Julie Piccione1 and Lucien Vallone2 1 Texas A&M Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory, College Station, TX, USA 2 Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA Cytological specimens can be collected with minimally invasive techniques that are often inexpensive in comparison to other procedures and tests. Cytological evaluation can provide valuable information on the etiology of a lesion and guide the ordering of ancillary tests such as biopsy with histological examination, culture, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), etc. These benefits are especially useful in the equine eye, where disease is common and collection of biopsy specimens can be challenging. Ideally, cytological evaluation and ancillary tests (e.g., bacterial and fungal cultures) should be performed together whenever possible for ocular lesions. Cytological examination provides information on the presence or absence of inflammation, which may aid in the interpretation of any bacterial or fungal growth as true infectious agents versus normal flora or contaminants. Additionally, cytological evaluation is more rapid than culture and provides general information on the size, shape, number, and gram‐staining properties of any bacteria present. Periocular and ocular masses represent approximately 10% of all equine neoplasms [1]. Nonneoplastic conditions such as abscesses, habronemiasis, conjunctival pseudotumors, and fungal granulomas can mimic tumors grossly [2–4]. Cytological evaluation can help characterize lesions as inflammatory or neoplastic and guide future diagnostic tests and therapeutics before more invasive techniques are used. However, surgical excision and histological examination with or without adjunctive therapy (radiation, chemotherapy, cryotherapy) are indicated for most ocular tumors [5]. Whilst cytological evaluation has many benefits, there are limitations that must be considered. Given the small size of cytological specimens, they may not be representative of the entire lesion. Therefore, whilst confident diagnoses can be made when certain infections agents or neoplastic populations are seen, many diseases cannot be ruled out with cytological evaluation alone. Additionally, without tissue architecture, some populations of cells can be difficult to classify as reactive (nonneoplastic) or neoplastic. Concurrent inflammation can cause dysplastic changes in cells (e.g., mesenchymal cells and squamous epithelial cells) that can mimic neoplasia cytologically. Lastly, there are many structures that can mimic infections agents to a novice microscopist (Figure 13.1). A diagnostic cytology sample should provide large numbers of intact cells in a monolayer, be free of contaminating materials (e.g., infectious agents, mucus, plant material), and representative of the sampled lesion. An ideal collection method would utilize readily available affordable materials, cause minimal discomfort for the patient, and limit artefacts in the cytological specimen. There are several methods for collecting cytological specimens of ocular lesions and the gold standard method may vary depending on the exact anatomical location and the suspected etiology. There are several methods that can be used for restraint and to minimize discomfort for the horse during the ophthalmic examination and for collection of cytological samples. An ear or nose twitch can be used for minor, minimally uncomfortable procedures such as applying anesthetic or examining the eye. More often, chemical sedation and periocular nerve blocks are required to facilitate a thorough ophthalmic examination and subsequent cytology collection. Finally, topical and/or local anesthesia is frequently needed before cytological samples can be obtained from the ocular surface or periocular tissues. These examination and restraint techniques are briefly summarized below and are reviewed more fully elsewhere [2, 6–9]. Figure 13.1 (a) Environmental plant material found in a corneal scraping can mimic fungal hyphae. (b) Orange‐green melanin granules can mimic bacteria. Few basophilic, small, rod‐shaped bacteria are present. (c,d) Fibers can mimic fungal hyphae. (e) Alternaria sp., most commonly a saprophytic contaminant. (f) Streaming mucus (black arrow) can be mistaken for fungal hyphae (red arrow) when present alone. (g) Keratin scrolls are rolled‐up superficial squamous epithelial cells that can mimic fungal hyphae to novice microscopists. (h) Streaming nuclear material and proteinaceous debris should not be mistaken for fungal hyphae. Source: Images (a) and (e) courtesy of Dr Samantha Schlemmer. For short standing procedures, a single intravenous injection of an alpha‐2 agonist such as xylazine, detomidine, or romifidine (following labeled dosing instructions) is usually sufficient. Adjunctive sedatives may be required for some patients, including the opioid butorphanol or the phenothiazine tranquilizer acepromazine. Periocular nerve blocks are easier to perform in a sedated patient and are often needed to overcome the strength of muscle contraction within the