioform [gang′gle-o-form″] gangliform.
ganglioglioma [gang″gle-o-gli-o’m] a glioma rich in mature neurons or ganglion cells.
ganglioglioneuroma [gang″gle-o-gli″o-n -ro’m] see ganglioneuroma.
ganglioma [gang″gle-o’m] see ganglioneuroma.
aorticorenal g. small sympathetic ganglia supplying nerve fibers to the kidneys.
Arnold’s g. see otic ganglion (below).
cardiac g. ganglia of the superficial cardiac plexus found close to the aortic arch.
cerebrospinal g. those associated with the cranial and spinal nerves.
dorsal root g. spinal ganglion.
false g. an enlargement on a nerve that does not have a true ganglionic structure.
gasserian g. trigeminal ganglion.
geniculate g. the sensory ganglion of the facial nerve, on the geniculum of the facial nerve.
lumbar g. the ganglia on the lumbar part of the sympathetic trunk.
petrous g. the distal ganglion of the glossopharyngeal nerve.
sacral g. those of the sacral part of the sympathetic trunk.
semilunar g. trigeminal ganglion.
simple g. a cystic tumor in a tendon sheath.
sphenopalatine g. pterygopalatine ganglion.
spinal g. ganglia on the dorsal root of each spinal nerve.
stellate g. cervicothoracic ganglion.
thoracic g. the ganglia on the thoracic portion of the sympathetic trunk.
tympanic g. an enlargement on the tympanic branch of the glossopharyngeal nerve.
Wrisberg’s g. cardiac ganglia.
ganglion blocking [gang′gle-on] blocking of transmission through the autonomic ganglia.
ganglionated [gang′gle--nāt″d] provided with ganglia; gangliated.
ganglionectomy [gang″gle--nek’t-me] excision of a ganglion; gangliectomy.
ganglioneuritis [gang″gle-o-n -ri′tis] see ganglionitis.
ganglionic [gang″gle-on′ik] pertaining to a ganglion.
g. blockade inhibition by drugs of nerve impulse transmission at autonomic ganglionic synapses.
g. blocking agent see ganglion blocking.
ganglionitis [gang″gle--ni′tis] inflammation of a ganglion; gangliitis.
myoenteric g. causes chronic intestinal pseudoobstruction in horses.
gangrenous [gang’r-ns] pertaining to, marked by, or of the nature of gangrene.
g. coryza see malignant catarrhal fever.
g. dermatitis see gangrenous cellulitis (above).
ganskweek see Lasiospermum bipinnatum.
gantho metho Senecio raphanifolius.
gantho metho ajang Senecio biligulatus.
gapes [gāps] see Syngamus trachea.
gapeworm [gāp’wrm] see Syngamus trachea.
garbancillo Astragalus wootoni.
garbanzo [gahr-bahn′zo] see chickpea.
gargaloo Parsonsia eucalyptophylla.
garget [gahr’gt] 1. mastitis. 2. Phytolacca americana.
gargoylism [gahr′goil-iz-m] mucopolysaccharidosis I; Hurler’s syndrome.
garland flower [gahr’lnd] see Daphne.
garlic [gahr′lik] Allium sativum.
three-cornered g. Allium triquetrum.
wild g. Allium ursinum, A. vineale.
cystic G. d. cystlike structures in the floor of the vagina.
blood g. see blood gas analysis.
g. edema disease see blue wing disease.
gasoline poisoning see oil products.
gasping disease [gas′ping] see avian infectious bronchitis.
gasserian ganglion [g-se′re-n] see trigeminal ganglion.
gaster [gas’tr] [Gr.] see stomach.
gasterophiliasis gasterophilosis.
G. equi see G. intestinalis (below).
G. nigricornis an uncommon horse bot fly.
G. veterinus see G. nasalis (above).
gastradenitis inflammation of the gastric glands.
gastralgia [gas-tral’j] pain in the stomach; gastric colic.
gastrectasis distention of the stomach.
gastric [gas′trik] pertaining to, affecting, or originating in the stomach.
g. acid see gastric juice (below).
g. dilatation see gastric dilatation colic.
g. dilatation–displacement see gastric dilatation–volvulus (below).
g. distention in pigs commonly results in vomiting.
g. fluid see gastric juice (below).
g. habronemiasis see habronemiasis.
g. hormones see gastrointestinal hormones.
g. impaction in horses fed a diet of coarse indigestible roughage; a cause of subacute colic.
g. mucosa secretes pepsin (as pepsinogen), hydrochloric acid.
g. outlet obstruction see pyloric obstruction, pyloric outflow failure, gastric retention syndrome.
g. waves peristaltic waves, the pacemakers for antral peristalsis.
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