CHAPTER 9 Horses and other equine species are simple stomached animals but also herbivores. Consequently, there are similarities with ruminants with regard to both the epidemiology and control of major gastrointestinal parasitic infections (see Section 8.2.1). The equine digestive system is large and complex. It provides a home for many parasites, both in numbers and species diversity (see Table 9.1). Dominant amongst these are the strongyloids (Strongylus spp. and the cyathostomins) in the caecum and colon. An important feature of equine parasitology is that horses remain vulnerable to these infections throughout their lives as the immunity they develop provides only partial protection. Table 9.1 Parasitic genera most likely to be encountered in the gastrointestinal tract and liver of equidae Note: these lists are not comprehensive; other parasites do occur but less frequently or are of more restricted distribution or importance; numbers in red cross-reference to section of book with more detailed information. 1 ileocaecal junction; 2 rectum. If faecal samples are monitored as foals grow older, a succession of parasitic infections becomes apparent. The sequence is determined by the epidemiological characteristics of each parasite. Foals acquire Cryptosporidium from their immediate environment within the first few days of life while Strongyloides is transmitted via the mare’s colostrum and milk. Parascaris eggs can contaminate both stables and pasture, so initial infection may occur early in life but the prepatent period of Parascaris is at least 10 weeks. Exposure to infective strongyloid larvae does not usually occur until foals start to graze. Strongyle eggs from cyathostomin species appear in faeces some 6–12 weeks later, but Strongylus spp., because of their long migrations through the body, do not start to produce eggs until 9–12 months have elapsed. Eggs of the different species, starting with Strongyloides, disappear from faeces as immune processes become effective. Patent Parascaris infections are seldom found in horses over a year old. In contrast, some individuals continue to shed strongyle eggs throughout their lives. Typically, a group of untreated adults will include a few with high strongyle egg-counts, some with low values and some registering zero. Egg-output tends to be higher in the spring than at other times. The risk of overt disease attributable to strongyloid worms diminishes after 2–5 years of age. Similarly, the tapeworm, Anoplocephala, can be found in grazing horses of any age but clinical cases are less common after 3–4 years. Eggs of Oxyuris, the pin-worm, are not found in faeces as they are deposited onto the perineal skin. Large accumulations of eggs are itchy and horses respond by rubbing the tail-base. Every equestrian will be familiar with the ‘wormy horse’. Such animals are generally unthrifty and their coat lacks the ‘bloom’ characteristic of healthy animals. They may have low grade anaemia and soft faeces. Parasitism is often a significant contributor to such cases but there are frequently other underlying factors that need to be investigated, such as poor pasture management. The debilitation displayed by the wormy horse is due to the additive effect of multiple parasitic infections producing a range of pathologies. Prominent amongst these are the cyathostomins, with tens of thousands of adult worms and even greater numbers of mucosal larvae being a common occurrence. The adult cyathostomins are shallow plug feeders (see Section 6.2.2) producing superficial microinjuries to the gut wall. The greatest damage, however, occurs at an earlier stage in the life-cycle, when larvae emerge from their development sites within the mucosa. The number of larvae in the mucosa depends, of course, on how many cyathostomin L3 there were on the pastures being grazed. Seasonal fluctuations in pasture larval counts follow the same general pattern as that seen in the epidemiology of ruminant PGE (see Figure 6.18), with large numbers accumulating during the summer and autumn. Cyathostomin L3 (see Figure 9.1) survive average winters relatively well but they die when temperatures rise in spring. Figure 9.1 Infective cyathostomin larva: note the very long tail typical of many horse strongyle third stage larvae. When horses are allowed to express natural behavioural patterns, they defecate onto some parts of a field (the ‘roughs’) while other areas (the ‘lawns’) are reserved for grazing. This provides some natural protection from parasitism. If overstocked, horses are forced to eat the highly contaminated grass as well. As horses remain vulnerable to parasitism throughout their lives, they have by tradition been wormed at regular intervals to keep them healthy, but this has inevitably given rise to resistance problems. Only three types of anthelmintic are currently available for broad-spectrum worm control in horses – benzimidazoles (BZDs), macrocyclic lactones (MLs) and pyrantel. It is therefore of paramount importance that control schemes should comply with best practice for maintaining the usefulness of those anthelmintics still effective on a property (by applying the principles outlined under ‘Ovine PGE’ in Section 8.2.1). Some options for horse owners are discussed in the next section. During the summer, the intestinal damage suffered by the ‘wormy horse’ is associated mainly with cyathostomins that complete their parasitic life-cycle without interruption (Type I disease). Many larvae, however, become arrested in the early third stage of their development. These are termed ‘EL3’. A serious condition, known as larval or Type II cyathostominosis, occurs if large numbers of EL3 resume their development to the early fourth stage (EL4) and break out of the mucosa simultaneously. This tends to happen in the late winter or early spring (but occasionally at other times) in horses up to 5 years old. It is a sporadic disease but appears to be increasing in incidence. Dramatic weight-loss is often, but not always, accompanied by sudden-onset severe diarrhoea and sometimes peripheral oedema. Prognosis has to be guarded as affected animals often succumb despite intensive anthelmintic and supportive therapy. Diagnosis