Revised from 6th edition of Veterinary Ophthalmology, Chapter 30: Food and Fiber Animal Ophthalmology, by Bianca C. Martins; and Chapter 32: Ophthalmology of the New World Camelids, by Juliet R. Gionfriddo and Ralph E. Hamor Food‐ and fiber‐producing animals include cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, and the New World camelids. This chapter covers the available literature by species. For each species, specific anatomical and physiological characteristics, ocular parameters, and congenital and acquired abnormalities of each ocular region are discussed. Proper restraint is critical with examining any food‐producing animal, to ensure a complete and detailed examination, and provide safety for the examiner. Dairy cattle patients can be restrained in headlocks, while beef cattle are better restrained in a squeeze chute. A halter or lead rope should be used to pull the head laterally and secure it elevated at examiner eye level. Sedation may be required for fractious animals, and α2‐adrenergic agonists are the most common agents used. It is important to remember that those drugs may lead to pregnancy loss in ruminants, especially in late pregnancy. An auriculopalpebral block may be useful to facilitate opening of the eyelids. The auriculopalpebral nerve can be palpated as it crosses the zygomatic arch, and 1 ml of lidocaine hydrochloride can then be injected subcutaneously in the area. A meat and milk withdraw period of 24 h is recommended when local anesthetics are used. The ruminant eyes are laterally located and provide for a wide field of vision. Care should be taken to avoid touching the eyelashes or vibrissae, and to minimize air movement toward the eye, when attempting to elicit a menace response, culminating in a false‐positive response. It is also important to ensure that the animal is able to blink, by eliciting a palpebral reflex. Facial nerve paralysis due to trauma to the side of the head is not rare, and cranial nerve paralysis may also result from infectious diseases, such as listeriosis. The tear production in adult cattle has been reported to be between 25 and 35 mm/min. Calves exhibit lower Schirmer tear test (STT) I values, with an average of 20 mm/min. The intraocular pressure (IOP) in normal dairy cows was determined to be 26 ± 6 mmHg with the TonoPen‐XL™. When rebound tonometry (TonoVet™) is used, values obtained vary from 15.2 mmHg in calves to 23 mmHg in adult cattle. The corneal sensitivity has been measured, using a Cochet–Bonnet aesthesiometer™, in healthy bovine calves. Values of 1.33 ± 1.1 g/mm2, corresponding to a filament length of 34.56 ± 8.02 mm, were obtained. Cattle possess a small corpora nigra (granula iridica) compared with camelids and horses, and an oval pupil on the horizontal axis. The occurrence of congenital abnormalities in food‐ and fiber‐producing animals has increased over the years, likely due to a larger number of animals being raised. Most of those cases present as single occurrences in livestock, and most affected individuals are euthanized. The true incidence of congenital ocular abnormalities is not known. It is important to recognize, though, that congenital globe abnormalities are often linked genetically with abnormalities in other body systems. True anophthalmos is rare. Most animals with suspected anophthalmos actually have microphthalmia with vestigial remnants of ocular tissues (Figure 16.1). Congenital anophthalmia/microphthalmia syndrome with malformations of the posterior vertebral column was reported in dairy and beef cattle. The exact etiology was not known, but some cases are speculated to have a hereditary basis. In some instances, calves may have been exposed to some unknown teratogen at the critical time of optic organogenesis and notochordal formation. Microphthalmia is usually combined with other ocular defects, including corneal opacities, cataracts, aniridia, corectopia, persistent pupillary membranes (PPMs), thickening or ossification of the choroid, and various retinal abnormalities, such as gliosis, folds, and rosette formation, as well as retinal nonattachment and detachment. The orbit in anophthalmic/microphthalmic animals also fails to develop, since the enlarging globe dictates the development of the surrounding bony structures. For that reason, anophthalmic/microphthalmic animals usually will present with small orbits. Figure 16.1 Microphthalmia of the left eye in a calf. The right eye is normal in size (Courtesy of University of Missouri Comparative Ophthalmology Service). Congenital ophthalmic anomalies in food animals have also been associated with several infectious organisms. The most common maternal infection causing multiple ophthalmic defects in cattle is bovine viral diarrhea (BVD). Ocular lesions associated with BVD include cataract, PPMs, retinal dysplasia, retinal degeneration, optic neuritis, and microphthalmia. Bluetongue virus has also been associated with blindness and so‐called dummy calves, which are affected with hydranencephaly and are blind with normal pupillary light responses. Profound corneal edema has also been reported in some calves infected in utero with bluetongue virus. Abnormalities in globe position in cattle are usually bilateral and convergent (i.e., esotropia), but they can also be unilateral and divergent (i.e., exotropia). Divergent bilateral strabismus in association with hydrocephalus has been reported as well. Bilateral convergent strabismus with exophthalmia (BCSE) is an eye disorder affecting many cattle breeds worldwide (Figure 16.2). The condition is of significant importance, as it is progressive and often leads to complete blindness due to anterior–medial rotation of both globes, and the disappearance of the pupils beneath the nasal orbital rim. The globes are fixed in this undesirable position and unable to move. The disease occurs as an autosomal recessive defect in Jersey cattle and likely as autosomal dominance with 70% incomplete penetrance in German Brown Swiss cattle. Environmental effects may also be important. On the basis of histopathological results, a defect in the motor nucleus of the abducent nerve may be responsible for the symptoms of BCSE. Esotropia also occurs in Holstein and Ayrshire cattle. Exophthalmia and esotropia progress until the animal reaches maturity. Nystagmus may be present, and vision is compromised. Figure 16.2 A Holstein calf with convergent strabismus and exophthalmos (Courtesy of Cecil Moore). In some cases, strabismus may be