Dental Equipment and Care

Chapter 2 Dental Equipment and Care


A variety of equipment is available, which leads to the frequently asked question: “What type of dental equipment should I buy?” There are several factors to consider, depending on the individual practice. How much and what type of dentistry will be performed? How much space is available? How much capital is available to purchase the equipment? Is the practice prepared to equip for future department expansion, or just for the immediate needs?

When purchasing dental equipment, frequency of use, type of use, space available for equipment, and the cost should be evaluated before making a decision. For example, if endodontic therapy is to be performed, purchase of an air-driven unit is recommended. Other advanced level dental procedures also require specialized equipment.

After reviewing your own practice situation and goals, the equipment suited to your practice should become more apparent. The purchase of dental equipment provides an excellent return on investment.1 The dental service is one of the most cost-efficient departments in the veterinary hospital.

A variety of dental instruments and supplies are needed, and selecting instruments that allow efficiency and effectiveness during dental procedures is a must. This includes having a variety of sizes of some instrument types in order to work with the different sizes of teeth and oral cavities that veterinarians encounter.


Features to Consider

Air-Driven Power Equipment

Variable Features

Air-Driven Alternatives Other Than by Air Compressor


Low-speed handpieces

Accessories: prophy angles

Sep 22, 2016 | Posted by in SMALL ANIMAL | Comments Off on Dental Equipment and Care

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