Behavioral Assessment in the African Green Monkey After MPTP Administration

Bipedal lookout

Standing on legs with hands not touching the floor and gazing outside of cage. Legs may be standing on perch or other object, and hands may be resting against the cage

Cage pick

Manual exploration or manipulation of any part of the cage. Eating (if food is clearly apparent or can be reliably inferred) is not scored as cage pick. Observers should note that monkeys almost always appear to introduce something into their mouths after grooming and cage picking, but this should not be scored as eating unless it is clearly food


Alternating mandibular-maxillary apposition without previous introduction of food or objects into mouth. May occur with or without audible grinding of the teeth. Yawns, grooms, cage picks, and facial threat gestures are excluded and should be scored as those behaviors if their defined criteria are met


Contact between mouth and drinking spout. It is not necessary that you see the monkey swallowing the water


Actively gathering, manipulating, introducing into the mouth, chewing, and swallowing of food. This includes holding of food in the hands or feet, but must include some element of activity. For example, a monkey might freeze while holding food in its hands, or it might have visible food in its cheek pouches which would not score as eating because there is no activity present

Eyes closed

Motionless (as defined below) with eyelids closed for 5 s, or motionless for 5 s in the traditional sleep posture-sitting hunched over with head down. Scored with priority over motionless, per 5-s duration (Since each count of eyes closed must also meet the definition of motionless, score only eyes closed, not both behaviors)


Lying down with ventral or lateral surface of trunk and abdomen in contact with the cage floor or perch. Scored once per 5-s duration


Remaining motionless for 5-s duration, excluding eyelid movement or blinks. Some very small eye movement can be tolerated, but if monkey actively changes its field of vision that will break the motionless/freeze. A minimal period of 5 s must occur before any motionless would be scored in the next interval. For example, 8 full seconds of motionless would receive a score of 0 (5 s to meet criteria and only 3 s in the second period, not meeting criteria). 12 s would receive a score of 1 (5 s initial criteria, 5-s duration  =  1 count, and 2 s in the third period, not meeting criteria)


Any rubbing or manipulation of the genital area which does not meet the criteria for self-grooming. Penile erection is not necessary for a male for this to be scored

Penile erection

Protrusion or raising of the penis. This should be scored if the glans of the penis is fully visible, even if not fully protruded or erect


Rapid and repeated rubbing of any body part with fingers, hand, or foot. This behavior is distinguished from self-grooming


Gentle manipulation of the monkey’s own hair or skin with hands or mouth, usually accompanied by introduction of particles into the mouth


Pacing or walking about the cage. Must be on all 4 feet and must take at least two steps for the behavior to be scored. The behavior is scored a maximum of 1 count per 5-s interval during which it occurs

Tail flag

While standing or walking, scored if any part of the tail passes forward of the plane which is perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the monkey and passing through the point at the base of the tail

Threaten outside

Prolonged stare at observer or monkeys in other cages usually accompanied by head bobbing, raising of eyebrows, flattening of ears, or a “square-mouth” face

Vertical climb

Any locomotion on sides or top of the cage in which the monkey’s feet do not touch the cage floor or perch, scored in frequency per 5-min period. A monkey may score shift, while on a perch, but vertical climb only when going or coming from the floor to the perch


Any pharyngeal or laryngeal sounds


Repeated similar or identical patterns of movement with any part of the body which do not fit any other definition, or which are repetitions of behaviors which are scored and recognized. Examples, head movements back and forth, repeated pacing, etc. If the specific movements fit usual definitions, they should also be scored – for example, shift


Abnormal uncontrolled movements of body torso, head, neck, arms, or legs. Often has a writhing quality or is particularly uncontrolled. Tremor is excluded and should be scored separately


Abnormal posturing that appears to be caused by abnormal contractions of muscles. Different from dyskinesia that involves movements

a  Extended operational definitions. Individual observed behaviors score 1 or 0 per 5 s or per 5-s duration

Table 2
Rated and scored behavioral measures: behaviors scored at end of observation period after behavioral challengea