associated with a generalized systemic infection. Bilateral dorsomedial strabismus may be associated with polioencephalomalacia (PEM). Affected calves are usually blind and exhibit opisthotonos. Ipsilateral neurological signs in association with a medial strabismus are suggestive of listeriosis. Inflammation of the brainstem impinges on the abducens nucleus, resulting in medial strabismus through loss of function of the lateral rectus muscle. Unilateral strabismus or exophthalmia (or both) usually results from space‐occupying orbital lesions due to inflammation or neoplasia. However, other anatomical defects have been implicated. An Ayrshire calf was described with exophthalmos and an orbital arteriovenous fistula. Calves administered daily dexamethasone injections develop exophthalmos due to increased deposition of retrobulbar adipose tissue (Figure 16.3). The prognosis for exophthalmos depends on its etiology. Most forms of retrobulbar neoplasia in cattle carry a guarded prognosis, whereas inflammatory disease (e.g., sinusitis) is usually more amenable to treatment. Figure 16.3 Marked bilateral exophthalmos due to retrobulbar fat deposition in a one‐month‐old Holstein bull calf treated with dexamethasone as part of a metabolic study (Courtesy of Wendy Townsend). A single case of unilateral exophthalmia secondary to cavernous sinus syndrome was reported in a Holstein bull, which had a history of a resolved abscess at the base of his right ear. While cavernous sinus syndrome in small animals is frequently associated with neoplastic processes, the condition in large animals may be related to infectious organisms and abscesses. Lymphoma in cattle affects the retrobulbar tissues and is the most frequent cause of exophthalmos with and without strabismus (Figure 16.4). The complete physical examination may reveal lymphadenopathy, cardiac arrhythmia, and melena, as well as uterine and renal masses. Cases of primary ocular lymphoma have been reported without retrobulbar extension. Bovine leukemia virus is the cause of lymphoma in cattle. Serological tests and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) are available to determine presence of bovine leukemia virus, but it is important to remember that animals remain seropositive throughout life. A positive test will not confirm the diagnosis of lymphoma, but a negative test for bovine leukemia virus rules out the possibility of lymphoma. The only definitive diagnostic for bovine lymphoma is a biopsy. Treatment is usually palliative, because most cattle with orbital lymphosarcoma die within six months. In those cases, exenteration may be performed to relieve the pain associated with exposure and subsequent keratitis/panophthalmitis. Figure 16.4 Exophthalmos with marked hyperemia and thickening of both the palpebral and bulbar conjunctiva in a cow with systemic lymphosarcoma involving the orbit (Courtesy of L. Horstman). Other reported retrobulbar orbital neoplasms include invasive or metastatic squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. While these tumors typically carry an extremely guarded prognosis, animals may still live for months to years. Sporadic reports of other orbital tumor types in cattle exist, including meningioma, lymphangiosarcoma, and malignant histiocytoma. Trauma, puncture wounds of the eyelids or conjunctiva, foreign body migration from the mouth to the retrobulbar space, actinobacillosis, and panophthalmitis are potential causes of orbital inflammatory disease. Associated systemic signs may include pyrexia, anorexia, temporomandibular pain, exophthalmos and associated sequelae, and leukocytosis. Treatment involves identifying the underlying cause, hot packing the area, drainage and lavage of any nidi of infection, possibly topical and systemic antibiotics, and, if panophthalmitis is present, enucleation. Exophthalmos and orbital inflammation may be sequelae to chronic frontal sinusitis in cattle, as a sequela to either dehorning (usually Actinomyces pyogenes) or respiratory disease (usually Pasteurella multocida). In cattle, nystagmus may be either congenital or acquired. A congenital rapid pendular nystagmus, which is usually horizontal, is observed in Holstein Friesians especially and in other breeds as well. Vision does not seem to be significantly compromised, and the animals are affected for life. A possible genetic relationship may exist. Other causes include brain tumors and abscesses, intoxication by chemicals, plants, and heavy metals, cerebral anemia and vascular disease, and congenital or early postnatal blindness. Entropion is relatively rare in cattle, but it has been reported in the Simmental breed. Spastic and cicatricial entropion are more common than congenital entropion. While ectropion may pose less danger to the eye, it can produce chronic exposure keratitis, conjunctivitis, keratoconjunctivitis, epiphora, and tear staining, as well as scalding of the eyelids. Ectropion may result from developmental, cicatricial, trauma, neurological, and postoperative causes. Lacerations are the most common traumatic injury to the eyelids, but they are infrequent among food animals (Figure 16.5). The basic principles of eyelid closure apply when such lacerations occur. Dermatophilosis (i.e., rain scald) is caused by Dermatophilus congolensis, a Gram‐positive, aerobic, filamentous bacterium. The infective stage is a motile, coccoid zoospore that is released from scabs by wetting. The zoospores then invade deeper layers of the dermis to incite an inflammatory response. The distal extremities, muzzle, and dorsum are usually involved initially, but it may spread over the entire face. Treatment consists of providing a dry environment and bathing with iodine or chlorhexidine shampoos. In severe cases, penicillin (20 000 IU/kg) with or without streptomycin (10 mg/kg) intramuscularly for three to five days or one intramuscular injection of long‐acting oxytetracycline (20 mg/kg) may be necessary. A case series has described nine dairy cows with ulcerative blepharitis and conjunctivitis where Moraxella bovoculi (an agent more commonly associated with infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis [IBK]) was isolated. Isolation of this organism came from a cow that also had concurrent corneal ulceration, so true etiological relationship cannot be confirmed. Figure 16.5 Extensive traumatic eyelid laceration in a cow (Courtesy of L. Horstman). Trichophyton spp. can affect all food‐producing animals. Despite the self‐limiting