is difficult as faecal egg-counts give no information on larval development. Large numbers of small (4–8 mm) red L4 may be passed in faeces or be seen adhering to the clinician’s glove after rectal examination. Haematology will show hyperglobulinaemia (mainly IgE), hypoalbuminaemia and leukocytosis. At autopsy, enormous numbers of EL4 can be seen as brown flecks in the inflamed and oedematous luminal mucosa of the caecum and colon (see Figure 9.2). Figure 9.2 Intestinal mucosa of a horse that died of larval cyathostominosis note oedema, inflammation and numerous larvae (appearing at this magnification as black dots). From Jacobs, 1986 with permission of Elsevier. Larval cyathostominosis is an unpredictable disease which can destroy valuable or well-loved horses with little warning. Arrested larvae protected within their nodules are insusceptible to most anthelmintics and so the most effective way to prevent this disease is to ensure that EL3 do not accumulate in the mucosa. Thus, the primary objective of worm control programmes must be to maintain pasture contamination within safe limits. One useful way of doing this is by mechanical removal of faecal material from paddocks at intervals of no more than a week. Although labour intensive, this approach has the twin advantages of reducing the number of worming treatments needed during the year and increasing the amount of palatable grass, allowing better utilisation of the pasture. Anthelmintic usage can be further reduced by performing faecal egg-counts at intervals. This determines when the overall faecal egg-output reaches a level justifying intervention and identifies which individuals have high egg-counts and should be treated. Those with low egg-counts contribute little to pasture contamination and their worm-burdens can therefore be left in refugia (see Section 1.6.3). The cyathostomin population in a horse comprises five distinct developmental stages with different anthelmintic susceptibilities. These are: Figure 9.3 Magnified view of the intestinal mucosa of a pony that died of larval cyathostominosis showing larvae in various stages of development. Reproduced with permission of T.R. Klei. Some anthelmintics such as pyrantel are active mainly against luminal forms. Others, such as fenbendazole at normal dose-rates, will kill luminal forms and the more advanced mucosal larvae. The macrocyclic lactones impact earlier larvae as well, but to different degrees depending on the compound and conditions of use. Fenbendazole when given daily for at least five consecutive days also has good effect against earlier larvae. The clinical relevance of this information has two facets: Figure 9.4 Egg reappearance time (EPR): graph comparing the faecal strongyle egg-output of two groups of horses treated on Day 0 with a different anthelmintic. There are three main species of the stomach bot fly, Gasterophilus. Their larvae have periods of development in the mouth and stomach before exiting the horse in its faeces. Some also attach to the pharynx, pylorus or rectum (see Table 2.4). The burrowing activities of the small newly-arrived larvae in the gums and tongue, although seldom recognised, must nevertheless be detrimental to welfare. Otherwise, stomach bots are rarely responsible for obvious disease despite their size (growing to 2 cm) and rows of hooks (see Figure 2.49). MLs are active against Gasterophilus should treatment be required. Trichostrongylus axei is the only nematode species common to horses and other herbivores. Strains of T. axei appear to be host-adapted with only limited cross-infectivity between hosts. In any event, T. axei is generally of low pathogenicity in horses, although hyperplastic gastritis can occur. Similarly, the gastric spiruroid nematodes are only infrequently associated with overt disease. Habronema stimulates the production of thick mucus in the stomach while Draschia induces the formation of large submucosal granulomas which can occasionally affect the functioning of the pylorus. Strongyloides infections are generally asymptomatic and high faecal egg-counts can be recorded from healthy foals. Alternative causes of diarrhoea should be investigated before Strongyloides is judged to be the culprit. Parascaris usually does no more than contribute to the ‘wormy horse’ syndrome although blockage, and even perforation, of the small intestine is possible in heavy infections on account of its impressive size, up to 50 cm long (see Figure 9.5). Figure 9.5 Parascaris: the small intestine has been opened to display the worms that were within. Reproduced with permission of M.K. Nielsen. The eggs of Strongyloides (see Figure 7.2) and Parascaris are easily detected and identified in faecal samples, the latter being similar to Ascaris eggs (see Figure 8.28). T. axei produces typical strongyle ova. These can be differentiated from those of the cyathostomins and Strongylus spp. by faecal culture as T. axei L3 lack the long filamentous tail characteristic of the others (see Figure 9.1). Spiruroid eggs have a characteristic appearance (see Figure 7.21) but are rarely seen on faecal examination. Horses have just one significant coccidian species, E. leuckarti. This produces large subepithelial gametocytes at the tips of intestinal villi, which become disrupted, stunted and oedematous (see Figure 9.6). The nucleus of the swollen host cell is pushed to one side, giving a ‘signet ring’ appearance. The clinical significance of E. leuckarti infection is uncertain, but it is sometimes associated with intermittent diarrhoea in foals. The oocysts are unlike those of other Eimeria species in that they are much larger (80 μm long) and dark brown in colour (see Figure 9.7). They are ovoid with a distinct ‘gap’ (the micropyle) at the narrow end. E. leuckarti is often overlooked in routine diagnosis as the oocysts are heavy structures that do not rise in commonly used flotation fluids. Figure 9.6 Eimeria leuckarti macroschizont and gametocytes at the tip of an intestinal villus. Figure 9.7 Eimeria leuckarti oocyst. Reproduced with permission of M.K. Nielsen. The commonest tapeworm species, Anoplocephala perfoliata, clusters around the ileocaecal valve. Although the