Revised from 6th edition of Veterinary Ophthalmology, Chapter 21: Diseases and Surgery of the Canine Anterior Uvea, by Diane V.H. Hendrix The uvea includes the iris, ciliary body, and choroid. The anterior uvea refers to the iris and ciliary body. The iris, because of its pupil, is responsible for regulating light entering the posterior segment, and it is also important for normal esthetics. The ciliary body is contiguous with the choroid at its posterior aspect and is responsible for aqueous production and outflow, and lens accommodation. The anterior uvea is also the site of the blood–aqueous barrier, which normally prevents large, high molecular weight proteins from entering the aqueous humor. The rich blood supply and immunosensitivity of the anterior uvea contribute to most of the inflammatory responses in the eye. A complete ophthalmic examination, especially with the use of magnification as that provided by a slit‐lamp biomicroscope, can reveal much information in an eye with uveal disease. The size of the pupil can vary tremendously, and abnormalities in its size, shape, color, or responsiveness may indicate ocular or neurological disease. Diseases such as anterior uveitis, glaucoma, retinal detachment and degeneration, and lesions along the afferent and efferent pupillary neuropathways can alter pupil size and function. Inflammations of the anterior uvea, termed anterior uveitis or iridocyclitis, are very common with both ocular and systemic diseases. Intraocular neoplasia is not unusual in dogs and varies in its appearance. In addition to inflammatory and neoplastic disorders, developmental, degenerative, and traumatic disorders can all affect the anterior uvea. This chapter focuses on diseases that primarily involve the iris and ciliary body, but because the anterior uvea is contiguous with the choroid (or posterior uvea), several of the diseases may concurrently affect the posterior segment. Developmental abnormalities of the canine anterior uvea include disorders of incomplete development (e.g., coloboma), maldevelopment (e.g., anterior segment dysgenesis), and incomplete regression of embryonal tissues (e.g., persistent pupillary membranes [PPMs]). Most anterior uveal anomalies in the dog occur sporadically, but some are heritable. Color Variants Subalbinism refers to dilution of ocular pigmentation. In contrast to complete albinism, in which the eye lacks all pigment, subalbinism in the dog occurs as a blue iris with a red fundus reflex. The neuroectodermal layer of the iris has normal pigmentation; however, the overlying stroma lacks pigment. These animals have a nonpigmented fundus that allows the visualization of choroidal vessels. Presence of a tapetum is variable. Complete ocular albinism has not been reported in the dog. Heterochromia iridis refers to different colors within one iris or between the two fellow irides. In the heterochromic eye, the iris is characterized by at least two distinct, solidly colored areas or by differently colored patches or spots (Figure 11.1). Alternatively, each iridis may be a different color. Lay terms for this condition include “watch eye” and “china eye.” Heterochromia iridis may be the sole manifestation of ocular color dilution in many breeds, including the Old English Sheepdog, Siberian Husky, American Fox Hound, American Cocker Spaniel, Malamute, and Shih Tzu. Apart from the variation in appearance, simple heterochromia iridis has no significance. Heterochromia iridis can also be a component of ocular merling and may be accompanied by multiple ocular anomalies such as dyscoria, corectopia, iris hypoplasia, PPMs, staphylomas, cataract, and retinal detachment. Multiple ocular anomalies including iris anomalies occur in breeds affected by the merle gene when red or blue merles dogs and bitched are bred together. These breeds, in part, include (e.g., Rough and Smooth Collies, Shetland Sheepdogs, Australian Shepherds, Great Danes, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, and Miniature Dachshunds). The most severe ocular anomalies occur in homozygous merles with excessive white hair coat involving the head region. Affected animals may also have varying degrees of congenital deafness. Anterior uveal manifestations of the merling gene may include heterochromia irides, iris hypoplasia, a black‐rimmed pupil from prominent iridal pigmented epithelium, and an eccentric pupil (i.e., corectopia). Both typical and atypical iris and posterior segment colobomata (Figure 11.2) and mild to severe PPMs are also common findings in merle dogs. While the ocular disease is recessively inherited, the inheritance of merling appears to be dominant. Figure 11.1 Heterochromia iridis in a mixed‐breed dog. Figure 11.2 An iris coloboma in the nasal aspect iris in this Australian Shepherd. The pupillary membrane is a primitive mesodermal tissue present during fetal development that forms a layer on the anterior face of the iris. The central vascular arcades of this membrane begin to regress, beginning during the sixth week of canine development and the peripheral arcades at the collarette regress last. This process continues through the final three weeks of fetal development and into the immediate postnatal period. In most puppies, the pupillary membranes completely atrophy by six weeks after birth. The rate of pupillary membrane dissolution varies, however, and it may not be complete for several months. Incomplete resorption of embryonal vasculature and mesenchymal tissues results in retained iris strands in both juvenile and adult dogs. These uveal remnants, which are termed PPMs, attach at the collarette region of the iris and usually retain the color of the adjacent iris. PPMs occur commonly in the dog and are usually an incidental finding. Iris‐to‐iris strands that bridge over the iris surface or cross the pupil and remnants with a single iris attachment that occur as small, free‐floating tags are benign (Figure 11.3). Forms of PPMs that can result in significant ocular opacification are iris‐to‐cornea strands and iris‐to‐lens strands. Resultant corneal or lenticular opacities may compromise vision. Dysplastic pupillary membranes should be differentiated from anterior or posterior synechia by observing their origin. Heritable, clinically significant PPMs occur in the Basenji breed. The incidence of PPMs in this breed is high, and the severity varies considerably. Such lesions usually have no clinical significance, but they do present a problem regarding genetic control of the disease. Figure 11.3 Persistent (dysplastic) pupillary membranes are present in this Rottweiler puppy. The membranes extend from the iris collarette to the lens, creating a circular opacity on the anterior lens capsule. They previously extended to the cornea, and an endothelial and deep stromal opacity remains. Familial PPMs occur in the Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Basenji, Chow Chow, and Mastiff breeds; breeding affected animals is not recommended. PPMs and congenital cataracts of varying densities occur in the English Cocker Spaniel. Test matings have not been conclusive but suggest a complex mode of inheritance. PPMs, cataracts, entropion, wandering nystagmus, microphthalmia, and multifocal retinal folds have been observed in a closely inbred line of Chow Chows. Therapy is rarely needed for PPMs. Therapy may be beneficial in severely affected eyes, but the number of options is limited. In cases of diffuse corneal opacities with considerable corneal edema, topical instillation of a hyperosmotic agent (i.e., 5% NaCl ointment) may be used three times daily for a trial period of three to four weeks. If this treatment is helpful, it may be continued indefinitely. Mydriasis is not recommended for dysplastic pupillary membrane‐associated opacities because pharmacological dilation may induce tension on the membrane attachments, thereby aggravating the corneal or lens lesions. Surgically, the membranes attached to the cornea can be excised after entering the anterior chamber, and phacoemulsification can be done for an extensive anterior capsular or subcapsular cataract. Peter’s anomaly refers to a condition in which a central corneal leukoma is associated with iridocorneal or corneolenticular adhesions that may also be associated with other ocular and systemic malformations. The more severe form of PPM in the Basenji, which manifests as strands of iridal tissue attachments that disrupt the endothelium leading to corneal opacities, fits the definition of Peter’s anomaly. Aniridia, iris hypoplasia, and iris coloboma all refer to incomplete iris development. Aniridia is a total absence of iris tissue, and it is extremely rare in the dog. Partial‐thickness hypoplasia (i.e., incomplete iris coloboma) is a defect of one or more, but not all, layers of the iris. In cases of full‐thickness hypoplasia, complete iris coloboma, the ciliary body processes, zonules, and equator of the lens can be visualized. A complete iris coloboma is a result of localized developmental failure of all layers of the iris. These colobomata may be at the pupillary margin (i.e., notch coloboma), at the base of the iris (e.g., iridodiastasis), or within the iris body (i.e., pseudopolycoria). Iris coloboma is a common feature of ocular merling. Several congenital pupillary abnormalities exist in dogs and may occur as sporadic abnormalities or in conjunction with previously described anomalies. Polycoria, an iris with more than one pupil with associated musculature, is extremely rare. More often, pseudopolycoria is present. Abnormal, lightly pigmented irides occur in Beagles with hereditary tapetal degeneration. The melanosomes in the iris stroma and choroid of affected dogs are fewer