Chapter 14
Concepts in Assessment
Jared Danielson1 and Kent Hecker2
1College of Veterinary Medicine, Iowa State University, USA
2Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary, Canada
The language of education and educational assessment is not uniform, owing in large part to the many backgrounds of those engaged in it. For 2014, the Scimago Journal and Country Rank (Scimago Lab, 2015) listed 914 journals in the category of education. Among the top 50 were general education journals representing a variety of perspectives, including educational psychology, child development, learning sciences, educational technology, and higher education, as well as a variety of discipline-specific journals, including engineering, science, economics, sociology, second-language acquisition, mathematics, and medicine. The remaining 864 indexed education journals were similarly diverse. While critical concepts in assessment are common among these many perspectives, there is inevitable variability in context, emphasis, and language. Where possible, in this chapter we will employ terms that are common across domains, using specific examples from the terms used in health professional education where appropriate. However, do not be surprised if after reading this chapter, you encounter new and different language or terminology in subsequent reading.
To assess something is to examine it in order to characterize or quantify attributes of interest, usually for the purpose of making a decision. There are a number of labels that can be applied to assessment of students, such as testing, evaluation, or measurement. We consider the terms evaluation and assessment to be synonymous (Scriven, 1991). Testing is a specific assessment strategy that involves examinations (as opposed to other assessment strategies such as portfolios). We refer to measurement as the specific characteristics of assessment that are most closely tied to the validity of the claims that might be drawn from the assessment, as opposed to other considerations such as utility, feasibility, or propriety.
There are many potential approaches to devising a chapter on assessment. Some assessment texts focus primarily on the role of assessment in the context of an endeavor, such as higher education (Banta et al., 1996; Huba and Freed, 2000). Others focus on the effective use of assessment information (Popham, 2006), or on the process of creating effective assessments (Hopkins, 1998; Secolsky and Denison, 2012). In this chapter we will define and explain key concepts in the context of practical problems that a veterinary educator might face, providing examples where possible. We will frame the chapter in terms of concepts in three general categories: why to assess (purposes of assessment), what to assess (defining outcomes), and how to assess (methodological and practical considerations). We hope that you can use this chapter to guide some specific assessment activities. For instance, we explain the characteristics of effective objectives, in hopes that you will be able to write better objectives after reading that section. However, the primary purpose of the chapter is to provide a conceptual overview for next steps in improving your own assessments, and to provide a foundation for additional reading.
Why: Purposes of Assessment
Levels of Assessment
Assessment can occur at numerous levels of the educational endeavor. At the most fundamental level, we seek to determine what individual students know and/or can do; this constitutes assessment at the learner level. Sometimes assessment at the learner level provides insufficient information to answer relevant questions about an educational outcome. Imagine, for instance, that learners in a clinical pharmacology course consistently master what they are taught, but are perennially unprepared to perform common dosage calculations in subsequent courses or clinical experiences. If this were the case, assessment would need to be conducted at the course level to determine why students who appeared to be learning the foundational knowledge were subsequently not competent in a key area. Assessment activities at the course level might explore questions such as whether the desired content is being taught at all, whether existing tests are adequately measuring the desired learning outcomes, and/or whether there are adequate opportunities for practice. Some important questions cannot be answered at the student or course level, however. Imagine, for instance, that veterinary students perform well in all of their courses, and that all of their courses prepare them adequately for subsequent courses, but that on graduation they are systematically deficient in a specific area. Such a scenario would reveal the need for assessment at the program level, answering questions such as whether or not knowledge and skills in the deficient area are taught or valued by the institution. One can conceive of important assessment questions at levels other than these three: for instance, it might be appropriate to conduct assessment at the department level, or much more broadly (for example, across a state, province, or country). However, most educational assessments in veterinary medicine can be characterized as being at the level of the learner, course, or program. In this chapter, we will provide concepts that can be applied at any of those levels, although the emphasis will mostly be at the learner level.