resulting inflammation and ulceration are not severe, larger numbers (> 20) can sometimes interfere with the coordination of gut motility, thereby predisposing to dysfunctions such as spasmodic colic, ileal impaction and some forms of intussusception. Diagnosis of tapeworm infection can be problematic as segments and eggs are shed only intermittently. To add to the difficulty, the eggs, although easily recognised by their shape and internal structure (see Figure 5.26), do not float well in the flotation fluids used routinely for faecal examination. Special techniques have been developed for this purpose but their sensitivity is low. An ELISA test demonstrating the presence of specific antibodies in blood has been shown to be more reliable for the detection of heavy infection. The choice of cestocide for tapeworm control is currently limited to praziquantel or pyrantel (see Section 5.5). In the latter case, the required dose-rate is higher than that used for general worm control. Strongylus species contribute to the ‘wormy horse’ in two ways. On completing their body migration, they form large pus filled nodules in the gut wall before breaking into the lumen. Like cyathostomins, they are plug feeders but, having much larger buccal cavities, they bite more deeply into the mucosa. They create bleeding ulcers that are large enough to be seen with the naked eye at autopsy. Heavy infestations can cause anaemia. In the British Isles and Ireland, the dog-horse strain of Echinococcus granulosus is host specific and is not thought to be a zoonotic hazard. Hydatid cysts can grow to the size of a tennis ball in the horse liver. They appear to have no discernible effect on health or welfare and the same applies to the liver nodules associated with migrating larvae of Strongylus edentatus and S. equinus. The lungworm Dictyocaulus arnfieldi is the main parasitic problem affecting the respiratory system (see Table 9.2). A nasal discharge may sometimes be observed in young horses on pasture grossly contaminated with embryonated Parascaris eggs. This coincides with large numbers of ascarid larvae passing through the lungs. Like Parascaris, Strongylus vulgaris is a gastrointestinal parasite but it, too, has a place in this section because of the injuries that its migrating larvae cause to the wall of the cranial mesenteric artery. Schistosomosis and trypanosomosis are other parasites associated with the circulatory system but they are not discussed here as major aspects of these diseases were highlighted in Sections 5.6.3 and 8.2.3. Another troublesome condition is equine piroplasmosis, different forms of which are caused by Babesia caballi and B. equi (although technically, it may be more correct to call the latter Theileria equi). Equine piroplasmosis is a major constraint on the international movement of horses for trade and sporting activities. Table 9.2 Parasitic genera most likely to be encountered in the lung and circulatory system of equidae Note: these lists are not comprehensive; other parasites do occur but less frequently or are of more restricted distribution or importance; numbers in red cross-reference to section with more detailed information. Horses exposed to D. arnfieldi infection often develop a chronic cough. The diagnosis can be difficult to confirm as the causal worms usually succumb to immunity while still immature. If adult worms do establish, mainly in animals younger than 1 year, then embryonated eggs are passed in faeces. These soon hatch, so the Baermann apparatus is used to detect the L1 which are similar in appearance to those of D. viviparus (see Figure 8.11) except that the tail has a small spike. If larvae are not found, endoscopy of the trachea may reveal globules of greenish mucus, while sediment from tracheal washings will contain numerous eosinophils. In contrast to horses, infected donkeys rarely show clinical signs but often shed eggs (see Table 9.3). They can therefore act as asymptomatic carriers and it is prudent to check that donkeys are free of lungworm before allowing horses onto pastures that they have grazed. The D. arnfieldi life-cycle can, however, continue in horses in the absence of donkeys. Table 9.3 Comparison of D. arnfieldi infections in donkeys and horses Strongylus vulgaris is known to be a significant risk factor in the aetiology of colic in horses as the incidence of this condition often declines when an effective worm control programme is introduced. This correlation is linked to parasite-induced damage to the cranial mesenteric artery which disturbs blood-flow dynamics and predisposes to thrombo-embolism (Figure 6.36). The gross enlargement of the cranial mesenteric artery associated with verminous endarteritis can be detected by rectal palpation. The prevalence of Strongylus species has declined markedly in many areas where ML anthelmintics are commonly used for general worm control. Equine piroplasmosis may be acute or chronic. Clinical signs are mostly nonspecific – malaise, inappetence, weight-loss, exercise intolerance – but Babesia should be suspected if these are combined with anaemia, jaundice and fever. Death can occur in previously naive animals. Giemsa-stained blood smears are useful only in acute B. equi infections. The complement fixation test (see Section 1.5.2) is widely used in endemic areas but it does not pick up early infections and it may give false negative results for a small proportion of symptomless carrier animals. Consequently, IFAT or ELISA methods are often preferred. The importation of horses into many nonendemic countries is strictly regulated. This is because epidemics could easily occur if infected animals were allowed into regions where the presence of potential tick vectors coexists with a local absence of herd immunity. Drugs such as imidocarb (see Section 8.2.3) may restore health but often do not completely eliminate the parasite, which can still be taken up by feeding ticks or transferred to other horses via blood transfusions, inadequately sterilised needles, instruments etc. There is currently no vaccine available for equine use. Horses at grass in the summer are plagued with a multitude of flies and, to a lesser extent, other types of