equine eyelid, especially in circumstances where there is ocular pain. The auriculopalpebral nerve is a branch of the facial nerve and provides motor innervation to the orbicularis oculi muscle. The palpebral branch of this nerve can be palpated and blocked at multiple locations along the zygomatic arch providing akinesia to the eyelids. The supraorbital or frontal nerve is a branch of the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve, arises from the supraorbital foramen located at the dorsomedial aspect of the bony orbit, and provides sensory innervation to the upper eyelid. This nerve is blocked at the site of the supraorbital foramen to improve comfort as the patient’s upper eyelid is manipulated. Common local anesthetic protocols utilize either mepivacaine or lidocaine by injecting 2–3 mL subcutaneously over each nerve and then massaging the injection site. Periocular nerve blocks should be performed away from the actual lesion of collection, limiting any interference in collection or results. The use of topical anesthesia in ocular lesions sampled for cytology is slightly debated, the concern being that it could decrease cellular collection and alter the morphology of cells. Some studies describe absorbing excessive amounts of fluid before collecting and reported no overt abnormalities from the use of topical anesthetic [10]. Some studies in other species have shown better sample collection with the use of topical anesthetics, likely due to increased patient compliance [11]. Topical anesthesia can be obtained with tetracaine, proparacaine, lidocaine, mepivacaine, or oxybuprocaine solutions [2, 10, 12–16]. The topical anesthetics morphine and nalbuphine appear to be ineffective in the horse [17, 18]. It is typically recommended to collect samples destined for bacterial culture before the administration of any topical anesthetic; however, the use of topical proparacaine HCl does not appear to significantly affect the numbers and types of organisms cultured from the cornea or conjunctiva [19, 20]. Finally, the use of subconjunctival local anesthetics has been reported recently to provide a safe and effective means of ocular surface anesthesia for procedures lasting up to two hours [7]. There is some debate on whether to clean the surface of ocular lesions before collection of cytological samples. Many ocular lesions can lead to excessive tearing and collection of exudate. These secretions can then become admixed with environmental debris (e.g., plant material, fungus), normal flora bacteria, and degenerative cellular debris (Figure 13.1). Ideally, collection of samples before and after cleaning would provide the most information. However, samples/slides would need to be clearly labeled as before and after cleaning. Gentle cleaning with a moistened cotton swab or flushing with sterile eyewash should aid in removing excess mucus and surface contaminants. Excess eyewash can be collected from the medial canthus with a cotton swab or gauze. Cytological evaluation of lesions associated with the dermal and subcutaneous tissues surrounding the eye can provide valuable diagnostic information. Impression smear cytology (pressing a glass slide to a lesion) should be accompanied by fine needle aspiration or scraping, as impression smears only represent the superficial surface of the lesion. Neoplastic cells may not be present superficially. Additionally, when ulceration is present, secondary infections are common which can lead to insufficient treatment. Lastly, in ulcerated lesions, atypical squamous epithelial cells are common, representing dysplastic and hyperplastic populations. However, these cells can mimic neoplastic populations, resulting in misdiagnoses, especially with novice microscopists. Fine needle aspiration of retrobulbar lesions has the benefit of being minimally invasive and providing rapid information. However, not all neoplasms and pathological processes can be diagnosed with cytological evaluation. Some lesions are poorly cellular or poorly exfoliative, providing only small number of cells for cytological evaluation (e.g., hemangioma, certain sarcomas). Therefore, additional diagnostic tests such as advanced imaging and biopsy with histologic examination may be warranted. There are several methods for collecting cytological specimens from the conjunctiva and cornea which can be broadly divided into debridement and impression techniques. Debridement involves scraping, swabbing, or brushing and recommended techniques vary according to anatomical location (cornea versus conjunctiva) and disease. Debridement instruments include the following: sterile cotton‐tip applicator swab or calcium alginate swab, Kimura spatula, handle edge of a disposable scalpel blade, and cytobrush (Figure 13.2a,b). Impression cytology can be performed using a glass slide or, preferably, a cellulose filter. In general, collecting samples with a cotton‐tip applicator swab or directly with a glass microscope slide is not recommended if other collection methods are available. Collection with cotton‐tip applicators results