Clinical parasitology: farm animals

Clinical parasitology: farm animals

8.1 Introduction

So far, this book has considered Veterinary Parasitology as a scientific discipline, albeit from a clinically-orientated viewpoint. Chapter 1 explored the nature of parasitism while Chapters 2–7 examined interactions between different types of parasite, their hosts and the environment. An understanding of these fundamental processes enables clinical judgements concerning parasitic disease to be made on a sound rational basis.

In practice, the veterinarian or animal health expert is usually concerned with an animal, flock or herd exhibiting, or at risk from, some alimentary, pulmonary, dermatological or other dysfunction which may, or may not, have a parasitological origin. The concluding chapters of this book therefore adopt a different perspective with emphasis placed on the diseased animal. The major parasites affecting each organ system are considered in a general context embracing clinical impact, diagnosis and strategies for treatment and control. To avoid unnecessary repetition, cross-references are made (e.g. ‘see Section 1.1.1’) to pertinent information in earlier chapters.

8.3 8.2 Ruminants

Parasite control is an integral component of livestock husbandry. This is especially true for herbivores. The higher the stocking density, the more opportunity there is for parasite transmission since greater numbers of host-seeking parasite life-cycle stages can accumulate per unit area. Traditional and organic farming systems show that much can be achieved by careful management, but intensive production often requires judicious use of pharmaceutical or other interventions. The experience of recent decades, however, has taught us that overdependence on chemotherapy is unsustainable because of resistance problems and concern over chemical residues in food products and the environment.

8.2.1 Digestive system

The ruminant digestive system harbours a great variety of parasites (see Table 8.1). Protozoan diseases are particularly problematic in neonates and very young animals, as is the nematode Toxocara vitulorum. Other gastrointestinal nematodes, mostly trichostrongyloids, commonly cause diarrhoea and production losses in young grazing stock. The pathogenicity of different species varies markedly but their additive effect determines clinical outcome. Trematodes such as Paramphistomum and Fasciola can cause severe disease in wet climates, while heavy Dicrocoelium infections can be debilitating in drier habitats. Adult Moniezia in the small intestine (and related tapeworms in the bile ducts in some tropical countries) are usually relatively harmless, as are hydatid cysts in the liver.

Table 8.1 Parasitic genera most likely to be encountered in the gastrointestinal tract and liver of cattle and sheep

Cestodes Trematodes Nematodes Protozoa
Paramphistomum 5.6.3
Paramphistomum (migrating) 5.6.3 Ostertagia C 6.3.2 Teladorsagia S 6.3.2 Haemonchus 6.3.2 Trichostrongylus 6.3.2 Cryptosporidium 4.9.1
Small intestine Moniezia 5.3.5 Paramphistomum (migrating) 5.6.3 Trichostrongylus 6.3.2 Cooperia 6.3.2 Nematodirus 6.3.2 Bunostomum 6.3.4 Toxocara C 7.1.3 Strongyloides 7.1.2 Cryptosporidium 4.9.1 Eimeria 4.6.2 Giardia 4.5.2
Caecum/ large intestine

Trichuris 7.1.6 Oesophagostomum 6.3.3 Chabertia 6.3.3 Eimeria 4.6.2 BuxtonellaC 4.3
Liver Echinococcus (cyst) 5.3.4 Taenia (migrating cyst)1 5.3.3 Fasciola 5.6.2 Dicrocoelium 5.6.3

Note: these lists are not comprehensive; other parasites do occur but less frequently or are of more restricted distribution or importance; numbers in red cross-reference to section of book with more detailed information. C – cattle; S – sheep; 1 – T. hydatigena.


Ostertagia is the nematode most often associated with digestive problems in cattle. Other genera such as Trichostrongylus, Cooperia and Nematodirus may also contribute, while Oesophagostomum can be a primary pathogen in warmer climates. The blood-suckers Haemonchus placei and, less often, Bunostomum cause anaemia if present in large numbers and can be responsible for serious disease, particularly in the wet tropics.

Bovine parasitic gastroenteritis

Bovine parasitic gastroenteritis (PGE) caused by Ostertagia is most commonly seen in calves during the second half of their first grazing season. Affected animals pass watery faeces, lose condition and become thin. Dehydration is evident in advanced cases. Smaller (subclinical) infections may significantly slow growth-rates without other overt sign of disease. This is associated with a reduced feed intake.

Type I disease (i.e. disease occurring shortly after ingestion of large numbers of infective larvae) is associated with high morbidity but mortality is generally relatively low. Type II disease, caused by the reactivation of arrested larvae in the abomasal wall (see Section 6.3.2), occurs mainly in yearlings in the late winter or early spring. Morbidity is generally low but affected animals, which often show submandibular oedema, are likely to die if untreated.

Clinical signs and grazing history are usually sufficient for a presumptive diagnosis to be made. The number of ‘strongyle’ eggs per gram of faeces (e.p.g.) in Type I PGE will be close to or greater than 1000 in at least some members of the group, but low or zero values are common in Type II disease (as many worms are still immature when clinical signs first appear). Blood biochemistry shows reduced serum albumin and raised pepsinogen concentrations (see Figure 6.22). At autopsy, abomasal contents have an unpleasant smell (because pH values approaching neutrality allow bacteria and moulds to flourish). Closer inspection of the mucosa reveals typical small nodules (see Figure 8.1) and the presence of brownish threadlike worms. These may number 40 000 or more.


Figure 8.1 Ostertagiosis: nodules on abomasal mucosa. Reproduced with permission of J. McGoldrick.

Practical tip box 8.1

PGE is most likely to occur on dairy farms as calves are weaned early in life and often grazed on permanent pastures at high stocking rates. In contrast, calves in beef suckler systems are grazed with their mothers. As most of the grass is utilised by the cows, there are relatively few calves per unit area. Cows produce large volumes of faeces with few Ostertagia eggs per gram. This has the effect of diluting the high e.p.g. faecal output of the calves and so correspondingly few infective larvae accumulate per kg grass.

Adult cattle are not usually clinically affected by PGE as they will have developed a substantial level of immunity. Nevertheless, abomasal damage can accrue if they graze heavily contaminated pasture and milk-yields may be affected to a small, but economically significant degree. An estimate of the level of herd exposure can be obtained by measuring specific antibody titres in bulk milk samples, but serum pepsinogen concentrations do not provide a reliable indicator as normal values tend to increase with age.

At the time of writing, resistance to anthelmintics has not become a serious problem in cattle nematode populations (although this is no reason for complacency, as will become evident in the ovine PGE section below). Compounds active against adult and immature worms include macrocyclic lactones (MLs – see Section 7.3.2), benzimidazoles (BZDs – see Section 7.3.3) and levamisole (see Section 7.3.1). Ideally calves should be moved to clean pasture after treatment but, if this is not an option, the persistent activity of MLs against incoming L3 will protect against reinfection for three or more weeks (depending on the compound, formulation and method of administration).

