Chapter 8 Domestic Ferret (Mustela putorius)

Figure 8-1, A and B Type of animal: Ferret
Type of study: Viscera of thorax and abdomen
Projection: Laterolateral (right lateral recumbency)

Figure 8-3, A Type of animal: Ferret
Type of study: Whole body skeleton
Projection: Laterolateral (right lateral recumbency)

Figure 8-3, B Type of animal: Ferret
Type of study: Whole body skeleton
Projection: Laterolateral (right lateral recumbency)

Figure 8-6, A Type of animal: Ferret
Type of study: Head with open mouth
Projection: Laterolateral (right lateral recumbency)

Figure 8-6, B Type of animal: Ferret
Type of study: Head with open mouth
Projection: Laterolateral (right lateral recumbency)

Figure 8-8, A Type of animal: Ferret
Type of study: Cervical and thoracic vertebral column
Projection: Laterolateral (right lateral recumbency)

Figure 8-8, B Type of animal: Ferret
Type of study: Cervical and thoracic vertebral column
Projection: Laterolateral (right lateral recumbency)

Figure 8-10, A Type of animal: Ferret
Type of study: Lumbar, sacral, and caudal vertebral column
Projection: Laterolateral (right lateral recumbency)

Figure 8-10, B Type of animal: Ferret
Type of study: Lumbar, sacral, and caudal vertebral column
Projection: Laterolateral (right lateral recumbency)