Formative versus Summative Assessment
Assessments at any of these levels can be formative or summative (Bloom, Hasting, and Madaus, 1971). Formative assessment is used principally for improvement. At the student level, a scored but ungraded test or other practice activity can provide students with the information they need to make improvements in knowledge or skills, and can help the instructor know what knowledge or skills to emphasize. At the course level, an instructor might ask students to respond to informal or unofficial course or faculty evaluations, or invite a colleague to observe and provide informal input. At the program level, a veterinary school department chair or dean might ask a group of colleagues to conduct a mock accreditation site visit. In all of these instances, the primary purpose of the assessment is to offer the entity being assessed a low- or no-risk opportunity to see how it is doing, and where improvements might be needed. Summative assessment, in contrast, is used to inform a decision regarding the future of the entity being assessed, and usually involves important stakes. At the student level, a graded examination is summative, because it results in a score or grade point average that might influence important decisions such as the student’s ability to move forward in the curriculum or be placed in a residency program. At the classroom level, faculty and course assessments are summative whenever they are used to make decisions such as whether or not the instructor will continue to be invited to teach, obtain tenure, or receive a raise. Official accreditation site visits and reviews of annual reports to the accrediting body are summative assessments at the program or institution level, because they influence whether or not the institution will enjoy the privileges of accreditation.
Sometimes the terms formative and summative are used as if they were inherent characteristics of assessment instruments or tools. However, the key attribute that distinguishes a formative assessment from a summative one is the purpose for which it is used. The exact same exam is a formative assessment if used as a practice exam, and a summative assessment if used as a final exam. The term feedback is occasionally substituted in casual conversation for formative assessment, because the primary purpose of feedback is to provide information to the entity being assessed. However, both formative and summative assessments can provide valuable feedback to learners, teachers, and programs.
Grades, Normative versus Criterion-Referenced Assessment, and Rigor
Many faculty assess students, at least in part, so that they can assign a grade. Similarly, some students seem to engage in assessment activities primarily so that they can receive a grade (a good one, they hope). Grades in turn can be reported to external stakeholders, such as directors of residency programs, future graduate programs, or employers, who might use them as one source of evidence regarding what the student has learned or is likely to be able to achieve. Grades and grade point averages can be helpful because they provide a relatively concise mechanism for communicating what a student has learned or can do, relative to others who participated in a similar experience (see Box 14.2). Grades also communicate information about other kinds of issues, such as how good students are at anticipating what professors will ask on tests, how hard they work, how much extra credit work they complete, or whether or not they have unexcused absences. Assessment is not the same as grading. Assessment determines what students know or can do, and grading documents merit or rank in an educational setting. Instructors and institutions can use assessment information for a variety of important purposes, including deciding what to teach next/more/better/less, and when/how/to whom to provide remediation, as well as to assign grades.
Assessments are either norm referenced or criterion referenced, depending on whether they compare examinees to each other, or to an established standard (Glaser, 1963). Assessments that are intended to compare examinees to each other are referred to as norm-referenced tests, because they reference a group norm or average. Some assessment purposes are best served by referencing norms. For example, placement exams like the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) are used by academic programs to select students when filling a limited number of seats. In such cases, programs will admit a full cohort whether those students are remarkably capable academically, or are barely able to meet the minimum standard. Decision-makers seek to admit the most qualified applicants from the available pool.
In other cases, assessment serves to compare examinees to an established standard. Such assessments are criterion referenced, because the standard of success references one or more established criteria. Licensing exams are criterion referenced: test designers seek to establish the minimum knowledge and skills required of a competent practitioner in a specific discipline, and to determine whether or not each examinee is minimally competent. Hopefully, all competent examinees will pass the test, and all incompetent examinees will fail it. (For those of you who are suddenly getting flashbacks to your Public Health course, educational assessment is indeed similar to other kinds of assessment, and while educational assessment folks do not use those terms, this use of criterion-referenced assessments is similar to the use of diagnostic tests in veterinary medicine, and the concepts of sensitivity and specificity certainly apply.)
Bear in mind that it is the inference that is made from the test, and not the test itself, that is either norm or criterion referenced. However, as noted by W. James Popham:
More often than not, … if an educational measuring instrument is built to provide norm-referenced inferences, it usually does not do a good job in providing criterion referenced interpretations. And, if an educational measuring instrument is originally built to provide criterion-referenced inferences, it usually does not do a good job in providing norm-referenced interpretations. (Popham, 2006, p. 35)
We suggest that in most educational settings, it makes more sense to design tests to support criterion-referenced rather than norm-referenced inferences. After all, interested stakeholders, including the students themselves and the public at large, have a greater interest in knowing how well each individual’s performance matches a relevant standard than how well it matches the performance of other students.