The persistent activity of the MLs can also be utilised to prevent PGE from happening. This approach is based on the knowledge that, in temperate climates, the epidemiology of PGE in set-stocked calves (i.e. those kept on the same pasture all season) follows a stereotyped seasonal pattern (see Figure 6.18). Disease can be avoided in two ways:

  1. Metaphylaxis: nature is allowed to take its course but the calves are dosed with an ML shortly before the density of L3 on the pasture rises to potentially pathogenic levels (see Figure 8.2). The persistent activity of the chosen ML kills ingested larvae before they can cause disease. Some mucosal damage will occur, however, and this may influence growth-rates. On the other hand, the calves are given adequate opportunity to develop an immunity that will protect them in their second grazing season.
  2. Prophylaxis: calves are treated with an ML early in the grazing season to ensure that worms derived from the ingestion of overwintered larvae are killed before they start to lay eggs. This is beneficial as, because no new eggs are dropped onto the pasture at this time, the subsequent disease-producing wave of infective larvae (the ‘autoinfection peak’) fails to develop (see Figure 8.3). The pasture thereby remains ‘safe’ for the remainder of the year. This system works well if early season treatments are timed correctly and provided no untreated animals are introduced onto the pasture. As with all routine parasite control strategies dependent on a single chemical class, careful management is required to avoid resistance developing in the longer term.

Figure 8.2 Prevention of PGE in calves on a set-stocked pasture by metaphylaxis: the numbers of infective larvae on the grass are shown in green and the period of anthelmintic cover in red.


Figure 8.3 Prevention of PGE in calves on a set-stocked pasture by prophylaxis: the numbers of infective larvae on the grass are shown in green and the period of anthelmintic cover in red. The dotted line depicts expected pasture larval counts if the prophylactic treatment had not been given.

For early season prophylaxis, the first dose of ML is usually given three weeks after spring turnout as this corresponds to the prepatent period (PPP) of Ostertagia. One or two further doses will be needed, depending on the period of persistency (PP) of the chosen ML. The dosing interval is calculated by adding together the PPP and PP as this determines the length of time over which no eggs will be dropped onto the pasture. Conservative values are used to allow for possible biological variation. Thus, one such programme uses three doses of ivermectin administered at 3, 8 and 13 weeks after turnout. To reduce the number of times that calves need to be rounded up for treatment, the first dose of ML can be given at turnout (as, for example, in the doramectin 0, 8 week programme).

To eliminate the need for repeated dosing, intraruminal devices have been developed that continuously or intermittently release an appropriate amount of ML or BZD over a sufficient time-period to ensure prophylactic or metaphylactic protection. Although highly successful, most are no longer sold, partly because of the high cost of manufacture and partly because of a concern that, in some circumstances, recipient calves may not receive adequate antigenic stimulation to ensure immunity by the end of their first grazing season.

With ingenuity, other strategies can be devised for preventing PGE. For example, it is known that overwintered larvae die in the early part of the grazing season (see Figure 6.18). Pastures are therefore safe to use (‘clean’) after hay or silage has been harvested in the spring. Thus, calves that graze initially on contaminated permanent pasture can be treated to remove the worms that have established and then moved onto a harvested field (i.e. onto ‘aftermath’). A potential disadvantage, however, of such ‘dose-and-move’ systems is that any eggs subsequently dropped onto the new pasture will have been derived from worms that survived treatment. This may enhance the prevalence of resistance genes in the parasite population.

Extra information box 8.1

Bovine toxocarosis

Somatic larvae of Toxocara vitulorum in the tissues of cattle and buffalo are activated towards the end of pregnancy. They migrate to the udder and are passed in colostrum for about a week. Adult worms establish in the small intestine of the calf and start to pass eggs at about three weeks of age. By five months, the worms have all been expelled. In the meantime, heavy infections cause enteritis, loss of condition and sometimes intestinal obstruction. Fatalities can occur, especially in buffalo. Losses can be avoided by treating vulnerable calves at 10–16 days of age using an anthelmintic with high efficacy against adult and immature stages.

Bovine fasciolosis

Cattle rarely suffer from acute fasciolosis but the chronic form of the disease does occur. Clinical signs are confined mostly to younger grazing stock as a partial immunity follows initial infection. Affected animals show weight-loss accompanied by anaemia and sometimes submandibular oedema. Subclinical infection is responsible for reduced weight gains in growing animals or depressed milk production in dairy cows. The susceptibility of cattle to certain other diseases (e.g. salmonellosis) is increased and the sensitivity of the tuberculin test (an intradermal test to detect cattle infected with bovine tuberculosis) reduced. This is probably the result of powerful immunomodulatory factors released by Fasciola as part of its defence against host immune attack (see Section 5.6.1).

As bovine disease is associated with the presence of adult flukes (see Figure 8.4), faecal examination for parasite eggs is a useful diagnostic aid. Further evidence of infection is provided by elevated plasma enzyme concentrations indicating liver or bile duct damage, e.g. glutamate dehydrogenase and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase. Specific antibodies can be assayed in serum or bulk milk samples. Almost all commercially available flukicidal drugs are active against the adult worm, although strict regulation controls their use in animals for milk production.


Figure 8.4 Adult Fasciola hepatica (released from bile duct). Reproduced with permission of T. de Waal.

A recombinant vaccine is being developed for use in cattle but is not commercially available at the time of writing. It exerts its effect by stimulating a range of immune responses not normally occurring in chronically infected animals (including Th1-type responses).

Bovine paramphistomosis

Although paramphistomes are cosmopolitan, disease is associated mostly with warmer, wetter regions, especially those prone to flooding, as these are the conditions most favourable for the aquatic intermediate hosts. Large numbers of migrating immature flukes in the duodenum provoke persistent afebrile foetid diarrhoea. This leads to depression, dehydration, weakness and often death. Grazing history and local knowledge are important factors in reaching a presumptive diagnosis. Faecal egg-counts are not dependable since the causal organisms are immature. Small plump flukes may, however, sometimes be seen in faeces. Treatments have to be selected with care as few anthelmintics are effective against this trematode.

Intestinal protozoan infections

Intestinal protozoa are mainly problematic in young stock. Asymptomatic infections are common. Cryptosporidiosis and coccidiosis are the most frequent clinical conditions, although Giardia can also provoke diarrhoea on occasion.

Cattle harbour numerous Eimeria species. Two, E. bovis and E. zuernii, are recognised as serious pathogens in young calves. A third species, E. alabamensis, sometimes affects older calves at pasture producing a milder diarrhoea and weight loss.

E. bovis and E. zuernii sporozoites invade villi along the ileum. They enter endothelial cells lining the lacteals and develop into giant macroschizonts. The consequent tissue damage provokes blood-stained diarrhoea, which often contains strands of sloughed mucosa. The disease occurs mostly in calves kept in poor conditions but can strike when young stock are newly introduced into a herd or when they are turned out to grass. A high faecal oocyst count (>5000 o.p.g.) is suggestive of a causal relationship, although diarrhoea can start shortly before patency becomes evident. Speciation of oocysts is necessary to determine the proportion attributable to pathogenic species. Control revolves around management of the immediate environment, e.g. by ensuring that susceptible animals are not overcrowded or exposed to stress, by keeping buildings dry and by changing bedding regularly, etc.

