Cromlyn Vets: where to now?


Cromlyn Vets

where to now?


When you first walk into Cromlyn House Veterinary Hospital you are immediately struck by its sheer brightness, freshness and cleanliness. Despite its rural location, it has the look and feel of an urban facility, with the latest in surgical equipment, balanced with a spacious and welcoming reception area. Cromlyn’s in-house laboratory enables rapid and accurate analysis of blood, urine and cytology samples, while sophisticated X-ray, ultrasound and endoscopy equipment allow for immediate on-site patient diagnosis. Of course, all of this is hardly surprising, given that Cromlyn Vets is one of only two RCVS (Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons) accredited Tier 3 small-animal hospitals in Northern Ireland (NI). However, achieving and maintaining such high standards of excellence in veterinary care take hard work, dedication and a highly qualified team of professionals – essential components of any successful business. In developing Cromlyn from a small husband-and-wife start-up practice into a professional state-of-the-art veterinary hospital, with an annual turnover in excess of £1 million, principal partners Chris and Lynn Heffron have had a lot of tough decisions to make along the way. Reflecting on their veterinary business journey so far, and mindful of rumours of imminent corporate entry into the NI marketplace, they suddenly realize that they have even more important decisions to make if they are to secure the future of the successful business they have spent nearly 30 years developing.


Cromlyn House Veterinary Hospital was established in 1985 by Chris and Lynn Heffron as a small-animal/equine veterinary practice. Based in Hillsborough, Northern Ireland, the business started out as a ‘partnership’ but is now a limited company with a total of 16 staff. When it first opened its doors to the public, the practice was based in an old terraced building in the main street of the village of Hillsborough (Figure 12.1). While its original client base comprised 50% equine and 50% small animal, as the practice expanded it became clear that this dual service was going to be increasingly difficult to maintain. Thus Chris and Lynn made the difficult decision to focus entirely on small-animal practice and, as a result, moved out of the centre of the village to a new location that they felt would be more convenient for their clients. In 2002, a new purpose-built Cromlyn Veterinary Hospital was opened exactly one mile from the site of the original practice (Figure 12.2). The practice’s immediate geographical area is Hillsborough, County Down, and greater Belfast; however, the practice’s client base actually spans the whole of Northern Ireland, often taking referrals from as far away as Derry and the northwest.

The Cromlyn veterinary team

In addition to Chris and Lynn, the Cromlyn team comprises experienced and dedicated vets, veterinary nurses, receptionists and cleaning staff, who collectively enable the practice to provide specialized services in small-animal surgery, ophthalmology and orthopaedics. A specialist vet cardiologist and orthopaedic surgeon also attend the Cromlyn practice to carry out more sophisticated procedures when required. In addition, the practice provides a wide range of pet care services, including health checks, inoculation, neutering (dogs and cats), dental hygiene and blood tests; and boasts a suite of dedicated surgical and dental theatres, as well as dog and cat wards with round-the-clock nursing care. Services are also provided for new puppies and kittens as well as ageing pets, and specialist advice on breeding and diet is also available. More recent services include micro-chipping, pet passports and pet cremation. Locally, the practice works closely with a number of NI-based animal charities and rehoming organizations, and treats local wildlife casualties free of charge.

Chris Heffron, the managing partner, qualified as a veterinary surgeon from Glasgow University in 1973, and subsequently spent a few years in practice in both NI and South Africa. He also lectured in Glasgow in surgical anatomy. He then moved to the Curragh in Kildare, where he worked mainly with racehorses. He holds a Masters degree (MVM) in ENT surgery. While Chris was always keen to have his own veterinary business, on reflection he admits that:

Prior to setting up Cromlyn Vets with Chris, Lynn spent some time working in mixed practice in NI before taking up a post at the SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) in Cape Town. She then returned to Glasgow, her alma mater, to complete a Masters degree in orthopaedics.

The ‘business’ of veterinary medicine!

Chris and Lynn both believe that business skills are hugely important for veterinarians, but reflecting on their undergraduate years they both recall that there were no business or enterprise skills provided in their veterinary curriculum, as Chris explains:

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Oct 9, 2016 | Posted by in GENERAL | Comments Off on Cromlyn Vets: where to now?

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