ectoparasite (see Table 9.4). Still worse hazards exist in warmer climates, e.g. screwworm myiasis and the plethora of arthropods that transmit debilitating or fatal protozoal, bacterial and viral diseases (including African horse sickness). Table 9.4 Parasitic genera most likely to be encountered on, in or under the skin of horses Note: these lists are not comprehensive; other parasites do occur but less frequently or are of more restricted distribution or importance; numbers in red cross-reference to section with more detailed information. * Bovicola is also known as Damalinia. Flies can worry horses in a number of ways. The nonbiting muscid flies that cluster round the eyes, lips, genitalia and open wounds to sponge-feed on secretions and exudates are an obvious annoyance. They disturb grazing and induce head shaking, tail switching and other protective behaviours. Biting flies inflict different degrees of discomfort. The stabbing action of the stable fly, Stomoxys, provokes irritable reactions such as stamping. But most painful are the rasping bites of the tabanids (horse flies). These can elicit sudden alarm that may result in a rider becoming unseated. The simuliids (blackflies) are much smaller but attack in persistent swarms and can cause considerable distress, especially those species that crawl into the nose or ear (see Figure 9.8). All the flies so far mentioned are transient visitors but Hippobosca, once it has found a host, adopts a parasitic lifestyle and remains on the thin skin of the upper hindquarters until it is ready to give birth to the fully grown larva it has been nurturing. Other flies feeding on horses include midges, phlebotomine sandflies and mosquitoes. The bot fly, Gasterophilus, does not bite but upsets horses by hovering nearby and darting in to deposit eggs onto hairs. Figure 9.8 Damage in the ear of a horse induced by Simulium bites. Reproduced with permission of D.C. Knottenbelt. Many ectoparasites have specific predilection sites (see Figure 9.9). Some species of Culicoides, for example, feed along the line of the mane and tail, while other species attack the ventral midline or other parts of the body. As well as the physical damage they cause, biting flies can induce allergic reactions in some horses. Self-trauma may follow and lesions can become secondarily infected and attract myiasis flies such as calliphorine blowflies or screwworms. Flies also transmit skin pathogens such as the nematode parasites Habronema and Parafilaria. Figure 9.9 Some skin parasites of horses that tend to favour certain parts of the body. Redrawn after Jacobs, 1986 with permission of Elsevier. This is an intensely pruritic condition that recurs seasonally when certain species of Culicoides are biting. It is known by a variety of local names, including ‘sweet-itch’ in the UK. There is as yet no reliable remedy and painstaking management is required to ameliorate suffering. The disease is confined to individuals that develop hypersensitivity to allergens in midge saliva. There is a hereditary component and some breeds are more susceptible than others. Lesions occur initially on the skin of the forelock, mane and tail-head (see Figure 9.10), but can progress along the spine and may, in very severe cases, affect other parts of the body surface. The itching provokes vigorous rubbing and hair loss. The skin becomes thickened, corrugated and scaly. There may be secondary infection if the skin becomes broken. The lesions resolve in the winter (or the dry season in the tropics if midges are not biting). Figure 9.10 Sweet itch lesions on mane (left) and base of tail (right). Reproduced with permission of R. Bond. Management of the condition falls into three parts (although desperate owners often attempt alternative strategies that are not evidence-based): Figure 9.11 Sweet itch: vulnerable horse wearing protective blanket to prevent Culicoides bites. Reproduced with permission of E. Greaves. Louse infestations generally become apparent in winter causing horses to lose their ‘bloom’. Hair loss may follow from licking, biting and rubbing (see Figure 9.12). Horses have a sucking louse, which favours areas of the body with long coarse hair, but heavy infestations may spread over the body (see Figure 9.13). There is also a chewing louse which prefers finer hair cover. Lice and their nits (eggs) are not always obvious but can often be found by parting the hair. The chewing louse, however, will try to move out of sight. Nits are cemented onto the hairs (see Figure 2.24) and can be distinguished from bot eggs which are larger and held in place with a clasp. Figure 9.12 Signs of pediculosis on a horse. Reproduced with permission of D.C. Knottenbelt. Figure 9.13 Close-up of a horse with a heavy infestation of sucking lice. Reproduced with permission of D.C. Knottenbelt. Body mange (caused by a Psoroptes species) and sarcoptic mange are severe equine conditions but both are becoming rare in the modern world. Demodex is uncommon and benign, so leg mange (chorioptic mange) is now the most troublesome mite infestation (see Figure 9.14). Papules, crusty lesions and hair-loss appear on the lower limbs of heavier breeds, particularly if this site is cloaked with long hair (‘heavily feathered’). Figure 9.14 Chorioptic mange on the hind leg of a horse. Reproduced with permission of B. Losson For diagnosis, a wooden spatula is adequate for taking scrapings and is preferred to a scalpel blade (in case the horse kicks). Mites can sometimes be captured on sticky tape. Opportunistic blood-sucking mites, such as the poultry red mite or trombiculid larvae, can also be detected in this way. Finally in this category, horses occasionally become infested with the rabbit ear-mite (a Psoroptes species) which induces head-shaking. Of the many ticks that bite horses, the tropical horse tick, Dermacentor nitens, is of particular note as the vector of equine piroplasmosis in the Americas. It attacks the ears, as does the spinose ear tick, Otobius, which is confined to hot, dry climatic regions. The latter can cause considerable damage to the aural canal and ear-drum of horses and other animals. Early infestations are easily overlooked as Otobius