Food response

Speed with which animal reaches for, handles, and eats segment of banana or other highly prized fruits (scored from 0 to 5, normal response scores 0, no response scores 5)

Delayed movement

Degree to which motor movement appears to be delayed although eventually carried out by the monkey (scored 0  =  no delay to 5 severe inhibition). If a monkey is unable to move at all, he should be scored 5

Difficulty eating

Physical difficulty in handling, biting, chewing, or swallowing food or liquids (scored 0–5). If he cannot accomplish every aspect of feeding himself, he should be scored 5, i.e., he has sufficient difficulty in eating that he would die without an intervention, he should get the highest rating


General condition of grooming and appearance (scored 0 for normal to 5 very abnormal). This is not a measure of “blank” faces seen in Parkinson’s patients

Poverty of movement

Slowness, decreased complexity, and small quantity of movement (scored from 0 absent to 5 severe)

Threat response

Motor, facial, and vocal responses to postural and vocal threats from humans (scored 0 normal to 5 absent response)

Head tremor

Oscillating movement of head at rest or during “voluntary” movement (scored 0–5 as follows: 0  =  absent; 1  =  fine tremor, as defined, seen intermittently, or under special situations; 2  =  fine tremor seen more often; 3  =  larger amplitude tremor seen occasionally or fine tremor seen most of the time; 4  =  constant fine tremor or large amplitude tremor most of the time; 5  =  large amplitude tremor seen almost constantly)

Limb tremor

Oscillating movement of any limbs at rest or during “voluntary” movement (scored 0 absent to 5 severe, as defined for head tremor)

Effect of “intention”

Tremor observed and scored either decreases (negative value from 0 to 5) or increases (positive value from 0 to 5) with “voluntary” movements


Any abnormal or unusual movement of face, lips, tongue, head, or limbs, besides tremor as defined (scored 0 absent to 5 severe and persistent). If such movements are identified during any observation session, an effort should be made to videotape them for later more definitive identification

Spontaneous freeze

Interruption of an on-going motor movement pattern of any type, which lasts at least 5 s (scored 0 absent to 5 severe, as defined for head tremor.) Some movement must occur for this to be scored

Left  <  right

If any of the above rated behaviors affect one side of the body more than the other, this item should be scored to indicate the most affected side. 0 indicates no lateralization. Scores may range from −5 (unilateral symptoms on the left only) to +5 (unilateral symptoms on the right)


Manifested by rapid head and eye movements back and forth and hyper-responsiveness to stimuli such as noises or movements in the environment. Score 0 (none) to 5 (extreme) for the entire observation period

a  A behavioral challenge involves a presentation of food and vigorous postural and vocal threat from humans; these items are to be scored based upon the entire period of observation including the special challenges which occur at the end of the session

Table 3
Rated and scored behavioral measures: behavior summaries from factor analysesa


The sum of the following individual scores, as defined: head tremor, limb tremor, appearance, freeze/motionless/5, difficulty eating, delayed initiation of movement, poverty of movement, response to threat, facedown


Head tremor, limb tremor


Yawn, chew, scratch, self-groom, penile erection


Shift, tail flag, bipedal lookout, vertical climb


Eyes closed and freeze

Quiet OK

Self-groom, cage pick, eating, drinking


Arousal, anxiety, quiet okay

a  These behaviors are derived by summing the primary behaviors scored

2.3 Original Factor Analysis

Rather than assuming which behaviors represented specific internal behavioral states, we used factor analysis to determine whether groups of behaviors clustered together and whether such factors might provide a more empirical method of assessing the behavioral state of the animal. The principal component factor analysis (32) identified five factors that accounted for approximately 50% of the standardized variance. In a series of experiments, we identified and validated these factors under a number of conditions and constructed the factor scores by summing the individual items. The items included in each of the factors are shown in Table 4. This factor analysis was in agreement with previous summary factors that were based on a small number of MPTP-treated monkeys (6). The derivation of the factor scores that we have used in many studies was thoroughly described, along with extensive information about the MPTP model in African green monkeys, by Taylor et al. (33).