Rigor is not a precise assessment term such as validity or accuracy, but is often used in lay language to reference how challenging or difficult an assessment is, with the assumption that a rigorous assessment is able to separate the truly prepared from the more casually prepared. Of course, designing an assessment that does clearly differentiate those who excel from those who do not is helpful. However, instructors are advised not simply to rely on statistical manipulation of test scores to create the appearance of rigor. Some instructors assume that an exam will automatically be rigorous if the grades are normally distributed, with scores being assigned automatically to grades based on where those scores fall in the distribution. Similarly, some instructors assume that the lower the average on a test, the more rigorous the assessment process. However, rigor is not a function of score distribution or grading scale. Rather, a “rigorous” assessment provides valid, useful, sufficiently comprehensive information about what students know, or are able to do with what they have learned. There is nothing inherently wrong with grades being normally distributed, but faculty who are primarily interested in a normal distribution of scores might just as well assess students based on their height, weight, or body temperature. As noted by Bloom, Hastings, and Madaus (1971, p. 45), “There is nothing sacred about the normal curve. It is the distribution most appropriate to chance and random activity. Education is a purposeful activity, and we seek to have the students learn what we have to teach.”
Describing What to Measure
If it is important to establish the criteria by which learners will be assessed, it is first necessary to characterize the outcomes of learning accurately and precisely. Taxonomies of learning facilitate this purpose. Just as veterinarians and animal scientists use taxonomies of organisms to learn rules that apply to certain orders, families, or species of animals, and not to others, educational practitioners learn rules that apply to certain types of learning outcomes, and not to others. Most educators are familiar, conceptually, with broad types of learning outcomes; they often hear messages to teach “higher-order” rather than “lower-order” thinking, or to emphasize “critical thinking” rather than “rote memorization.” Such ideas can be useful reminders that we would like our students to be able to do things that are important or meaningful, but they are not sufficiently precise to guide specific assessment or teaching decisions. Taxonomies of learning outcomes are intended to help provide more precision. Unfortunately for educators, there is no universally accepted taxonomy of learning outcomes, so it is not uncommon to become familiar with one taxonomy, only to find that colleagues are familiar with another (Alexander, Schallert, and Hare, 1991; de Jong and Ferguson-Hessler, 1996). We will introduce two common taxonomies in hopes that you can apply the principles discussed regardless of the taxonomy you happen to be employing at any particular time.
Bloom’s taxonomy, perhaps the best-known classification scheme for learning outcomes, defines three domains of knowledge: cognitive (having to do with intellectual or thinking/reasoning skills), affective (having to do with attitudes, beliefs, and motivation), and psychomotor (having to do with the ability to manipulate tools, objects, or one’s own body; Bloom et al., 1956). The cognitive domain, as found in the 2001 revision of Bloom’s taxonomy (Anderson et al., 2001), conceptualizes learning outcomes across two dimensions: the cognitive process dimension, which includes remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate, and create; and the knowledge dimension, which includes factual knowledge, conceptual knowledge, procedural knowledge, and metacognitive knowledge. In this framework, instructional outcomes are classified in terms of both the cognitive process and the knowledge dimension being targeted. This approach is flexible and powerful, but requires more than a casual familiarity with the specific terms and concepts of the taxonomy. Therefore, for veterinary educators with an interest in clearly and effectively classifying educational outcomes, Bloom’s taxonomy can provide a valuable approach, but a thorough discussion of it is beyond the scope of this chapter.
Other categorizations of learning outcomes have also been created to facilitate instructional design and evaluation. Among those, Gagné, Briggs, and Wager’s (1992) taxonomy has been particularly influential among practitioners who design/evaluate instruction. Smith and Ragan’s (2005) adaptation of Gagné’s framework is often used to train beginning instructional designers, and is useful because it is relatively concise and involves all three knowledge domains (cognitive, psychomotor, and affective). In Table 14.1, the left-hand columns provide Smith and Ragan’s categorization of learned capabilities; the middle column offers a brief definition with examples from a veterinary context; and the right-hand column contains appropriate assessment approaches for the capability. The latter are not meant to be limiting, but to provide the reader with the approaches that most commonly and best match the learned capability. Furthermore, assessment of lower-order knowledge/skills can often be embedded into assessment of higher-order knowledge/skills.