in poor cytological specimens due to poor cellularity and occasional contaminating fibers. Scraping (Kimura spatula or handle edge of a disposable scalpel blade) and brushing (cytobrush) collection methods are most common in the horse, though methods involving impression cytology have been reported [10, 21–23]. Scraping of corneal ulcers and other corneal lesions should be taken at the margin of the lesion to prevent further damage to the cornea and to limit necrotic cellular debris. When scraping, gentle pressure should be applied whilst scraping several times in the same direction (not back and forth) until material is collected on the end of the collection device [24]. The material can then be gently applied to the center of a clean glass slide, spreading the material thin. Cytobrush samples are collected by turning the bristled tip 3–4 times over the margin of the lesion. The cytobrush is then gently rolled onto a microscope slide. It is important to note that fungal organisms are often found in the deeper corneal layers [25] so when keratomycosis is suspected, aggressive scraping may be warranted. Care should be taken in circumstances in which stromal loss is present, as inadvertent corneal perforation can occur. Additionally, if the ulcer has started to epithelialize, it may be necessary to gently remove the superficial epithelium before collection to allow for diagnostic samples [24]. A recent study compared three common debridement methods for collecting corneal samples in horses with ulcerative keratitis: cytobrush, Kimura platinum spatula, and the handle edge of a scalpel blade [23]. All three techniques provided clinically useful samples and results; however, using the handle edge of a scalpel blade provided the most intact cells and diagnostic samples [23]. This method is also practical as scalpel blades are easily available, sterile, and affordable [23]. Impression cytology most often refers to the use of a cellulose filter, typically applied to the cornea (or conjunctiva) to collect cytological specimens [26]. This method removes the most superficial layers of cells, which can then be stained and examined microscopically or used for molecular analysis (PCR) [26, 27]. The method is increasing in popularity in human ophthalmic centers, and in veterinary research and academic settings [10, 21, 22, 26]. In brief, cellulose filters are applied directly to the area of interest either alone or attached to a plastic tube to ease application [10, 22, 26]. During collection, the eyelids must be held open to avoid introducing tear fluid, which will inhibit cell collection [26]. The filter is left in place for 5–10 seconds and then removed. The cellulose filters can then be stained with various methods and mounted onto slides and coverslipped. Details of this collection method are described elsewhere [10, 21, 22, 26]. Figure 13.2 (a) Collection of cytological samples with the handle of a single‐use scalpel blade. (b) Collection of cytological samples with Kimura spatula. (c) Conjunctival biopsy. Small scissors are used to excise a portion of conjunctiva. (d) Anterior chamber paracentesis. A 25 or 22 gauge needle attached to a 1 mL syringe is inserted into the bulbar conjunctiva, 3–4 mm from the limbus. The needle is threaded deep to the conjunctiva towards the limbus and enters the anterior chamber parallel to the surface of the iris. Source: Images (b), (c) and (d) courtesy of Drs Elizabeth A. Giuliano and Cecil P. Moore. There are several benefits of the impression cytology technique. Several studies show that impression cytology of healthy and diseased cornea (and conjunctiva) provides sufficient numbers of well‐preserved cells for cytological evaluation, similarly to cytobrush samples [10, 22]. The method appears to be more comfortable for the patient and causes less irritation and epithelial cell damage when compared to the cytobrush method [22]. Therefore, impression cytology technique may be useful for fragile or deep corneal lesions or for sensitive horses. Impression cytology also maintains cellular/tissue architecture and can better demonstrate the proportion of goblet cells, and therefore may be preferred in research settings or for goblet cell quantification [10, 21]. There are also several limitations to impression cytology, especially in a clinical setting. To begin, the collection materials may not be readily available to practitioners because they are not kept in stock for other diagnostic and treatment protocols (versus scalpel blades). The collection process may also be difficult because the eyelids must be kept open [10]. Staining and processing of the membrane can be technically demanding and may not allow for long‐term storage or easy transport to a diagnostic laboratory. Additionally, impression cytology samples limit evaluation of fine cellular detail and small infectious agents due to the thicker preparations [21, 22]. Therefore, when neoplasia or bacterial etiologies are suspected, impression cytology may not be the ideal collection method [21]. Samples of the conjunctiva can be