Table 4
Behavioral item loading for each of five factors at 1–4 months after MPTP


Factor 1

Factor 2

Factor 3

Factor 4

Factor 5





















































































































































































% Variance






Components identified and summed for each factor score are underlined based upon the prior factor analysis, and were used also to analyze data in this chapter. The loadings shown are from the repeated factor analysis of the new 1 month data presented here. Differences from the prior analysis are shown in italics if an item showed a significantly different loading or was not included in the summary factor. Whether a behavior was included in the summary factors was also influenced by experimental conditions to test the factors, for example, did the behaviors and factor for anxiety move appropriately in response to fear stimuli

A factor score provides broader measurement of the underlying behavioral state than an individual item would do. For example, early after MPTP, a monkey might show tremor that disappears as it becomes more frozen (and in fact incapacitated). Plotting tremor alone, however, might make it appear that the animal had improved. Making sure that items are properly weighted is another goal of a useful behavioral assessment. One would want an animal that is unable to walk to have a higher score of parkinsonism than one that has a combination of less incapacitating signs. In a group of experimentally exposed animals, there are advantages if scores on a scale or measurement are distributed across a broad range rather than be clustered together if there is real variability.

Factor 1 identified behaviors that were increased after MPTP administration, with high positive correlations (0.6–0.9), and accounting for 23% of the variance. Based on these behaviors, we created our Parkinson’s score or Parkscore, which includes difficulty eating, facedown, motionless/freeze, head and limb tremor, abnormal response to threat, poverty of movement, delayed initiation of movement, poor appearance, abnormal response to food presentation. Although all other behaviors were summed to make up the score, we gave freeze a diminished weight (divided by 5, since it is a part of a subject’s normal behavioral repertoire). It should be noted that this normal behavior, remaining motionless for at least 5 s, is different from spontaneous freezing, which was not identified as part of the factor.

The behaviors with negative loading in factor 1 were the behaviors that had high loadings in factors 2, 3, and 5. These were also identified by their appropriate responsiveness to conditions of anxiety, arousal, or quiet normal behaviors, so were named anxiety, arousal, and quiet OK behavior. To represent a significant proportion of nonpathological behaviors exhibited by the monkeys, we summed these three to form a super-factor, Healthy Behavior.

2.4 Variability Assessed by Quintiles of 1 Month Outcome

In those early experiments, we showed the effects of MPTP on these behaviors, noting, as expected that MPTP increases Parkscore and decreases Healthy Behavior (33). We noticed considerable variability in response to the same doses of MPTP, as well as recovery that appeared greater in mildly affected monkeys. To study this, the monkeys were divided into quintiles based upon their Parkscore at 1 month after MPTP. A wide range of outcomes was apparent, from one-fifth that were essentially asymptomatic to one-fifth that were severely incapacitated and unable to ambulate. Based upon the individual signs being expressed in each of these quintiles, this severity classification corresponds remarkably well to the 5-point Hoehn and Yahr clinical rating scale (34). Severity Group 0 included all of the untreated animals, as well as several of the MPTP-treated animals that remained asymptomatic. They had the lowest Parkscores, and the highest Healthy Behavior scores. The highest quintile animals were severely impaired, and had the highest scores of facedown (largely could not walk, similar to the highest rank of Hoehn and Yahr). Along with the highest Parkscores, they had the lowest Healthy Behavior scores. Being in the highest quintile, the month after treatment largely predicted whether the subject died or was sacrificed prior to the end of the experiment (χ 2(4)  =  27.54, p  <  0.01). Fifty percent of subjects in category 4 (severe) and 25% in category 3 (moderate) died or were sacrificed for humane reasons within 4 months of MPTP treatment despite constant nursing care and medical treatments (33). No deaths occurred in the other severity categories.