in number than those found in the irides of unaffected beagles. The iris and ciliary body pigmented epithelium contain melanosome organelles but no normal melanosomes. The condition may result from a defect in synthesis of the matrix component of melanosomes, resulting in absent or abnormal deposition of melanin and initiating autophagy of these organelles. Anterior segment dysgenesis, which is an anterior chamber–cleavage anomaly syndrome, has been described in Doberman puppies. Affected eyes are blind and are characterized clinically by variable microphthalmia and opaque corneas. Malformation of mesodermal, ectodermal, and neuroectodermal tissues is involved. A primary defect in formation of the neuroectodermal optic cup is suspected as the cause. The mode of inheritance in Doberman Pinschers is thought to be autosomal recessive. Owners of dogs related to affected Doberman Pinschers should be informed about the genetic implications of this anomaly. Spontaneous, progressive thinning of the stroma or pupillary margin of the iris is a common finding in older dogs and may occur in any breed. Most commonly, the pupillary margin develops a scalloped, moth‐eaten appearance (Figure 11.4). In these animals, atrophy of the pupillary muscles often results in dyscoria and may lead to a reduced or absent pupillary light responses and increased sensitivity to bright light. Senile iris atrophy may also initially manifest as a subtle color change: the natural iris color fades, and foci of hyperpigmentation may be noted as stroma is lost and pigmented epithelium exposed. As degeneration progresses, additional thinning may result in loss of pigmented epithelial layers. With transillumination, affected areas appear as translucent patches or openings within the iris and are most striking when light is reflected from the tapetal fundus through the areas of affected iris. Figure 11.4 Iris atrophy at the pupillary margin of the iris is present in a geriatric dog. Glaucoma and chronic uveitis may cause degenerative changes in the iris resembling those of senile iris atrophy. Signs of preexisting disease such as buphthalmia, lens subluxation, synechiae, or pigment dispersion on the anterior lens capsule may be present, aiding in the diagnosis. Uveal cysts are frequently seen in dogs. They may arise either from the posterior pigmented epithelium of the iris or from the inner ciliary body nonpigmented epithelium, and therefore are neuroectodermal in origin. The cysts can be congenital or acquired. They occur most commonly in Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, and Boston Terriers. Multiple iris cysts have also been reported in an English Setter. Cysts may arise most often from the pupillary margin, the posterior iris face, or the pars plicata of the ciliary body. Examination through a dilated pupil may facilitate visualization of cysts in the posterior chamber. Potential sequelae of larger cysts include vision impairment, corneal endothelial opacities, pigmentation of the anterior lens capsule, mechanical interference with iris function, and aqueous outflow obstruction with secondary ocular hypertension. Uveal cysts are usually benign and are incidental findings in the dog. Iridal or ciliary cysts can be unilateral or bilateral; single or multiple; variably sized; and spherical, oval, or elongated dark or translucent masses (Figure 11.5). Uveal cysts are usually brown or black, though light brown and amelanotic cysts may occur. They are often found free‐floating within the anterior chamber or attached in the posterior chamber. Rarely, dislodged uveal cysts can move into the vitreous if the vitreous is degenerated or detached. Collapsed uveal cysts may be observed as a thin layer of pigment on the ventral corneal endothelium or the anterior lens capsule. In most cases, uveal cysts do not obstruct vision or cause lens or corneal opacities. Reports describing the association with cysts and glaucoma in both the Golden Retriever and Great Dane have emerged and are described in the “Pigmentary and Cystic Glaucoma (Pigmentary Uveitis)” section. The condition in these two breeds is much more serious. Figure 11.5 A single large pigmented translucent uveal cyst and several smaller cysts are present in the ventral anterior chamber. An immature cataract is also visible. Uveal cysts are usually diagnosed on the basis of the clinical appearance described. However, the most definitive diagnostic test is performed by transilluminating the cysts with a bright light source. Cysts should transilluminate, whereas neoplastic masses will not transilluminate. Ocular ultrasound can be used in questionable cases. Because most uveal cysts are benign and generally do not interfere with vision, they usually do not require treatment. However, attached or free‐floating uveal cysts that occlude the pupil and compromise vision or multiple cysts that may lead to angle closure may be aspirated with a small‐gauge needle or deflated with a semiconductor diode laser. Because these cysts generally arise from the posterior iris pigment layer, they are darkly pigmented and easily visualized. Poorly pigmented cysts may not be amenable to diode laser therapy. Surgical removal or aspiration of the cysts may prevent progressive angle closure when identified and treated early. Uveitis or inflammation of the iris (iritis), ciliary body (cyclitis), and choroid (choroiditis), or some combination, occurs commonly in conjunction with many intraocular and systemic diseases. Uveitis is common because of the highly vascular nature of the tissue, its immunosensitivity, and its close proximity to other structures. Similar to inflammation elsewhere, inflammation in the uvea consists of three basic events: increased blood supply, augmented vessel permeability, and white blood cell migration to the injury site. Anterior uveitis is inflammation of the iris and ciliary body, posterior uveitis is inflammation of the choroid, and panuveitis is inflammation of all three portions of the uvea. More specifically, iritis and cyclitis may be used to describe inflammation of the iris and ciliary body, respectively. Anterior uveitis is the term most commonly used, because differentiating between iritis and cyclitis clinically is very difficult and usually both tissues are inflamed simultaneously. Posterior uveitis, or choroiditis, can occur independently from anterior uveitis. A more advanced condition, termed endophthalmitis, is inflammation involving the ocular cavities and adjacent intraocular structures. Panophthalmitis is inflammation of all the intraocular structures, including the cornea and sclera. Uveitis can occur independently of disease in other ocular structures, or it can occur secondary to lens, corneal, or scleral disease. Additionally, uveitis can be associated with primary ocular disease or be secondary to neoplastic, infectious, or immune‐mediated diseases. Elucidating the etiology of uveitis in the dog can be difficult. However, because uveitis can lead to blindness or be a sign of a potentially fatal disease, attempting to define the etiology is always warranted. Uveitis should be approached in a systematic fashion evaluating for the most common diseases based on signalment, historical information including travel, ocular and physical examination findings, and locale. Many etiologies for uveitis exist in all animal species. Most simply, causes can be divided into endogenous and exogenous. Endogenous causes originate from within the eye or spread to the eye from the bloodstream or from contiguous structures. Endogenous causes account for most cases of uveitis and include infectious, neoplastic, toxic, metabolic, and autoimmune diseases. Immune‐mediated and autoimmune disease is the most rapidly growing group of diseases responsible for endogenous uveitis. Trauma also includes surgical procedures and both perforating and nonperforating injuries with or without secondary infection. The more commonly recognized causes of uveitis in the dog are listed in Box 11.1. Several unique aspects of uveal inflammation include (i) the blood–aqueous barrier, (ii) the concentration of ascorbic acid and other antioxidants in the aqueous humor, (iii) the anterior chamber‐associated immune deviation, and (iv) the lack of an intrinsic lymphatic system. The blood–ocular barrier is composed of the blood–aqueous barrier anteriorly and the blood–retinal barrier posteriorly. Morphologically, this barrier consists of tight junctions (zonulae occludens) between nonpigmented ciliary body epithelial cells, tight junctions and gap junctions in the iris vascular endothelium, and nonfenestrated impermeable capillaries in the iris. Evolutionary divergence in ocular defense mechanisms has resulted in extreme differences of blood–aqueous barrier stability among different mammalian species. Destabilization of the blood–aqueous barrier marks the onset of anterior uveitis. Three phases of the ocular inflammatory response have been identified: active, subacute, and chronic responses. The acute phase has the five cardinal signs, including redness and heat, which are both caused by increased rate and volume of blood flow; increased mass caused by exudation of fluid and cells; and pain and loss of function, which are both caused by outpouring of fluid and irritating chemicals. Immediately after injury, the arterioles contract for approximately 5 min and then gradually dilate because of histamine release from mast cells and factors released from plasma (kinin, complement, and clotting systems). The chemical mediators, which include histamine, serotonin, kinins, plasmin, complement, PGs, and peptide growth factors, increase vascular permeability by causing the intercellular tight