Cryptosporidiosis is one of the commonest infections detected in diarrhoeic calves, especially in those 1–2 weeks of age. It is more likely to occur if calves are colostrum-deprived, or if other potential enteropathogens (such as rotavirus, coronavirus or enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli bacteria) are also present on the farm. In faecal smears stained by the Ziehl-Neelsen method, oocysts measuring 4–5 μm appear red against a blue-green background (see Figure 8.5). Few drugs are completely effective against Cryptosporidium, so supportive therapy including fluids and electrolytes are particularly important. Control requires scrupulous hygiene in calf rearing facilities. Calves should receive adequate amounts of colostrum.


Figure 8.5 Cryptosporidium oocysts (red) in faecal smear. Reproduced with permission of F.M. Barakat.


Although most gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep and cattle belong to the same genera, each host has its own species and there is limited transmission between them. An exception to this rule is Nematodirus battus which, although primarily an ovine species, is nevertheless able to establish in calves. These can, therefore, act as an alternative source of pasture contamination for lambs.

Lambs can be adversely affected by intestinal protozoa. Eimeria spp. (which are strictly host specific) can be particularly damaging if infection occurs at the same time as Nematodirus.

Ovine PGE

Parasitic gastroenteritis in sheep is more complex than the corresponding condition in cattle. This is because a greater variety of abomasal and intestinal nematodes contribute to the disease process. Mixed infections are the norm, with Teladorsagia (the ovine equivalent of Ostertagia) and Trichostrongylus tending to dominate, although other genera can be primary pathogens. Two gastrointestinal nematodes, Haemonchus and Nematodirus, are so different from the others that they are discussed below under separate headings.

The epidemiology of the ovine condition is complicated by the occurrence of two separate sources of pasture contamination in the spring: larvae from the previous year that have overwintered on the grass and eggs dropped by the ewes as a result of their periparturient relaxation of immunity (see Figure 6.19). Development rates from egg to L3 on pasture differ for each parasite so that the risk period tends to start earlier for Teladorsagia than for Trichostrongylus, for example.

PGE is a serious constraint on sheep farming worldwide. It mostly affects weaned lambs grazing in summer and autumn, although Type II disease can occur early in the following year. Older sheep are protected by an acquired immunity, although this is partially compromised during lactation.

Ovine PGE progresses from an initial retardation of growth-rate to more obvious general unthriftiness, often accompanied by soiled hindquarters indicating diarrhoea. In severe cases, weight-loss, depression and death can ensue. Not all members of the flock will be equally affected. Representative faecal sampling will reveal high strongyle egg-counts (>750 e.p.g.) in at least a proportion of the animals. This can be followed up by larval culture if there is a need to know the composition of the worm burden.

Extra information box 8.2

Until recently, recommendations to control ovine PGE included:

  1. Dosing ewes around lambing time: to eliminate the periparturient egg-rise and thereby prevent ewes from contaminating the pastures.
  2. Dosing lambs: with a view to:

    1. expelling worms to minimise pathological damage and maximise growth-rates;
    2. minimising egg-deposition and future pasture contamination.

Experience has shown that the routine application of this approach exerts undue selection pressure on nematode populations leading eventually to anthelmintic resistance. This does not become clinically apparent until resistance genes have reached a high prevalence within the parasite population, by which time it is often too late to reverse the trend. Strains resistant to BZDs, levamisole or MLs are becoming ever more frequent worldwide and multiresistant worm populations are also appearing.

It is imperative therefore that sustainable worm control practices should be developed and implemented. Much research and education is currently underway to attain this goal. With so few classes of broad-spectrum anthelmintic available, it is essential that the remaining usefulness of older compounds is retained as long as possible and that the efficacy of newly introduced chemical groups (such as AADs and spiroindoles – see Section 7.3.4) is conserved.

Some countries are evolving protocols to assist veterinary advisers and farmers aspire to this ideal. In the UK, for example, guidelines issued by an organisation entitled ‘SCOPS’ (‘Sustainable Control of Parasites in Sheep’) provide detailed advice based on the following broad principles:

  1. Work out a control strategy: which should be appropriate for the particular needs of the farm and designed to reduce selection pressure on parasite populations (remembering that some treatments impinge upon more than one type of parasite, e.g. MLs are used for sheep scab control as well as PGE).
  2. Use a quarantine procedure: to ensure that resistant strains are not introduced onto the farm. New stock should undergo a rigorous treatment programme and be kept quarantined until they no longer pass parasite eggs.
  3. Test for anthelmintic resistance on the farm: if this is not done, it is not known which chemical classes will give reliable control.
  4. Administer drugs correctly: this may sound obvious, and maybe patronising, but experience has shown that many resistance problems originate because of simple mistakes, e.g. underdosing because body-weights are estimated inaccurately rather than measured, or because dosing equipment is poorly calibrated.
  5. Use anthelmintics only when necessary: avoidable or inappropriate treatments are an unnecessary expense and likely to increase selection pressure on parasite populations. Faecal egg-counts performed on a representative sample of the flock can help to determine when treatment is necessary.
  6. Select an appropriate anthelmintic for each task: as products vary with regard to both biological and physical characteristics. The chemical class being used should be changed (‘rotated’) at appropriate intervals (so parasite populations are not constantly exposed to the same mode of action), but only anthelmintics that are still fully active should be used (see point ‘c’ above).
  7. Preserve susceptible worms on the farm: As it is impossible to eliminate all worms from a farm, it is essential to avoid or modify any control strategy that might exert undue selection pressure on the parasite population. This principle is best illustrated with an example: in the traditional dose-and-move system (as described in the last paragraph of the section on ‘Bovine parasitic gastroenteritis’ above), treated animals contaminate their new pasture with eggs from surviving worms, thereby encouraging resistance to develop. Two alternative adjustments can be made to counter this tendency. These ‘dilute’ eggs from dosed animals with those from worms not exposed to treatment, thereby maintaining the diversity of the gene-pool:

    1. A proportion of the group (e.g. the strongest lambs) can be left undosed so they drop ‘drug-susceptible’ eggs onto the new pasture.
    2. The move to the clean pasture can be delayed for a short time after dosing so that all animals in the group acquire a light infestation of ‘drug-susceptible’ worms from the old pasture.

  8. Reduce dependence on anthelmintics: disease risk can be reduced by means of carefully considered management and grazing plans. For example, the safest grassland should be reserved for the most vulnerable animals (e.g. twin-lambs and triplets), while contaminated sheep pastures are reserved for nonsusceptible stock (ewes, cattle etc.). Consideration should also be given to alternative technologies such as those discussed in Section 1.6.6 (e.g. the use of rams for breeding that have been selected for enhanced genetic resistance/resilience to worms).


Extra information box 8.3


Both L4 and adult Haemonchus suck blood and heavy infections cause a potentially fatal haemorrhagic anaemia. Diarrhoea is not usually a feature. Disease occurs during the wet season in the tropics and is most likely to happen during hot thundery summer periods in temperate regions. Different forms of disease occur depending on the rate of larval intake:

  1. hyperacute: lasting 0–7 days. This is most commonly seen in the wet tropics. Apparently healthy sheep die with little or no prior warning. Autopsy reveals signs of severe anaemia and large numbers of immature Haemonchus in the abomasum.
  2. acute: lasting 1–6 weeks. A loss of condition with pallor, oedema, lethargy and death is associated with haemorrhagic anaemia and hypoalbuminaemia.
  3. chronic: lasting 2 months or more. Progressive weight-loss or reduced weight-gain is accompanied by a low level anaemia. This condition can be difficult to differentiate from malnutrition, especially in stock grazing marginal land.