nature of dermatophytosis, treatment is recommended to limit any further infection of unaffected animals and humans. Topical and systemic fungicidal agents, iodine shampoos, improved nutrition, and dry environs all may assist in eliminating the disease. Vaccination of newly infected herds shows potential as a prophylactic measure. Sarcoptic mange is caused by Sarcoptes scabiei, with a subspecies specific for each host species. This host specificity is not complete, however, and transference from one host species to another can occur. The disease is characterized by intense pruritus, papules, and general erythema. The first clinical signs may include facial dermatitis, with thick, crusty, wrinkled, and denuded areas around the face and eyelids. The lesions may become widespread. The disease is uncommon in the United States. At the time of publication, it is not considered to be a reportable disease. However, sarcoptic mange in cattle has been cited as a reportable disease in the past; readers are referred to online documentation for current status of this disease (USDA 2019). Treatment of all affected and contact animals is indicated. For many years, the most common way to treat infected animals was using dip vats, but the efficacy of new compounds that may be applied topically as sprays, drenches, and pour‐ons has reduced the cost and time needed to treat this disease. Demodex spp. are host specific (Demodex bovis affects cattle). The adult mites invade hair follicles and sebaceous glands of the face, limbs, and back, which then become distended with mites and inflammatory material. Secondary bacterial invasion of these lesions will result in formation of pustules and abscesses. Pustules may be seen around the eyes, and pruritus may be present. The disease tends to be generalized in cattle. Acaricidal treatments may be used; however, self‐resolution has been reported. Direct solar irritation (i.e., sunburn) may occur in food animals with little periocular pigmentation, but acute periocular dermatitis is more likely the result of photosensitization. If photosensitizing substances are present in sufficient concentration in the skin, dermatitis occurs when that skin is exposed to light. The causative photodynamic agents may be ingested preformed (i.e., primary photosensitization), be products of abnormal metabolism, or be normal metabolic products that accumulate in tissues because of faulty excretion through the liver. Photodynamic agents include hypericin in Hypericum perforatum (St John’s wort), fagopyrin in Polygonum fagopyrum (buckwheat), and perloline from Lolium perenne (perennial ryegrass); miscellaneous agents include phenothiazine sulfoxide from phenothiazine, rose Bengal, and acridine dyes. In all cases of secondary photosensitization, phylloerythrin, which is a normal end product of chlorophyll metabolism, is the photodynamic agent. When biliary secretion is obstructed by hepatitis or biliary duct obstruction, phylloerythrin accumulates in the body. The progressive clinical manifestation of both primary and secondary photosensitization consists of lacrimation, photophobia, erythema, cutaneous edema, fissuring of the epithelium, exudation and crusting of serum and necrosis, and sloughing of nonpigmented exposed skin. Corneal edema is also evident in many cases. Treatment involves removing the affected animal from sunlight, preventing ingestion of toxic material, and administering laxatives. Ocular squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) is the most common tumor of the eye and eyelids in cattle. On the eyelid, lesions may initially appear as ulcerative areas or proliferative lesions or combinations thereof. Surgical excision has been shown to be successful if lesions are small and limited in number. Cryotherapy may be helpful as sole therapy for small lesions or as adjunctive therapy for larger lesions. Infection with bovine papillomavirus may cause neoplastic lesions to form on the periocular skin and eyelids. Manifestations include acanthosis (epidermal hyperplasia), papillomas (Figure 16.6), and keratinized elongated proliferative lesions (keratoacanthoma, cutaneous horn) (Figures 16.7 and 16.8). In most cases, the disease is self‐limiting, and the lesions may resolve over time, but potential for malignant transformation into squamous cell carcinoma exists. Figure 16.6 Erosive lesion on lower eyelid, presumptive of early OSCC change. Third eyelid papillomatous mass is also present. Figure 16.7 Papillomas of the left eyelid and periocular area in a steer (Courtesy of Cecil Moore). Figure 16.8 Keratoacanthomas (keratinized elongated proliferative lesions) of the right eyelid of a cow. These are often associated with bovine papillomavirus infection (Courtesy of Cecil Moore). The tear‐producing glands in food animals rarely have any primary abnormality. Epiphora is the most common abnormality and is usually secondary to irritative ocular disease causing increased tear production rather than to defects in tear outflow. Congenital anomalies of the nasolacrimal system are rare in food animals. Focal intrauterine infections (i.e., resulting in dacryocystitis) have been suggested as a contributory cause. Contrast dacryocystorhinography has been extremely useful in diagnosing anatomical defects in the nasolacrimal ducts. The conjunctiva and cornea are major sites for ophthalmic diseases in food‐producing animals, with profound economic effects. In cattle, IBK and OSCC are the predominant conditions affecting the conjunctiva and cornea. Figure 16.9 A large dermoid involving the nictitating membrane in Hereford calf. Dermoids occur principally in cattle, but they can occur in other food animal species as well (Figure 16.9). The defect in Herefords is genetically transferred, with characteristics of autosomal recessive and polygenic inheritance. In cattle, the site predilection of ocular dermoids is, in decreasing order, the limbus, third eyelid, canthi, eyelid, and conjunctiva. Dermoids rarely appear bilaterally, except in certain lines of Hereford cattle. The clinical manifestation varies from an unsightly blemish to various degrees of visual impairment, keratoconjunctivitis with epiphora, blepharospasm, and corneal ulceration. Surgical removal is recommended if vision is impaired or the eye is painful. Inherited defects of porphyrin metabolism in cattle and swine are characterized by excessive deposition of porphyrin isomers in the tissues. Congenital porphyria is similar to Gunther’s