junctions in the vascular endothelial cells to open, allowing fluid to leak into the tissues. Early after injury, various types of blood cells marginate (polymorphonuclear neutrophils [PMNs]), and then leave the vessels via emigration (PMNs), emperipolesis (PMNs, small lymphocytes, macrophages, and immature erythrocytes), and diapedesis (mature erythrocytes). Reported mean values for aqueous protein in the noninflamed canine eye using different assays range from 21 ± 1.2 to 37.4 ± 7.9 mg/dl. In sharp contrast, aqueous protein values at various intervals after the onset of uveitis range from approximately 1200 mg/dl to as high as 6600 mg/dl in experimental and clinical cases, respectively. The acute phase of the ocular inflammatory response is exudative. There are four types of exudates: (i) serous exudate is composed primarily of protein; (ii) fibrinous exudate is composed primarily of fibrin; (iii) sanguineous exudate is composed primarily of erythrocytes; and (iv) purulent exudate is composed primarily of PMNs and necrotic products. These exudates are seen clinically as aqueous flare, fibrin clot (or plastic aqueous), hyphema, or hypopyon, respectively. The subacute stage has special significance because during this period the immunological reactions are initiated, healing occurs, or there is necrosis, recurrence, or chronicity. If the inflammatory response is localized, the PMNs and mononuclear phagocytes can resolve the injury and healing is possible with minimal scarring. If the inflammation is profound and uncontrolled, however, granulation tissue may result in excessive scarring, with subsequent ocular dysfunction. If healing does not occur because of the inability to control both acute and subacute inflammatory events, the inability to eliminate the causative agent, or both, the inflammation becomes chronic. Permanent alterations in uveal vascular structure, permeability, or both have been implicated as the cause of recurrent or chronic episodes of uveitis. Much effort has been directed toward identifying the chemical mediators of ocular inflammation because their recognition has direct therapeutic implications. While progress is always being made toward understanding inflammation, the variations in species’ responses to inflammation and the varying diseases among species slow the progress. Invasive investigative methods can also affect ocular inflammations, and hamper serial methodologies. PGs are the most widely studied mediators of ocular inflammation and are considered to be primary mediators of ocular inflammation. Cyclooxygenase has been identified in all cell types, except for mature red blood cells, and PGs are produced by the irides of all species studied to date. The most notable pathological ocular effects of PGs include miosis, hyperemia, changes in vascular permeability, and alterations in intraocular pressure (IOP) depending on the particular PG and species in question. Arachidonic acid derivatives also appear to play a key role in ocular inflammation. Arachidonic acid is released from damaged cellular membranes through phospholipases acting on cellular phospholipids. It can then enter one of at least three metabolic pathways: the cyclooxygenase, lipoxygenase, or oxidation pathway. The cyclooxygenase pathway produces PGs, thromboxane, and prostacyclin, and the lipoxygenase pathway produces leukotrienes, hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic acid, and hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid. Leukotrienes are synthesized in the cornea, conjunctiva, anterior uvea, and lens. Species variations exist in the extent and duration of leukotriene production. Leukotrienes are potent vasoactive substances and chemoattractants. Their chemotactic, humoral, and cellular activities are greater than those of PGs. Substance P, a unadecapeptide normally present in sensory nerves, may be important in uveitis, particularly when associated with corneal irritation. Ulcerative keratitis causes varying degrees of uveitis, but it does so through a poorly understood “axonal reflex.” With corneal irritation, antidromic impulses mediated by the trigeminal nerve (ophthalmic branch) reaching the iris and ciliary body are believed to stimulate release of substance P. This causes vascular dilatation and altered permeability as well as PMN chemotaxis. Numerous other chemical mediators also have contributory, albeit largely undefined, roles in ocular inflammation. Histamine is important in the initiation of many inflammatory processes, and its release from mast cells leads to an increase in vascular permeability, but histamine’s role in canine uveal disease is poorly understood. Reactive oxygen metabolites, angiotensin‐converting enzyme, and basic fibroblast growth factor may also play a role in uveitis The clinical signs of anterior uveitis can be for uveitis, such as aqueous flare and hypopyon, while others are general ocular responses, such as blepharospasm and ocular hyperemia. Anterior uveitis can also be a secondary component of other ocular diseases, such as corneal ulceration and glaucoma, demonstrating the need for a complete ophthalmic examination. The clinical signs of uveitis are listed in Table 11.1. Excessive lacrimation, blepharospasm, and photophobia are readily observed. These signs suggest varying degrees of ocular discomfort not specific to uveitis. Acute uveitis tends to be more painful than chronic uveitis. The pain is referred to the ocular and periorbital regions. Pain and photophobia are caused by ciliary spasm. Excessive lacrimation is thought to occur secondary to the photophobia. Table 11.1 Clinical signs of uveitis in the dog. Ciliary flush is hyperemia of the deep, perilimbal, or circumcorneal anterior ciliary vessels and is common with deep corneal and intraocular disease (i.e., uveitis and glaucoma). Congestion of the conjunctival vessels also commonly occurs with uveitis, and in severe cases, uveitis can even lead to chemosis. Determination of the presence of ciliary flush is important for diagnostic purposes because it must be distinguished from superficial conjunctival hyperemia, which is commonly seen with extraocular disease such as allergic conjunctivitis. Distinguishing between these vascular patterns may be facilitated by topical application of a sympathomimetic agent (e.g., 1% epinephrine solution). The topical sympathomimetic agent will have a greater immediate vasoconstrictive effect on the superficial conjunctival vessels than on the deeper anterior ciliary vessels. In addition, conjunctival vessels are noted to move on the surface of the globe, whereas the anterior ciliary vessels remain stationary within the sclera during movement of the globe. Corneal edema with an associated increase in corneal thickness develops with anterior uveitis secondary to both an increase in endothelial permeability and a decrease in Na/K‐ATPase pump site density (Figure 11.6). Severe edema may result in painful bulla formation. Morphologically, edematous endothelial cells with disrupted intercellular junctions and a normal cell density are seen. Persistent corneal edema may be followed by peripheral corneal vascularization. Pupillary constriction, or miosis, is a very common sign of anterior uveitis. Miosis occurs in response to PGF2 acting directly on the iris sphincter muscle. Inflammatory mediators also cause painful spasm of the ciliary body musculature, causing what is described as “brow ache” in humans. Subtle miosis is often more apparent when examining both eyes simultaneously in a darkened room using retroillumination with a penlight or Finoff transilluminator. Iris swelling from edema and cellular infiltrates may also, in conjunction with inflammatory mediators, impede normal pupil mobility. Subclinical uveitis often manifests with a pupil that dilates more slowly after short‐acting mydriatic therapy (i.e., 1% tropicamide) compared with the normal eye. Figure 11.6 Severe corneal edema, corneal vascularization, and conjunctival hyperemia are present in this dog with anterior uveitis secondary to blastomycosis. Synechiae formation is one of the more serious complications of anterior uveitis, and it results from inflammatory cells, fibrin, and fibroblasts leading to adhesions of the iris to the lens or peripheral cornea (Figure 11.7). Three types of synechiae can develop; they include (i) anterior synechia (iris–posterior cornea); (ii) posterior synechia (iris–anterior capsule of the lens); and (iii) peripheral anterior synechia (between the basal iris and ciliary body involving the opening of the ciliary cleft). Peripheral anterior synechiae form because of shallowing of the anterior chamber and the iridocorneal cleft as a result of pupillary block, secondary to organization of inflammatory exudates in the angle with gradual attraction of the iris toward the angle structures, and with intense swelling of the root of the iris. Posterior synechiae are a consequence of the central portion of the anterior lens capsule extending more anteriorly than the peripheral lens. With miosis, the iris is in more intimate contact with the lens, increasing the surface area for synechia formation. Posterior synechia can cause occlusion of the pupil, leading to loss of sight or seclusion of the pupil, and resulting in iris bombé with subsequent acute glaucoma (Figure 11.8). Synechia can result in a fixed miotic or midrange pupil. With chronic synechiae, pigment often migrates from the surface of the iris onto the anterior lens capsule, which is more likely to interfere with vision if the pupil is miotic. Figure 11.7 Posterior synechiae are the only evidence of previous anterior uveitis in this eye that has a hypermature cataract. Aqueous flare, increased