collected similarly to corneal lesions (Figure 13.2a,b). When diffuse conjunctival disease is present, the lower palpebral conjunctiva is the preferred collection site [24]. When conjunctival lesions are scraped with a scalpel handle edge or Kimura spatula, it is important to avoid the lid margin [24]. Conjunctival cytobrush samples are also collected from the lower palpebral conjunctiva and fornix in a manner similar to corneal sample collection (described above) and this method yields samples of high cellularity [28]. Larger conjunctival biopsy samples can be taken by grasping tissue adjacent to the lesion of interest and using scissors or a scalpel to excise the lesion (Figure 13.2c) [24]. Before placing the tissue sample into formalin, impression smears can be made for cytological evaluation. The tissue should be gently pressed onto a clean glass slide in several separate places make several imprints of the specimen. This sample can then be evaluated for rapid information as well as to complement histological examination of the formalin fixed tissue. Additionally, these tissue samples can be used to detect Onchocerca microfilaria (described below) [24]. Ocular paracentesis refers to the sampling of aqueous and vitreous fluid and usually requires general anesthesia [24]. Ocular paracentesis is rarely performed in the field, as there are many associated risks, including but not limited to hemorrhage, lens perforation, endothelial damage, corneal edema, retinal detachment, and introduction of microorganisms. Where required, the procedure may be performed in standing horses with the use of deep sedation, periocular nerve blocks (including retrobulbar block), and topical corneal anesthesia [29–31]. The most common indication for ocular paracentesis is to determine an underlying etiology for uveitis. Sampling of the aqueous and/or vitreous is performed only after other less invasive diagnostic methods (e.g., complete blood count [CBC], blood culture, serology) have failed to yield a diagnosis and when inflammation is not resolving with supportive care. Vitreous paracentesis, specifically, may be considered in horses with marked vitreous opacification, exudative retinal separations, or suspected infectious endophthalmitis [24]. Aqueous humor paracentesis is performed by approaching the anterior chamber through the dorsotemporal limbus (Figure 13.2d). The conjunctiva and cornea should be cleaned with 5% aqueous povidone‐iodine solution and rinsed with sterile 0.9% saline [24]. The eyelids should be retracted using a speculum. Thumb forceps are used to grasp the bulbar conjunctiva near the point of entry. A 27 or 30 gauge needle attached to a 1 mL syringe (with the plunger seal already broken) is inserted into the bulbar conjunctiva approximately 3–4 mm away from the limbus [24]. The needle is gently threaded under the conjunctiva towards the limbus until it enters the anterior chamber parallel to the surface of the iris. Then 0.2–0.5 mL of aqueous humor is gently and slowly aspirated [24]. The needle is then slowly withdrawn and gentle pressure is applied over the exit wound [24, 29]. After collection, a freshly prepared smear should be made on a glass slide in a blood smear fashion. The remaining fluid should be stored in a nonadditive sterile tube for potential culture. Vitreous paracentesis is performed through a pars plana approach [24]. The ocular surface should be prepared as described for aqueous humor collection. A 23–25 gauge needle attached to a 1 mL syringe (with the plunger seal already broken) is inserted in the dorsolateral quadrant of the eye approximately 10–12 mm behind the limbus [32, 33]. A small amount (typically no more than 0.2 mL) of vitreous humor is gently and slowly aspirated [24]. The needle is then slowly withdrawn and gentle pressure is applied over the exit wound [24]. Slide preparation and submission of remaining fluid are the same as for sampling of aqueous humor. In addition to cytological evaluation, fluid collected from the aqueous or vitreous can be analyzed for bacterial and fungal culture and susceptibility, protein measurement, antibody titers (e.g., Borrelia and Leptospira spp.), and PCR (e.g., Borrelia and Leptospira spp., equine herpesvirus [EHV], antigen receptor rearrangement for lymphoid neoplasms) [30, 34–40]. Diagnostic laboratories should be contacted ahead of collection to ensure proper sample collection, handling, and shipping, especially for specialized diagnostic tests such as PCR and immunofluorescence assay. For cytological evaluation, submission of both freshly prepared slides and collected fluid in nonadditive tubes is preferred. This allows pathologists to evaluate the gross appearance of the fluid, perform cell counts or access cellularity, determine total protein, and prepare concentrated slides. Infectious agents are a major cause of ocular lesions and some special considerations are required. In‐clinic stains may be prone to contamination with plant material, bacteria, fungi, and other miscellaneous debris (Figure 13.1). This material can obviously confound