Delayed Union, Nonunion, and Malunion

Chapter 122 Delayed Union, Nonunion, and Malunion


Healing times for similar fractures in any single group of patients are fairly uniform; however, a small number of fractures have longer than normal healing times, or may fail to heal at all. The particular type of fracture (comminuted or simple), the bone involved and its location (e.g., distal radius/ulna in small-breed dogs), the age of the animal, and the type of fixation use all influence normal healing times.


Age of Animal External Skeletal and Intramedullary Pin Fixation Bone Plate Fixation*
<3 mo 2–3 wk 4 wk
3–6 mo 4–6 wk 2–3 mo
6–12 mo 5–8 wk 3–4 mo
>1 yr 7–12 wk 5–8 mo

* Fractures stabilized by this method may not be considered clinically healed (have sufficient strength) as early as fractures stabilized by other means of fixation, because direct cortical union (primary bone healing by Haversian remodeling) is not supported by periosteal callus. This is of primary importance when considering timing of implant removal. Clinical function is not adversely affected by this method of fixation because plates provide rigid fixation.

Other classifications are based on fracture site, fragment displacement, and presence or absence of infection, but are not routinely used.



Radiographic evaluation of the fracture site reveals a lack of progression of fracture healing (i.e., bone healing has stopped). Variable amounts of callus may be present depending upon a further subclassification of viable (biologically active) or non-viable (biologically inactive) nonunion (Table 122-2). These nonunions can be classified into two groups: those with callus formation (the hypertrophic viable nonunions) and those without callus formation (both viable oligotrophic and non-viable nonunions).

Most fractures unite within a reasonable time despite systemic factors such as malnutrition, generalized metabolic or endocrine abnormalities, and acute or chronic generalized disease states.

Most commonly these local factors can be identified as inadequate fracture fixation, resulting in instability (Table 122-3). Motion within a fracture site creates interfragmentary strain at the site, and if this strain exceeds tissue tolerance, the tissue will not form within the gap. For example, essential fragile capillaries will not be able to cross the fracture gap within the early granulation tissue formation, or later, with the subsequent stages of tissue differentiation (cartilage and bone).

The most common local factor is a fracture gap (with or without interposition of soft tissues) that exceeds the regenerative capacity of the bone. There is a critical distance over which bone will not form within a gap, resulting in a nonunion.

This may occur at the time of fracture, but also at the time of surgery. The importance of the surrounding soft tissues cannot be overemphasized as it is these tissues that are the source for the early revascularization of the bone (transient extraosseous circulation). Therefore, the surgical approaches must be anatomic and atraumatic in nature in order to best preserve this surrounding soft tissue envelope.

Finally, a very common local factor identified in the etiology of nonunions is in miniature or toy breed dogs, where there is a limited vascular supply to the distal radius. Fractures of this bone in these breeds of dogs have a high propensity for developing into a nonunion. Therefore, obtain rigid fixation using bone plates and place cancellous bone grafts.


Diagnostic Imaging

Aug 27, 2016 | Posted by in SMALL ANIMAL | Comments Off on Delayed Union, Nonunion, and Malunion

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