turbidity of aqueous humor, occurs as protein‐rich aqueous humor and cellular components accumulate within the anterior chamber after the blood–aqueous barrier has been disrupted. Aqueous flare is visualized when light scattering from particles suspended in the anterior chamber causes a continuous light reflection throughout the chamber. This continuous beam effect is called the Tyndall phenomenon, and it is analogous to shining a flashlight within a smoke‐filled room. Observation of the Tyndall phenomenon is indicative of aqueous flare, and aqueous flare is pathognomonic of the breakdown in the blood–aqueous barrier for anterior uveitis. Varying degrees of aqueous flare are possible, and though this scheme is highly subjective, some clinicians attempt to quantitate flare numerically as 1+ to 4+, with higher numerals indicating increased severity. The term fibrinous (or plasmoid) aqueous refers to aqueous humor that has an increased level of aqueous protein approximating that of normal plasma. This condition occurs most commonly in cases of acute, severe anterior uveitis with sudden onset. Lipid‐laden aqueous is also possible if the patient has concurrent hyperlipidemia in which the aqueous assumes a milky‐white appearance (Figure 11.9). Figure 11.8 Iris bombé secondary to 360° of posterior synechia has caused the iris to balloon forward in this dog. Episcleral injection is also present. Cells from the inflammatory process pass into the aqueous humor either from diffusion or from active migration from the uvea. They either are manufactured locally or egress through the capillary walls from the blood into the uveal tissue and into the aqueous humor. Keratic precipitates (KPs) are accumulations of inflammatory cells, fibrin, and pigment from the iris that are deposited on the corneal endothelium. KPs are usually located inferiorly on the cornea in a triangular shape with the apex located superiorly. Convection currents in the anterior chamber cause the aqueous humor to rise along the warm dorsal iris, and fall along the cooler dorsal and central cornea creating its characteristic formation. It is important to note KPs because their presence is always indicative of active or previous uveitis. Figure 11.9 Lipoid aqueous is visible in the anterior chamber of this Miniature Schnauzer. The deposition of red and white blood cells within the anterior chamber are the most marked examples of blood–uveal barrier breakdown and are termed hyphema and hypopyon, respectively (Figure 11.10). In both instances, cellular components typically gravitate toward the ventral anterior chamber and settle in a homogeneous layer. If bleeding was initially extensive or is continuous, complete (i.e., total) hyphema with filling of the entire anterior chamber may occur. Layering in the hyphema may indicate rebleeding. Occasionally, iridal hemorrhage may be seen. Hypopyon rarely occupies more than a third of the anterior chamber and is easily missed because the ventral anterior chamber is often obscured by the third eyelid (Figure 11.11). Generally, hypopyon leaves the eye rapidly through the trabecular meshwork when treatment of the inflammatory processes is initiated and effective. Figure 11.10 Small KPs are visible on the ventral half of the corneal endothelium. Figure 11.11 Hypopyon is present in the ventral anterior chamber in this dog with lymphosarcoma. Cytological evaluation of aqueous humor, bacterial or fungal culture of the aqueous, vitreous aspirates, or a combination thereof may be beneficial in determining the cause of uveitis. Aqueous aspiration appears to yield useful and positive results, mainly in eyes with visible exudates or in animals suspected of having lymphosarcoma. Most commonly, aqueous aspiration yields nonspecific inflammatory cells. Because of the rarity of specific results and the exacerbation of existing uveitis, the procedure is not recommended in most cases. In patients with concurrent posterior uveal involvement, vitreous aspiration is more likely to yield positive results than aqueocentesis (see Chapter 13). Preiridal fibrovascular membranes (PIFMs) arise from the anterior border layer of the iris and develop secondary to chronic ocular disease such as uveitis, glaucoma, intraocular neoplasia, endophthalmitis, and retinal detachment. The clinical term for this condition is rubeosis iridis. Clinically, a haphazard array of very small vessels is seen on the iridal surface (Figure 11.12). PIFMs are always preceded by ocular disease, and their development can lead to hyphema because of the fragility of the vessel walls and to glaucoma because of membrane formation within and over the iridocorneal angle. In addition to rubeosis iridis, diffuse iris hyperpigmentation can occur with chronic anterior uveitis. This condition is more obvious in eyes with lightly pigmented irides and in cats. Figure 11.12 A PIFM is present on the surface of this iris. Because this iris was very lightly pigmented, the membrane can be seen as a fine meshwork of small vessels on the iris. The clinical term is rubeosis iridis. Areas of posterior synechia are also present. Decreased IOP is one of the earliest and most subtle indications of uveitis. Proposed mechanisms for decreased IOP include both decreased aqueous humor production with breakdown of the blood–aqueous barrier and increased uveoscleral flow mediated in part by PGs. IOP will vary depending on the duration and severity of uveitis. In acute or subacute uveitis, IOP is usually decreased for the previously mentioned reasons; in chronic uveitis, fibrosis or atrophy (or both) of the ciliary body may contribute to decreased secretory function with subsequent ocular hypotony. Marked ciliary body dysfunction and hypotony may result in phthisis bulbi. Secondary glaucoma is a common manifestation of severe or protracted uveitis. The causes of secondary glaucoma include obstruction of the angle by inflammatory debris, iris bombé that occurs with formation of annular posterior synechiae, extensive anterior peripheral synechia, and formation of PIFMs. An IOP of less than 10 mmHg is consistent with uveitis. Cataracts, especially anterior subcapsular cataracts, occur commonly with chronic anterior uveitis. They are thought to arise from inflammatory mediators in the aqueous humor interfering with normal lens metabolism. Lenticular changes are not specific and include epithelial metaplasia or posterior migration and liquefaction, degeneration, or necrosis of lens fibers. Posterior synechiae can also result in cataract formation. When the diagnosis of uveitis is made, an attempt should be made to identify the etiology. Some causes are readily apparent, such as when anterior uveitis occurs in conjunction with a hypermature cataract. Conversely, extensive diagnostic testing and evaluation frequently do not lead to a specific conclusion. A complete ophthalmic and physical examination is always indicated when a diagnosis of uveitis has been made. Physical examination should include evaluation of the skin, looking for depigmented areas or draining lesions, lymph node palpation, auscultation, and abdominal and possibly rectal (especially in intact male dogs) palpation. A complete blood count and serum panel is usually indicated. Selected titers are run based on the endemic diseases in the dog’s location and in areas where the dog may have traveled. Thoracic radiographs are also considered part of the minimal screening protocol when systemic disease is suspected. Radiographs are evaluated for evidence of metastatic or fungal diseases. Additional serological tests and diagnostics are indicated according to the clinician’s index of suspicion. Refer to the section on selected uveal diseases in this chapter as well as to Chapter 19 for further discussion. Topical anti‐inflammatory therapy should be instituted immediately after the diagnosis of anterior uveitis is made, even in those patients with suspected systemic disease. Topical therapy alone may suffice for mild anterior uveitis, but for severe anterior uveitis, posterior uveitis, and systemic disease, systemic therapy as dictated by the primary disease is also indicated (Table 11.2). Table 11.2 Recommended therapies for anterior uveitis in the dog. Corticosteroids are the primary therapy for the treatment of anterior uveitis (see Chapter 3). Corticosteroids inhibit phospholipase and the release of arachidonic acid. Treatment with topical corticosteroids can be initiated in all cases of uveitis pending diagnostics except in those cases with corneal ulceration. Prednisolone acetate, 1% suspension, is the most commonly prescribed ophthalmic corticosteroid because of its potency and availability. An initial application frequency of four to six times daily may be required with solutions, compared with three to four times daily as recommended for ointments. Subconjunctival corticosteroids may be administered in select cases as an adjunct to topical therapy, but they are not intended as a substitute. Triamcinolone acetonide and betamethasone are long‐acting steroids that may be used for subconjunctival injection. Risks include scleral perforation at the time of injection, granuloma formation, and extraocular muscle atrophy and paralysis. Systemic corticosteroid therapy or treatment with other systemic immunosuppressive drugs should not be initiated until diagnostics have been completed. Systemic infectious disease may require treatment with antibiotics or antifungal drugs. Systemic neoplasia may require treatment with chemotherapeutic agents. Systemic corticosteroids are contraindicated in most cases of infectious systemic disease. When systemic prednisone is indicated, a recommended initial dosage is 1–2 mg/kg/day in divided