Matt Corse and Ian G. Holsworth Surgeons must understand the goals and vulnerabilities of each procedure they perform to maximize the probability of a successful outcome. Orthopedic surgery is a process that requires deliberate preoperative planning, intraoperative execution, and postoperative management to consistently produce the intended outcome. Surgeons must have a comprehensive understanding of common errors and pitfalls of a given procedure to avoid, manage, and correct complications. This chapter provides specific preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative guides for the surgeon to help direct successful navigation through the process of performing extracapsular stabilization using synthetic multifilament material to manage canine cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) rupture in the dog. It is a responsibility of the surgeon to determine whether a patient is appropriate for the procedure they plan to perform. Some patient characteristics may clearly identify them as inappropriate for a procedure, but more frequently patients have features with less conclusive risk profiles that the surgeon must consider carefully to help them decide whether or not to proceed. For this reason, it oversimplistic to provide a list of disqualifiers for a given procedure. Instead, the surgeon must consider how specific patient factors may impact operative and postoperative objectives and vulnerabilities of the procedure they wish to perform. When performing extracapsular stifle stabilization procedures using multifilament material, a successful outcome requires a well‐executed surgery, bone tunnel maturation and periarticular fibrosis formation in the recovery period, and the avoidance of bacterial colonization of implants. The surgeon’s preoperative objective should be to determine whether these intraoperative and postoperative goals can be achieved with a high degree of certainty. To do so, surgeons should consider four questions during preoperative patient assessment. Failing to satisfactorily ask these questions or misjudgment in answering them during the preoperative period will result in deleterious consequences either at surgery or during the recovery period. Regardless of surgeon experience, the technical ease of extracapsular stifle stabilization varies with patient size, body conformation, and body condition score. Size of implants relative to the patient, ideal bone tunnel angles, and ease of dissection to identify isometric points should be considered preoperatively. Figure 8.1 90° “hockey stick” morphology of the distal femur of a toy‐breed dog. A 25 mm radiopaque calibration ball provides a size reference. The orange dot represents the optimal initiation point for the femoral bone tunnel. This distal femoral morphology combined with small patient size lead to the creation of a bone tunnel angled 30–45° away from the joint. In dogs, the answer to this question is always yes, but some patients will have characteristics that may stress the repair more than others. Biomechanical factors should be considered when planning stifle surgery in the dog. As described by Slocum, the magnitude of cranial tibial thrust is enhanced by tibial plateau slope and the weight of the dog and is counteracted by passive restraint from the CCL and active restraint from the biceps femoris muscle and hamstring muscle group [1]. When extracapsular stifle stabilization is performed to manage CCL rupture, the suture implants function in part to passively restrain cranial tibial thrust. Evaluating these opposing biomechanical factors for each potential surgical candidate should influence surgeon decision making. Surgical site infections (SSIs) that are deep, implant associated and involve multifilament implant material are often major complications that can have catastrophic results. Bacterial colonization of surgical implants can occur during surgery, by local extension of superficial incisional infections postoperatively, or by hematogenous colonization in the postoperative period. Because of the devastating consequences of implant‐associated SSI, the surgeon must have comprehensive processes in the preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative periods to minimize patient risk of implant colonization. In the preoperative period, the surgeon is responsible for screening each patient for infection risk factors that may disqualify them from the procedure. Chapter 2 provides in‐depth information on ways to minimize SSIs. The surgeon must review patient medical records, perform a thorough physical exam (including evaluation of skin for any current pyoderma), and conduct a thorough client interview to assess their willingness and capacity for postoperative compliance. It is recommended to perform a complete blood work in order to rule out any systemic diseases that might preclude performance of the surgical procedure. Ultimately, every patient requires careful assessment in the preoperative period to help the surgeon decide if the patient is an appropriate candidate for an extracapsular stifle stabilization using multifilament material [2]. Only by weighing the technical requirements of the surgery, the spectrum of patient features that influence surgery and recovery, the factors that could compromise repair, and the client commitment to the process can the surgeon reasonably predict the likelihood of a successful outcome. As with all surgical techniques to manage CCL rupture, careful meniscal evaluation and treatment is a critical component of any extracapsular stabilization surgery. Failure to recognize meniscal tears and treat them when present may result in poor recovery and ultimately failed outcome. Surgeons who are insufficiently trained in meniscal evaluation and treatment should not perform stifle