porphyria in humans and is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. The incidence is higher in females than in males, but the disease is rare. Even so, it has been recorded in Shorthorn, Holstein, Black and White Danish, Jamaica Red and Black cattle, and Ayrshires. Congenital erythropoietic porphyria in cattle is caused by an inherited deficiency of the enzyme uroporphyrinogen III synthase. Insufficient activity of this enzyme leads to the formation of the metabolites uroporphyrinogen I and coproporphyrinogen I. These porphyrinogens are oxidized to their end products uroporphyrin I and coproporphyrin I, which accumulate in the body. These high levels of porphyrins sensitize the skin and eyes to light. Protoporphyria is a less common, milder disease than porphyria and is thought to be inherited in cattle. In this disease, there is deficient activity of the enzyme ferrochelatase, resulting in excessive synthesis of protoporphyrin. Ocular clinical signs related to abnormal porphyrin metabolism result from photosensitization. These signs include photophobia, edema, inflammation, and necrosis of the eyelids and the periocular skin. Treatment consists of maintaining affected animals indoors. Most cases of corneal edema seen in food animals are secondary either to intraocular disease that affects endothelial cell function or to extraocular disease that causes a defect in the overlying corneal epithelium. Primary endothelial disease is extremely rare in food animals, but an autosomal recessive corneal disease of Holsteins. Affected animals show bilateral corneal edema either at or soon after birth. The condition is not amenable to treatment and affected animals should not be used for breeding. Phenothiazine is used as a prophylactic in the control of manure‐breeding insects and as an anthelmintic in livestock. Corneal edema and keratitis have been associated with phenothiazine toxicity, but this is a condition seen mainly in calves and, to a lesser extent, in pigs and goats. The metabolism of orally administered phenothiazine varies by species. In calves and sheep, phenothiazine is absorbed from the rumen as the sulfoxide and conjugated in the liver to form leucophenothiazine ethereal sulfate, which is then excreted into the urine and the bile. Cattle are unable to detoxify all the phenothiazine sulfoxide, however, and a proportion enters the systemic circulation and aqueous humor of the eye, thereby causing photosensitization. Photophobia, blepharospasm, epiphora, corneal edema, and keratitis may occur, and eyelid edema has also been reported. Treatment for the condition is symptomatic, but affected animals may show no clinical signs or may even recover spontaneously if access to sunlight is restricted, especially for 12–36 h after treatment. In North America and Europe, Thelazia spp. are regarded as being nonpathogenic to mildly pathogenic. In contrast, more severe disease, and even blindness, has been reported in other countries. The variability in pathogenicity may result from host, parasite, livestock management, and climatic factors. Thelazia spp. nematodes are small, slender, white worms that occur in the conjunctival sac and nasolacrimal ducts, and move rapidly in the preocular tear film. Thelazia rhodesi, Thelazia gulosa, Thelazia skrjabini, and Thelazia lacrymalis affect cattle. The worms are more abundant in beef than in dairy breeds. Unilateral chronic follicular or mucoid conjunctivitis is most common, with irregularities in the lining of the nictitans gland ducts. Other clinical signs include profuse epiphora, photophobia, and ulcerative keratitis. Face flies, especially Musca autumnalis, act as biological vectors and transfer the larvae to the eyes while feeding. Hence, cases are more prevalent in the summer and fall months. The prevalence is lower among cattle grazing short and mid‐size grass pastures than among those grazing transitional or aspen parkland pastures, rough fescue, or woodland‐type pastures. The diagnosis is usually made postmortem by identification of the parasite in the conjunctival sac or nasolacrimal duct. Antemortem diagnosis can be made by careful gross examination of the whole lacrimal apparatus or by demonstration of fully embryonated eggs, larvae, or immature worms using specialized techniques. Often, the clinical diagnosis is made when the eye is being manipulated for unrelated diagnostic or surgical procedures. Treatment includes simple lavage, mechanical removal after topical anesthesia, administration of levamisole (5 mg/kg orally or 1% solution topically) or fenbendazole, and topical administration of ivermectin or echothiophate iodide. Subcutaneous ivermectin (0.2 mg/kg) and doramectin as well as pour‐on ivermectin have been reported to be effective treatments. Fungal infection of the bovine cornea is quite uncommon. A confirmed case of Aspergillus and Fusarium keratitis was reported in a five‐year‐old Holstein cow. Clinical signs included ocular discharge, periorbital swelling, an area of full‐thickness corneal cellular infiltrate, fibrin, hypopyon, diffuse corneal edema, and miosis. The patient was diagnosed with a corneal stromal abscess and secondary anterior uveitis. Response to standard topical antifungal therapy and supportive therapy for uveitis was good. Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) may cause nonulcerative keratoconjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis is the most common manifestation of IBR and is characterized by raised, white plaques on the bulbar and palpebral conjunctival surfaces (Figure 16.10). Chemosis is also often present. Variable degrees of nonulcerative keratitis can also develop with peripheral edema and vascularization initially. In severe cases, the corneal edema and cellular infiltrate can be quite extensive, resulting in blindness (Figure 16.11). Figure 16.10 Conjunctivitis, chemosis and white, lymphocytic, conjunctival plaques associated with IBR virus infection in a cow (Courtesy of Cecil Moore). Figure 16.11 Extensive corneal edema and conjunctivitis in a cow associated with IBR virus (Courtesy of Cecil Moore). The etiological agent is the rod‐shaped, Gram‐positive bacteria Listeria monocytogenes. This condition is also known as silage eye, since the etiological agent is usually found in fermented hay silage. Ocular lesions are frequently observed in the meningoencephalitic form of the disease (also called listeriosis of the central nervous system [CNS]). Neurological signs