doses per os, followed by gradual reduction. Contraindications for the use of topical and systemic corticosteroids differ. In general, topical steroids should not be used on eyes with corneal ulceration because of the inhibition of corneal healing and possible potentiation of infection and collagenolysis. Systemic steroids can be used in dogs with simple, superficial, noninfected corneal ulcers; however, caution should be used and the corneal ulcer should be monitored frequently for deterioration and collagenolysis. Systemic corticosteroids should be avoided in diabetic dogs if possible, and though topical therapy may alter an animal’s glucose levels and subsequently its insulin requirements, the clinician must weigh the benefits against the risks. Therapy with either topical or systemic therapy is gradually reduced as the clinical signs of uveitis resolve and is then maintained at the lowest necessary dose. Many topical nonsteroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are available for ophthalmic use (see Chapter 3). NSAIDs prevent intraoperative miosis, control postoperative pain and inflammation after intraocular surgery, control symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis, and alleviate signs of uveitis. They can also assist the mydriatics in pupillary dilation (varies by country). Most NSAIDs inhibit PG‐mediated inflammation by interrupting the cyclooxygenase pathway. PGs generated via the cyclooxygenase pathway appear to have a greater effect on the blood–ocular barrier in the dog than do leukotrienes or sensory neuropeptides after anterior chamber paracentesis. Many ophthalmic NSAIDs are available and include indomethacin, flurbiprofen, suprofen, and diclofenac. A newer ophthalmic NSAID, bromfenac, is effective in human patients when dosed once daily, which is in difference to the other ophthalmic NSAIDs that are usually dosed q 6 h. Many other systemic NSAIDs are available, but their ocular effects have not been evaluated. Etodolac (EtoGesic; Fort Dodge Animal Health, Fort Dodge, IA) has been associated with the development of keratoconjunctivitis sicca and should be avoided. For years, aspirin and flunixin meglumine were the mainstays of systemic NSAID therapy; however, use of these drugs has been replaced with newer and safer systemic NSAIDs. Systemic NSAIDs are not used in conjunction with systemic corticosteroids because of the greater potential for gastrointestinal complications, and their use is contraindicated when hyphema or generalized bleeding tendencies are present. Immunosuppressive drugs such as azathioprine can be administered in cases of chronic uveitis that are deemed immune‐mediated and are unresponsive to conventional therapy. Frequent blood and platelet counts as well as liver enzyme determinations are recommended with this therapy because of potential hepatotoxic and myelosuppressive effects. One recommended initial dosage is 2 mg/kg/day for 3–5 days, followed by reduction to 1 mg/kg/day for 10 days, and then, if needed, 0.5 mg/kg/day as a maintenance dose. There are few indications for the use of topical antibiotics in the treatment of anterior uveitis both because the intraocular inflammation is rarely bacterial in origin and because the intraocular penetration of topically administered antibiotics would not be adequate for treatment of an intraocular infection without the concurrent use of systemic antibiotics. Topical antimicrobial therapy is primarily used to prevent bacterial infection of corneal ulcers that may be present concurrently with anterior uveitis (see Chapter 3). If ulceration occurs during topical steroid therapy, treatment with an ophthalmic antibiotic preparation should be initiated. Systemic antimicrobial therapy for uveitis may be indicated for treatment of specific systemic diseases or for prophylaxis against infection in the case of corneal perforation or intraocular surgery. The blood–aqueous barrier is normally impermeable to many antibiotics, but during active uveitis, the blood–aqueous barrier is compromised and drug permeability enhanced. Therefore, it is assumed that systemically administered antibiotics will reach the aqueous humor when trauma, infection, or ocular surgery dictates their use. Fortunately, bacterial uveitis is extremely rare in the dog. Parasympatholytic agents are important in therapy for uveitis (see Chapter 3). Atropine is the most efficacious ophthalmic parasympatholytic drug. The two major benefits of parasympatholytic drugs are mydriasis and cycloplegia. Dilating the pupil decreases contact between the iris and lens, thereby minimizing the likelihood of posterior synechiae formation. Dilating the pupil also decreases the possibility of occlusion of the pupil resulting in vision loss. Parasympatholytic agents paralyze the iris (i.e., iridoplegia) and ciliary body (i.e., cycloplegia) musculature. Intraocular pain is primarily derived from ciliary body muscle spasm. Atropine also stabilizes the blood–aqueous barrier by blocking the effect of acetylcholine, which dilates blood vessels. Atropine is contraindicated when IOPs are elevated, with the rare exception of early iris bombé, for which atropine may be beneficial in breaking posterior synechiae. Atropine ointment or solution is the most commonly used parasympatholytic agent and is given to effect (once mydriasis is achieved, daily dose can be reduced) with mild uveitis requiring therapy once or twice daily and more severe cases requiring more frequent application (e.g., four to six times daily) initially. The actively inflamed eye reacts much more slowly to atropine than does the normal eye, and the effects are shorter lived. If synechiae are present at examination, repeated drops of atropine may break them down. If the synechiae have been present longer than a few days, the continued application of atropine may break them down over several days. The addition of 10% phenylephrine may aid in breaking the synechiae. Side effects of frequent treatment with topical atropine may include decreased tear production in both eyes, tachycardia, decreased gut motility, and the potential to precipitate acute glaucoma (especially in the horse). While the decrease in tear production is statistically significant, the levels do not typically drop below normal. However, caution should be used in dogs with borderline tear production and in dogs with ulcerative keratitis. Tropicamide (0.5% and 1.0%) is a very weak parasympatholytic compared to atropine, but can be used as a substitute. It can be useful in treating cases of anterior uveitis in which the IOP is borderline high. Tropicamide can dilate the pupil just enough to prevent synechia and tends to alter the IOP less than atropine does. The following discussion summarizes selected diseases that are documented causes of uveitis in the dog. A complete ophthalmic and physical examination is necessary in all cases of uveitis. Many ophthalmic and systemic diseases can lead to uveitis, and results from ocular and physical examinations in conjunction with ancillary diagnostic tests are necessary to confirm or rule out etiologies. Referral to textbooks on internal medicine and infectious diseases are recommended for detailed discussions of specific disorders, diagnostics, and systemic treatment (also refer to Chapter 19). LIU is a common complication of cataract formation in the dog (also see Chapter 12). Historically, LIU was associated with hypermature cataracts, but studies using fluorophotometry, laser flaremetry, and applanation tonometry have shown that dogs with all stages of cataracts have evidence of at least subclinical uveitis. Most likely, small amounts of lens protein escape the normal lens and induce T‐cell tolerance. Increased immune system exposure to lens crystallins by lens trauma, spontaneous lens resorption, or cataract extraction may overwhelm this tolerance and induce an intraocular or systemic cell‐mediated and/or humoral immune response. Two distinct types of LIU are recognized in the dog. Phacolytic uveitis occurs in dogs with rapidly developing or hypermature cataracts in which soluble lens protein leaks through an intact lens capsule. This type of LIU is nongranulomatous and is characterized by mild lymphocytic–plasmacytic uveitis, not unlike that occurring with most idiopathic uveitides. The diagnosis of this type of LIU is presumptive, being made on the observation of cataracts and the absence of other ocular or systemic disease. Phacolytic LIU may develop more rapidly in young dogs after the onset of cataract. Long‐term success rates of cataract surgery in dogs with LIU may be lower than in dogs without LIU. LIU also needs to be treated in dogs that are not cataract surgical candidates because the uveitis is painful and treatment may delay the onset of secondary glaucoma. Granulomatous LIU also occurs in dogs with an intact lens capsule but usually occurs in older dogs with rapidly progressing cataracts, especially Miniature Schnauzers, or long‐standing cataracts. These eyes have severe uveitis, often with large KPs, and are less responsive to therapy. The other type of LIU in dogs is phacoclastic uveitis that occurs after lens capsule rupture, which causes sudden exposure of intact lens protein in large amounts sufficient to overwhelm the normal low‐dose T‐cell tolerance to lens proteins. There may be a history of recent ocular trauma; however, lens penetration is rarely suspected. Clinically, there is evidence of corneal penetration, varying degrees of anterior uveitis, and exudate or hemorrhage in the anterior chamber. Usually, the corneal wound has sealed and the anterior chamber has reformed. Lensectomy using phacoemulsification is the ideal therapy for lens rupture