cytological evaluation. Therefore, thorough cleaning of stain containers and frequent replacement and monitoring of stains are recommended. Additionally, normal flora bacteria and plant material can occasionally be observed in cytological specimens from apparently healthy animals. When infectious agents are seen, evidence of a corresponding inflammatory response may increase confidence in the infectious etiology. Although there are several limitations to cytological evaluation, there are several steps that can be taken to improve cytological conclusions, especially when using a diagnostic laboratory. To begin, providing a thorough clinical description of the lesion is paramount. Since cytological evaluation does not involve tissue architecture, providing a basic description of the lesion can often clarify cytological findings. A basic gross description would include size, shape, color, dermal versus subcutaneous localization (where applicable), duration, haired or hair loss, etc. Submission of a gross image of the lesion may improve cytological interpretation and save the time of writing out a lengthy description. Pertinent clinical history (e.g., history of neoplasms, medications used on this lesion) should also be provided. Lastly, it is important to submit at least one unstained slide when possible. This allows pathologists to use high‐quality, clean stains that they are familiar with, allowing for quick and accurate scanning of the cytological specimen. Additionally, special stains can be performed, where indicated: gram stain for bacteria; Gomori methenamine silver (GMS) and periodic acid–Schiff (PAS) for fungal organisms; T‐Blue and Giemsa for questionable mast cell tumors, etc. The outermost portion of the eyelids and normal cytology are similar to haired skin in other anatomical locations (see Chapter 12). The innermost aspect of the eyelid is lined with palpebral conjunctiva (see normal conjunctival cytology features below). At the eyelid margin, Meibomian gland orifices can be seen with the aid of magnification. These glands are numerous and extend 5–7 mm into the eyelid and are surrounded by fibrous connective tissue, giving the eyelid structural support. Meibomian glands are sebaceous, producing the outermost lipid component of the tear film [28]. Blepharitis can be caused by infectious and noninfectious etiologies. When an etiological agent is not identified cytologically but there are large numbers of inflammatory cells, bacterial and fungal cultures may be warranted. If the lesion does not resolve with supportive treatment for the inflammation, biopsy with histological examination may also be indicated. Differential diagnoses for inflammation in the eyelids and periocular regions may be similar to those described in Chapter 12, with a few conditions unique to the eyelids. Inflammatory lesions are most commonly categorized by the predominant inflammatory cell. Mixed cell inflammation with no apparent predominant cell type can be more difficult to characterize cytologically due to the variety of differential diagnoses. Neutrophil‐predominant inflammation in the eyelids and periocular lesions is most commonly caused by bacterial infections, whether primary or secondary to another etiology (e.g., contaminated foreign body or ulcerated neoplasm). Additional considerations for significant neutrophilic inflammation include, but are not limited to, fungal infections, trauma, sterile foreign body reactions, Meibomian cysts, and pemphigus foliaceus. Bacterial infections in the eyelid usually occur secondary to trauma or foreign body reactions, ulcerated neoplasms, and occasionally following placement of subpalpebral lavage (SPL) systems (Figure 13.3a). Cytologically, bacterial infections typically exfoliate large numbers of nondegenerate to degenerate neutrophils (Figure 13.3b). Degenerate neutrophils are intact cells with swollen, pale nuclei. It is important not to mistake lyzed cells (which will have swollen, pale nuclei) with degenerate neutrophils. Degenerate neutrophils occur with certain bacterial infections but the lack of degenerate neutrophils does not rule out bacterial infections. Finding intracellular bacteria confirms a bacterial infection. However, cytology cannot always determine if a bacterial infection is a primary or secondary process. When there are large numbers of neutrophils present but no bacteria are found, bacterial culture is indicated as a more sensitive detection method. Fungal infections affecting the eyelids can include opportunistic and systemic fungi [24]. Dermatophytosis in horses can be caused by Trichophyton or Microsporum spp., and lesions can be observed on the eyelids. Grossly, the lesions are often alopecic, dry to exudative, with marginal crusting. In some cases, small masses may develop. Fungal organisms can be identified with cytological examination of samples with impression smears, skin scrapings, or fine needle aspirate of masses. Cytological examination of stained specimens from dermatophytosis lesions reveals mixed cell inflammation, typically predominated