Revised from 6th edition of Veterinary Ophthalmology, Chapter 14: Diseases and Surgery of the Canine Orbit, by Simon A. Pot, Katrin Voelter, and Patrick Kircher Orbital diseases are not uncommon in the dog. The close vicinity of the oral and nasal cavity, tooth roots, and paranasal sinuses renders orbital structures susceptible to disease processes extending from any of these cavities through the orbital wall. The dog has an incomplete bony orbit. The orbital rim consists of bone for approximately four‐fifths of its circumference and is completed laterally by the orbital ligament. The rest of the orbit is enclosed by bone only; hence, surgical entry into the orbital space is either through the palpebral fissure or through its fibrous and muscular caudal dorsolateral wall. The roof, floor, and the lateral wall of the orbit are formed by the periorbita and temporal, masseter, and medial pterygoid muscles of mastication, and by the zygomatic salivary gland. Also, through these surrounding soft tissues, the orbital contents are relatively susceptible to penetrating trauma (Figure 5.1). The orbit can be divided into an intraconal and an extraconal space, separated from each other by the fascial sheets (septum orbitale, periorbita, and epibulbar fascia) that envelop the extraocular muscles and fuse with Tenon’s capsule anteriorly, and with the periorbita around the annulus of Zinn at the orbital apex. The intraconal space contains the rectus and retrobulbar muscles, CN II–VI, the internal ophthalmic artery, the anastomotic branch of the external ophthalmic artery, and the extensive orbital venous plexus. The extraconal space is enclosed by the periorbita, which is a fascial layer covering the periosteum and soft tissue walls of the orbit. The concentration of blood vessels and nerves that cross the caudal orbital floor is of major significance and is to be avoided during surgery; they include the maxillary artery and nerve, the pterygopalatine ganglion, and the associated parasympathetic, sympathetic, and somatic nerves. Throughout the orbit, space‐filling fatty tissues cushion the globe and other susceptible intraorbital structures, and accommodate globe movements. Clinical signs of orbital disease are relatively nonspecific with regard to etiology. Orbital diseases result in (i) altered orbital volume, (ii) impaired function of orbital structures, or (iii) both. Changes in orbital volume manifest as exophthalmos or enophthalmos, depending on whether the orbital volume has increased or decreased respectively, and are influenced by the specific location of tissue changes within the orbit. Diffuse orbital volume increases, or mass lesions located inside the muscle cone behind the globe, typically displace the globe directly forward. Focal lesions outside the muscle cone in a more nasal, temporal, inferior, or superior position in relation to the globe will displace or rotate the globe off‐axis into a direction opposite to the mass lesion. These often subtle changes can help localize the lesion within the orbit and assist planning an approach for biopsy acquisition and/or surgical exploration. Figure 5.1 Canine skull demonstrating the lack of an osseous orbital floor, rendering the orbital contents susceptible to penetrating trauma through the roof of the mouth. The degree of exophthalmos or enophthalmos is usually estimated by determining the position of the axial cornea relative to the orbital ligament and other eye, both from a distance and from above. Exophthalmos can be measured directly with a Luedde or Hertel exophthalmometer, but these instruments have not been utilized in veterinary ophthalmology. Nictitating membrane protraction in the dog results from contraction of the retractor oculi muscles with the resultant forward displacement of orbital fat to push its base outward. A most passive nictitating membrane protrusion can accompany increased orbital volume. Conversely, with any decrease in volume or/and orbital fibrosis, passive nictitans protrusion occurs due to enophthalmos. Some of the orbital contents can be palpated both caudal to the orbital ligament and from the oral cavity through the pterygoid muscle. The immediate retrobulbar tissues can be palpated by retropulsion of the globe. In normal mesaticephalic and dolichocephalic dogs but not in brachycephalic breeds, the globe can be displaced caudally for some distance. In the presence of space‐occupying orbital lesions, retropulsion of the globe will be restricted or impossible, and may be painful. The bony rim of the orbit and the walls of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses should be carefully palpated and evaluated for any asymmetry. Percussion of the paranasal sinuses can be helpful to determine the presence of sinus occupying inflammatory or neoplastic material. The presence of a symmetric flow of air through both nostrils should be evaluated, as sinonasal tumors can cause tumor invasion of the orbit. The oral cavity is routinely inspected, because disease processes from the oral cavity or teeth may adversely affect the orbit and its contents. Conversely, orbital diseases may affect, or be visualized through observation of, adjacent structures, such as the oral cavity, e.g., swelling behind the last