Forelimb Use Asymmetry Analysis of Vertical Exploratory Activity After Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Rats and Mice

Fig. 1.
Vertical exploration of the cylinder wall during a full rear by a rat.

2.2 Video Recording (Optional for Experienced Investigators)


Video camera (VHS or digital).



Mirror placed to side of cylinder to enable video recording while animal is turned away from the camera.



Video player (VCR or computer program) with slow motion capabilities.


3 Methods

3.1 Performing the Test


Set-down the cylinder at a quiet location with low-lighting.



Fix the video-camera onto a tripod with full view of both the cylinder and a mirror angled to allow viewing of the opposite side (optional step for experienced investigators).



Place the animal into the cylinder and record the forelimb usage over a period of up to 10 min, depending on the activity level needed to acquire at least 15 exploratory movements (more than 20 leads to habituation).


3.2 Tabulating the Behavior


Ipsilateral (I): Forelimb on the same side to brain injury, used independently to either (a) contact cylinder wall during, a full rear, weight shifting movement, to regain center of gravity, or (b) for landing.



Contralateral (C): Forelimb on the opposite side to brain injury, used independently to either (a) contact cylinder wall during, a full rear, weight shifting movement, to regain center of gravity, or (b) for landing.



Bilateral (B): Both forelimbs used to either (a) contact cylinder wall during a full rear and during lateral movements along the wall, or (b) for landing.



Both paws need to be removed from vertical wall surface before another exploratory score may be given.


3.3 Calculating the FUA Score (8)


[(I  +  1/2B)/(I  +  C  +  B)]  ×  100



Ipsilateral forelimb  =  (I); contralateral  =  (C); bilateral  =  (B)


3.4 Presenting the Result


Y-axis: FUA score



X-axis: animal group (e.g., sham, vehicle, treatment, etc.) or time-point


4 Notes

4.1 When to Perform the Test


Both rats and mice will show neurological deficits within the first 24 h after injury, regardless of which model is being used (blood or collagenase).



Rats will begin to recover from limb use asymmetry by 21 days after the (autologous) blood injection model (8), with only residual deficits remaining 9 weeks later (15).



Forelimb asymmetry will recover significantly between 54 (16) and 70 days (17) after collagenase ICH in rats.



Mice will have significant recovery with only residual deficits by 28 days after ICH (autologous) blood injection (9) and collagenase injection (11).


Jul 10, 2016 | Posted by in INTERNAL MEDICINE | Comments Off on Forelimb Use Asymmetry Analysis of Vertical Exploratory Activity After Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Rats and Mice

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