larvae are small and move deep into the ear, which can later become blocked by engorging ticks and waxy exudate. Secondary infection and myiasis flies can complicate the condition. Otobius eggs are deposited in crevices in stable buildings where hatched larvae can survive for more than two years. Foals are susceptible to paralytic toxins in the saliva of some ticks, including Ixodes holocyclus in Australia. The most common filarial infection of horses is Onchocerca. The adults live in connective tissues including tendons and ligaments where they provoke painless swellings. Their microfilariae congregate in subdermal tissues along the ventral abdominal mid-line, which is the predilection site for the intermediate host, Culicoides (a different species from those causing sweet-itch). This is usually without detriment, although there may be some local dermatitis. Abdominal oedema develops occasionally when ML anthelmintics are used for general worm control (presumably due to a sudden release of antigen from dead microfilariae). Although not endemic in the USA or western European countries, parafilariosis does occur sporadically in horses that have been imported during the winter (when the subcutaneous lesions are least obvious). In the summer, the parasitic nodules start to ooze blood to attract muscid flies. These act as intermediate hosts for the causal filarial worm. Broken hairs and alopecia at the base of the tail may indicate sweet itch hypersensitivity, pediculosis or it could be due to the presence of pinworm (Oxyuris). Large clusters of eggs on the perineal skin appear as greyish streaks. Infection is common but usually inapparent. Oxyuris egg masses can be washed off the skin with a cloth (which should then be destroyed). Practical tip box 9.1 Although only sporadic in occurrence, cases of cutaneous habronemosis in horses are difficult to manage. Infective larvae of Habronema or Draschia after deposition by feeding muscids can survive in an open wound for prolonged periods. Their presence prevents the wound from healing (see Figure 9.15). As this condition is initiated by fly activity, it is seasonal in occurrence and known as ‘summer sores’. Larvae deposited around the eye can cause a swelling of the third eyelid or median canthus. Diagnosis is based on history and appearance, but biopsy may be necessary to exclude other possible causes. Figure 9.15 A case of cutaneous habronemosis. Reproduced with permission of D.C. Knottenbelt. Just three parasities come under the spotlight in this category (see Table 9.5). The prevalence of the eye-worm, Thelazia, is quite high in many areas but, as with the corresponding conditions in cattle and dogs, clinical signs are usually minimal. Dourine, caused by Trypanosoma equiperdum, was once widespread but has been eradicated from some countries, including the USA and most of Europe, while equine protozoal myeloencephalitis, caused by Sarcocystis neurona, is an emerging disease in the Americas. Table 9.5 Parasitic genera most likely to be encountered in other body systems of horses Note: these lists are not comprehensive; other parasites do occur but less frequently or are of more restricted distribution or importance; numbers in red cross-reference to section with more detailed information. Dourine is a venereal disease important as a serious equine welfare issue. It is also capable of disrupting breeding programmes. It is highly contagious. Treated horses or those in remission can act as symptomless carriers, as can male donkeys. Seropositive animals, therefore, should not be used for breeding. Countries that are free from the disease have strict regulations governing importation and suspected infections. Clinical signs are nonspecific and highly variable depending on the virulence of the strain, the condition of the horse and stress factors. The only pathognomonic sign is the presence of raised 2–10 cm diameter plaques on the skin (see Figure 9.16), but these are transitory and do not always occur. Oedema of the genitalia spreads to the ventral abdomen and mammary gland or scrotum (see Figure 9.17). This may be followed by conjunctivitis, facial paralysis, progressive weakness, emaciation, incoordination and death (see Figure 9.18). Figure 9.16 Dourine: skin plaques (circled). Reproduced with permission of Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Abruzzo e del Molise ‘G. Caporale’, Teramo, Italy. Figure 9.17 Dourine: ventral oedema. Reproduced with permission of Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Abruzzo e del Molise ‘G. Caporale’, Teramo, Italy. Figure 9.18 Dourine: a chronic case with paralysis of the lower lip. Reproduced with permission of Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Abruzzo e del Molise ‘G. Caporale’, Teramo, Italy. Serology is used for diagnosis as demonstration of the parasite is extremely difficult. The most widely used method is the complement fixation test although false positives may occasionally occur. In endemic areas, dourine is controlled by using artificial insemination or by ensuring that only seronegative animals are used for breeding. If a case is suspected all venereal contacts must be traced and isolated until their infection-status can be determined. EPM is confined to the Americas where it is the most commonly diagnosed neurological condition of horses. Cases are sporadic but appear to be increasing in frequency. It is a necrotising encephalomyelitis affecting both grey and white matter in the CNS. It leads to a slowly progressive condition. The first sign is often stumbling or an abnormal gait, sometimes accompanied by head-tilt, depression or difficulty in swallowing. Diagnosis is largely dependent on neurological examination supported by complement fixation and immunoblotting tests (see Section 1.5.2). Horses can be seropositive without showing any sign of disease. Long-term sulphonamide treatments (see Section 4.10.2) have been employed with moderate success and newer anticoccidials are being evaluated. Advice on prevention is currently incomplete as the risk factors associated with the disease are as yet poorly understood. The final host is the opossum and so contamination of horse feed with