upper molar tooth. Restrictive myopathies, like masticatory muscle myositis (MMM), can cause restrictions or even an inability to open the mouth. Inflammatory changes within the orbit are usually accompanied by pain, especially upon globe retropulsion and when opening the mouth. Movement of the vertical ramus of the mandible into the orbital space upon opening the mouth increases pressure on the orbital contents. Most dogs with orbital pain will therefore display difficulties with, or will vocalize during, some activities requiring jaw movement: chewing and eating (especially dry food, rawhides, and bones), playing with balls and sticks, barking, or yawning. Inflammatory changes in the orbit (cellulitis, abscess formation), which cause tissue edema, can be accompanied by conjunctival hyperemia and chemosis, and periocular swelling. Impaired function of orbital structures can also manifest as reduced ocular motility, strabismus, abnormal globe position, anisocoria, blindness, and increased or reduced tear production. These clinical signs can be caused by mechanical entrapment, pressure atrophy and loss of nerve function, and neural stimulation of affected tissues. Congestion of episcleral vessels is caused by a decreased venous return, which is due to an increased orbital tissue and intravenous pressure. In more extreme cases of exophthalmos, associated with orbital cellulitis, trauma, and advanced masses, lagophthalmos can ensue due to a decreased ability to close the eyelids. This quickly results in exposure keratitis, ulceration, and potential loss of the eye. Posterior indentation of the globe can be observed by ultrasound or ophthalmoscopically as an area of fundus elevation and altered reflectivity due to the altered angles of incident and reflected light (Figure 5.2). This indented fundus area should be observed during spontaneous eye movements. The indentation will not change position if it is caused by a mass attached to the globe, whereas unattached masses will cause an indentation that shifts position during globe movement. Even with marked deformation of the globe, intraocular pressure usually remains within normal range. However, in dogs with a relatively short palpebral fissure, the globe can be pressed against the lids by a space‐occupying lesion, slightly elevating the intraocular pressure. Figure 5.2 Ultrasonography of an orbital neoplasm (meningioma) in a 10‐year‐old Collie. There is marked indentation of the caudonasal globe. In rare cases of pulsating or intermittent exophthalmos associated with arteriovenous fistula or varix, auscultation of the orbit may reveal systolic murmur (“bruit”). Because the entire orbit cannot be visualized directly, a combination of diagnostic imaging and cytology/biopsy sample acquisition may be necessary. Standard radiography, however, is rarely of diagnostic value due to the poor contrast resolution of orbital soft tissues and consequential poor delineation of lesions, as well as the superimposition of bony structures. Those lesions causing osseous proliferation or destruction, or containing radiopaque material (such as metallic foreign bodies) can be visualized. Contrast radiography of orbital tissues, such as pneumo‐orbitography, orbitography, orbital arteriography, venography, optic nerve thecography, and sialography, has been largely replaced by the newer cross‐sectional diagnostic imaging techniques, including orbital ultrasonography, color Doppler imaging, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The basic principles of diagnostic ultrasound have been described in Chapter 4. The portals for placement of the ultrasound probe include the following: (i) on the anesthetized corneoconjunctival surface for a direct corneoconjunctival contact approach; (ii) on the upper eyelid skin with the eyelids closed for a transpalpebral approach, which can decrease patient discomfort; (iii) caudal to the orbital ligament for a temporal approach, which allows visualization of the deeper orbital structures, including the optic canal and orbital fissure; and (iv) on the oral mucosa behind the last upper molar, directed toward the orbit, for a transoral approach (Figure 5.3), which is useful for fine needle aspirate (FNA) guidance and foreign body searches in retrobulbar abscess or cellulitis. Ultrasound is a useful technique to image the orbit, especially for an initial screening for the presence of lesions. The normal orbit is characterized by a relative hypoechogenicity of the extraocular muscles and optic nerve, compared to the orbital fat. The bony orbital wall presents as a reflecting interface, which can be scanned for surface irregularities and defects. In cases of cellulitis, either a generalized loss of contrast between the orbital contents or no ultrasonographic abnormalities are observed. Cavitary lesions with a fluctuant center are found in dogs with cystic lesions and orbital abscesses, but are also identified in more than 10% of neoplasms. When the suspicion for a retrobulbar abscess or cellulitis is high and the presence of a foreign body needs to be determined, ultrasound seems to be a relatively sensitive diagnostic tool. CT or MRI studies are indicated for an evaluation of the size, number, and exact localization of retrobulbar