in the dog. One study showed that the average number of days to referral in cases amenable to surgery was 3 versus 10 in dogs that were not considered surgical candidates. Medical therapy was not successful in dogs with ruptured lenses, and most of those eyes developed phthisis bulbi or required enucleation because of progressive anterior uveitis and secondary glaucoma. Anterior Uveitis Secondary to Corneal and Scleral Disease Anterior uveitis occurs commonly secondary to corneal ulceration. Miosis is the most common clinical sign of anterior uveitis seen in dogs with corneal ulceration, but decreased IOP and aqueous flare are also seen. Non‐necrotizing scleritis in dogs is relatively common and does not typically involve the anterior and posterior segments of the eye. Necrotizing scleritis, however, may cause anterior uveitis, vitritis, subretinal masses, tapetal degeneration, hemorrhage, and edema. Therapy with immunosuppressive dosages of prednisone and azathioprine is indicated but may not be effective in the low term. UDS, or Vogt–Koyanagi–Harada (VKH)‐like syndrome, is a disease of dogs that causes anterior uveitis, chorioretinitis, poliosis, and vitiligo. The syndrome in dogs was initially termed VKH‐like syndrome because of similarities to a disease in humans known as VKH syndrome, but the term UDS has also been adopted to further separate the disease in dogs from that in humans because of the absence of neurological signs in dogs. The disease was first reported in Japan in 1977. The pathogenesis of UDS is not completely understood. VKH syndrome in humans is an autoimmune disease directed against melanocytes and is mainly mediated by cellular immune responses. Experimentally, Akita dogs have been immunized with tyrosinase‐related protein, an enzyme involved in melanin formation that is expressed specifically in melanocytes. The Akitas developed some clinical and histological signs consistent with UDS, supporting the similarities between the canine and human diseases. UDS appears to affect primarily young adult dogs; the mean age from two reports was three years. UDS also appears to occur more frequently in the Akita, Samoyed, Siberian Husky, and Shetland Sheepdog than in other breeds, but many other breeds can be affected. Ocular findings include bilateral progressive anterior uveitis or panuveitis, iris or choroidal depigmentation, bullous retinal detachment, and blindness. Cataract, extensive posterior synechiae, iris bombé, and secondary glaucoma with buphthalmos occur with chronicity in a high percentage of affected dogs. Dermatological changes usually follow the development of ocular disease, and include vitiligo of the facial mucocutaneous junctions, nasal planum, scrotum, and footpads; however, generalized vitiligo may occur (Figure 11.13). Poliosis may be confined to the facial region or be generalized. Alopecia occurs inconsistently. General physical examination on affected dogs is normal, excluding the dermal and ocular changes. Routine laboratory parameters are normal. Immune function tests and titers for multiple infectious diseases have been negative. Histopathologically, the primary ocular change is a granulomatous panuveitis with prominent perivascular lymphoid aggregates and melanophages. Retinal detachment, destruction of the retinal pigmented epitheliae, subretinal neovascularization, choroidal scarring, and signs consistent with secondary glaucoma are also seen frequently. Immunosuppressive drugs are the mainstay of therapy. Standard therapy for anterior uveitis with topical steroids and atropine (if the IOP is not elevated) is initiated. Oral prednisone at immunosuppressive doses is also used. Subconjunctival injections of steroids, such as methylprednisolone, are used by some clinicians. Generally, there is a relatively rapid response to therapy. Unfortunately, many dogs have recurrence of clinical signs if the dose of oral prednisone is decreased but have the undesirable side effects of weight gain, polyuria, and polydipsia if they are continued. Therefore, other immunosuppressive drugs, such as azothioprine, are often combined with corticosteroids in the long‐term management of UDS. Figure 11.13 This black Labrador Retriever has UDS with generalized poliosis. Disseminated mycotic infections with ocular involvement are relatively common among dogs living in endemic areas. Even though mycotic infections typically involve multiple body systems, ocular disease is often the reason for presentation. Common systemic mycoses include blastomycosis, coccidioidomycosis, histoplasmosis, and cryptococcosis (Table 11.3). Less frequently occurring infections are aspergillosis and candidiasis. Inhalation is believed to be the primary route of infection for all the major systemic mycoses, with later hematogenous spread to the eye. Direct animal‐to‐animal or animal‐to‐human infection is rare. Ocular involvement may be unilateral or bilateral, and infections of the paranasal sinus, orbit, and optic nerve may affect the eye secondarily. The diagnosis is made on the basis of concurrent clinical signs, which vary between mycotic organisms; identification of organisms in ocular or other tissue aspirates; or the results of fungal culture, histopathological examination, or various serological tests.The preferred systemic therapy for each type of mycosis varies. Eyes that are potentially visual should be treated topically with corticosteroids and atropine if hypotensive or normotensive, but a painful, blind eye is best enucleated Intraocular nematodiasis is reported infrequently in domestic animals. Ocular nematodiasis includes two distinct conditions: ocular filariasis and ocular larva migrans (OLM). Ocular filariasis due to aberrant migration of immature Dirofilaria immitis occurs in dogs and humans. The condition occurs in dogs with and without concurrent microfilaremia. Uveitis and mild to severe corneal opacity are the predominant signs. Uveitis is commonly attributed to direct mechanical trauma or reaction to metabolic waste products of the parasite. Typically, one 5–10‐cm filaria is seen undulating in the anterior chamber; it may migrate freely between the anterior and posterior chambers and vitreous. Light stimulation may increase motility of the filaria and, subsequently, discomfort to the patient. The prognosis is favorable with anti‐inflammatory therapy and manual removal of the filaria. Angiostrongylus vasorum, a metastrongylid nematode that infects the pulmonary artery and right ventricle, has also been found in the anterior chamber of dogs. This parasite is primarily found in Europe. OLM generally refers to aberrant ocular migration of Toxocara spp.; Toxocara canis is suspected to be the most commonly involved. Toxocara canis is of public health significance because the nematode causes OLM and visceral larval migrans in children. In dogs and humans, OLM resulting from Toxocara spp. is characterized by inflammation primarily of the retina and vitreous. Ophthalmoscopy reveals areas of hyperreflectivity, hyperpigmentation, and vascular attenuation. Onchocerciasis primarily causes pea‐ to bean‐sized masses in the conjunctiva, nictitans, and sclera. However, it may also cause anterior and posterior uveitis, periorbital swelling, exophthalmos, conjunctival congestion, protrusion of nictitating membranes, granuloma formation, and localized corneal edema. Histopathologically, a pyogranulomatous or granulomatous reaction with eosinophils is associated with the adult worms. There is debate as to whether the organism is Onchocerca lienalis or Onchocerca lupi. Surgical removal may be curative, but medical therapy is often needed as well to clear the dog of all parasites. Postoperative medical therapy includes prednisolone 0.5 mg/kg p.o. b.i.d. for at least three to four weeks and doxycycline 5 mg/kg p.o. b.i.d. for at least six to eight weeks. Additionally, 2.5 mg/kg of melarsomine is given i.m. twice within 24 h one week after surgery, followed by ivermectin 50 μg/kg s.c. and melarsomine one month after surgery. Table 11.3 Diagnosis and treatment of the systemic mycoses and anterior uveitis in the dog. Ophthalmomyiasis refers to aberrant ocular migration of fly larvae, most commonly of the order Diptera, but also the sheep nasal botfly (Oestrus ovis) and the cattle warble (Hypoderma bovis). Both intraocular and extraocular diseases occur in domestic animals, but the intraocular disease OIP has been reported most often in dogs, cats, and humans. As the name implies, OIP is primarily a disease of the posterior segment. The characteristic lesion has roadmap‐like subretinal tracts that may be active or inactive. Active disease may be associated with uveitis, retinal detachment, and hemorrhage. The larva may be visible in active infections; larvae have been identified in the anterior segment with concurrent uveitis. Increased numbers of migratory tracts in the retina may be visualized daily in active infections. Organophosphates may be administered in an attempt to kill the larva, but a dead larva may exacerbate inflammation. The larva may also spontaneously depart from the globe. Visceral leishmaniasis is most commonly caused by the flagellate organism Leishmania infantum. The disease is endemic along the Mediterranean shore and in parts of East Africa, India, and Central and South America, but it also rarely occurs in North America, especially in foxhounds. Domestic and wild members of Canidae serve as reservoir hosts, and the intermediate host is the sandfly (Phlebotomus spp). Ocular findings include blepharitis, keratoconjunctivitis, uveitis, retinitis, and endophthalmitis. Ocular disease may be the only clinical sign in some dogs. The anterior segment is usually more severely