include vestibular ataxia and unilateral cranial deficits, with reports of facial nerve paralysis and keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Lesions may be located unilaterally or bilaterally, but unilateral presentation is most common. Ocular surface signs include conjunctivitis with excessive lacrimation and photophobia. Keratitis is manifested by punctate abscesses, peripheral clouding (corneal edema), ulceration, and corneal vascularization. Uveitis is also a classic manifestation of this condition with the presence of infiltrative uveal disease, hypopyon, and miosis. Chlamydiae have been isolated from cattle with conjunctivitis. Incidents of recurrent bilateral keratoconjunctivitis have been reported in different cattle herds. The cases were quite persistent and responded poorly to antibiotic treatment. Chlamydophila spp. DNA was detected in conjunctival swabs by PCR. No other pathogens were detected. Two herdsmen also developed concurrent eye disease, suggesting a possible zoonotic risk. Malignant catarrhal fever (MCF) is a frequently fatal infectious disease that affects cattle, bison, buffalo, deer, and other ruminants. It is caused by several rhabdoviruses belonging to the gamma herpes family. In cattle, it is often transmitted by ovine herpesvirus‐2. Cattle usually do not spread the virus by contact transmission and are considered dead‐end hosts. The “head and eye” form is considered the classical form of the disease, and is accompanied by high fever, inappetence, depression, lesions of the oral cavity and muzzle, profuse mucopurulent nasal discharge, dyspnea, stertor, and diarrhea. The most common ocular sign is corneal edema, which can vary from mild perilimbal to dense complete corneal edema. Other ocular symptoms include exophthalmos, blindness, nystagmus, photophobia, lacrimation and mucopurulent ocular discharge, eyelid edema, and other symptoms of conjunctivitis, keratitis, and anterior uveitis. The degree of corneal edema on first examination does not correlate with prognosis; however, cases that exhibit improvement of the corneal edema may have a better prognosis. Deterioration of uveitis is associated with a poor prognosis; however, improvement of uveitis is not associated with a better prognosis. IBK, also known as pink eye, contagious ophthalmia, and New Forest disease, has received considerable attention because of its worldwide distribution and economic impact. The first report of presumed IBK appeared in 1888. In 1952, it was determined that keratitis was caused by Moraxella bovis. Financial losses from IBK can be profound and occur due to decreased weight gain and decreased milk production, and treatment costs were estimated to be $150 million in the United States in 1993. Less tangible economic losses can also occur, such as a loss of value in show or breeding stock, weight loss and injury from handling animals for treatment, condemnation at slaughter due to ocular lesion detection, and lost productivity during time devoted to treatment. In affected unweaned calves, it was thought that losses associated with IBK were temporary and would recover after weaning and resolution of the condition. However, a study demonstrated that yearlings that had evidence of IBK at weaning had less body weight than cohorts without evidence of IBK, and associations between IBK at weaning and production variables persisted well into the postweaning period. IBK occurs worldwide. In a 1997 report of the US National Animal Health Monitoring System, IBK (1.1% infection rate) was the second‐most prevalent condition affecting unweaned beef calves over three weeks of age (USDA 1997). In the same report, IBK (1.3% infection rate) was the most prevalent condition affecting all beef heifers and cows. In studies at the University of California–Davis field station in Browns Valley, the yearly prevalence of IBK in yearling calves ranges from 57% to 98%. IBK occurs primarily during the summer months, though winter outbreaks occur. This seasonal fluctuation may result from the increased presence of hemolytic M. bovis, the fly population, and solar radiation during the summer months. The decline through the fall season may result from the lack of susceptible calves, fewer vectors, and decreased intensity of enhancing factors. While M. bovis, a Gram‐negative bacillus, is considered to be the primary cause of IBK, other microbial agents have also been implicated. However, M. bovis is the only organism for which Koch’s postulates have been satisfied. Other infective agents that may play a role in development of IBK include Moraxella ovis (formerly Neisseria/Branhamella ovis), M. bovoculi, IBR virus, Mycoplasma spp., Thelazia spp., and L. monocytogenes. Concurrent infection with IBR causes more severe clinical signs than with IBK alone. Moraxella bovoculi has been isolated from eyes of cattle with clinical signs of IBK; however, the causal role of M. bovoculi and M. ovis in naturally occurring IBK is unclear. Moraxella bovoculi and M. bovis are both more frequently recovered from eyes with IBK lesions than unaffected eyes, which provides weak evidence for a causal role for M. bovoculi in IBK. Figure 16.12 Cross section of a M. bovis bacterium harvested from rough colony showing peritrichous distribution of pili (P) on the cell surface. Inset is a higher magnification of these pili (Original magnification, 47 570×.) (Courtesy of the late Charles Simpson). The morphology of M. bovis colonies is either rough or smooth. Clinical cases of IBK are associated with the rough type, which have cell surface pili, autoagglutinate in distilled water, stain with crystal violet, and hemagglutinate. The β‐hemolytic variants are usually associated with clinical disease. Electron microscopy has revealed that bacteria from rough colonies of M. bovis are piliated and able to cause disease, whereas those from smooth colonies are nonpiliated and nonpathogenic (Figures 16.12 and 16.13). The capsular pili promote cellular adhesion and enhance the ability to overcome host defenses and maintain an established infection. As a general rule, the piliated, hemolytic form is found in acute cases of IBK, and proportionately more nonpiliated and nonhemolytic isolates are recovered from convalescent and clinically normal carrier cattle. The source of infection is usually a new animal or a carrier animal within the herd. Moraxella bovis can typically be found on the conjunctivae and in the nasal secretions of cattle without any signs or history