Table 14.1 Smith and Ragan’s adaptation of Gagné’s learned capabilities
Learned capability | Definition with veterinary example | Common assessment approach | |
Intellectual skills | Problem-solving | Applying known principles or other knowledge/skills to address previously unencountered problems. In veterinary medicine, we often think of diagnostic and clinical decision making as examples of problem-solving. | Examinee solves an authentic problem. Responses can vary from selecting an option in an extended matching or script concordance test, to providing descriptions, differential diagnosis lists, problem lists, treatment protocols, etc. Testing environments can include classroom, clinical, and computer-based settings. |
Procedure | Learning and performing the appropriate ordered steps in a task. Drawing blood, making a blood smear, performing a physical exam, conducting a medical interview, and countless other veterinary tasks all involve procedures. | Examinee performs the procedure while examiner uses an observation protocol to assess the performance. | |
Principle | Principles are also called rules, and describe the relationships among concepts or ideas. Understanding mechanisms of disease or health, the action of drugs, and so forth involves principles. | Examinee explains or applies principles in response to open-ended or carefully written multiple-choice items. | |
Defined concept | The ability to categorize accurately based on defined or theoretical attributes. Examples of defined concepts are innumerable, and include things such as specific diseases, conditions such as stress or anxiety, and so forth. | Examinees are shown examples and close nonexamples of the target concept(s) and asked to identify the accurate examples, through either multiple-choice or short-answer questions. | |
Concrete concept | The ability to categorize accurately based on concrete attributes such as size, shape, and color. Examples are endless, such as surgical instruments, species of animals, and body condition scores (by appearance). | ||
Discrimination | Ability to perceive that two things match or do not. For instance, students learning cytology must be able to distinguish subtle differences between the appearance of normal and abnormal cells; students learning abdominal palpation must be able to detect subtle differences in size, firmness, or location of the structures being palpated. | Similar to concepts, examinees choose between examples and nonexamples. | |
Declarative knowledge | Knowing “that” something is. Being able to recite information from memory such as facts or labels. There is no assumption of understanding embedded meaning. | Rote production (written or spoken) is necessary to ensure mastery, though multiple-choice-type items are sufficient to ensure recognition. | |
Cognitive strategies | Strategies that learners/problem solvers employ to manage their own learning/thinking. Rehearsing what one has learned, tying new knowledge to prior knowledge, and so forth. | Not typically assessed in higher education environments; assumed to translate into mastery of other learned outcomes. | |
Attitudes | Attitudes are affective learning outcomes. An attitude is a mental state that influences what we choose to do. Attitudes have cognitive and behavioral components. When we are tasked with measuring things like “ethical behavior” or “professionalism,” we are often trying to measure attitudes. | Attitudinal surveys or observation of behaviors that demonstrate the desired outcome in the absence of a threat for noncompliance. | |
Psychomotor skills | “Coordinated muscular movements that are typified by smoothness and precise timing” (Smith and Ragan, 2005, p. 82). Many veterinary tasks have psychomotor components, including countless surgical, clinical, or diagnostic techniques such as knot tying, making a blood smear, venipuncture, instrument handling during surgery, and so forth. | Examinee performs the procedure while examiner uses an observation protocol to assess the performance. |
There are at least two important problems that can arise from a fundamental misunderstanding of, or inattention to, kinds of learning outcomes:
- Outcomes snobbery, and a resulting sloppiness in measurement. It can be tempting to want to appear to “keep up with the Joneses” when it comes to learning outcomes. Instructors want to be seen as teaching important things like problem-solving or “critical thinking,” as opposed to “lesser” outcomes like facts or terms. However, this impulse can be counterproductive. The purpose of using a taxonomy of learning outcomes is not to identify and favor certain learning outcomes while avoiding others, but accurately to characterize what needs to be learned in any given context. “Lower-order” outcomes are often fundamental to more advanced ones. Facts and terms are important building blocks of a discipline; it is not possible to learn advanced concepts, principles, and so forth without them.
- Mismatching desired outcomes and assessments. It is remarkably common for educators to create assessments that seem relatively unrelated to their desired learning outcomes. For instance, an instructor might claim to be testing problem-solving (or “critical thinking”) when the test questions themselves primarily measure students’ ability to remember definitions of terms. Often such misalignment goes quite unnoticed by the instructor, for lack of having carefully defined the desired learning outcomes in the first place. Considering where the desired learning outcome fits in the context of a taxonomy of learning outcomes can help to prevent this problem.
