Benefits of Conditioning
Exercise has proven to have both physical and psychological benefits in people, including the extension not only of life span, but also of healthspan (the length of time that an individual remains healthy and active) (Maitland, 2012; Mason & Holt, 2012; Vina et al., 2012). In fact, the psychological effects of exercise are so powerful that at least one study suggests that exercise should be considered a psychoactive drug (Vina et al., 2012). Because of the similarities in the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, and nervous systems in dogs to those of humans, the same benefits of exercise are afforded to dogs. Dogs that exercise have better body condition scores and cardiovascular function than more sedentary dogs, and experience the same psychological benefits (Menor-Campos et al., 2011; Warren et al., 2011; Bauer et al., 2012; Raichlen et al., 2012). Rehabilitation professionals working with canine athletes have observed that appropriately conditioned performance and working dogs perform better and are less likely to suffer injuries. When injuries do occur, they tend to be less severe, and recovery is faster. In addition, fit working dogs suffer less stress, which translates to greater stamina and longevity as working dogs—a win–win situation for both dog and handler.
Most of the conditioning that a canine athlete experiences is provided at home by the owner/handler, rather than in the clinic. The rehabilitation professional can have a significant impact on a canine athlete’s career by providing specific guidance to the owner/handler regarding the most appropriate exercise program for his or her dog. There are several points in a canine athlete’s career at which experienced rehabilitation professionals may be consulted regarding conditioning programs:
Communication with the owner/handler is key. It cannot be overemphasized how important it is to spend time providing the details that will allow the owner/handler to apply the conditioning program optimally. In general, this type of appointment takes 1–2 hours and might include several follow-up appointments to monitor the owner/handler’s activity and the response of the canine athlete to the exercises and to modify the prescribed exercises accordingly. To develop a sports-specific conditioning program, it is essential that the rehabilitation professional understand the requirements of the sports or working functions in which the dog participates (see Chapter 1).
Evaluating Canine Structure and Fitness
Before establishing a conditioning program for a canine athlete or working dog, or a dog destined to become one, the dog should be given a full clinical examination including complete blood count and serum chemistry screen. The dog should be evaluated structurally (see Chapter 1) and its structural strengths and weaknesses for the specific athletic activities planned discussed with the client. This is important so that a conditioning and/or retraining program can be designed that takes advantage of the dog’s strengths and mitigates its weaknesses.
For example, German Shepherd Dogs generally have abundant pelvic limb angulation. This gives them a very long stride, allowing them to jump high and long, which can be an advantage in protection and police work. On the other hand, the same laxity of tendons and ligaments that results in such abundant pelvic limb angulation also means that dogs of this breed have a higher incidence of hip dysplasia and frequently experience hyperextension/hyperflexion of various joints, particularly the toes, carpi, and tarsi. As a result, they frequently experience trauma to their tarsi, which can hit the ground when the dog is running and jumping. In contrast, Belgian Malinois tend to have straighter front and rear assemblies, that is, reduced angles at the shoulder, elbow, stifle, and tarsus. This gives these dogs tremendous agility—they are known for their rapid acceleration and ability to turn sharply. They tend to suffer a different subset of injuries such as soft tissue injuries of the shoulder due to reaching the end range of motion more frequently. These differences in structure and their potential effects on the dog’s performance and longevity as an athlete or working dog should be taken into account when developing a conditioning program and should be discussed with the owner/handler.
Next, the dog should be evaluated for overall muscle fitness. One of the best ways to evaluate general fitness is to feel the size and tone of the core (paraspinal and abdominal) and pelvic limb muscles. The core body muscles are important for coordination of spinal and limb movements and are critical when immediate responses of the limbs are necessary. Since the front legs generally bear two-thirds of the dog’s weight and all the weight of the dog plus the effects of gravity when a dog is jumping, cantering, or galloping, the front limbs get more exercise than the pelvic limbs during routine daily activities and performance training/competition. As a result, clients with canine athletes, particularly those that are continuing to compete after their prime years, should place special emphasis on exercises to keep the pelvic limb and core muscles toned. The dog’s body condition score (see Chapter 4) also should be recorded.
Every performance and working dog should be screened for genetic and developmental problems. For example, all dogs should be screened for hip dysplasia, since this condition is common and can occur even in the very small breeds. All dogs over 30 lb should be screened for elbow dysplasia, which often occurs even in purebred dogs whose ancestors have been shown to be free of the condition. Elbow dysplasia significantly affects the performance of working dogs. In addition, dogs should be screened for breed-specific disorders that can affect performance, including musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, hematological, and ocular disorders.
Five Components of a Balanced Exercise Program
Imagine a football player who practiced with his team, but never lifted weights to increase his strength or did any aerobic exercise to increase his cardiovascular system’s ability to oxygenate his blood. He would never make it to the top of his game. Many owners/handlers spend the majority, if not all of their training time, practicing the skills of their chosen sport(s) with their dogs, but many do not have a comprehensive training program that makes time for targeted strength, endurance, balance, body awareness, and flexibility training. It is important to explain to clients that to maximize performance and minimize the likelihood and severity of injuries, they should have a long-term plan for overall conditioning that includes all of the components of a balanced regimen.
Strength (Anaerobic) Training
The most common form of strength-building activity is resistance training. In resistance training, the dog’s muscular effort is performed against an opposing force. In other words, the movement of a body part is opposed and made more difficult by a force generated by some additional stressor—accelerating upward against gravity, moving against inertia, braking against momentum, or pushing against friction or an elastic band that is designed to contract to a relaxed state. Resistance exercise is used to develop the strength and size of skeletal muscles. Properly performed, resistance training can provide significant functional benefits and improvement in overall health and well-being.
Strength-building exercises are isotonic if a body part is moving against the force. Isotonic exercises strengthen the muscle throughout the entire range of motion of the exercise used. Exercises are isometric if a body part is holding still against the force. In isometric exercise, the joint angle and muscle length do not change during contraction. Isometric exercises are opposed by a force equal to the force output of the muscle, and there is no net movement. This mainly strengthens the muscle at the specific joint angle at which the isometric exercise occurs.
The goal of resistance training is to gradually and progressively overload the musculoskeletal system so that it gets stronger (Kraemer, 2003). Compared with low-intensity exercise, moderate and high-intensity resistance exercises are potent stimuli for increases in muscle protein synthesis (MacDougall et al., 1995; Phillips et al., 1997) and satellite cell activity (Hawke & Garry, 2001; Harridge, 2007) and decreases in proteolysis (Louis et al., 2007). The basic principle of strength training to achieve overload involves a manipulation of the types of exercises, the number of repetitions of a given exercise, the number of sets (each set consisting of a number of repetitions), and tempo, or how quickly the exercise is performed.
Whereas humans can lift free weights or use resistance machines, dogs most often use their bodies as the weight and build strength by moving their bodies over short distances with bursts of muscular energy. Strength can also be built by having a dog pull an object over the ground (dragged against friction) or push against an elastic band such as a Thera-Band® (Thera-Band, Akron, OH).
Strength training exercise is primarily anaerobic (Kraemer, 2003). Even while training at a lower intensity, anaerobic glycolysis is still the major source of power, although aerobic metabolism makes a small contribution (Knuttgen, 2003).
It is helpful to categorize the different canine strength exercises as targeting the forelimbs, pelvic limbs, or core body muscles, although many exercises target more than one area to varying degrees (Table 10.1). Conveniently, many excellent strength exercises can be performed in very small spaces indoors in air-conditioned comfort with minimal physical effort on the part of the owner/handler. Canine athlete owners/handlers are proficient at training dogs to perform various physical activities, so their dogs will be capable of being trained to perform a very wide variety of strength exercises. Further, these owners/handlers have significant financial and time investments in the patient and most are strongly committed to gaining and maintaining their dogs’ strength, understanding that it means health, longevity, and athletic success.
Table 10.1 Strength training exercises
One more point: Strength training needs to be fun for both the person and the dog. The most important point to stress is that an exercise routine must be enjoyable for the dog performing it. If a dog does not enjoy the activity that it is being asked to perform, its focus will drift, and its movements will cease to be purposeful. So strength-building activities should be those for which the dog is predisposed by genetics or for which it shows clear signs of excitement.
Indoor Strength Exercises
Forelimb Strengthening Exercises
Figure 10.2 A dog practicing the wheelbarrow. The owner/handler holds the rear limbs flexed and elevated.