Haemonchus produces many more eggs than most other trichostrongyloids, which complicates the interpretation of faecal egg-counts. For example, e.p.g. values in the upper hundreds are of little consequence if Haemonchus is predominant but, in its absence, could indicate a PGE problem. Traditionally, this problem has been overcome by culturing the faeces and identifying third-stage larvae to determine which genera are present, but quicker and more convenient tests are being developed, including a fluorescent staining technique and molecular probes.

Haemonchus populations develop anthelmintic resistance more quickly than do other gastrointestinal nematodes. This is because:

  1. in the tropics: Haemonchus has a short generation time and a large biotic potential. L3 develop quickly in the wet season, so several parasitic generations are possible each year. The severity of the disease encourages frequent dosing which applies extra selection pressure. Each surviving female produces up to 10 000 eggs per day, so the prevalence of resistance genes in subsequent generations can escalate quickly.
  2. in temperate regions: winter temperatures can be cold enough to kill Haemonchus L3 overwintering on grass, so in spring the entire surviving population is resident in the abomasum. Treatments given to ewes to eliminate the periparturient egg-rise therefore exert much greater selection pressure on Haemonchus than they do on other gastrointestinal nematodes, which have overwintering L3 on the pasture in refugia (see Section 1.6.3).

Anthelmintic resistance has either become, or is becoming, a severe problem in many warmer regions. Sheep production has already been abandoned on some farms in South Africa and Australia because of an inability to control multiresistant strains of Haemonchus.

Novel and sustainable control methods are being developed for both advanced and low-input farming systems. Selection pressure can be reduced by dosing only the most vulnerable individuals within a flock (see Section 1.6.6). A simple but ingenious and effective method of determining which animals to treat is the FAMACHA© system. This measures the pinkness of the conjunctival mucosa against a calibrated colour chart to indicate the degree of anaemia being experienced by each individual animal (see Figure 8.6).


Figure 8.6 The FAMACHA© system in use to identify anaemic sheep needing treatment. Reproduced with permission of J.F.J. Torres Acosta.

In addition to the mainstream anthelmintic groups, the flukicidal drug closantel (see Section 5.7.2) is used in some control programmes as it is effective against blood-sucking nematodes. It has residual activity and prevents reinfection with Haemonchus for a period of four weeks.

A hidden-antigen vaccine (see Section 1.6.5) is being developed but is not commercially available at the time of writing.


Nematodirosis is a seasonal disease, occurring in the spring, which affects lambs around 6–10 weeks of age. Sudden onset profuse diarrhoea follows a mass hatch of L3 from eggs that have overwintered on the pasture (see Figure 6.29). The mortality rate can be high, especially if there is concurrent coccidial infection.

Diagnosis is based primarily on clinical history as death can occur before eggs start to appear in the faeces (i.e. within two weeks of infection). Nematodirus eggs are larger than the usual strongyle ova. Those of the most pathogenic species, N. battus, are characteristically brown-coloured with parallel sides (see Figure 6.28).

As infections are passed from one batch of young lambs via overwintering eggs to the following year’s lamb crop, trouble can be avoided by withholding vulnerable lambs from potentially contaminated pastures during the danger period. If this is not possible, treatments with an anthelmintic active against immature Nematodirus can be given in anticipation of the onset of disease. The precise timing of such interventions is critical and is aided in some countries by disease forecasts based on local meteorological data.

Practical tip box 8.2

Ovine fasciolosis

Liver fluke infection, due to Fasciola hepatica in temperate and F. gigantica in warmer regions, is a common cause of disease and suboptimum productivity wherever there is a wet climate and poorly drained pastures that are not too acid for the intermediate host, the mud snail, Galba (Lymnaea). In contrast to the equivalent bovine disease (discussed earlier in this section), ovine immune responses to Fasciola do not provide any useful protection against disease, so sheep remain susceptible to fasciolosis throughout their lives. Unlike cattle, they can succumb during the migratory phase of the liver fluke life-cycle.

Ovine fasciolosis exhibits as a spectrum of disease manifestations with no clear demarcation between each:

  1. acute fasciolosis: a few animals in the flock are found dead each day with few if any warning signs. In temperate zones, most outbreaks occur in the autumn.
  2. subacute fasciolosis: rapid weight-loss becomes evident over 1–2 weeks, usually during the autumn or early winter. Affected animals have pale mucous membranes and may die. Fluke infection can predispose to Black Disease caused by Clostridium novyi type B.
  3. chronic fasciolosis: progressive weight-loss extends over weeks or months becoming obvious during the winter or early the following spring. Lethargy and submandibular oedema are other frequent signs (see Figure 8.7).
  4. subclinical effects: fleece weight and wool-fibre quality are affected even by small fluke burdens. Reproductive performance (as measured by number of lambs born and the growth-rate of unweaned lambs) may be adversely influenced (although this is less well documented). Poor carcase quality and liver condemnations reduce value to the meat industry.

Figure 8.7 Sheep with mandibular oedema (‘bottlejaw’). Reproduced with permission of W.E. Pomroy.

The presence of snail habitats on a farm, together with time of year and prevailing weather patterns, will alert the clinician to the possibility of fasciolosis as an explanation for deaths or poor performance. Other indications include:

  1. acute fasciolosis: there is seldom opportunity to examine animals prior to death but at autopsy the liver is enlarged, pale, friable and haemorrhagic (see Figure 5.40). Squeezing slices of liver will reveal large numbers of immature flukes in the parenchyma. These are leaf shaped, pale coloured and lack the ‘shoulders’ typical of adult Fasciola.
  2. subacute fasciolosis: haematology reveals normochromic anaemia. The liver is enlarged and subcapsular haemorrhages are often present (see Figure 5.41). There will be more than 500 flukes of which about half will be adult.
  3. chronic fasciolosis: diagnosis is usually confirmed by demonstrating characteristic eggs in faeces (see Figure 5.38), although egg-output can be erratic. A recently introduced coproantigen test promises to provide greater sensitivity and is able to detect the presence of flukes in bile ducts before they start to produce eggs. The anaemia is initially normochromic but later becomes hypochromic; afflicted animals are also hypoalbuminaemic and hyperglobulinaemic. Liver enzyme concentrations in the blood are raised. At autopsy, the liver is small, cirrhotic and distorted, with gross enlargement of bile ducts (see Figure 5.42). Opening these and the gall bladder will reveal more than 250 adult flukes. Their size (2–5 cm) and ‘shoulders’ (see Figure 8.4) differentiate them from Dicrocoelium which may be also found in bile ducts, although usually in animals grazing drier environments.

Practical tip box 8.3


Figure 8.8 Eggs of Fasciola (below left) and Dicrocoelium (above right).