In addition to general taxonomies of learning outcomes, other frameworks have been suggested for identifying important types of learning outcomes in specific fields. One framework that has gained popularity in medical education is Miller’s Framework for Clinical Assessment (Miller, 1990). Miller conceived of this framework in response to the need to document clinical proficiency and the knowledge related to it as it develops during the transformation of novice into independent practitioner. He defined ability at the lowest (“Knows”) level of his framework as knowing “what is required in order to carry out … professional functions effectively.” The second level (“Knows How”) involves “the skill of acquiring information from a variety of human and laboratory sources, to analyze and interpret these data, and finally to translate such findings into a rational diagnostic or management plan.” The “Shows How” level involves a student actually demonstrating the ability “when faced with a patient.” The “Does” level aims to “predict what a graduate does when functioning independently in a clinical practice” (p. S63). Not intended to be a complete taxonomy of learning outcomes, Miller’s framework provides a useful approach for conceptualizing outcomes specific to the task of becoming a medical practitioner. Ultimately, that is the purpose of any taxonomy of learning outcomes: to allow the educator to conceptualize specific learning outcomes in ways that facilitate learning and assessment.
Critical to defining learning outcomes is creating useful outcomes statements, most commonly and broadly referred to as objectives (Anderson et al., 2001). You have likely heard a variety of labels substituted for objectives, some of which include goal, outcome, proficiency, competency, entrustable professional activity, content standard, curricular aim, performance standard, and academic achievement standard (Anderson et al., 2001; Flynn et al., 2014; Popham, 2006). The term objective itself is sometimes qualified with terms such as instructional, educational, global, or program (Anderson et al., 2001). The Council on Education (COE) of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) refers to its nine clinical proficiency outcomes areas as competencies (AVMA COE, 2014); similarly, the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) refers to its required outcomes of veterinary programs as Day One Competencies (RCVS, 2014). The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) recently abandoned the term competency for the required outcomes to enter residencies in favor of core entrustable professional activity (EPA), arguing, among other things, that doing so allowed for framing those outcomes in terms of activities that represent everyday work in clinical settings (Flynn et al., 2014). All of these outcomes labels have as their common ancestor the term objective, which is still most commonly associated with carefully worded educational outcomes (Anderson et al., 2001). The characteristics of effective objectives are similar, regardless of the specific emphasis, purpose, or label employed when writing them. In this section we will discuss and illustrate general characteristics of useful outcomes statements, employing the term objective, although you may have cause to use other terms and/or to modify your objectives themselves somewhat, depending on the context in which you are writing them.
In general, objectives are helpful for guiding both instruction and assessment only if they are sufficiently detailed for the intended purpose. We will describe a long-used approach to writing detailed objectives using the Instructional Development Institute’s acronym ABCD: A = Audience, B = Behavior, C = Condition, and D = Degree (Merrill and Goodman, 1972). Note that objectives fall on a continuum of specificity, from very broad (program or discipline level) to more specific (course, class, or module level). Some educators find excessively detailed objectives to be limiting, causing them to lose sight of the forest for the trees, and leading some to abandon the specification of condition and degree. Furthermore, condition and degree are rarely specified when articulating broad (program- or course-level) outcomes. Nonetheless, if you master this approach, you will be able to provide the right degree of specificity when needed, reducing that specificity by eliminating unnecessary elements as desired.
Audience refers to the group that will be assessed, and matching the objective to the group being assessed is essential to validity. As educational measurement expert Michael Kane points out, “validity is not a property of the test. Rather, it is a property of the proposed interpretations and uses of test scores” (Kane, 2013, p. 3). Applied to the question of audience, a test might produce valid interpretations and uses when used with one audience or context, and meaningless data when used with another. When writing objectives for tests, it is important to specify the audience in sufficient detail that your questions will not miss their mark. Is the assessment intended for first-year veterinary students, fourth-year veterinary students, first-year residents, fourth-year residents, or graduate students? In our experience, veterinary faculty most commonly miss the mark in terms of audience by writing questions that are too detailed or advanced for the level of their learners.
The behavior is simply represented by the “verb” in the objective (Anderson et al., 2001). The care and precision with which you describe what your students will do to demonstrate what they have learned will pay great dividends when you design assessments. One common mistake in writing objectives is to choose verbs that are too general to be useful for guiding assessment. Words such as “know,” “understand,” “appreciate,” “recognize that,” “see,” and “become familiar with” are usually too vague to guide assessment. The Internet abounds with lists of verbs that are helpful for writing objectives, often associated with discussions of Bloom’s taxonomy.