foreign bodies. Neoplastic lesions were most commonly hypoechoic and homogeneous, and globe indentation was identified more often than with inflammatory lesions. However, these features are by no means distinctive. Orbital bone defects and tissue mineralization were almost exclusively seen in neoplastic lesions. Figure 5.3 Ultrasound probe placement for a transoral approach to the orbit. In many respects, advanced orbital imaging techniques are superior to the traditional techniques of radiography and ultrasonography, due to their superior tissue contrast resolution, ability to image the entire skull, including the adjacent nasosinal and cranial cavities, and their 3D reconstruction capabilities (also see Chapter 4). Due to the natural contrast between bone, soft tissues, air, and fat, CT has superior contrast resolution qualities, enabling excellent visualization of orbital structures, especially bone. MRI provides better soft tissue contrast resolution compared to CT. MRI scans are therefore superior to CT scans in cases in which an exact evaluation of soft tissue tumor extension into the surrounding soft tissues, including intracranial extension, is needed. Cysts and abscesses are also more easily identified with MRI. Biopsy specimens can be obtained via the oral cavity, through bulbar conjunctiva, or through the skin caudal to the orbital ligament, with or without the use of ultrasound or CT guidance. With the advent of modern imaging techniques, diagnostic orbitotomies have become almost obsolete. Available data on the diagnostic sensitivity of FNAs and tissue biopsies show that an FNA yields diagnostic results in approximately 50% of the cases, whereas tissue biopsies provide a definitive diagnosis in approximately 75% of the cases. Complete absence of the eye, or anophthalmos, is very rare. In most cases, some remnants of ocular tissue can be identified histologically. If remnants of ocular tissue are present histologically, a diagnosis of either a cystic eye or microphthalmia can be made. In true microphthalmia, the globe contains evidence of the presence of surface ectoderm (lens), neural crest migration, and neuroectodermal differentiation. Microphthalmia therefore presents as an abnormally small globe, with various other ocular anomalies involving the cornea, lens, uvea, vitreous, and retina. Vision may be normal, reduced, or absent. In contrast, a small but otherwise normal globe is called nanophthalmia. In the Doberman Pinscher, microphthalmia is associated with anterior segment and retinal dysplasia. In the homologous merle Australian Shepherd and other breeds, the microphthalmia is associated with equatorial staphylomas, persistent pupillary membranes, and retinal dysplasia, and an excessively white hair coat. Poorly pigmented animals (>90% white) are most affected. Collies and Shetland Sheepdogs with Collie eye anomaly often exhibit variable degrees of microphthalmia; this is especially true for merles (see Appendix A or access for the most recent information on DNA tests for canine eye diseases). Orbital varices and arteriovenous fistulas are very rare orbital anomalies with few reported cases. Varices can be congenital as well as acquired. Dogs usually present with a nonpainful, pulsating or intermittent exophthalmos. A decrease in venous return from the head can influence the extent of exophthalmos if an orbital varix is present, with the exophthalmos worsening when the head is kept low or pressure applied to the jugular vein region. In arteriovenous fistula cases, not varices, a systolic murmur (“bruit”) can be auscultated in the orbital region. Treatment is difficult in all cases, and the prognosis is grave. In one case, attempted ligation of orbital vessels caused massive hemorrhage as well as subsequent enucleation of the globe and ligation of the common carotid artery. Orbital exenteration and careful hemostasis should be curative. Table 5.1 lists the most important differential diagnoses for exophthalmos. Orbital cysts are rare in the dog. A retrobulbar dermoid cyst in a Dachshund, containing a yellowish, viscous fluid and long black hair, has been described. On histopathological examination, the cyst wall consisted of a keratinized squamous epithelium. Surgical excision is recommended. In contrast to large animals, orbital inflammatory diseases are rather common in the dog. According to most studies, dogs presenting with non‐neoplastic orbital diseases are significantly younger than dogs presenting with neoplastic diseases (orbital abscesses at 4 years of age on average and mean age of tumor patients at 9.5 years). Table 5.1 Differential diagnoses for exophthalmos in dogs. Typically, dogs present with acute, unilateral exophthalmos, protrusion of the nictitating membrane, conjunctival hyperemia and chemosis, episcleral venous congestion, periocular swelling, serous to mucopurulent ocular discharge, and pain. The globe itself is usually normal and normotensive. Affected dogs are usually febrile and inappetent. The white blood cell count is often elevated with a neutrophilia. The cause often remains unidentified. Foreign material is sometimes encountered with porcupine quills not infrequent. The point of entry for both foreign bodies and gunshot pellets is