surgery. More information on meniscal treatment decisions can be found in Chapter 18. Additional intraoperative focus must be aimed at identifying optimal isometric points, creating appropriate bone tunnels and/or anchor sites, applying appropriate tension to implants, and maintaining meticulous aseptic technique throughout the procedure. Failure to execute any of these goals will lead to a predictable detrimental outcome. The goal of extracapsular stifle stabilization is to restore mechanics as closely as possible to normal [3–6]. Failure to achieve these goals can indicate a technical error in isometry, an error in implant/bone anchor placement, or errant implant tensioning. Intraoperative assessment of limb mechanics must be performed by the surgeon during each procedure to validate that mechanical goals have been achieved, and if problems are identified the surgeon must determine the correction required. Following extracapsular stifle stabilization with multifilament implants, stifle and tarsal range of motion should be unimpeded. Restricted tarsal range of motion following implant placement requires close inspection of the tibial bone tunnel and tibial implant path, as this typically indicates entrapment of the long digital extensor tendon (LDE) (Figure 8.2). Whether the origin of the tibial bone tunnel is at Gerdy’s sister (i.e., the tibial bony prominence demarcating the caudal border of the extensor groove) or within the proximal aspect of the extensor groove, the LDE should be reflected cranially to avoid entrapment. If Gerdy’s sister is used for the origin of the tibial bone tunnel, it is possible to improperly direct the tunnel cranially in a manner that breaks directly into the extensor groove which could allow the implant to cross over the LDE, entrapping it. LDE entrapment necessitates replacement of the implant with the LDE properly retracted cranially or redrilling a more caudally directed tibial bone tunnel. Following implant placement, restriction or conflict palpable at any point through stifle range of motion requires close inspection of isometric points. When femoral and tibial anchor points are isometric, the distance between these points and the resulting suture tension should remain constant throughout full stifle range of motion [7–15]. This creates smooth unrestricted stifle motion. Suture tension in nonisometrically placed suture implants will tighten or loosen through different zones of the range of motion, creating stifle conflict. Poor isometry can result in bone tunnel widening, implant failure, stifle joint mechanical compromise, and ultimately a poor functional outcome for the patient. When stifle conflict is identified, the surgeon must determine the cause of the isometric error and make the necessary correction. Figure 8.2 Lateral stifle anatomy relevant to localization of implantation sites of femoral and tibial bone tunnels/socket. For the femur, the most common isometric error is starting the femoral bone tunnel/anchor point too far cranially. This creates an insufficient caudoproximal to craniodistal suture implant trajectory across the stifle joint, resulting in a poor mechanical and isometric outcome. Sufficient lateral femoral condyle exposure to allow accurate assessment of the femoral bone tunnel/bone anchor site relative to the distal femorofabellar joint space must be performed at every surgery. Sufficient lateral femoral exposure requires visualization of the transition of the nonarticular and articular cartilage of the femoral condyle just distal to the femorofabellar joint. To achieve this exposure, the biceps fascia is incised and retracted caudally. Grasping the lateral fabella with thumb forceps, the distal aspect of the femorofabellar joint is tented and sharply incised with a stab incision with a #15 blade to expose the joint space. Once the femorofabellar joint space is identified, distal joint capsule dissection is extended by remaining just caudal and parallel to the lateral collateral ligament. The femoral bone tunnel should be made in the lateral condyle just distal to the femorofabellar joint at the transition between nonarticular and articular portions. Because there is a tendency to create the femoral tunnel too far cranial, the authors recommend trending the tunnel placement more towards the articular portion of the transition. The femoral tunnel should be angled towards the medial femur at the level of the proximal aspect of the trochlear groove. For the tibia, the most common errors are starting the tibial bone tunnel either too far caudal or too far distal. This also results in insufficient caudoproximal to craniodistal suture implant trajectory across the stifle joint and a detrimental isometric consequence. Sufficient identification of the LDE tendon, lateral meniscus, and Gerdy’s sister must be performed at every surgery to guarantee an appropriate isometric tibial bone tunnel site (Figure 8.2). When performing extracapsular stifle stabilization with multifilament material like the TightRope® (Figure 8.3) or Knotted SwiveLock® (Figure 8.4), using a suture tensioner with tensiometer (Figure 8.5) can provide the surgeon with an objective tool to assess for suture tension changes throughout stifle range of motion. The stifle should be maintained in slight extension when tensioning the suture [10]. Once the desired suture tension is applied to the suture implants using the suture tensioner, the knee can be flexed and extended with the suture tensioner still in place. With optimal isometric suture placement, the tensiometer reading should remain static throughout stifle range of motion, without fluctuating up or down. If the tensiometer reading deviates greater than 3–4 lb/ft, isometric points should be critically reassessed and corrected before proceeding. Figure 8.3 