Helpful verbs describe what students will do to demonstrate that they have certain knowledge or skills. Helpful objective statements describe tasks that can actually be done in the assessment setting. To illustrate, let us imagine that you want your students to “understand” aseptic technique. To demonstrate their mastery of this technique, students might do any number of things, including the following:
- Given five descriptions of scenarios involving surgery, one of which describes appropriate aseptic technique and four of which describe common critical errors in aseptic technique, select the error-free description.
- Write an accurate definition of aseptic technique.
- Given a description of a situation demanding aseptic technique, describe what steps must be taken to ensure aseptic technique.
- Demonstrate aseptic technique in a simulated surgical setting.
- Demonstrate aseptic technique in an authentic surgical setting.
All of these behaviors are reasonable surrogates for “understand” and all are sufficiently specific to guide assessment. However, they do not all measure the same ability. One of your most important tasks is to determine what your students need to be able to do with the knowledge or skills you are teaching, and then to do your best to make sure that your assessments reflect those needs.
Helpful objectives adequately describe the conditions of assessment. Conditions include the setting and resources that you will need to assess the behavior you have identified. For instance, will the task be done in a classroom setting, lab, or clinical setting? Will it involve a real client/patient or a standardized client/patient? Will students have access to notes/textbooks? It is not uncommon for instructors to write an objective such as “demonstrate aseptic technique” and then measure the objective with a multiple-choice question, because they did not foresee or plan for the resources necessary to observe all of the students performing the task. In such a situation, it would be preferable for the instructor to write a more realistic objective and accurately measure it, than to write an ideal objective and largely ignore it.
Helpful objectives define important criteria of degree such as accuracy, precision, speed, and/or thoroughness. For example, given a specific clinical scenario, must students identify the top five of five likely differential diagnoses, or is it acceptable to identify three of the top five? If performing venipuncture, must the student collect a certain amount of blood with no more than a given number of “sticks”? Can the blood be collected from one of several sites, or must students demonstrate proficiency on multiple sites? Answers to these kinds of questions are often helpful when planning/creating assessments.
Well-written objectives help address the important assessment purpose of ensuring that what the instructor hopes the students know or can do matches what is taught, and in turn matches the assessment. Table 14.2 contains four test questions with an accompanying precise objective for each question. In each objective, the audience is bolded, the behavior is underlined, the condition is in italics, and the degree is in all upper case. Each of the four test questions could accompany the excessively broad objective: “Understand hemostasis.” Each question tests a quite different intellectual skill from the others. The instructor’s task is to decide what skill is most important to measure, and to write an assessment that does so.
Table 14.2 Potential assessment items with corresponding objective statements for the excessively general objective “understand hemostasis”
Assessment item | Related objective/explanation |
Question 1. In the process of primary hemostatic plug formation, exposed subendothelium, vWF, GPlb, receptor, and collagen resulting from vessel injury lead most immediately to which of the following processes? a. Vessel spasm b. Platelet adhesion and shape change* c. Thrombus consolidation d. Fibrin meshwork | Objective: Given 4 potential sequences of hemostatic blood formation processes, first-year veterinary students will recognize the correct sequence, for any two noncontiguous processes, without reference materials. Discussion: Note that because this is a multiple-choice item, the students cannot actually construct a response. All multiple-choice questions, at the end of the day, require recognition and selection, and not construction of an answer. It would be tempting, but inaccurate, to use the verb “list” or “order” in an objective for this particular assessment. We have chosen “recognize the correct sequence,” since respondents do not actually produce a list or form a sequence, they simply remember a sequence. The essential condition is that the student will be shown potential sequences of hemostatic blood formation processes. The objective does not dictate a format other than that, although in this case the question has been written in a standard multiple-choice format. The instructor has specified that this task should be done from memory, and, recognizing that it might be a little too tricky/picky to have students distinguish between two contiguous processes that might overlap, instead chooses processes that are at least two steps apart from each other, hence the reminder of “noncontiguous.” This item measures either recognition of verbal information and sequence, or mastery of concepts and principles, depending on whether the student has learned the information in a rote way or a principle-based way. |
