
Chapter 2 Birds

Case 2.1


Avian mycobacteriosis is an uncommonly reported disease of ratites, although reports in other avian species are widespread.

M. avium is an opportunistic pathogen in birds and mammals, including humans. It can cause disease in most, if not all, avian species and is characterized by its chronic nature, its persistence in a flock once established, and its tendency to cause wasting and finally death. It can be found in soil, feed and water, particularly where faecal contamination by infected birds can occur, and it can persist in soil for several years. On an ostrich farm, contamination of soil and water could be expected to be due to infected ostriches or wild birds, or by mechanical transmission on clothing, vehicles and equipment.

Infection is believed to be due to ingestion and, as ostriches are noted for their soil-eating behaviour, it is likely that this was the source of infection in this case. The disease is primarily gastrointestinal in presentation; lymphatic drainage of the gastrointestinal tract then spreads the infection to other organs in the body, especially the liver.

Although M. avium can be associated with disease in humans – an Australian study showed that, between mid-1985 and late 1988, 17.3% of people with AIDS had concomitant M. avium infections – birds are not thought to be the direct source of infection. Rather, it is the contamination of food and water that is thought to lead to human infection. Nevertheless, the zoonotic potential of this disease is present and owners of infected birds should be advised of this.

In the poultry industry, avian mycobacteriosis is not considered to be a major production threat because of the early slaughter age for chickens. In ostriches, however, where the slaughter age is much older (8–12 months), it is possible that mycobacterial infection in a flock could pose a threat to production.

Ante-mortem diagnosis of avian mycobacteriosis is difficult. Intradermal tuberculin sensitivity testing is not considered reliable in an individual bird and, in fact, a strong response could indicate a highly resistant bird rather than an infected bird. The potential use of intradermal testing may be to determine if a flock, rather than an individual, is infected with mycobacteria. Its use in ostriches has yet to be fully evaluated.

Case 2.2

Clinical examination

On presentation, the bird was thin with marked loss of pectoral muscle condition and pale mucous membranes. Parasitology crop swabs for wet preparation and faecal samples for direct smear and flotation were performed. Survey radiographs were taken while the bird was under anaesthesia (Fig. 2.2a, b). Blood samples were collected for haematology analysis. Endoscopy examination of the caudal thoracic air sacs and upper digestive tract and trachea was also performed.


Treatment for malaria comprises giving chloroquine at a dose of 25 mg/kg PO and 1.3 mg/kg primaquine PO initially. Twelve hours after the initial combination, 15 mg/kg chloroquine is given and 24 hours after the initial combination dose 15 mg/kg PO of chloroquine is repeated; 48 hours after the initial combination dose the final 15 mg/kg chloroquine is given.

The profound anaemia of this bird should also be addressed. Homologous blood transfusions have been shown to be beneficial for birds with severe anaemia (PCV <20%) and are feasible where there is a donor bird of the same species available. The haemoglobin-based oxygen carrier, Oxyglobin (Biopure, USA) is becoming more widely used in avian medicine. This product is indicated during resuscitation when increased oxygen delivery to the tissues is desired. Intravenous colloids with replacement fluids (isotonic crystalloids) are indicated if neither Oxyglobin nor a homologous blood transfusion are possible.

If the disease is diagnosed in the early stages, aspergillosis can be successfully treated with oral itraconazole or voriconazole and nebulization with amphotericin B or F10 (Table 2.4). One caution in such a profoundly anaemic bird would be to deal with the malaria first because sometimes the azole antifungal agents can cause anorexia, particularly in debilitated birds.

Table 2.4 Dosage protocols of some antifungal agents in birds

Drug Route Dose
Itraconazole PO Treatment or prevention – 20 mg/kg q24h or 10–15 mg/kg q12h for 30–60 days
Voriconazole PO 12.5 mg/kg q12h for 30–60 days

Supportive therapy including fluids (IV, SC, IO), tube feeding, antibiotics, antiemetic drugs, immune stimulants and vitamin A supplementation should be given according to the needs of the case. Vitamin B complex and iron injection are both recommended initially for anaemic birds.


One criticism of the workup in this case was the diagnostic workup that involved a lengthy anaesthesia to enable radiography and endoscopy examinations. However, in this case, the radiographic findings resulted in the endoscopy investigation to establish the cause of the radiographic lesions. The blood findings were only apparent some hours later when the results were released from the laboratory.

In general, the pathogenicity of blood parasites in most birds of prey is relatively low, but Plasmodium spp. has been linked with deaths in gyr falcons and snowy owls.

Plasmodium spp. use mosquitoes as vectors. Plasmodium spp. has been reported in free-living African fish eagles in Africa. In a dual aspergillosis–malaria infection such as this case, it is possible that the bird developed aspergillosis as a result of the stress of being shipped between countries and may have precipitated the recrudescence of the Plasmodium infection.