Few flukicides kill all parasitic developmental stages (see Table 8.2). Not all products, therefore, are suitable for controlling outbreaks of acute disease. The anthelmintic with the broadest spectrum of activity against immature and adult F. hepatica is triclabendazole, but resistant strains are beginning to emerge and so alternatives should be used when possible in order to preserve the activity of this clinically valuable product.

Table 8.2 Relative efficacy of some flukicides in sheep (adapted from Abbott et al., 2012)


The prevention of fasciolosis requires an understanding of the epidemiology of the disease. This is determined by the breeding cycle of the intermediate host and the influence of ambient temperature on the rate of fluke development within both the egg and the snail (see Section 5.6.2). The precise timing of the resulting sequence of events varies with local circumstances and so an example (from Great Britain) is used to illustrate the principles underlying control strategies (see Figure 8.9).


Figure 8.9 Epidemiology of fasciolosis in Great Britain: a – eggs dropped in spring; b – eggs hatch and snails infected in June; c – flukes develop in snail during summer; d – metacercariae on herbage from late-August; e – flukes migrating in sheep; f – acute disease from late-September; g – chronic disease from January. Sheep images f and g redrawn after Taylor, 1964 with permission of FAO; immature stages after J.N. Oldham’s drawings in RVC collection.

There are two main control objectives:

  1. to prevent fluke eggs dropping onto pasture: Most fluke eggs die during the winter. Treating sheep in the late winter or early spring to remove adult flukes will ensure that no new eggs are dropped onto the pasture during the spring and early summer (‘a’ in Figure 8.9). As a result, there will be few miracidia hatching to infect the new generation of snails (‘b’ in Figure 8.9) and this will substantially reduce the numbers of metacercariae appearing on the pasture later in the year (‘d’ in Figure 8.9).
  2. to protect grazing animals during times of high risk: this applies especially to sheep grazing a snail habitat during the autumn of a year when a ‘bad’ fluke season is forecast (‘d’ in Figure 8.9). In the knowledge that such animals are likely to ingest considerable numbers of metacercariae, treatment with a compound active against immature flukes can be given during the incubation period, i.e. while the flukes are in the liver but before they have grown large enough to cause substantial damage (‘e’ in Figure 8.9). A second treatment may be necessary if stock cannot be moved to safer pasture, the dosing interval depending on the persistency of the drug used.

Historically, molluscicides have been employed to control fasciolosis by eliminating snail populations. Although technically successful, they were not commercially viable. This was due partly to environmental concerns and partly because any snails surviving (e.g. if protected from the spray by thick vegetation) could quickly recolonise available habitat.

An ability to recognise and define the extent of snail habitat on an affected farm allows alternative cost- effective control options to be practised, such as fencing, drainage and the removal of vulnerable stock to safer pastures at times of high risk.

Ovine coccidiosis

Sheep harbour many Eimeria species, some producing macroschizonts visible as white spots in the intestinal mucosa. One nonpathogenic species induces papillomatous growths. Two species, E. ovinoidalis and E. crandalis, are commonly responsible for diarrhoea in lambs of about 6 weeks old.

Ewes act as immune carriers passing small numbers of oocysts which accumulate indoors in poorly managed litter or, outdoors, around feed and water troughs. Early lambs amplify the parasite population exposing later lambs to heavier infection pressure. Twins and triplets are particularly vulnerable. Disease is usually associated with high faecal oocyst counts although death can occur within the two week prepatent period. Outbreaks may be coincident with Nematodirus or Cryptosporidium infections, which can complicate diagnosis and control.


Goats share many nematode species with sheep, but in extensive husbandry systems they are not necessarily equally exposed to infection. This is because goats are browsers rather than grazers. Heavy worm burdens can cause disease but goats are generally more resilient than sheep. On the other hand, they mount a weaker immune response to gastrointestinal nematodes and continue to void eggs throughout their lives.

Anthelmintic resistance tends to develop more rapidly in goats than in sheep. Consequently, sheep should not be grazed on pastures previously used by goats. To overcome potential resistance problems, zero grazing systems are commonly employed in goat husbandry (i.e. forage cut in the field is brought to animals kept in pens or yards). Otherwise, the general principles described for ovine PGE are applied to goats with a view to keeping the number of anthelmintic treatments to an absolute minimum. Some anthelmintics are metabolised more quickly by goats than sheep and may therefore require a higher dose-rate. Inadvertent underdosing is one of the factors that accelerates the development of anthelmintic resistance in goats.

Goats have their own Eimeria species. Of these, two (E. ninakohlyakimovae and E. arloingi) are common pathogens causing diarrhoea in kids and a check in growth-rate.

8.2.2 Respiratory system

The sheep nasal fly, Oestrus ovis, is widely distributed, but is mostly troublesome in some regions with warmer climates such as the Mediterranean region and South Africa. Further down the respiratory tree (see Table 8.3), the cattle lungworm, Dictyocaulus viviparus, is responsible for sporadic and potentially lethal disease in some temperate regions, while in small ruminants D. filaria and Protostrongylus are seen more commonly in warmer, drier terrains. Hydatid cysts (the metacestodes of Echinococcus granulosus) and the tiny greenish lesions associated with the sheep metastrongyloid, Muellerius, rarely cause inconvenience to their host even though they are commonly present in the lungs.

Table 8.3 Parasitic genera most likely to be encountered in the respiratory tract of cattle and sheep

Nasal passages Trachea/ bronchi Lung
Dictyocaulus 6.3.5 Protostrongylus S 6.3.5 Echinococcus (cyst) 5.3.4 MuelleriusS 6.3.5
Insects OestrusS 2.2.6

Note: these lists are not comprehensive; other parasites do occur but less frequently or are of more restricted distribution or importance; numbers in red cross-reference to section of book with more detailed information. S – sheep only.

Nasal myiasis

When the adult nasal fly, Oestrus ovis, is on the wing and attempting to deposit larvae, sheep become restless, either shaking their heads or pressing their nostrils into each others’ fleeces or against the ground. This interrupts feeding which can result in poor weight gain if they are constantly troubled. Larvae in the nasal cavities and sinuses provoke the formation of thick mucus that can block the nostrils forcing mouth breathing which interferes still further with food intake. Bone erosion with perforation into the cranial cavity sometimes follows. This induces neurological signs such as a high-stepping gait and incoordination.

Little can be done to protect grazing sheep from the adult flies but after an attack systemic treatment (e.g. with some ML endectocides) can be used to kill the parasitic larvae before they are large enough to produce significant damage.

Bovine parasitic bronchitis

Lungworm disease of cattle is a complex condition. It is sporadic in nature as calves in endemic areas generally acquire immunity quickly enough to protect themselves against rising numbers of L3 on pasture. This natural epidemiological balance can be easily upset by weather conditions favouring a faster accumulation of L3 on grassland, or by inappropriate husbandry practices (such as putting susceptible calves onto pastures contaminated by older stock). Disease occurs when the daily intake of infective L3 reaches a level that overwhelms the developing immunity of the calves.