not always easily identified. Foreign bodies may enter the orbit from the oral cavity, percutaneously or through the conjunctival sac (Figure 5.4a–c). Hematogenous infection of orbital tissues is possible with the microorganisms invading from the oral cavity, sinuses, or tooth roots. Infections of the zygomatic gland may present as orbital cellulitis or abscess, and in these cases a swollen excretory duct may be seen lateral to the second molar tooth. Significant inflammatory diseases of the globe itself (panophthalmitis, scleritis) can also cause orbital cellulitis. Extension from adjacent structures, exogenous trauma, and foreign bodies were the most common causes of infectious orbital disease. Staphylococcus spp. were isolated in 25%, Escherichia coli in 16.7%, Pasteurella multocida in 8.3%, and anaerobic bacteria (mostly Bacteroides and Clostridium spp.) in 30.5% of the canine patients in this study. In another study, Pasteurella spp. were the most common isolates from orbital abscesses. Fungal organisms are an uncommon cause of orbital disease. Onchocerciasis occurs in the southwestern United States and south‐central Europe, and in chronic cases, the live and dead worms are incorporated in subconjunctival, episcleral, and orbital granulomas causing corresponding clinical signs. Treatment consists of surgical excision and the postoperative use of microfilaricidal drugs. Ultrasonography is a cost‐effective method to determine the presence of a drainable retrobulbar abscess and to screen for the presence of a foreign body. The type of foreign body material dictates which imaging modality is most useful for identification. Most foreign bodies are not recognized on plain radiographs, but metallic foreign bodies are easily demonstrated. MRI scans are contraindicated when a suspicion for a metallic foreign body exists, due to the risk of foreign body displacement under the influence of the strong magnetic field. A CT scan can directly pick up foreign bodies that are sufficiently dense (metal, glass, bone). Foreign bodies of lower density (plant material, wood, plastic, porcupine quills) may be identified in postcontrast studies as a filling defect with a contrast‐enhancing rim of reactive tissue. Obtaining samples for cytology and culture and sensitivity assays is an important step in the diagnostic process. FNAs and tissue biopsies can be used for these purposes. Figure 5.4 Orbital foreign body in a six‐year‐old dog. (a) Dog at initial presentation with chronic purulent discharge. (b) Fistulous tract in the dorsal conjunctival fornix. (c) Surgical exploration of the fistulous tract. (d) Foreign material (wood) retrieved from the orbit. The first and most important step in treating an orbital abscess is drainage (Box 5.1 and Figure 5.5). The oral mucosa behind the last upper molar tooth, which may show a fluctuating swelling, is incised. A closed hemostat is advanced through the pterygoid muscle and then opened and withdrawn without closing. Irrigation of the retrobulbar area is a controversial issue; however, irrigation with crystalline penicillin has been recommended. Systemic antibiotic therapy using broad‐spectrum antibiotics (cephalosporins, extended‐spectrum penicillins [e.g., ticarcillin], potentiated penicillins [e.g., amoxycillin–clavulanic acid], and carbapenems) is indicated pending the results of bacterial culture and sensitivity testing. Additionally, if no contraindications exist, these patients are usually treated with nonsteroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs. Hot packs also are beneficial and well tolerated by most dogs. The globe itself must be treated symptomatically. In cases of lagophthalmos, lubrication of the ocular surface is important. In most cases, application of an antibiotic ointment three to four times daily is sufficient. The degree of exophthalmos often increases temporarily after drainage, and a temporary tarsorrhaphy may be necessary. Soft food should be offered until the globe is back in its normal position. The prognosis is usually good. Once diagnosed and treated with the appropriate systemic antibiotics, clinical signs often begin to regress within 48 h. In a series of 17 cases, 15 healed within a week, 1 healed after one recurrence, and 1 was lost to follow‐up. In most cases, the exophthalmos regresses within 36–48 h, and the general condition of the animal markedly improves.
Canine Orbit: Disease and Surgery
Clinical Signs/Examination
Exophthalmia Versus Enophthalmia
Palpation of Orbital Structures
Clinical Signs
Other Clinical Signs
Ancillary Diagnostic Tests
Diagnostic Ultrasound
Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Fine Needle Aspiration and Tissue Biopsy
Congenital Anomalies of the Orbit and Globe
Cystic Eye, Microphthalmia, and Nanophthalmia
Vascular Anomalies
Orbital Cysts
Acquired Orbital Diseases
Inflammatory Lesions: Orbital Cellulitis/Abscess
Vascular anomalies
Orbital varix
Orbital arteriovenous fistula
Cystic lesions
Salivary retention cyst and mucocele
Inflammatory lesions
Extraocular muscle myositis
Primary orbital
Metastatic or primary multifocal
Locally invasive tumor invading orbit
Traumatic causes
Orbital fracture
Craniomandibular osteopathy

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