by neutrophils with fewer macrophages, multinucleated giant cells, and possibly eosinophils (Figure 13.4). Arthrospores (arthroconidia) and fungal hyphae are occasionally seen (Figure 13.4a–c). Arthrospores are smaller than red blood cells (approximately 2 × 4 μm), round to slightly elongate, and deeply basophilic with a thin nonstaining border. Unstained wet mounts of hair shafts in mineral oil or saline can also be examined for arthrospores or fungal hyphae [24]. Meibomian cyst, or chalazion, develops when there is blockage of the Meibomian glands. These are typically noninfectious but secondary infections may occur. Grossly, the lesions are on the edge of the eyelid, small, yellow to white, and often painful. On cytological examination, there are numerous nondegenerate neutrophils and macrophages (Figure 13.5). Some Meibomian gland epithelial cells may be seen but can be difficult to differentiate from macrophages. Figure 13.3 (a) Subpalpebral lavage systems can cause local cellulitis and occasionally abscessation in horses. The tape and suture were placed too close to the SPL exit site in this case, inducing local irritation and trapping debris. (b) Separate case of bacterial blepharitis. Cytological examination reveals numerous degenerate neutrophils and diplococci bacteria. Wright–Giemsa, 100× objective. Figure 13.4 Fine needle aspirate sample collected from several small eyelid masses in a foal. Many degenerate neutrophils with rare macrophages and multinucleated giant cells are seen. (a) Basophilic staining fungal hyphae. (b) Nonstaining fungal hyphae within a multinucleated giant cell (black arrows). (c) Three arthrospores (red arrows). Fungal culture later confirmed as Trichophyton sp. Wright–Giemsa, 100× objective. Demodex spp. are presumed to inhabit the hair follicles and Meibomian glands of the eyelids and rarely may cause mild blepharitis [41]. Microscopic evaluation of Meibomian gland secretions (by gentle expression) or alopecic areas of the eyelid (via skin scraping) can reveal Demodex mites, which are species specific. Inflammation may be mild but predominated by neutrophils. Additionally, these mites may be incidental findings in samples collected from the eyelid or cornea (Figure 13.6). Pemphigus foliaceus is another consideration for pustules on the eyelid with marked neutrophilic inflammation and no apparent bacteria. Cytological examination may reveal large numbers of nondegenerate neutrophils and acantholytic cells. Acantholytic cells are squamous epithelial cells that have lost intercellular connections to other cells and appear cytologically as densely basophilic, individual, round to oval cells. Small numbers of acantholytic cells can be seen with a variety of etiologies (e.g., bacterial dermatitis, dermatophytosis). Increased numbers of these cells can be suggestive of an immune‐mediated process such as pemphigus foliaceus; however, the diagnosis of pemphigus foliaceus requires multiple biopsies of intact pustules and histological examination. Figure 13.5 Fine needle aspirate sample from a chalazion. Many nondegenerate neutrophils with fewer foamy macrophages are seen. Source: Image provided by Drs Elizabeth A. Giuliano and Cecil P. Moore. Figure 13.6 Corneal scraping from an adult horse with a history of corneal squamous cell carcinoma. One Demodex mite is depicted as an incidental finding from the neighboring Meibomian glands or hair follicles. Modified Wright. Source: Image courtesy of Dr Alexandra Myers. Eosinophil‐predominant inflammation can be seen with habronemiasis, eosinophilic granuloma, and less commonly with fungal infections. Additionally, large numbers of eosinophils can be observed with mast cell tumors in horses. Mast cell tumors are discussed in further detail below. Habronemiasis is caused by the larva of the nematodes Habronema muscae, H. microstoma, and Draschia megastoma [41]. When house and stable flies deposit larva around the eye, severe granulomatous inflammation occurs. Common locations for ocular granulomas include eyelids, third eyelid, medial canthus, and conjunctiva. The granulomas are often proliferative, ulcerated, exudative, pruritic, and painful (Figure 13.7a) [42, 43]. Fine needle aspiration, conjunctival scraping, or impression smears with cytological evaluation of these granulomas would reveal mixed cell inflammation with a predominance of eosinophils, neutrophils, and mast cells (Figure 13.7b) [43]. Biopsy with histological examination is more likely to reveal parasitic larva (Figure 13.7c) [42]. Eosinophilic granulomas are rare, typically firm, well‐demarcated, round nodules with no ulceration or hair loss [24]. Fine needle aspirations typically reveal large numbers of eosinophils with fewer macrophages, mast cells, and reactive fibroblasts. This cytological appearance can be similar to habronemiasis but the gross appearance can typically differentiate habronemiasis from eosinophilic granulomas [24]. Common eyelid tumors in the horse include squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and sarcoid [5, 29, 44, 45]. Less common eyelid