Clinical signs, diagnostic procedures, responses to treatment and prognosis all vary according to the stage of parasitic development. The earlier that diagnosis is made and treatment started, the more satisfactory the outcome. The underlying pathogenic processes were described in Section 6.3.5 and are summarised in Table 8.4. The spectrum of disease encompasses:

  1. Acute (prepatent) disease: eosinophilic exudates block the bronchioles bringing air to the alveolae, which collapse. If a large volume of lung tissue is affected, breathing becomes rapid and shallow with a frequent bronchial cough. Initially the calves are bright and attempt to graze, but later stand with necks outstretched, breathing heavily through their mouths assisted by exaggerated flank movements. Recumbency and death can follow if treatment is not given. As there is no physical damage to the lung at this stage, response to treatment is rapid and the prognosis favourable.
  2. Subacute (patent) disease: an increased respiratory rate is accompanied by a greater depth of breathing and fits of coughing. Foaming at the mouth is indicative of pulmonary oedema (see Figure 8.10). Dyspnoeic calves lose weight and are prone to secondary pulmonary infection. As the dominant pathology at this stage is aspiration pneumonia, and as consolidated lung tissue takes a long time to resolve even after removal of the worms, recovery is slow. Prognosis has to be guarded because of the possibility of postpatent disease occurring subsequently.
  3. Postpatent disease: a small proportion of cases may relapse some two months after the initial onset of clinical signs. Anthelmintic therapy at this stage is inappropriate as the lungworm population will already have been expelled by immune responses. As the pathology at this stage is likely to include an irreversible thickening of alveolar walls (see Figure 6.58), the prognosis is grave.

Table 8.4 Summary of the main disease processes occurring in parasitic bronchitis

Phase of disease Timing (pi) Main lesion Prognosis
Prepatent (migrating larvae) 1–3 Bronchioles blocked; alveolae collapsed Rapid and complete recovery
Patent (adult worms in trachea and bronchi) 4–8 Aspiration pneumonia Guarded; slow recovery
Postpatent (worms expelled by treatment or immunity ) 8–12 Epithelialisation of alveolar lining Very poor

pi = weeks postinfection.


Figure 8.10 Bovine parasitic bronchitis: a severely affected calf: note the outstretched neck and foam around the mouth. Reproduced with permission of D. Brown.

Animals suffering from parasitic bronchitis should be removed from contaminated pasture. If this is impossible, reinfection can be blocked by use of ML anthelmintics as these provide good persistent activity against D. viviparus larvae.

Immune animals exposed to a high level of pasture contamination may cough and their respiratory rate may be raised slightly (mild tachypnoea), but these signs are usually transitory and of little consequence, although there can be a sudden and expensive drop in milk yield in dairy cows.

Diagnosis is largely dependent upon a consideration of clinical signs, seasonal incidence and grazing history. During the patent phase of the disease, confirmation is provided by recovering L1 from faeces using the Baermann apparatus (see Section 1.5.1). The L1 (see Figure 8.11) does not have the ‘S’-shaped tail typical of other lungworms but can be recognised microscopically by the greenish refractile granules present in its intestinal cells.


Figure 8.11 Typical appearance of Dictyocaulus viviparus larvae harvested from faeces (the sheath just visible on some larvae indicates that larval development has commenced).

Immunoassays and the presence of an eosinophilia can provide further evidence of infection in adult cows but these have to be interpreted with caution. Currently, eprinomectin is the only ML licensed for use in cows producing milk for human consumption.

Control strategies are designed to ensure that calves do not graze contaminated pastures before they have developed adequate immunity. Such measures have to be integrated with PGE prevention as Ostertagia is a concurrent consideration in herd health schemes. Early season prophylactic schemes for PGE (described earlier in this section) are generally effective against lungworm but can break down as relatively few D. viviparus larvae need to be ingested by susceptible calves to cause disease. Also, the speed of development from L1 to L3 is much faster for D. viviparus than for most gastrointestinal trichostrongyloids, so pathogenic numbers can accumulate very quickly. Furthermore, by suppressing early-season infection, the onset of protective immunity may be delayed leaving calves more vulnerable later in the year.

It is more satisfactory, therefore, to employ a method that ensures adequate immunity early in the season and this can be achieved by vaccination. Currently, the only commercially available vaccine utilises attenuated larvae (see Section 1.6.5). This provides effective protection against overt disease but vaccinated calves, in common with all immune cattle, may still cough if exposed to infection and can even harbour small numbers of adult worms. They can therefore act as carriers and for this reason should never be grazed on pastures used by susceptible unvaccinated stock. Immunity can wane if not naturally boosted by grazing contaminated grassland.

Sheep lungworm infection

Dictyocaulus filaria like D. viviparus, has a direct life-cycle. It is a sporadic cause of bronchitis. Coughing and loss of condition can occur in sheep and goats of any age but is seen most commonly in the 4–6 month age-group. Infection with Protostrongylus arises when the snail intermediate host is accidentally eaten, so heavy infections are infrequent.

Lungworm infections in small ruminants can be differentiated by the appearance of the larvae recovered from faeces. D. filaria L1 are similar to those of D. viviparus from cattle, except that there is a small protrusion at the head end (the ‘protoplasmic knob’). This is lacking on the L1 of other ovine lungworm genera, which all have a typical ‘S’-shaped tail. The tail of the nonpathogenic Muellerius has an additional small spine (see Figure 8.12) not seen in Protostrongylus.


Figure 8.12 Muellerius: first stage larva. Reproduced with permission of J.A. Figueroa-Castillo.

8.2.3 Cardiovascular system

Blood-borne protozoan infections of major significance include: Babesia in erythrocytes, Theileria which also infects leukocytes, and Trypanosoma that swims freely in blood plasma (see Table 8.5). Schistosomes inhabiting blood vessels cause animal welfare problems throughout the wet tropics.

Table 8.5 Parasitic genera most likely to be encountered in the cardiovascular system or blood of cattle and sheep

Protozoa Babesia 4.8.1 Trypanosoma 4.5.1 Theileria 4.8.2
Trematodes Schistosoma 5.6.3

Note: these lists are not comprehensive; other parasites do occur but less frequently or are of more restricted distribution or importance; numbers in red cross-refer to sections with more detailed information.


Babesiosis is an acute disease that strikes either:

  1. after a nonimmune animal has been bitten by an infected tick; or
  2. if a chronically infected animal becomes stressed.

After an incubation period of up to two weeks, animals develop fever followed by inappetence, depression and weakness. Signs of anaemia and jaundice become increasingly apparent. The heartbeat may be audible and the respiratory rate increased. The urine turns reddish-brown (haemoglobinuria) and there may be diarrhoea. In B. divergens infections, spasm of the anal sphincter results in the production of ‘pipe stem faeces’. Severely affected animals lose weight rapidly and may become comatose and die. Pregnant cattle may abort. Infection with B. bovis may be further complicated by neurological signs such as aggression or convulsions. In animals surviving the acute haemolytic crisis, the disease lasts about three weeks followed by a slow recovery. Milder forms of the disease may occur in younger or partly immune stock.