One important consideration hampers the diagnostic procedure for malaria. Stress resulting from manual restraint to collect blood samples has caused death in gyr falcons with malaria. Isoflurane anaesthesia of the patient to minimize stress before diagnostic sampling and treatment is recommended.

In countries where there is a high prevalence of malaria, prevention is important. Prevention is based on two approaches. First, vector exclusion through mosquito control and prophylactic treatment. Prophylactic treatment consists of a once weekly single treatment with chloroquine–primaquine combination commencing 1 month before and finishing 1 month after the mosquito season.

Prophylactic itraconazole is recommended for captive-held birds undergoing a change in management to reduce the chances of mycotic pneumonia occurring, especially high risk species and during times of stress such as transportation between countries.

Case 2.3

Case 2.4

Case 2.5

Further reading

Cooper J.E. Miscellaneous and emerging diseases. In Birds of Prey: Health and Disease, third ed., Oxford: Blackwell Publishing; 2002:200–201.

Forbes N.A. Raptor medicine. Seminars in Avian and Exotic Pet Medicine. 2000;9:197–203.

Forbes N.A., Cooper J.E., Higgins R.J. Neoplasm of birds of prey. In: Lumeij J.T., Remple J.D., Redig P.T. Raptor Biomedicine III. Lake Worth, FL: Zoological Education Network; 2000:127–146.

Garner R.R. Overview of tumors: section II – a retrospective study of case submissions to a specialty diagnostic service. In: Harrison G.J., Lightfoot T. Clinical Avian Medicine. Palm Beach: Spix Publishing, Inc; 2006:5665–5671.

Latimer S.K. Oncology. In: Ritchie B.W., Harrison G.J., Harrison L.R. Avian Medicine: Principle and Application. Lake Worth: Wingers Publishing, Inc; 1994:640–672.

Lightfoot T.L. Overview of tumors: section I – clinical avian neoplasia and oncology. In: Harrison G.J., Lightfoot T. Clinical Avian Medicine. Palm Beach: Spix Publishing, Inc; 2006:560–565.

Raynor P.L., Kollias G.V., Krook L. Periosseous xanthogranulomatosis in a fledgling great horned owl (Bubo virginianus. J. Avian Med. Surg.. 1999;13(4):269–274.

Rettenmund C., Sladky K.K., Rodriguez D. Pulmonary carcinoma in a great horned owl (Bubo virginianus. J. Zoo Wildl. Med.. 2010;41(1):77–82.

Ridgway R.L. Oral xanthoma in a budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus): a case report. Vet. Med. Small Anim. Clin.. 1977;72(2):266–267.

Schmidt R.E., Reavill D.R., Phalen D.N. Pathology of Pet and Aviary Birds. Ames: Blackwell Publishing; 2008.

Case 2.6

Clinical diagnosis laboratory examination

Blood samples were collected for haematology, blood chemistry and plasma protein electrophoresis analyses. A faecal sample was collected to examine for the presence of endoparasites.

The results of the clinical diagnosis laboratory assays are shown in Tables 2.102.12.

Table 2.11 Blood chemistry values of the gyr falcon

Analysis Results Reference values
Albumin (g/l) 12.4 11.8 (1.7)
ALKP (U/l) 97.54
Amylase (U/l) 60.1 86 (116)
Bile acids (μmol/l) 460
Bilirubin (μmol/l) 17.44 4.6 (1.7)
Calcium (mmol/l) 2.13 2.3 (0.27)
Cholesterol (mmol/l) 2.15 5.44 (1.03)
Creatinine (μmol/l) 116.69 38 (14)
CK (U/l) 1066.4
GGT (U/l) 5.73
AST (U/l) 418.4 149 (110)
ALT (U/l) 221.6 135 (125)
Glucose (mmol/l) 16.21 20.4 (1.7)
Iron (μmol/l) 12.27
LDH (U/l) 7335.5 1917 (879)
Phosphorus (mmol/l) 1.70 1.52 (0.40)
Total protein (g/l) 32.0 25.0 (8.7)
Total urea (mmol/l) 1.73 3.6 (2.2)
Uric acid (μmol/l) 1225 370 (170)

Table 2.12 Plasma protein electrophoresis of the gyr falcon

Parameters Fractions (%) Concentrations (g/l)
Total protein   32.0
Albumin 12.7 4.06
Alpha 1 globulins 8.0 2.56
Alpha 2 globulins 22.0 7.04
Beta globulins 36.0 11.52
Gamma globulins 21.3 6.82
A:G ratio   0.15

Aug 21, 2016 | Posted by in EXOTIC, WILD, ZOO | Comments Off on Birds

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