tumors include papilloma, melanoma, lymphosarcoma, hemangioma, hemangiosarcoma, perivascular wall tumors (e.g., hemangiopericytoma), fibroma, fibrosarcoma, mast cell tumor, adenoma, myxosarcoma, and basal cell carcinoma [5, 44, 46, 47]. When neoplastic lesions are suspected in the ocular and periocular tissues, thorough palpation of regional lymph nodes and cytological evaluation may be indicated. Figure 13.7 (a) Habronemiasis is characterized by nonhealing, raised, ulcerated lesions containing yellow, caseous, gritty nodules. Source: Image courtesy of Drs Elizabeth A. Giuliano and Cecil P. Moore. (b) Fine needle aspiration of these lesions will exfoliate eosinophils, neutrophils, and well‐granulated mast cells (separate case). (c) H&E histopathology sample of an eosinophilic granuloma. Cross‐sections of Habronema nematodes surrounded by lakes of degranulated eosinophils (separate case). Source: Image courtesy of Dr Andrés de la Concha‐Bermejillo. Horses at higher risk for SCC are Paints, Appaloosas, Haflingers, quarter horses, Thoroughbreds, Belgian draft horses, and any horses with poorly pigmented eyelid margins [2, 5, 48–50]. SCCs can have varying gross appearances depending on the duration and progression of the neoplasm (Figure 13.8a). They can be small, white, elevated plaques or exophytic masses with distinct margins, or they can be larger, pink, ulcerated masses with irregular margins. Ocular SCCs are locally invasive and can have a high recurrence rate after treatment (~42%) [5, 51]. Metastasis is rare with reports ranging from 6% to 15% but can occur to the lung or regional lymph nodes [51]. Squamous cell carcinomas tend to be highly exfoliative with fine needle aspiration, providing modest to large numbers of cells for cytological evaluation (Figure 13.8b). Cells are most commonly arranged as single cells but variably sized, cohesive, sometimes disorganized clusters are also seen. Cell borders are variably distinct. The presence of elongated squamous cells, or tadpole cells, may increase suspicion for SCC but nuclear atypia is still required to diagnose malignancy [52]. The amount of cytoplasm present may vary depending on the degree of differentiation of the neoplasm [52]. More well‐differentiated tumours will have many angular cells with lower N:C ratios; however, the N:C ratio is still increased compared to normal squamous cells and rounded squamous epithelial cells are still present. Poorly differentiated tumors will have increased round cells with higher N:C ratios [52]. Marked anisocytosis (variation in cell size) is typically common. Colorless refractile perinuclear cytoplasmic granules are commonly observed and may be increased in SCCs compared to reactive (nonneoplastic) populations. Dyskeratosis (dark staining cytoplasmic rings encircling the nucleus) may be observed [52]. Emperipolesis, the presence of intact cells (typically neutrophils) within the cytoplasm, may be seen. Anisokaryosis (variation in nuclear size) is common and multinucleation may be observed. Rounded squamous epithelial cell nuclei will typically have coarse chromatin and multiple prominent nucleoli. Macronuclei (>5 μm) may also be observed. Mitotic figures may or may not be present (Figure 13.8c). Secondary neutrophilic inflammation is commonly observed with SCCs, especially with concurrent ulceration and secondary bacterial infections. Although the general guidelines are to have at least five criteria of malignancy before making a diagnosis of malignant neoplasia, the overall cytological and clinical findings need to be considered. Most of the cytological findings described above (emperipolesis, tadpole cells, dyskeratosis) are not pathognomonic for SCC and can be seen with reactive populations as well. Squamous epithelial cells can display significant cytological atypia due to benign hyperplasia and dysplasia secondary to inflammation. Therefore, a cytological diagnosis of SCC should only be made by an experienced pathologist when there is significant cellular atypia and a compatible clinical presentation. Other lesions that may exfoliate squamous epithelial cells include benign hyperplastic lesions, keratinizing cysts and neoplasms, papillomas, and carcinomas with squamous differentiation. With the exception of carcinomas with squamous differentiation, the remainder of these lesions should contain squamous epithelial cells with minimal nuclear atypia [52]. Distinguishing SCC from carcinomas with squamous differentiation can sometimes be difficult even with biopsy and histological examination, depending on the sample type, quality of the specimen, and morphology of the neoplastic cells. Figure 13.8 Squamous cell carcinoma. (a) SCC affecting the lower eyelid and bulbar conjunctiva of a paint horse. The lower eyelid lesion is slightly raised and is erosive, forming crusts. The conjunctival lesion is raised and vascular. Both presentations are common. (b) Fine needle aspiration of a separate eyelid SCC. Disorganized cluster of epithelial cells with anisocytosis, anisokaryosis, high N:C ratio cells, keratinization (black