of infection. Nonhemolytic M. bovis may reside in a herd over the winter months and not cause clinical signs. However, with the onset of spring and increased ultraviolet (UV) radiation, there can be a reversion to the pathogenic, hemolytic form, with subsequent infection of susceptible calves. Figure 16.13 Cells from smooth (a) and rough (b) colonies of M. bovis. Only the rough form of M. bovis shows the peritrichous distribution of pili (P), many of which have been fractured from the cell. (Chromium shadowed; original magnification, 20 000×.) (Courtesy of the late Charles Simpson). Moraxella bovis is transmitted by animal handlers, direct contact with infected animals, contact with fomites, and mechanical vectors, such as flies. The face fly (M. autumnalis) is considered to be the most important vector. However, the house fly (Musca domestica) and stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans) have also been incriminated as mechanical vectors. These flies may harbor the organism on their legs for as long as three days. Without flies, transmission of IBK throughout a herd may be slow. The sex of an animal is not a significant factor in development of the disease. All breeds may be affected, but breed‐related differences in susceptibility occur. Bos indicus breeds are more resistant than Bos taurus breeds, and Herefords as well as Hereford crossbreeds appear to have a much higher susceptibility, as do Murray Greys. The age of cattle affects the persistence and severity of infection with M. bovis. Younger cattle, less than two years, consistently have an increased risk and severity of clinical disease compared with older cattle, even though large numbers of older animals are infected. Developmental immunity is also suggested by observations that infected calves develop disease, whereas their infected dams fail to develop clinical signs. A good correlation exists between the annual peak incidence of IBK and annual peak levels of UV radiation. Increased UV radiation assists in the transformation of M. bovis from nonhemolytic to hemolytic strains. The number of face flies present correlates well with the infection rate and the number of new isolates. Once the number of flies exceeds 10 per animal, IBK spreads from one herd to another. Cattle housed indoors have a higher infection rate of longer duration, but milder clinical disease compared with those housed outdoors. Other environmental factors, such as mechanical irritants to the conjunctiva and cornea and ingestion of aflatoxin, have also been suggested as enhancing factors. In clinical outbreaks of IBK, M. bovis can be isolated from most affected cattle. The initial corneal lesions probably result from bacterial cytotoxicity, whereas advanced lesions may be associated with bacterial/host inflammatory interaction. While M. bovis does not produce collagenase, the pathophysiology of IBK is likely associated with collagenase release from damaged epithelial cells, fibroblasts, and neutrophils. In addition, gelatinase and DNase have been detected in whole cultures, while dermonecrotoxins and cytotoxins for BHK 21 cell line monolayers and soluble factors that cause reversible detachment of cultured corneal epithelial cells have been detected in M. bovis culture filtrates. Both hemolytic and cytotoxic activities of neutrophils and corneal epithelial cells are important in the pathogenesis of IBK. Additionally, pathogenic factors of M. bovis, including pilin and cytotoxin (hemolysin, cytolysin), contribute to the pathogenesis of clinical disease. Pilin facilitates attachment to the corneal surface. Cytotoxin lyses bovine neutrophils, erythrocytes, lymphocytes, and corneal epithelial cells The earliest clinical signs are varying degrees of epiphora, blepharospasm, and photophobia; conjunctival hyperemia and chemosis also occur. Often, this stage may be missed clinically because of an inability to carefully observe affected animals. Within 24–48 h after the onset of clinical signs, the axial cornea may develop small epithelial defects. Small corneal vesicles may precede ulceration. A small, pale, yellow to white raised abscess may appear near the center of the cornea, and over the following 24–48 h, the corneal opacity may increase in size or slough, leaving a shallow, round to oval, superficial ulcer with perilesional edema (Figures 16.14 and 16.15). During the next few days, the corneal ulcer may expand and deepen (Figure 16.16). There is marked perilimbal conjunctival vascular hyperemia and initiation of superficial corneal vascularization. Blepharospasm, mild to moderate aqueous flare, and iridocyclitis are present. The conjunctival exudate becomes mucopurulent, with matting of the eyelashes. Vascularization of the cornea proceeds rapidly toward the primary central lesion. By seven to nine days postinfection, an area of inflammation and corneal vascularization surrounds the well‐delineated corneal ulcer (Figure 16.17). As the vascularization reaches the ulceration, the corneal opacity clears from the periphery toward the center. The ulcer epithelializes, and the facet gradually reduces by stromal regeneration, leaving a slightly raised, dense scar. Corneal healing is well advanced in two to three weeks and in one to two months only a faint localized central corneal opacity may remain. Figure 16.14 Early, faint fluorescein retention by a central cornea affected with IBK (Courtesy of Kirk N. Gelatt). Figure 16.15 Midstromal corneal ulcer surrounded by corneal edema and early limbal corneal vascularization associated with IBK (Courtesy of Jacqueline Pearce). Figure 16.16 Large, deep stromal corneal ulcer surrounded by cellular infiltrate, corneal edema, and ciliary flush associated with IBK (Courtesy of Jacqueline Pearce). The keratoconjunctivitis may result in secondary iridocyclitis, with hypopyon, synechiae, and even panophthalmitis. Occasionally, perforation of the corneal ulcer results in iris prolapse (Figure 16.18), in which case blindness may result. The eye may also become hypotensive and phthisical or buphthalmic from secondary glaucoma (Figure 16.19). In 75% of cases, ocular involvement is unilateral, but bilateral involvement may also occur. Affected animals are reluctant to compete for food, milk production is reduced, and weight gain is suppressed, usually in direct relation to the severity of the lesion. In young cattle, the disease process is usually more severe than in older animals. Figure 16.17 Central corneal granulation and