Question 2. Describe the process of hemostatic plug formation, including all fundamental processes in accurate order. | Objective: Given a paper and pencil, first-year veterinary students will describe the process of hemostatic plug formation, including at least 10 of the 13 fundamental processes, in accurate order. Discussion: The behavior for this objective is pretty straightforward. It does not matter whether students use pencil and paper, a computer, or something else to answer, but the condition should be clear enough to ensure that it matches the test environment and is a good fit to what the students will be asked to do. A good degree statement is particularly important with a question in which students will need to produce a constructed response (such as a description of a process, in this case), because this will be very helpful to whomever is tasked with grading the responses. Good degree statements make it much easier to write response characteristics, which are detailed criteria used to evaluate responses. This item measures either recall of verbal information, or mastery of concepts and principles, depending on whether the student has learned the information in a rote way or a principle-based way. |
Question 3. The arrest of bleeding by the physiological properties of vasoconstriction and coagulation or by surgical means is known as a. Hemostasis* b. Anemia c. Polycythemia d. Coagulation | Objective: Given the definition of hemostasis and four terms related to hematology, including hemostasis, first-year veterinary students will select the term that matches the definition, without using reference materials. Discussion: This particular item only measures recognition of verbal information (a definition), and so would probably not be appropriate for veterinary students. |
Question 4. You are presented with Buddy, a 5-year-old male neutered Doberman pinscher. Buddy’s owner reports that he has been increasingly listless over the past month, and seems to get occasional nosebleeds. The owner is unaware of Buddy eating anything unusual, and reports that Buddy has not experienced any trauma. On examination you notice that Buddy has pale mucus membranes. List your top three differentials, and the most appropriate diagnostic approach for ruling each of them in or out. | Objective: Given a written scenario describing a patient suffering from an abnormality that causes bleeding, first-year veterinary students will list three of the five most likely differentials, and the most appropriate diagnostic approach for addressing each differential. Discussion: This item almost certainly requires students to remember and apply concepts and principles that were learned earlier, and hence seems to involve problem-solving. |
Note: In each objective, the audience is bolded, the behavior is underlined, the condition is in italics, and the degree is in all upper case.
Sometimes it can be difficult and time consuming to articulate objectives that adequately express the desired behavior, condition, and/or degree. However, once you develop the habit, you will find that it is almost as easy – and considerably more worthwhile – to write helpful objectives than unhelpful ones.
How to Measure (Principles)
As explained in the previous section, accurately determining where your desired learning outcomes fit in a taxonomy of learning outcomes and writing clear objectives both provide important clues to how you might want to conduct an assessment. In other words, carefully characterizing what you intend to measure has implications for how you intend to measure it. There are other important considerations as well. Texts written with educational measurement professionals in mind detail a variety of considerations when creating educational measures, and we recommend those for readers who wish to make a serious study of educational measurement. The following “big ideas” are derived from published standards (Gullickson, 2003; AERA, APA, and NCME, 2014) for those professionals, and are useful for anyone seeking to engage in educational assessment.
“Validity refers to the degree to which evidence and theory support the interpretations of test scores for proposed uses of tests” (AERA, APA, and NCME, 2014, p. 11). Most veterinary educators are very familiar with the concept of validity. For example, valid scores from diagnostic tests identify diseases or conditions when they are present, and fail to identify them when they are absent. Similarly, a score from a valid educational test will identify expertise, or ability, when it is present, and will fail to identify it when it is absent, and scores are often expected to distinguish accurately between levels of expertise or ability. The validity of uses of test scores or other educational assessment scores is particularly important when the stakes are high. Board examinations, entrance examinations, and professional aptitude tests are assembled with great care, and considerable attention is given to the validity of test interpretations, because very high-stakes decisions (such as whether or not someone will be licensed or accepted into a program of study) are made based on those test scores.
The 2014 Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (AERA, APA, and NCME, 2014, p. 23) direct test developers that “clear articulation of each intended test score interpretation for a specified use should be set forth, and appropriate validity evidence in support of each intended interpretation should be provided.” Associated with that overarching standard are 25 supporting standards, including factors such as the existence or absence of support for various interpretations of the test, constructs measured by the test, likely interpretations or uses of a test that have not been validated, the intended population for the test, the composition of test takers from which validity evidence was obtained, internal structure of the test, relationships between test scores and other related constructs, and more. The design and interpretation of professional tests involve teams of content experts and psychometricians, as well as expertise that is often not available to veterinary educators engaged in everyday assessment activities such as writing questions for midterm or final exams, or designing an objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) station. However, there are several simple questions that anyone can ask to help safeguard the validity of the interpretation of their assessments.

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