For diagnosis, parasitized cells are most easily found in capillary blood (obtained by pricking the skin of the inner side of the tail or ear). Thick smears on glass slides are examined microscopically after staining with Giemsa (see Figure 8.13). The degree of parasitaemia correlates only poorly with the level of anaemia as measured by haematology. Parasites can be difficult to find after the haemolytic crisis, but this problem can be resolved by application of DNA or serological tests.


Figure 8.13 Babesia divergens (a ‘small’ Babesia species) within RBCs in a blood smear.

In view of the rapid rate of haemolysis in the acute phase of the disease, treatment must be started as quickly as possible. Treatment options are limited and in some countries restricted to just one compound: imidocarb. This can be used therapeutically and, at a higher dose, prophylactically to protect animals at high risk. There are, however, strict regulations governing its use in meat- or milk-producing animals as it has a very protracted half-life in the body.

The incidence of disease is generally low where a high transmission rate maintains herd immunity (see Section 4.8.1). Set against this background, there are a number of predisposing factors that can trigger disease:

  1. introducing susceptible (nonimmune) animals onto a pasture with infected ticks;
  2. introducing infected ticks onto a previously clean pasture (e.g. attached to newly acquired stock);
  3. introducing infected cattle onto a pasture with clean ticks;
  4. a decrease in tick population leading to a reduced transmission rate (e.g. as a result of drought conditions, pasture improvement schemes or tick control measures);
  5. stress (e.g. calving or transportation).

The incidence of babesiosis can be minimised by avoiding or appropriately managing these potentially hazardous situations.

Attenuated vaccines have been used successfully in some regions where babesiosis is a severe constraint on cattle production, including parts of Australia, South America and Africa. As the attenuated organisms are intra-erythrocytic, vaccination programmes have to be managed carefully to reduce the risk of blood-group sensitisation problems (e.g. haemolytic disease in calves born to vaccinated dams). Vaccines utilising recombinant antigens are under development.


Livestock production is severely impacted by several species of tsetse-transmitted Trypanosoma species in sub-Saharan Africa and by T. evansi in parts of Africa, Asia and Latin America. The latter is spread mechanically by blood-feeding flies and vampire bats.

The pathogenicity of trypanosomosis varies with parasite species and between host breeds. The disease may pass through an acute stage but often becomes chronic. The clinical presentation is inconsistent and is without any unambiguously characteristic (pathognomonic) signs, although most cases develop an intermittent fever and anorexia. Afflicted animals are dull and rough-coated with enlarged lymph-nodes and pale mucous membranes. They become emaciated and may die after a period of weeks or months.

Motile trypanosomes can be demonstrated in fresh blood films (see Figure 8.14), but numbers vary due to the remission cycle (see Figure 4.12). Increased sensitivity can be obtained by centrifuging blood in a haematocrit tube and examining the plasma/ buffy coat interface. Thick and thin blood smears can be prepared in the field for later processing in the laboratory. Trypanosome species can be differentiated by subtle morphological differences. Some species are ‘pleomorphic’, meaning there may be more than one morphological form in a single blood sample. Mixed infections (i.e. with more than one species) are common in Africa.


Figure 8.14 Trypanosomes in a blood smear.

Not all trypanosome species or strains are dangerous. In the British Isles, for example, nonpathogenic trypanosomes are transmitted between cattle by tabanid flies and between sheep by keds. Finding trypanosomes in a blood sample, therefore, does not necessarily pinpoint the cause of a health problem.

The range of drugs available for the treatment and prophylaxis of Trypanosoma infections is limited and their cost restrictive for poorer communities. Most have been in use for many years and resistance problems are emerging. In Africa, the main control strategy is regulation of the tsetse fly population with baited traps. Local trypanotolerant cattle thrive better than more vulnerable imported breeds. Vaccine development is hindered by the ability of the parasite to change its surface antigens at regular intervals.


There are different forms of theileriosis in the Mediterranean region, Asia and Africa. The disease in Africa is known as East Coast Fever. Clinical cases are infrequent while herd immunity levels are high but any disturbance in epidemiological stability can lead to an outbreak. Morbidity is greatest in nonnative breeds. Signs include enlarged local lymph nodes (especially the parotid as the tick vector feeds in the ear), followed by pyrexia and loss of condition. This can progress to anorexia, emaciation, recumbency and death within three weeks.

Biopsy smears from enlarged lymph nodes, stained with Giemsa, will reveal parasites within the cytoplasm of lymphoid cells. Parasitised erythrocytes appear in peripheral blood during the later stages of infection. Treatment is difficult and prognosis poor. An integrated approach to control is advised which places emphasis on the management of risk factors rather than attempting to eradicate the tick vector. Attempts have been made to induce immunity by infecting animals with a low virulence strain and terminating subsequent parasitic development by chemotherapy.


Schistosomosis is widespread in tropical regions where animals have access to water courses that provide a habitat for aquatic snail intermediate hosts. As treatment is often uneconomic, control is focussed on reducing the number of snails or restricting grazing to safer pastures.

Clinical signs are mostly attributable to the entrapment of schistosome eggs within capillary beds in the intestine, liver, urinary bladder or nasal passages (depending upon the Schistosoma species). A massive invasion of cercariae may provoke acute disease but schistosomosis is primarily a chronic condition with diarrhoea, anorexia, emaciation and anaemia as the main signs.

As these signs are nonpathognomonic, diagnosis is based on grazing history and demonstration of characteristic eggs (see Figure 5.49) in faeces or other appropriate excretion. Autopsy will reveal adult worms within blood vessels, e.g. the mesenteric veins in the case of S. bovis (see Figure 8.15).


Figure 8.15 Several schistosome pairs in a mesenteric blood vessel. Reproduced with permission of J. Vercruysse.

8.2.4 Integument

The skin is prone to attack by many different types of arthropod (see Table 8.6). Some visit temporarily to feed (e.g. nuisance and biting flies, ticks etc.), or fleetingly, like the myiasis flies, to lay their eggs. Control may be necessary to ameliorate the irritation and annoyance they all provoke, or to prevent more serious welfare issues such as blowfly strike, screwworm infestation, tick-paralysis or the transmission of a multitude of vector-borne diseases. Other parasites have a more intimate relationship with their host and are often associated with dermatological problems. Lice, mites, keds and warbles come into this category. Each ectoparasite has its own biological and ecological characteristics and there is no magic spray that will stop them all. Examples will be used to illustrate some common approaches to controlling these difficult infestations.

Table 8.6 Parasitic genera most likely to be encountered on, in or under the skin of cattle and sheep


Ticks / nuisance and biting flies Many Many
Myiasis flies Hypoderma 2.2.6 Lucilia etc. 2.2.6 Screwworms etc. 2.2.6 Lucilia etc. 2.2.6 Screwworms etc. 2.2.6
Lice Bovicola1 2.2.3 Linognathus 2.2.3 Haematopinus etc. 2.2.3 Bovicola1 2.2.3 Linognathus 2.2.3 
Melophagus 2.2.5
Surface mites Chorioptes 3.3.3 Psoroptes 3.3.3 Chorioptes 3.3.3 Psorergates 3.3.3
Subsurface mites Sarcoptes 3.3.2 Demodex 3.3.2 Sarcoptes 3.3.2 Demodex 3.3.2
Protozoa Besnoitia 4.7.2
Helminths Parafilaria 7.1.5 Stephanofilaria 7.1.5

Note: these lists are not comprehensive; other parasites do occur but less frequently or are of more restricted distribution or importance; numbers in red cross-reference to section with more detailed information.