involved than the posterior segment. Additional signs include lymphadenopathy, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, renal failure, anemia, thrombocytopenia, and varying dermatological conditions. Treatment usually consists of pentavalent antimonials and/or allopurinol. However, the organisms are rarely completely eliminated, the clinical response to therapy is variable, and relapses are common. Toxoplasma gondii is a protozoan‐obligate intracellular parasite that affects most warm‐blooded animals. The cat is considered the only definitive host and is therefore integral to transmission of the disease. Dogs may be infected via congenital transmission or by ingesting sporulated oocysts from cat excreta, ingesting tissue cysts in infected meats, or ingesting a transport host. Infection is usually subclinical, but clinical signs may include neuromuscular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, or ocular disease. Ocular toxoplasmosis has been reported infrequently in dogs; when it is present, anterior uveitis, retinochoroiditis, and vitritis are seen. Diagnosis of ocular toxoplasmosis is by clinical signs, serological testing, and histopathological examination. Serological evaluation is beneficial but does not always correlate with clinical disease, as some subclinically affected dogs may have high antibody titers. A test that distinguishes IgM and IgG antibodies is necessary, and convalescent titers should be run. Granulomatous or nongranulomatous inflammation is possible. Clindamycin is the drug of choice for treating toxoplasmosis. Neospora caninum was diagnosed in four litters of puppies from one owner. The most common clinical sign was hindlimb paralysis. Others had generalized encephalomyelitis. Trypanosoma evansi may cause corneal opacities, conjunctivitis, and anterior uveitis in dogs. Therapy with subconjunctival steroids and intramuscular diminazene aceturate leads to corneal clearing and restoration of vision in affected dogs. Ehrlichia canis is an obligate intracellular parasite transmitted by the brown dog tick, Rhipicephalus sanguineus. Pronounced clinical and laboratory abnormalities often occur with E. canis infections (canine monocytic ehrlichiosis) and include fever, lymphadenopathy, anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, monoclonal or polyclonal gammopathy, neurological signs, and generalized bleeding tendencies. Ocular signs are common, and dogs may have ocular signs with no other apparent clinical signs. Ocular signs are most commonly bilateral and may occur in both the acute and chronic forms of natural or experimentally induced E. canis infections. Anterior uveitis and exudative retinal detachment are reported to be the most common ophthalmic signs. Other signs include conjunctivitis, conjunctival or iridal petechiations, corneal opacity, corneal ulceration, necrotic scleritis, low tear production, orbital cellulitis, panuveitis often with hyphema, diffuse retinitis or vasculitis, retinal hemorrhage, papilledema, and optic neuritis. The ocular hemorrhage associated with ehrlichiosis is thought to be related to thrombocytopenia, platelet dysfunction, and/or hyperviscosity. Diagnosis is made on the basis of clinical signs, hematological abnormalities, and serological testing. Multiple intracytoplasmic subunits of E. canis (i.e., morulae) may be seen within monocytes. Serological diagnosis is by indirect immunofluorescence antibody (IFA) testing. Doxycycline and several other antibiotics are commonly used for systemic therapy. Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) is an acute infectious disease caused by Rickettsia rickettsii and transmitted by ticks of the Dermacentor spp. Vasculitis is the primary lesion caused initially by direct infection of the vascular endothelium and perithelial smooth muscle, and later by immunological phenomena. It is postulated that an Arthus‐type reaction may be involved. Common clinical signs include fever, neurological dysfunction, polyarthritis, thrombocytopenia, nonregenerative anemia, and ocular disease. Ocular lesions are commonly observed in dogs with serologically confirmed RMSF. Anterior segment findings include subconjunctival hemorrhage, iris stromal petechiations, anterior uveitis, and hyphema. Posterior segment findings include retinitis characterized by perivasculitis, focal areas of edema, and petechiation. Because ocular disease may be confined to the retina, ophthalmoscopy should always be done in dogs with suspected RMSF. Generally, the ophthalmic lesions are mild with RMSF. Doxycycline, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, enrofloxacin, and trovafloxacin are all effective systemic therapies. Infectious canine hepatitis (ICH) is caused by the canine adenovirus‐1 (CAV‐1). Natural infection is most common in unvaccinated dogs less than one year of age, in which the disease may be fatal. The virus replicates in reticuloendothelial, hepatic parenchymal, and vascular endothelial cells. Clinical findings may include fever, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal tenderness, hepatitis or hepatic necrosis, hemorrhagic diathesis, tonsillar enlargement, pneumonia, glomerulonephritis, and CNS and ocular disease. Nongranulomatous anterior uveitis and secondary corneal edema (so‐called blue eye) are reported in approximately 20% of dogs recovering from natural ICH. This keratouveitis may be the only abnormality in otherwise subclinically affected dogs. Persistent corneal edema, secondary glaucoma, and phthisis bulbi are possible sequelae of severe keratouveitis. Keratouveitis occurs as a postvaccinal reaction in approximately 0.4% of dogs that receive the CAV‐1 vaccine. An increased susceptibility of the Afghan hound to postvaccinal keratouveitis has been suggested. The CAV‐2 vaccine is thought to cause ocular disease only when experimentally injected into the anterior chamber. However, anecdotal accounts exist of rare keratouveitis following subcutaneous administration of CAV‐2 vaccines. Therapy for dogs suffering from systemic disease with ICH is primarily supportive. Anti‐inflammatory therapy of keratouveitis in dogs recovering from natural ICH infection or suffering postvaccinal reaction is debatable, since some consider the keratouveitis self‐limiting. Corticosteroid therapy may be contraindicated and has been implicated in prolongation of corneal lesions and even blindness in dogs suffering postvaccinal reactions. However, the potential for severe sequelae without therapy may be sufficient justification to treat affected eyes. Brucella canis is an aerobic, Gram‐negative coccobacillus that can survive in mononuclear cells. Infection is by penetration of the organisms through mucous membranes of the oropharynx, genital tract, and conjunctiva. The concentration of the organism is highest in semen and vaginal discharge in infected dogs. Abortion and infertility are common clinical signs that occur in breeding dogs, but neutered dogs may also be affected. Ocular signs occur in ~14% of dogs with brucellosis. The more common ocular findings include endophthalmitis, chronic uveitis, hyphema, and chorioretinitis. Diagnosis is made using the slide agglutination test in combination with the agar gel immunodiffusion assay (AGID) or by positive culture. Antimicrobial therapy is complicated and must be continued in the long term because of the intracellular nature of the organism, but successful treatment has been reported. Leptospirosis is caused by a spirochete, a filamentous bacterium belonging to the genus Leptospira, which includes many species and serovars. Leptospira organisms are most commonly transmitted through urine. Vasculitis and endotheliitis involving the kidneys, liver, spleen, muscles, CNS, and eyes occur. Ocular lesions are infrequently seen but may include anterior uveitis. The leptospira organisms may be cultured from the aqueous humor of some dogs. Prototheca zopfii and Prototheca wickerhamii are algae that lack chlorophyll and are known pathogens in dogs and other animals. The primary clinical sign is usually hemorrhagic diarrhea; however, dogs may present with blindness as the initial sign. Neurological signs may also occur, and ocular signs may include anterior uveitis, secondary glaucoma, chorioretinitis, and retinal detachment. Cytology or culture of vitreal aspirates may be diagnostic. Prototheca sp. are extracellular, round to oval organisms with thin, unstained walls. Larger cells may contain endospores. Therapy with itraconazole has been attempted but has been unsuccessful in the long term. Dogs with hyperlipidemia resulting from elevations in either cholesterol or triglycerides may have associated ocular abnormalities. Lipid‐laden aqueous humor was discussed briefly in the “Uveal Inflammation” section as occasionally occurring with anterior uveitis (see Figure 11.9). Lipoproteins of dogs range in size from 50 to 350 Å in diameter. However, the iridal vascular endothelium and nonpigmented ciliary body epithelium normally prevent particles greater than 40 Å from entering the aqueous humor. Breakdown of the blood–aqueous barrier (i.e., anterior uveitis) concurrent with hyperlipidemia can result in lipid‐laden aqueous. Additional ocular manifestations of hyperlipidemia may include lipid engorgement of retinal vasculature and infiltration of the perilimbal cornea, conditions referred to as lipemia retinalis and corneal lipidosis (or arcus lipoides corneae), respectively. Lipid‐laden aqueous and lipemia retinalis are likely to resolve with resolution of the primary disorder. Uveal cysts are usually considered to be benign; however, reports describing an association with cysts and glaucoma in both the Golden Retriever and the