Figure 10.3 A dog demonstrating the high-five. The owner/handler can have the dog aim its paws at various locations: high or low, abducted or adducted, depending on which muscles are being targeted.

Figure 10.5 Dog tugging. When the tug object is held low, the forelimbs are targeted. When the tug object is held higher, weight is taken off the forelimbs and the pelvic limbs are worked.

Core Strengthening Exercises
Owners/handlers with chondrodystrophic dogs such as Dachshunds or Corgis frequently are told not to let their dogs beg because of a potential risk of spinal injury. However, with careful progression, this exercise can actually strengthen the core muscles, thus helping protect against the hyperflexion and hyperextension of the vertebrae that is thought to contribute to disk degeneration and spondylosis. The only caution for this exercise is that it should not be undertaken by dogs with acute back pain or chronic back pain of unknown origin.
Figure 10.7 Dog demonstrating the beg. Once the dog can remain in this position for 15 seconds, the owner/handler can push on the dog’s shoulders, chest and back to off-balance the dog, causing it to work the core muscles to stabilize itself in the beg position.

Figure 10.8 Dog demonstrating the down-stand-down. The dog moves between the stand and down without moving its feet.

Figure 10.9 Backing up the stairs. The owner/handler can start with a short set of steps and proceed to a full flight.

Figure 10.10 In the early stages of training a dog to roll over, food is held at the dog’s shoulder to encourage it to roll over.

Pelvic Limb Strengthening Exercises
Figure 10.13 The beg-stand-beg. Using food the dog is lured from a beg into a stand, and back into the beg position without putting its front feet on the ground.
Photos by Sandra Murley.

Figure 10.14 Dog pulling against a bungee cord to get to its food. This exercise works the rear limbs predominantly.
Photo by Roseann Baars.

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