1 Also called Damalinia.

Not all integumentary parasites are arthropods. A protozoan infection, besnoitiosis, is an emerging disease spreading across southern Europe. The filarial worms Parafilaria and Stephanofilaria, are both spread by muscid flies. The former causes small bleeding lesions on the flanks of its host in the summer, while the latter produces nodules and ulcers on the udder and underside of the body.

Cattle tick control

Cattle production would be severely curtailed in many tropical and subtropical areas if ticks could not be controlled. The task is, however, becoming more difficult as tick populations increasingly develop resistance to acaricides. While some infestations may be amenable to systemic MLs or acaricide-impregnated ear-tags and tail-bands, control is mostly dependent on dipping or spraying which may be practised on a large or small scale depending on circumstances (see Figure 8.16 and Figure 8.17).


Figure 8.16 Tick control: cattle passing through an acaricidal plunge dip. Reproduced with permission of the Queensland Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.


Figure 8.17 Tick control: cattle being sprayed with acaricide. Reproduced with permission of V. Lorusso.

Careful management of these procedures is essential when acaricidal wash draining off animals, after passing through a dip-tank or spray-race, is recycled. The concentration must be kept within strict limits. If too high, there is a danger of toxicity and if too low, underdosing will give unsatisfactory results and will encourage acaricide-resistance. Some compounds bind to skin or hair and so their concentration in recycled wash becomes progressively weaker (known as ‘stripping’). In such cases, concentrated acaricide is added at intervals to restore the balance (‘replenishment’). Thorough mixing is needed to ensure an even distribution of the acaricide through the wash. Strict precautions should be taken to ensure that people involved in these operations are not exposed to acaricide by skin contact, ingestion or by aerosol.

The treatment interval is determined by the residual activity of the acaricide on the skin, hair or wool (usually a few days on cattle, longer on sheep), the tick pressure (i.e. the number of host-seeking ticks in the environment) and the time spent on the host (which varies from 5 days for some three-host ticks to 21 days for one-host species). To discourage acaricide-resistance, the number of treatments should be kept to the minimum required to attain defined control objectives (see ‘Integrated Parasite Management’ in Section 1.6.4). Use should be made, wherever practicable, of management strategies that eliminate or substantially reduce the numbers of off-host life-cycle stages, such as:

  1. pasture improvement: to make the microhabitat less favourable for tick survival;
  2. periodic burning of pastures: to destroy the off-host ticks;
  3. removal of stock from pasture: for an adequate period to starve the off-host ticks: this is known as ‘spelling’ and only works in the case of species with a very narrow host range, e.g. Boophilus microplus which feeds solely on cattle.

Stock hybridisation programmes are used in some regions to reduce dependence on chemical control. These exploit the natural resistance of zebu-type cattle to tick infestation. In Queensland, for example, European cross-bred cattle with three- to five-eighths of their genetic material originating from Bos indicus can provide an acceptable compromise between productivity and tick resistance (see Figure 8.18).


Figure 8.18 Tick resistant hybrid cattle in Queensland, Australia. Reproduced with permission of C. Gardiner.

A hidden antigen vaccine (see Section 1.6.5) has been developed for use against Boophilus. It does not protect the vaccinated animal per se from biting ticks but greatly reduces the reproductive potential of the ticks that attach and feed on the vaccinated animal. In this way, vaccination reduces future numbers of host-seeking larvae on the paddock, thereby decreasing the number of acaricidal treatments needed during the year.

Mange and sheep scab

Although sarcoptic and psoroptic mange do occur in cattle and can produce extensive lesions, the commonest bovine infestation is caused by Chorioptes. It is found on the lower leg and is usually asymptomatic. Clinical signs are mostly seen in housed dairy cattle during the winter. Heavy infections spread up to the udder and tail-base, causing papules, crusty lesions and hair-loss.

In sheep, psoroptic mange (‘sheep scab’) is the main problem and is economically important in Europe, Asia and South America. The condition is intensely pruritic making sheep rub, scratch and nibble. This exacerbates the damage caused by the parasites and wool can be lost from large areas of the body. Distress can, in some cases, be severe enough to trigger epileptiform fits. The mites are active only at the moist circumference of the expanding lesion, which can become very extensive (see Figure 8.19). The recovering skin in the centre of the lesion is often covered with a dry, yellowish crust.


Figure 8.19 Sheep scab infestation. Reproduced with permission of P. Bates.

Sheep scab is primarily a disease of late autumn and winter when the fleece provides optimal conditions for the mites. Population numbers decline markedly in summer, particularly after shearing. The lesions heal but nevertheless small numbers of mites survive under scabs or in skin folds. Infection can be passed from these apparently healthy animals to in-contact sheep, for example at market. Indirect spread between batches of sheep is also possible as mites can survive off the host for a few days in trucks, handling pens etc. An adult female lays up to 100 eggs during her month-long life-span and the life-cycle is completed in about 10 days, so parasite numbers can build up rapidly when the winter fleece starts to grow.

Diagnosis is confirmed by the presence of mites in scrapings taken from the edge of active lesions. Collected material should be cleared in a drop of potassium hydroxide solution so that the mites can be closely examined. (Caution – KOH is corrosive to living animal and human skin). If the mite is Psoroptes, the stalks joining the end of each leg to the sucker will be segmented (see Figure 3.20).

The choice of acaricide for treatment and prophylaxis is limited by the necessity for all mites on the animal to be killed. Sheep will remain infectious for others if there are any survivors. For the same reason, infected sheep have to be plunged through a dip bath – spraying is not adequate. They have to remain in the acaricidal wash long enough for the fleece to be thoroughly wetted. Alternatively, injectable MLs can be used for systemic treatment, but strict compliance with label instructions is essential to achieve satisfactory results. Only one ML (moxidectin) is currently licensed for prophylactic use.

Calliphorine myiasis

Calliphorine myiasis (blowfly strike) is caused by the greenbottle Lucilia sericata in cooler climates and by L. cuprina in warmer regions. Strike is a serious animal welfare problem, particularly in sheep. In England and Wales, for example, up to 80% of sheep farms and 2% of the national flock may be affected in an average season.

Female Lucilia are most active on warm, still days with high relative humidity. They are attracted by open wounds or the odour of wool soiled with urine or faeces. They lay clusters of yellow-cream eggs which hatch within 24 hours. The larvae lacerate skin and liquefy underlying tissues to produce large wounds. The growing maggots (see Figure 8.20) reach a length of 1 cm within two weeks.


Figure 8.20 Calliphorine myiasis: sheep infested with blowfly maggots. Reproduced with permission of M. Walters and R.L. Wall.

Affected sheep are anorexic, dull and often stand apart from the rest of the flock. The full extent of the damage may not be immediately apparent as the infestation may be hidden by overlying wool. In severe cases, the fleece is discoloured, damp and has a foul smell.

Extra information box 8.4

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