FORTY-ONE: Paresis or Paralysis

Clinical Vignette

Sadie, a 2-year-old female black Labrador retriever, is presented for a very acute onset of dragging the right rear limb. Sadie was normal at 10 AM, and when the owner returned home at 5 PM they noticed Sadie dragging her right rear leg. Your neurologic examination reveals a monoparesis (too weak to support weight with right pelvic limb), hyperreflexia of the patellar reflex, good withdrawal reflex, knuckles over on the dorsum of her right rear foot, and a poor cutaneous trunci reflex (CTR) at the level of T13 on the right side of the spine (back) but is normal just anterior to this level. Also, a normal CTR is elicited caudal to L2 on the right side as well as a normal response when any level of the spine on the left side is stimulated. Where is the lesion located in Sadie? Which disease category does this history support? What questions would you ask the owner and then how would you proceed with your diagnostic approach?

Problem Definitions and Recognition

Paralysis is the loss of voluntary motor function due to dysfunction of neural or muscular systems. The term “paralysis” does not include sensory dysfunction or response to a noxious stimulus. Paresis results from the same mechanisms as paralysis but the lesion(s) are less severe. It is commonly referred to as weakness and may be severe enough to result in nonambulation (animal cannot support weight and walk) or the patient may still be able to walk but with varying degrees of loss of strength. Terms used to define the location/degree of paresis or paralysis are monoparesis/plegia (one limb that is weak or paralyzed), para-paresis/plegia (both pelvic limbs are weak or paralyzed), tetraparesis/plegia (all four limbs are weak or paralyzed), hemiparesis/plegia (the two limbs of the same side are weak or paralyzed), and paresis/paralysis of specific cranial nerves (e.g., facial paresis/plegia and mandibular paralysis).


The final common pathway for all motor function is the lower motor neuron (LMN), which ultimately consists of an efferent nerve and the neuromuscular junction that connect the central nervous system to a muscle. All voluntary motor activity is expressed through LMNs, which begin in the ventral and intermediate columns of the gray matter of the spinal cord and/or in the cranial nerve nuclei located in the brain stem. Axons of the LMN neurons in the ventral horns or cranial nerve nuclei then form a peripheral nerve or cranial nerve, respectively. The LMN unit therefore includes (1) the nerve cell body in the ventral gray column/horn or cranial nerve nuclei, (2) the ventral root or cranial nerve axon, (3) the peripheral nerve or cranial nerve, (4) muscle fibers, and finally (5) the neuromuscular junction/motor endplate. If damage occurs to any of these five regions, then LMN signs may manifest (see below).

Dysfunction of the LMN prevents activation of the muscle (paresis/plegia), abolishes or diminishes reflexes (areflexia/hyporeflexia), decreases or eliminates the normal tone in the muscle (hypotonia/flaccidity), and within a short time frame (7–10 days), results in severe muscle atrophy.

The nervous system is arranged in a segmented fashion. Each spinal cord segment is demarcated by a pair of spinal nerves; one for the left and one for the right side. The brain is less orderly in its segmentation, but anatomic and functional regions can be identified. Paresis of a muscle or group of muscles, if due to LMN damage (UMN damage can result in weakness too, see below), can usually be traced to a specific peripheral nerve, spinal nerve, spinal cord segment(s), or a cranial nerve nuclei or nerve. Lesions of peripheral nerves cause severe LMN signs in the muscles which they innervate. Peripheral nerves most commonly originate from several spinal cord segments; therefore, spinal nerve or cord lesions may affect portions of a muscle or an entire muscle group. Brain stem lesions are more likely to affect an entire nucleus and therefore the signs seen are usually that of a complete lesion.