arrow), and perinuclear granulation. Wright–Giemsa, 50× objective. (c) H&E biopsy sample. Numerous neoplastic squamous cells with keratinization (black arrow), disorganization, and large mitoses (red arrow). Source: Image courtesy of Dr Andrés de la Concha‐Bermejillo. When a diagnosis of SCC is made, evaluation of regional lymph nodes may be warranted. Studies in other species have shown that bilateral lymph node removal and histopathology are required to rule out metastasis [53]. However, this aggressive work‐up is not always clinically and financially feasible. Cytological examination of regional lymph nodes may provide some valuable diagnostic information with minimally invasive methods, especially if regional lymph nodes are enlarged or firm. Sarcoids are common in the eyelids and periocular regions (Figure 13.9a). These are cutaneous tumors of fibroblastic origin [5, 44]. They can have a wide range of gross appearances but alopecia and secondary ulcerations and surface infections are common. Sarcoids are considered locally invasive but do not metastasize [5, 44]. Biopsy with histological examination is required for definitive characterization of mesenchymal cell lesions; however, cytological evaluation can provide preliminary information and rule out other processes. Aspiration of sarcoids typically provides low to modest numbers of spindled mesenchymal cells (Figure 13.9b). The mesenchymal cells are spindled to rarely plump and contain a small to rarely moderate amount of light blue cytoplasm. Cells most commonly contain a single, centrally located oval nucleus but binucleation may be seen. Concurrent mixed cell inflammation may be observed, especially with ulcerated lesions. It should be noted that mesenchymal cells from various types of lesions (benign reactive fibroplasia, peripheral nerve sheath tumors, fibroma, sarcoids, etc.) can appear similar cytologically. Characterization of mesenchymal cell populations is a major challenge of cytological examination and misdiagnoses can be common with both novice and experienced microscopists. Lymphoma of the eyelid most often presents clinically as a nonpainful, diffuse thickening of the eyelid and palpebral conjunctiva (Figure 13.10a) [54]. This form of lymphoma is often associated with high rates of mortality relative to horses with other forms of extraocular lymphoma (e.g., lymphoma of the cornea, third eyelid, or nodular forms of conjunctival lymphoma), which all seem to be more amenable to excision [54–58]. Cytologically, a normal lymphoid population should be heterogeneous with a predominance of small, well‐differentiated lymphocytes. Lymphocyte size can be determined by comparing lymphocytes to neighboring red blood cells (RBCs) and neutrophils. Small lymphocytes will typically have a nucleus about the size of 1–1.5 equine RBCs. The equine neutrophil is approximately 12 μm in diameter. Immature lymphocytes are typically 12–15 μm in diameter. Unlike other neoplasms, the cytological diagnosis of lymphoma is often based on the size of lymphocytes and not on standard criteria of malignancy. A predominance of immature lymphocytes (>50%) in multiple areas of (preferably) multiple slides and sources is consistent with lymphoma. In horses, some lymphomas may be more heterogeneous, limiting the cytological diagnosis. However, when intermediate to large cells predominate, a confident diagnosis can be made on cytological specimens (Figure 13.10b). Additional information on lymphoma in horses can be found in Chapter 15. Figure 13.9 Equine sarcoid. (a) Sarcoids can present as darkly pigmented masses and should not be assumed to be melanomas. Source: Image courtesy of Drs Elizabeth A. Giuliano and Cecil P. Moore. (b) Fine needle aspirate sample from a periocular sarcoid in a different patient. Cytological examination reveals many poorly preserved but mildly atypical mesenchymal cells. Biopsy with histological examination was performed to confirm the diagnosis since many mesenchymal cell lesions can appear similar on fine needle aspiration samples. Wright–Giemsa, 50× objective. Figure 13.10 Representative images of two separate horses with eyelid swellings from lymphoma. (a) Gross appearance of eyelid swelling attributable to lymphoma. Source: Image courtesy of Dr Christopher Murphy. (b) Cytological appearance of lymphoma. Note the vast majority of immature lymphocytes that are larger than the neutrophil. Diff‐Quik® stain, 100× objective.
Cytology of the Eyes and Associated Structures
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Collection of Cytology Samples
13.2.1 Precollection Considerations
13.2.2 Collection Techniques Periocular and Retrobulbar Lesions Cornea and Conjunctiva Aqueous and Vitreous Humor
13.2.3 Slide Preparation and Utilizing a Diagnostic Laboratory
13.3 Cytological and Clinical Findings
13.3.1 Eyelids Normal Anatomy and Cytological Findings Inflammatory Lesions Neutrophilic Inflammation Eosinophilic Inflammation Neoplastic Lesions Squamous Cell Carcinoma Sarcoid Other Eyelid Neoplasms

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