Great Dane have emerged. A syndrome that occurs primarily in Golden Retrievers in the United States has been referred to as both pigmentary uveitis and pigmentary and cystic glaucoma. Pigment dispersion on the anterior lens capsule in a radial orientation is the most frequently observed early clinical sign (Figures 11.14 and 11.15). Other clinical signs include uveal cysts, spiderweb‐like fibrinous debris in the anterior chamber, cataracts, and posterior synechiae. Secondary glaucoma occurs within in a few months in the majority of eyes, and this disease is usually bilateral. Figure 11.14 This Golden Retriever had multifocal iris cysts caudal to the iris and one anterior to the iris, which is part of the breed‐related pigmentary and cystic glaucoma syndrome. The syndrome in Great Danes may not be identical to that in the Golden Retrievers. Consistent findings in Great Danes with ciliary body cysts include multiple cysts in the anterior and posterior chambers and glaucoma. The cysts are variable in size, very poorly pigmented, and usually transparent. The entire posterior chamber is filled with cysts that may push the iris forward. Solid intraocular xanthogranulomas were identified in four globes from three older Miniature Schnauzers that all had a history of diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, and bilaterally severe uveitis with glaucoma that was believed to be lens‐induced. Grossly, all globes were filled with a heterogeneous tan mass. Monoclonal gammopathy associated with lymphoproliferative disorders may result in HVS. HVS causes clinical signs referable to multiple organ systems, including the cardiac, renal, hemostatic, ocular, and central nervous systems. In the dog, HVS associated with increased serum concentrations of IgG, IgM, and IgA is reported. HVS secondary to polycythemia vera has also been reported. Anterior segment findings include conjunctival hyperemia, corneal edema, hyphema, and secondary glaucoma, all of which are likely related to concurrent anterior uveitis. Posterior segment may include retinal vascular dilatation, tortuosity, microaneurysms, retinal hemorrhage, retinal detachment, chorioretinitis, and papilledema. Figure 11.15 The Golden Retriever has multiple iris cysts caudual to the iris and one anterior to the iris, which is part of the breed‐related pigmentary and cystic glaucoma syndrome. Multiple clinical abnormalities have been described in dogs with sulfonamide hypersensitivity. General signs include fever, arthropathy, blood dyscrasias, glomerulonephropathy, hepatopathy, skin eruption, retinitis, and keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Uveitis may also occur alone or secondary to intraocular bleeding from thrombocytopenia. Ocular trauma may result in clinical signs that vary from mild miosis to disruption of the cornea or sclera. Often, blunt trauma manifests with flare, fibrin or hyphema, corneal edema, or iridial dialysis, but rarely hypopyon. With sharp trauma or extremely severe blunt trauma, fibrin, hemorrhage, uveal prolapse, and perforation of the cornea or sclera can be seen. Uveal prolapse occurs with globe rupture because the sudden decompression of the anterior chamber with aqueous outflow forces the iris into the wound; plugging it. Intraocular hemorrhage may be in the form of hyphema, iridal stromal hemorrhage, or hemorrhage around the equator of the lens or in the vitreous. In all cases of trauma, careful examination with necessary additional diagnostics should be done to determine the extent of ocular and periocular damage. Cases of acute ocular trauma must be handled on an emergency basis. When a dog is presented with ocular trauma, the dog should be restrained or sedated as needed to facilitate an ocular examination. If possible, the clinician should determine whether a laceration or rupture of the globe is present. Assessment of the extent of globe laceration or rupture is not always easy, but it is important as a prognostic indicator. If the globe is ruptured, further examination to assess the degree of rupture and foreign body examination should be delayed until the animal has been anesthetized (Box 11.2). Following a thorough ocular examination, additional diagnostics may be required. Radiography of the skull, including oblique views of the orbit or orbits, will confirm or rule out the presence of fractures and establish whether gunshot injury is involved. B‐scan ultrasonography is specifically indicated when the normally transparent ocular media are opaque. Integrity of the lens and posterior sclera as well as the position of the lens and retina can generally be determined with B‐scan ultrasonography. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be beneficial in assessing trauma, especially when intraocular foreign bodies (IOFBs) are suspected. Care should be taken with MRI because metallic foreign bodies can incite additional damage. Intense pressure exerted on the globe during blunt trauma may result in vector forces reflecting off the posterior sclera and transferring anteriorly, causing a blowout rupture of the perilimbal cornea or anterior sclera. Some causes of blunt injuries are impacts by golf balls and baseball bats; commonly, the owner is not aware that the dog is in such close proximity when the accident occurs.
Canine Anterior Uvea: Diseases and Surgery
Developmental Conditions
Heterochromia Iridis
Iridal Changes Associated with Merling
Persistent Pupillary Membranes
Peter’s Anomaly
Aniridia and Iris Hypoplasia
Other Congenital Pupillary Abnormalities
Miscellaneous Congenital Abnormalities
Degenerative Iridal Changes
Senile Iris Atrophy
Secondary Iris Atrophy
Uveal Cyst
Uveal Cyst Removal
Uveal Inflammation
Etiopathogenesis of Uveitis
General Uveal Inflammatory Responses
Chemical Mediators of Inflammation
Clinical Manifestations and Diagnosis
Anterior uveitis
Posterior uveitis
Additional adverse sequelae
Aqueous flare
Vitreous opacity
Deep corneal vascularization
Fibrin in anterior chamber
Decreased vision
Ectropion uvea
Keratic precipitates
Chorioretinal granulomas
Iris atrophy
Retinal detachment
Rubeosis iridis (or PIFM)
Retinal hemorrhage
Secluded pupil and iris bombé
Choroidal effusion
Secondary glaucoma
Decreased IOP
Optic neuritis
Ciliary flush
Lens luxation
Corneal edema
Iris color change (usually darker)
Phthisis bulbi
Iris swelling
Posterior synechiae
Decreased vision
Conjunctival hyperemia
Systemic Evaluation
Therapy for Anterior Uveitis
1% Prednisolone or dexamethasone
4–6× daily
Suppress uveal inflammation; decrease aqueous flare
Systemic (parenteral/p.o.)
0.5–1.0 mg/kg
q 12 h
Avoid with the mycosis and corneal ulcers. Caution or avoid with diabetes mellitus
Triamcinolone acetonide, methylprednisolone, betamethasone, or dexamethasone
5–10 mg
Avoid at potential surgical sites
Nonsteroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs
Indomethacin, flurbiprofen, suprofen, or diclofenac
2–4× daily
2 mg/kg orally
Hepatotoxicity has been recognized, particularly in the Labrador Retriever
Initial dosage is 2 mg/kg/day for 3–5 days, then taper based on response
Frequent blood and platelet counts as well as liver enzyme determinations because of potential hepatotoxic and myelosuppressive effects of this drug
Broad spectrum
Often combined with corticosteroids
Amoxicillin, trimethoprim/sulfadiazine, cephalosporin, and chloramphenicol
Chosen based on antibacterial activity and ability to penetrate blood–aqueous barrier
Atropine (1%)
2–6× daily
Dilate and provide pupil mobility to decrease posterior synechiae Decrease “ocular” pain. Stabilize the blood–aqueous barrier Contraindicated by elevated IOPs Side effects with atropine include decreased tear production by both eyes
Scopolamine (0.3%)/phenylephrine (10%)
To effect
Very strong mydriatic combination to break fibrous adhesions and dilate pupils that are unresponsive to atropine
Anti‐inflammatory Agents
Immunosuppressive Agents
Antimicrobial Agents
Uveal Manifestations of Selected Diseases
Lens‐Induced Uveitis
Uveodermatologic Syndrome
Mycoses‐Associated Uveitis
Parasitic Diseases
Ocular Nematodiasis
Uvea affected
Blastomyces dermatitidis
Vitreous aspirates
Serological tests: agar gel immunodiffusion specificity 90% Cross‐reactivity with H. capsulatum
Itraconazole (5 mg/kg) orally twice a day for the first 2 weeks, followed by once‐a‐day administration
Parenteral amphotericin B somewhat effective; potential renal toxicity
Ketoconazole (can also combine with amphotericin) 10–30 mg/kg/day p.o.
Coccidioides immitis
Mainly posterior
Serology diagnosis: tube precipitin (IgM antibody levels); IgM both appears and disappears early
Complement fixation (IgG antibody), which persists longer. Titer of ≥1:8 is considered to be suspicious; titer of ≥1:16 or greater, disseminated disease
Oral ketoconazole at a dosage of 10 mg/kg two times a day
Cryptococcus neoformans
Mainly posterior
Identification or culture organism in ocular or cerebrospinal fluid fluid; latex agglutination test
Systemic amphotericin B and flucytosine; efficacy unknown
Histoplasma capsulatum
Mainly posterior
Cytological identification or culture organism Serology problematic, but complement fixation used
Amphotericin and ketoconazole
Protozoal Diseases
Other Protozoal Diseases
Rickettsial Diseases
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
Viral Diseases
Infectious Canine Hepatitis
Bacterial Disease
Algal Disease
Pigmentary and Cystic Glaucoma (Pigmentary Uveitis)
Solid Intraocular Xanthogranuloma in Miniature Schnauzer Dogs
Hyperviscosity Syndrome
Sulfonamide Hypersensitivity
Uveal Trauma
Emergency Management of Acute Ocular Trauma
Ancillary Diagnostic Procedures
Treatment of Blunt Injuries

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