their faeces should be prevented wherever this is feasible. Parasitic problems in farm livestock, and to a lesser extent equine species, are regarded as herd problems, but small animal practice focuses on the individual animal. Although rabbits, ferrets, reptiles and more unusual creatures are increasing in popularity, dogs and cats still predominate and provide the basis for most of the illustrative examples in this section. Increasing human mobility, global trade and more relaxed quarantine restrictions have substantially increased the risk of diseases occurring outside their normal endemic range. For example, canine babesiosis and canine heartworm disease are now diagnosed regularly in the UK, even though transmission is not as yet known to occur locally. Diarrhoea is the most frequent parasite-related digestive condition in small animals, although some of the parasites listed in Table 9.6 can cause other signs such as vomiting, haemorrhage, blockage and intussusception. Intestinal infections, such as Toxoplasma, Neospora and Sarcocystis are unlikely to cause alimentary problems but, by shedding oocysts into the environment, they play an important role in the epidemiology of disease in other hosts or organ systems. Table 9.6 Parasitic genera most likely to be encountered in the gastrointestinal tract and liver of dogs and cats Note: these lists are not comprehensive; other parasites do occur but less frequently or are of more restricted distribution or importance; numbers in red cross-reference to section with more detailed information. Dogs will, if opportunity arises, eat beetles and small vertebrates. In tropical and subtropic climates, some of these act as intermediate and paratenic hosts for Spirocerca lupi (see Figure 7.23). Infection is therefore common but fortunately mostly asymptomatic. Large oesophageal lesions (see Figure 9.19) may hinder the passage of food or induce persistent vomiting. Red 3–8 cm long worms are sometimes regurgitated. Faecal egg-counts are of limited value as S. lupi eggs are not passed in the early developmental stages of the disease and, in any event, are similar to those of the stomach spiruroids. Endoscopy or radiography, possibly aided by a barium meal, may confirm diagnosis. Neoplastic transformation of the lesion or sudden death due to rupture of an aortic aneurism are occasional sequelae. Figure 9.19 Dog with spirocercosis: oesophagus opened to show adult worms and nodular lesion. Reproduced with permission of R.C.Krecek and K. Snowden. Heavy infestations of Toxocara canis can easily accrue in young puppies if appropriate precautions are not taken. Most of the worms will have been derived from the dam by transplacental transfer (see Figure 7.9). Affected puppies fail to thrive, have a dull coat and a distended abdomen (‘pot-belly’). They may have diarrhoea and ascarid worms are often seen in faeces or vomit (see Figure 9.20). More serious signs of intestinal dysfunction may occur in severe cases. Respiratory signs and nasal discharge are indicative of continuing larval migration. Faecal examination will register high egg-counts after the pups are about two weeks of age. The adult worm population is expelled spontaneously after about six weeks but in the meantime growth and development can be affected, with stunting or even death in the worst cases. Figure 9.20 Toxocara canis expelled by a puppy in faeces. Reproduced with permission of J. Bowman and A. Gray. Although disease can be prevented by using a single anthelmintic treatment prior to the expected onset of clinical signs, this empirical approach does little to reduce the overall faecal egg-output of an infected litter. There are several reasons for this: If egg-production is not eliminated completely, environmental contamination will continue and bitches will accumulate more somatic larvae. The clinical problem is thereby perpetuated for future litters. To break this cycle, a routine worming programme must be initiated when puppies are two weeks old with treatments repeated every two weeks. A longer dosing interval is possible if the chosen anthelmintic has good activity against migrating larvae. Nursing bitches should also be treated. This is because a relaxation of their immunity at this time sometimes allows the establishment of T. canis in the intestine. A scrupulous level of kennel hygiene is needed. This is particularly important as few commonly used disinfectants are capable of killing the thick-walled Toxocara eggs. Transmission of T. cati from the queen to her offspring occurs only via the transmammary route and so associated events occur rather later in the life of kittens than they do in puppies. Toxocara is not usually a clinical issue in older dogs as adult worm burdens are generally small or absent. Nevertheless, eggs shed by dogs with patent infections into gardens and public places can constitute a potential zoonotic hazard (see Section 9.3.2). Adult dogs should therefore be wormed if they have positive egg-counts. At the time of writing, no routine treatments are licensed for killing somatic larvae in bitches and special anthelmintic therapies (e.g. multidose fenbendazole) are required to prevent transplacental and transmammary transmission. Diarrhoea during puppyhood in warmer regions can be due to Ancylostoma caninum acquired via the transmammary route. Both larvae and adults are avid blood- suckers so profound anaemia is a prominent presenting sign and usually the cause of death when it occurs. Other hookworms, such as A. braziliense and Uncinaria in dogs and A. tubaeforme in cats, are less pathogenic. They are not transferred in milk and so tend to occur most frequently in adolescent animals. An effective attenuated vaccine was developed against A. caninum but it was not a commercial success and is no longer available. Trichuris vulpis can cause bloody diarrhoea, especially in warmer climates where the long-lived eggs are more likely to embryonate and accumulate. Dogs of any age with access to contaminated soil may be affected. Infection can easily be overlooked as the eggs do not always float well in routine faecal examinations. Not all canine anthelmintics are effective against whipworm