fibrosis secondary to corneal ulceration during previous IBK, now inactive (Courtesy of Jacqueline Pearce). Figure 16.18 Central corneal perforation with staphyloma formation associated with IBK. There is mild corneal edema and vascular response in the surrounding cornea (Courtesy of Jacqueline Pearce). Antibiotic treatment has been shown to be successful in reducing healing times of IBK‐associated corneal lesions. However, few reports directly compare different antibiotic classes, so it is difficult to evaluate comparative antibiotic efficacy. Currently, oxytetracycline formulations such as Liquamycin/LA‐200™ (Zoetis Animal Health, Parsippany, NJ, USA), Bio‐Mycin 200™ (Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica Inc., St. Joseph, MO, USA), and Noromycin 300 LA™ (Norbrook Inc., Overland Park, KS, USA), and the tulathromycin formulation Draxxin™ (Zoetis Animal Health) are the only parenteral antibiotics labeled for IBK in cattle. Topical medications approved for IBK include the oxytetracycline formulation Terramycin™ (Zoetis Animal Health) and Vetericyn Pink Eye Spray™ (Innovacyn Inc., Rialto, CA, USA). Veterinarians are encouraged to consult current online publications for up‐to‐date information on IBK labeled drugs. Other treatment options require extralabel drug use in food animals, which is very carefully regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration and by the American Veterinary Medical Association via the Animal Medicinal Drug Use Clarification Act. Therefore, other treatment options should only be used if currently labeled drug have been shown ineffective, and as long as the drugs are not prohibited for extralabel use in food animals (AVMA 2007). Figure 16.19 Secondary glaucoma with buphthalmos due to IBK (Courtesy of Cecil Moore). Therapy for IBK is recommended to relieve pain and maintain productivity. Combined parenteral (20 mg/kg) and oral (alfalfa pellets containing 1 g/0.45 kg of pellet administered daily for 10 days at a dosage of 2 g/calf/day) administration of oxytetracycline appears to be an effective method of reducing the severity of herd outbreaks of IBK. Oxytetracycline therapy appears to be superior to penicillin G. Calves treated with oxytetracycline had fewer recurrences and less shedding of M. bovis compared with those treated with penicillin G. Long‐acting oxytetracycline formulations (LA‐200, LA‐300, and Bio‐Mycin 200) are currently approved for treatment of IBK in the United States. While parenteral long‐acting oxytetracycline formulations can be used in lactating dairy cattle, alfalfa pellets containing oxytetracycline cannot. The duration of the carrier stage (i.e., a normal eye with hemolytic M. bovis) is reduced by two injections of long‐acting oxytetracycline at 20 mg/kg each. In addition to shortening the carrier stage, treatment reduces the progression of lesions and shortens healing times in affected animals. Other antibiotics demonstrating efficacy against M. bovis include tilmicosin (one dose of 5–10 mg/kg subcutaneously), long‐acting ceftiofur crystalline‐free acid (one dose of 6.6 mg of ceftiofur equivalents/kg subcutaneously into the posterior aspect of the pinna), florfenicol (two injections of 20 mg/kg intramuscularly q 48 h or a single dose of 40 mg/kg subcutaneously), tulathromycin (2.5 mg/kg subcutaneously), and clindamycin (150 mg subconjunctivally q 24 h for three days). Other drugs recommended by various authors include penicillin, ampicillin, ormetoprim–sulfadimethoxine (prohibited for extralabel use in lactating dairy cattle in the United States), furazolidone (prohibited for use in food animals in the United States), gentamicin, and neomycin. Moraxella bovis is usually resistant to tylosin, lincomycin, and erythromycin, and has variable susceptibility to cloxacillin. Some M. bovis strains, however, may be sulfa‐resistant. While M. bovis is sensitive to many antibiotics, regional and strain differences may necessitate culture and sensitivity tests to select a specific antibiotic, especially during a severe outbreak. The treatment selected is influenced by the management practice of the affected animals. Dairy operations usually have daily access to the animals, but milk withdrawal times become important issues. Dairy operations therefore may choose procaine penicillin because of the short milk withdrawal times. Because beef cattle are infrequently handled, beef practitioners may opt for long‐lasting parenteral medications such as oxytetracycline. As antibiotic drug residues vary according to the drug formulation, dose, frequency, route of administration, and weight of the animal, the Food Animal Residue Avoidance Database should be contacted to determine withdrawal times and legality of use of a particular drug in an extralabel fashion. Other medical treatments for IBK include topical atropine and nonsteroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). These medications assist in relief of intraocular pain and decrease the incidence of inflammatory‐induced ocular lesions. Some reports detail use of local corticosteroids in IBK‐affected eyes without any detrimental effect. The lack of evidence‐based medicine indicating corticosteroids is beneficial in IBK cases, and the possibility of potentiating collagenases and prolonging healing times must be considered. Therefore, corticosteroids are best avoided in IBK. Regardless of the therapy chosen, additional treatment steps should be taken to control the herd infection and minimize the economic effects. Critical measures include use of insecticides to control face flies, segregation of affected animals, personal disinfection between treatments of affected and noninfected animals, and frequent mowing of pastures. In herds severely affected by IBK, vaccination may be worthwhile. Recommendations are to vaccinate six weeks before onset of the expected disease season. Calves should be vaccinated at 21–30 days of age, with a second vaccination occurring 21 days later. Vaccine administration should be at least 21 days before the fly season. It is not known whether colostral antibodies will interfere with the vaccines. Adult cattle should receive two initial vaccinations, followed by yearly boosters near the beginning of the vector season. Of the food animal species, cattle are most affected by ocular and periocular neoplasia. The most common neoplasia is OSCC. Ocular Squamous Cell Carcinoma OSCC has considerable economic impact, particularly from the loss of older breeding animals and