TightRope implant placed on the lateral aspect of the stifle in correct TightRope® ECS technique with two strands of 2 mm FiberTape® tensioned appropriately and secured by multi‐throw square knot over a four‐hole tie‐button on the medial femur. Following extracapsular implant placement and tensioning, the knee should be stable with less than 3 mm of cranial drawer present. An excess of 3 mm of cranial drawer indicates: If excessive cranial drawer is present after implant placement, the surgeon should start with careful inspection of tibial and femur isometric points as previously described (see Chapter 6 for more information on isometric points). If an errant isometric point or tunnel is identified, a new site should be drilled and implants replaced if possible. If proper isometric points and bone tunnels are confirmed and cranial drawer persists, the surgeon must evaluate whether they insufficiently tensioned the implants, tensioned implants while the stifle was positioned in cranial drawer, failed to sufficiently address implant or tissue creep prior to securing the implants, or interposed soft tissue between suture toggles/buttons and bone. Figure 8.4 SwiveLock® implant placed on the lateral aspect of the stifle in correct Knotted SwiveLock® ECS technique with two strands of 2 mm FiberTape anchored at the femoral socket and tensioned appropriately and secured by multi‐throw square knot over a four‐hole tie‐button on the medial tibia. Figure 8.5 Tensioner with tensiometer suture tensioning device (Arthrex® AR‐1529). Use of a tensioner with tensiometer allows incremental tension application, assessment of knee mechanics achieved, and adjustment. In addition, when using the suture tensioner, the surgeon may cycle the knee once tension is applied to assess and manage implant or soft tissue creep (see section on creep, below). For dogs with an extremely unstable stifle and a large amount of cranial drawer, it is possible to tension implants with the tibia unintentionally positioned in a cranially subluxated position (i.e., tensioned while in cranial drawer). In this circumstance, after suture implants are tensioned, the tibia can easily displace caudally into a reduced position, functionally alleviating all tension on the implants. If excessive cranial drawer is present after tensioning implants, the surgeon should start by making sure that the stifle was reduced when sutures were tensioned. If it is determined that the tibia was in cranial drawer when implants were tensioned, an assistant should hold the tibia in a reduced position while implants are tensioned. Soft tissue and/or implant creep can lead to excessive cranial drawer after implant placement [16–22]. Once implants are placed, tightened, and secured, the surgeon should be able to cycle the stifle 20–30 times through the range of motion (flexion/extension, internal/external rotation, cranial/caudal displacement) without alteration in stifle stability. If cycling the stifle leads to the development of cranial drawer, creep should be suspected. Using a suture tensioner with tensiometer gives the surgeon a tool to assess and manage creep. Once the desired suture tension is applied to the suture implants using the suture tensioner, the stifle can be cycled 20–30 times through the range of motion with the suture tensioner still in place. If creep has been eliminated, the tensiometer reading should not drop after cycling and there should be less than 3 mm of cranial drawer present on stifle palpation. If cycling results in a loss of suture tension and excessive cranial drawer, the implants should be retensioned to the desired level, the stifle should be re‐cycled, and stifle stability should be reassessed. This process should be repeated until creep is eliminated and the stifle remains stable after cycling. If this process does not eliminate cranial drawer, the surgeon should evaluate for other causes of excessive cranial drawer including poor isometry, tensioning the implants with the stifle positioned in cranial drawer, or the presence of soft tissue between toggle/suture buttons and the bone. A limitation of the Knotless SwiveLock® (Figure 8.6) is that creep is difficult to adjust for prior to securing the implants. If excessive drawer is identified intraoperatively following a Knotless SwiveLock® stabilization (due to either insufficient tensioning or insufficient elimination of creep), the Knotless SwiveLock® can be converted to a Knotted SwiveLock® implant without use of additional implants (Figure 8.4).
Complications Associated with Extracapsular Stabilization using Multifilament Material
8.1 Introduction
8.1.1 Preoperative Goals of Extracapsular Stabilization
8.1.2 Intraoperative Goals of Extracapsular Stabilization
8.1.3 Postoperative Goals of Extracapsular Stabilization
8.2 Preoperative Planning
8.2.1 Introduction Can I Easily Perform the Procedure in This Patient? Does the Patient Have Physical Features That Will Stress the Repair? Does the Patient Have Predisposing Risk Factors for Infection? Will This Patient and Client Be Compliant Postoperatively?
8.2.2 Preoperative Planning Summary
8.3 Intraoperative Procedure
8.3.1 Intraoperative Objectives of Extracapsular Stifle Stabilization with Multifilament Material
8.3.2 Intraoperative Mechanical Objectives Identifying and Correcting Intraoperative Mechanical Errors Impaired Tarsal Range of Motion: Stifle Conflict Palpable During Range of Motion:
Evaluating Isometric Error
Evaluation of Isometry Using the Suture Tensioner Excessive Cranial Drawer or Cranial Tibial Thrust:
Isometric Error
Insufficient Tensioning
Tensioning with the Stifle in Excessive Drawer
Implant and Tissue Creep
Managing Creep Using the Suture Tensioner
Rescuing a Knotless SwiveLock Stabilization

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