Voluntary movement of muscles also requires control from the brain. The LMN is under the control of motor pathways originating from the cerebral cortex and brain stem. Nuclei in the brain stem form tracts referred to as long tracts or upper motor neuron (UMN) tracts. The more important UMN tracts in the dog and cat, which serve to initiate voluntary motor function, include the vestibulospinal, rubrospinal, and reticulospinal tracts (de Lahunta and Glass, 2009). The UMN system therefore serves to initiate voluntary movement, maintain muscle tone to support the body against gravity, maintain proper body and trunk posture, and lastly, to control muscular activity associated with the visceral functions, such as respiratory, cardiovascular, and excretory (de Lahunta and Glass, 2009). The locomotor systems important for initiation and maintenance of gait are located in the brain stem. This is why dogs and cats are referred to as “brain stem walkers.” The cortical influence (e.g., the corticospinal tract) is much less important in the dog and cat than it is in primates for initiation of voluntary muscle activity and movement. The brain stem locomotor centers are in the midbrain and pons. The pathways, which extend through the brain stem and spinal cord, are responsible for the initiation and maintenance of normal movements. Pathways from the vestibular nuclei maintain tone in the extensor muscles to support the body against gravity. The UMN system thus includes the nuclei in the brain stem and the long axons that travel down the spinal cord, influencing the LMN along the way; hence, the name long tracts.

Dysfunction or damage to the UMN (1) abolishes or diminishes voluntary movement (plegia or paresis) due to loss of the ability to initiate voluntary muscle movements, (2) results in hyperactive reflexes (hyperreflexia), and (3) increases muscle tone (spasticity) secondary to induced stretch of muscle fibers. An important concept to understand is that both LMN and UMN lesions can result in paresis or paralysis by disrupting voluntary motor signals to the muscle. It is a common misconception that only LMN damage can result in paresis to paralysis and hopefully the above description has detailed why this is not true. Table 41-1 summarizes the characteristics of LMN and UMN signs.

Table 41-1. Summary of lower motor neuron and upper motor neuron signs

  Lower Motor Neuron Sign(s) Upper Motor Neuron Sign(s)
Motor function Paresis/paralysis of a muscle or group of muscles due to damage to LMN cell bodies in spinal cord or cranial nerve nuclei, the ventral roots, or peripheral nerves Paresis/paralysis of limb or limbs due to damage to the UMN tracts that are needed for voluntary initiation of motor function
Reflexes Hyporeflexia to areflexia Normal or hyperreflexia
Muscle tone Decreased Normal to increased
Muscle atrophy Early (weeks) and severe; affects all muscles that have been denervated Late (months) and mild; affects entire limb or limbs
Electromyography Fibrillation potentials and positive sharp waves 5–7 days after injury No change

UMN, upper motor neuron; LMN, lower motor neuron.

Diagnostic Plan

The diagnostic plan for paresis or paralysis requires localization of the lesion, the anatomic diagnosis, and then the cause (etiology) of the lesion.

Anatomic Diagnosis

The first step is to determine that the problem is truly neurologic in origin. Lameness (which may first appear as weakness) and weakness may be caused by a variety of musculoskeletal and/or systemic problems. The neurologic examination, especially postural reactions and spinal and cranial nerve reflexes, provides the necessary information. Abnormal postural test reactions or depressed reflexes are virtually always the result of neuromuscular disease.

Localization of peripheral spinal nerve lesions is summarized in Table 41-2. The examination must identify which muscles are weak or paralyzed. Deficits of cranial nerves that have motor function are summarized in Table 41-3 along with the appropriate tests to perform. Localization of spinal cord lesions is outlined in Table 41-4. Postural test reactions and spinal reflexes provide the data necessary to recognize LMN and UMN signs. Lesions in the brain stem that result in UMN signs in the limbs may also create cranial nerve dysfunction. Lesions in the cerebrum or diencephalon rarely cause significant weakness, but they may result in severe contralateral postural test reaction deficits. Associated abnormalities of disease in these areas are listed in Table 41-5. Also, what the author refers to as the “golden rule of neurologic examination localization” is the premise that “a single lesion is assumed to be the cause of all of the signs until the neurologic examination clearly demonstrates that a multifocal disorder exists.” If a single lesion cannot justify all of the neurologic deficits, then multifocal/diffuse disease can be guaranteed.

Etiologic Diagnosis

The etiology of the disease is derived from information obtained in the signalment and history, the location of the lesion, and ancillary studies such as hematology, serum chemistries, urinalysis, radiology/special imaging, electrodiagnostic tests, and cerebrospinal fluid analysis.

TABLE 41-2. Spinal nerves: Distribution and clinical signs of dysfunction


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May 25, 2017 | Posted by in SMALL ANIMAL | Comments Off on FORTY-ONE: Paresis or Paralysis

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