due to partial carcass condemnation at slaughter. In a study performed in 2009, OSCC/epithelioma was the fourth leading cause (9.15%) of carcass condemnation at postmortem examinations of animals sent to harvest for beef in the United States from 2003 through 2007. Cattle with OSCC are condemned if the eye has been destroyed, if there is extensive infection, if the animal is in poor condition, or if there is evidence of spread to other parts of the body, including structures around the eye. Cattle with small, localized lesions may pass inspection after condemnation of affected parts such as the head. The presence of OSCC in slaughter animals is estimated to cause annual losses of $20 million in the United States alone. Actual incidence in the general cattle population of the United States is often difficult to assess. In herds of live cattle, the incidence of OSCC has shown to vary from 4.4% to 5.6%. However, many of these studies considered herds of Hereford or Hereford cross cattle only and hence it is difficult to extrapolate. Bovine OSCC occurs worldwide, but there is an association between the occurrence of OSCC and an increased level of solar radiation. The incidence of OSCC increased significantly with decreases in latitude, increases in altitude, and mean annual hours of sunlight. The onset of OSCC is age related, with older cattle having a significantly greater risk. The average age of cattle with OSCC is 8.1 years. The incidence of OSCC is significantly higher in B. taurus than in B. indicus breeds. Though other cattle breeds are affected, the Hereford is overrepresented. This association is partially related to the typical periocular depigmentation. Age and lack of corneoconjunctival pigmentation were significant risk factors. Ayrshires are the most susceptible dairy breed and have a corresponding predilection for SCC of the vulva. There is no true sex difference in the incidence of OSCC. The higher incidence observed in females results from the males having been marketed before the age of peak incidence. There is considerable evidence suggestive of a genetic basis for OSCC, such as variable morbidity rates among various breeds of cattle, lines of sires, and increased rates in the progeny of affected compared with those of unaffected parents. Lesion development is not heritable directly, but the genetic effect on periocular pigmentation determines to a large extent the degree to which the eye is susceptible. A negative association exists between eyelid pigmentation and the occurrence of OSCC. Eyelid margin pigmentation clearly has an inhibitory effect on eyelid lesions but seems to have little effect on development of the much more frequent, conjunctival OSCC. Corneoscleral (i.e., limbal) and bulbar conjunctival pigment have a local inhibitory effect on the development of OSCC. A specific carcinogen has not been identified. A number of factors, including age, gender, breed, periocular and corneoscleral pigmentation, exposure to sunlight, viral infection, and nutrition, likely contribute to development of OSCC. Exposure to sunlight plays a significant causal role in the development of OSCC. In cattle, all measures of solar radiation indicate a significant association between increasing risks of OSCC and increasing levels of radiation. Associations are evident whether affliction is defined as the occurrence of any type of tumor (i.e., plaque, papilloma, and carcinoma) or as the occurrence of only papilloma or carcinoma. Average ages of affected cattle are lower at high levels than at low levels of radiation. Viral cofactors have been suggested in the etiology of OSCC, but there is no definite evidence. IBR virus has been isolated from ocular carcinoma and one of its precursor lesions, and “IBR‐type” inclusion bodies have been consistently observed in all types of OSCC lesions. It is not known whether IBR virus has a predilection for the epithelial tissue in ocular tumors. In addition, because IBR virus can be frequently isolated from early plaque lesions, it apparently exists early in the course of the disease among many animals. Whether IBR has a part in initiating tumor growth is only speculative. The role of bovine papilloma virus (BPV) in OSCC has also been examined. Neither the use of papilloma virus‐specific antibodies nor that of DNA hybridization assays for all six known types of BPV could demonstrate a direct association with OSCC. While not needed for tumor maintenance, BPV may play a role initially in tumor formation. Nutritional status affects the development of OSCC from six to nine years of age. Cattle with high nutritional levels have an occurrence of OSCC of 14%, whereas cattle on lower feed intakes have an occurrence of 1.5%. Animals on a high nutritional plane also have increased severity and number of tumors and reduced five‐year survival rates compared with those in animals at a low level of nutrition. Approximately 75% of OSCC and precursor lesions affect the bulbar conjunctiva and cornea, and of these, 90% involve the limbus and 10% involve the cornea. The remaining 25% of OSCC lesions are distributed in the palpebral conjunctiva, nictitating membrane, and eyelids. Bovine OSCC has a characteristic progression through a series of benign stages and then, possibly, to a malignant stage. On the globe and third eyelid, the initial lesion is a plaque. Plaques may progress to a papilloma, then to a noninvasive carcinoma (i.e., carcinoma in situ
Food and Fiber Animal Ophthalmology
Bovine Ocular Examination and Ophthalmic Parameters
Orbit and Globe
Congenital Globe Abnormalities and Blindness
Abnormalities of Globe Position and Movement
Retrobulbar Space‐Occupying Lesions
Orbital Neoplasia
Orbital Inflammation
The Eyelids
Entropion and Eyelid Defects
Eyelid Trauma
The Nasolacrimal System
Developmental Anomalies
Conjunctiva and Cornea
Congenital Anomalies
Congenital Porphyria and Protoporphyria
Inherited Corneal Disease
Phenothiazine‐Induced Corneal Disease
Parasitic Keratoconjunctivitis
Thelazia Species
Infectious Keratoconjunctivitis
Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis
Listerial Keratoconjunctivitis
Chlamydial Keratoconjunctivitis
Malignant Catarrhal Fever
Infectious Bovine Keratoconjunctivitis
Economic Impact
Morphology of Moraxella bovis
Predisposing Factors
Clinical Signs
Medical Treatment
Neoplasia of the Conjunctiva and Cornea
Geographic Distribution
Genetic Predisposition
Etiology of OSCC
Clinical Signs
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