infections. Although tapeworm infections can cause digestive upset and provoke pruritus in the perineal region, they are usually relatively innocuous. Of greater importance is the role that infected dogs play in the epidemiology of conditions associated with the establishment of metacestodes in intermediate hosts (e.g. hydatidosis). When selecting a cestocidal treatment for dogs or cats, it has to be remembered that few anthelmintics expel all tapeworm genera (see Table 9.7). Table 9.7 Relative activity of some anthelmintics used for tapeworm control in dogs A number of protozoan infections can cause diarrhoea, especially in younger animals, but Giardia is probably the commonest of these. It is also the most difficult to diagnose. Trophozoites and cysts are shed intermittently and so repeat faecal samples over 3–5 days increase chances of detection. Microscopy requires patience as the organisms are often few in number. They are also small (see Figure 9.21) and easily confused with pollen grains and yeasts. The cysts are relatively heavy objects and so concentration techniques using high density flotation fluids have to be employed (although sugar solutions are not appropriate as they cause Giardia to collapse). Commercially available coproantigen tests are easier to use and generally reliable. Some BZD compounds are effective against this protozoan and provide an alternative to the older drugs used for this purpose. Although many routes of infection exist, contaminated water is a common source. Figure 9.21 Giardia cysts in faecal preparation. (Scale: 1 large division = approx. 20 μm.) Reproduced with permission of T. Geurden and E. Claerebout. Cryptosporidium oocysts are even smaller than Giardia, but are often present in large numbers in clinically affected animals. They show up clearly on Ziehl-Neelsen stained faecal smears (see Figure 8.5) and immunodiagnostic tests are also available. There is still no completely effective treatment and so reliance has to be placed on strict hygiene and supportive therapy. Dogs and cats can each harbour several host specific Isospora species. High oocyst counts often occur in apparently healthy animals and so the pathogenicity of these infections is uncertain. Isospora oocysts at 20–40 μm, are much larger than those of the tissue cyst-forming coccidia that also occur in canine and feline faeces. While lungworms can be troublesome in some localities, canine heartworm disease and canine babesiosis are major veterinary problems affecting many warmer regions. Dogs may sometimes become infected with fox lungworms such as Crenosoma (see Table 9.8). Table 9.8 Parasitic genera most likely to be encountered in the respiratory and circulatory systems of dogs and cats Note: these lists are not comprehensive; other parasites do occur but less frequently or are of more restricted distribution or importance; numbers in red cross-reference to section with more detailed information. * mf = microfilariae. The presence of Oslerus nodules close to the bifurcation of the trachea in dogs may provoke a chronic dry cough which can be stimulated by gently pinching the throat. Eggs and larvae can sometimes be found in sputum (see Figure 9.22) or larvae in faeces, but they are often few in number and difficult to recover. In such cases, diagnosis is best confirmed by endoscopy. Transmission occurs directly from dam to pup and clinical cases are therefore often linked to particular breeding kennels. Aelurostrongylus is rarely a problem in cats unless there is an underlying immunodeficiency. Figure 9.22 Unhatched Oslerus eggs recovered by tracheal lavage. Reproduced with permission of J.W. McGarry. Although commonly known as the canine lungworm, Angiostrongylus vasorum actually resides in the pulmonary artery and right side of the heart. The alternative name of ‘French heartworm’ is perhaps more accurate but leads to confusion with canine heartworm disease caused by Dirofilaria immitis. Use of the technical term, angiostrongylosis is therefore preferable. Clinical presentation is very variable as there are at least two disease processes developing simultaneously: Figure 9.23 Angiostrongylosis: head of dog dissected to show large haemorrhage in spinal canal (at base of brain). Reproduced with permission of B. Smyth. The highly motile first-stage larvae are usually easy to find in the faeces of infected dogs (see Figure 9.24) but cases can be missed. Earlier efforts to develop an immunological test were thwarted by cross-reactions with other pathogens, but recent developments suggest that a more reliable test may soon become available. Haematology will often show a thrombocytopaenia (reduced platelet count), prolonged clotting times and sometimes anaemia. Figure 9.24 Angiostrongylus vasorum: first stage larva (L1) recovered from faeces. Reproduced with permission of J.W. McGarry. Historically, angiostrongylosis was confined to defined endemic areas, but the condition is spreading as dogs travel greater distances with their owners. Control is difficult as foxes act as a reservoir host and the molluscan intermediate hosts are plentiful in all but the driest localities. Moxidectin is effective against larval and adult A. vasorum and can be used to protect dogs at high risk. Like A. vasorum, D. immitis lives in the pulmonary artery and right side of the heart. It is a much bigger worm and its pathogenesis is even more complex (see Section 7.1.5). Canine heartworm disease (HWD) can appear in a number of different forms including: Thus the clinical signs of HWD are variable and nonpathognomonic, thereby presenting a diagnostic challenge to the veterinarian. Consequently, clinical judgment has to be supported by reliable laboratory back-up together with an appreciation of the strengths and limitations of each diagnostic test (see Section 1.5.3). In some parts of the world, diagnosis is still dependent on parasite detection. This can be achieved by finding motile microfilariae (mf) during microscopic examination of a wet blood film. Greater sensitivity can be obtained by forcing blood through a micropore filter to capture the mf, which can then be fixed and stained. Alternatively, the RBCs can be lysed with 2% formalin and the mf (see Figure 9.25) concentrated by centrifugation – this is known as Knott’s test. Whichever method is used the mf of D. immitis have to be distinguished from those of less pathogenic filarial parasites such as Dipetalonema (see Table 9.9). Table 9.9 Diagnostic characteristics of D. immitis microfilariae * Exact length may be influenced by fixation method. Figure 9.25 Knott’s test: stained microfilaria of Dirofilaria immitis. (White blood cells also present but no RBCs as these have been lysed.) Experience in endemic areas shows that mf cannot be demonstrated in the blood of up to 40% of infected dogs. This happens if: Consequently, other approaches such as immunodiagnostic techniques are preferred where they are available and affordable. There are a number of commercial kits employing different methodologies (see Figure 9.26). Antigen-detection is generally the most reliable as antibody-detection systems sometimes give false positives. Even so, heartworm antigen tests will not give an accurate result on every occasion as they are based on a glycoprotein originating from the female reproductive tract. Hence they will not detect all-male infections, nor will they pick up immature infections until about one month prior to patency. This antigen also lingers in the blood for some 10–12 weeks after worms have been expelled by chemotherapy. Figure 9.26 An example of a heartworm immunodiagnostic test kit: a prepared blood sample is placed in the well (left). The blue spots in the centre ‘results window’ represent positive and negative controls together with low and high heartworm antigen level indicators. These change colour if the corresponding reaction occurs. Reproduced with permission of IDEXX Laboratories Europe BV. Treatment can be hazardous as dying worms up to 30 cm long will be swept into the lungs and trapped as emboli (see Figure 9.27). This can cause coughing, haemoptysis (expectorating blood) and an exacerbation of cardiac and pulmonary signs. This can be serious or fatal in a dog already weakened by its clinical condition. A comprehensive physical examination, radiography (see Figure 9.28), echocardiology, an electrocardiogram and a full clinical pathology profile are therefore required to establish the degree of heart failure and organ dysfunction. This will determine the treatment strategy (e.g. whether hospitalisation is necessary) and prognosis. Symptomatic supportive therapy is essential in advanced cases. Figure 9.27 Canine heartworm disease: a large thrombus formed by dying worms within a pulmonary artery. Reproduced with permission of L.H. Kramer. Figure 9.28 Canine heartworm disease: radiograph showing enlarged main pulmonary artery and perivascular inflammation in lungs. Reproduced with permission of L.H. Kramer. The use of chemotherapeutic drugs in HWD has three distinct objectives requiring different approaches, although these can be combined in some cases: It can be appreciated from the preceding paragraphs that the treatment and prevention of HWD is a complex topic and sophisticated protocols have been developed to assist veterinarians. These, however, are the domain of specialist texts on veterinary cardiology. Extra information box 9.1
Clinical parasitology: companion animals and veterinary public health
9.1 Equine parasitology
9.1.1 Digestive system
Gasterophilus 2.2.6
Spiruroids 7.1.5
Trichostrongylus 6.3.2
Gasterophilus 2.2.6
Small intestine
Anoplocephala 5.3.5
Strongyloides 7.1.2
Parascaris 7.1.3
Cryptosporidium 4.9.1
Eimeria 4.6.2
Giardia 4.5.2
Gasterophilus 2.2.6
Caecum / large intestine
Anoplocephala1 5.3.5
Strongylus 6.3.3
Cyathostomins 6.3.3
Oxyuris 7.1.4
Gasterophilus2 2.2.6
Echinococcus (cyst) 5.3.4
Fasciola 5.6.2
Strongylus (larvae) 6.3.3
The wormy horse
Larval cyathostominosis
Other parasitic infections
Small intestine
Caecum and colon
9.1.2 Respiratory and circulatory systems
Dictyocaulus 6.3.5
Parascaris 7.1.3
Schistosoma 5.6.3
Strongylus 6.3.3
Trypanosoma 4.5.1
Babesia 4.8.1
Adult worms
Eggs in faeces
Often zero
> 5 yrs
< 8 months
Clinical signs
Verminous endarteritis
Equine piroplasmosis
9.1.3 Integument
Many including: Dermacentor 3.2.2
Otobius 3.2.3
Surface mites
Chorioptes 3.3.3
Trombiculids 3.3.3
Biting and nuisance flies
Many including: Culicoides 2.2.5
Muscids incl.
Stomoxys 2.2.5 Tabanids 2.2.5
Hippobosca 2.2.5
Ear mites
Psoroptes 3.3.3
Myiasis flies
Gasterophilus (eggs) 2.2.6
Hypoderma (aberrant larva) 2.2.6
Screwworms etc. 2.2.6
Subsurface mites
Demodex 3.3.2
Sarcoptes 3.3.2
Bovicola* 2.2.3
Haematopinus 2.2.3
Habronema 7.1.5
Parafilaria 7.1.5
Onchocerca 7.1.5
Oxyuris (eggs) 7.1.4
Fly worry
Equine seasonal allergic dermatitis
Lice, mange and ticks
Nematode conditions
Cutaneous and ocular habronemosis
9.1.4 Other body systems
Thelazia 7.1.5
Trypanosoma 4.5.1
Sarcocystis 4.7.1
Equine protozoal myeloencephalitis
9.2 Small animal parasitology
9.2.1 Digestive system
Host: DOG
Spirocerca 7.1.5
Spirocerca 7.1.5
Spiruroids 7.1.5
Small intestine
Echinococcus 5.3.4
Taenia 5.3.3
Dipylidium 5.3.5
Spirometra 5.4.2
Alaria 5.6.3
Nanophyetus 5.6.3
Toxocara 7.1.3
Toxascaris 7.1.3
Ancylostoma 6.3.4
Uncinaria 6.3.4
Strongyloides 7.1.2
Giardia 4.5.2
Isospora 4.6.1
Cryptosporidium 4.9.1
Sarcocystis 4.7.1
Neospora 4.7.4
Trichuris 7.1.6
Capillaria 7.1.6
Leishmania 4.5.1
Host: CAT
Small intestine
Taenia 5.3.3
Dipylidium 5.3.5
Spirometra 5.4.2
Alaria 5.6.3
Nanophyetus 5.6.3
Toxocara 7.1.3
Toxascaris 7.1.3
Ancylostoma 6.3.4
Giardia 4.5.2
Isospora 4.6.1
Cryptosporidium 4.9.1
Toxoplasma 4.7.3
Sarcocystis 4.7.1
Capillaria 7.1.6
Other helminth infections
Hookworms and whipworms
Protozoan infections
9.2.2 Respiratory and circulatory systems
Pulmonary arteries and heart
Host: DOG
Oslerus (Filaroides) 6.3.5
Capillaria 7.1.6
Angiostrongylus 6.3.5
Dirofilaria 7.1.5
Dirofilaria (mf*) 7.1.5
Babesia 4.8.1
Host: CAT
Aelurostrongylus 6.3.5
Dirofilaria 7.1.5
Canine heartworm disease
D. immitis
Behaviour in wet blood film
Motile but stays in same place
Swims through blood
Shape in dried, fixed blood film
Body slightly curved along whole length
Posterior body strongly curved (‘hooked’)
Length in dried, fixed blood film*
At least 315 μm
Up to 290 μm

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