Factors 2, 3, and 5 represent all of the other behavioral states that can be identified by this particular very comprehensive set of behavioral categories and ratings. Not surprisingly, there is an inverse correlation between increasing Parkscore and the sum of these other non-Parkinson’s factors (Healthy Behavior). As might be expected, Healthy Behavior is not selective for parkinsonism and can be reduced by sedative and tranquilizing drugs or by other physical illnesses, such as pneumonia. Nonetheless, this measure might be useful and is similar, for monkey behavior, to the “activities of daily living” component of the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) (35). Comprehensive assessment of other behavioral activities of monkeys is missing from many of the clinical scales applied to monkeys (29). A final advantage of the Parkscore factor is that a single outcome variable in a therapeutic experiment eliminates the need for multiple independent statistical analyses that make it difficult to predict expected probabilities.

2.5 Assessing the Required Behavioral Sample Size

We also studied other methodological questions that would affect reliability and reproducibility of the data. We determined how behaviors of the animals varied during a 24-h period by doing observations during each 2-h period every day. We also studied how much time was necessary for each observation period to give a reasonable sample of the behavior. We found, not surprisingly, that animals’ behavioral activities are different throughout the 24-h period (36). The duration of the observation necessary for a reliable sample depended upon the behaviors of interest. If you were interested in a short duration and infrequent behavior, a much ­longer observation period would be required. Parkinsonism, although somewhat variable, is fairly stable over time, so that a shorter sample of behavior, repeated over a week, will give a reasonably reliable estimate of parkinsonian disability. Just as adding “cost” factors to sample size calculations, the labor costs of doing observations need to be considered and adjusted to what is otherwise known about experimental interventions that are being evaluated. A cell transplant, even if successful, is likely to take a matter of weeks or months to improve behavior, whereas an intravenous injection of a dopamine agonist would have to be evaluated over the time course of its pharmacokinetics and physiological activity.

For our standard observations, two 5-min observation periods using this scale were made of each animal each day, by an observer seated in plain view in front of the cage, and repeated 2–5 times per week. These observations were done at a rotating time within a 2-h period between 9:30 and 11:30 a.m., so that they would be distributed throughout that period (some animals not always observed at one time and others at another time). This particular period was chosen by analysis of data from four different 2-h periods during the day. This particular period was statistically not different from any of the other three periods for any behavior, with the exception of chew, which differed between the first period (after feeding) and the last period of the day (33). We found that behavioral changes in the animals in response to the observers, after some preliminary conditioning, returned to normal 5 min after the rater was seated. The monkeys seem to have learned that seated humans are unlikely to do them any harm. No behaviors were formally rated again on any monkey after the “challenges” until later in the observation schedule on that day. There were usually multiple observers, each observing one monkey at a time, but their sequence of sitting, observing, and “challenging” was synchronized by the tape recorder timing signal.

2.6 Controlling for Observer Bias

Another important consideration in the use of ratings, which involve some subjective judgments, is that the ratings be done without knowledge of the experimental manipulations. We have attempted to do this, but it requires the use of control vehicle injections and surgeries. Some outcomes are obvious and will “unblind” the observers of those animals. Inter-rater reliability is also a challenge and is achieved by weekly inter-rater reliability tests (Kendall’s concordance at >95%), with discussion of differences to maintain consistency and to prevent experimental drift. In addition, in preliminary data analyses, observer differences were analyzed by ANOVA, and all observations from any observers that were significant outliers from the other observers were dropped from the dataset (this is not a problem with very large datasets, but might be with smaller ones and few observers).

Since the Taylor et al. (33) chapter in 1994, we have accumulated a significant amount of data on many monkeys treated for a variety of experiments. This earlier chapter remains a comprehensive description of the MPTP model, the management of the animals, and the side effects and medical complications, which I have not attempted to repeat. In the present chapter, I will illustrate the behavioral methods by re-examining some of the key questions with a substantially larger dataset, which covers a longer period of time, more monkeys, and may answer some long-standing questions about the MPTP model.

3 Illustrative Use of the Methods with New Unpublished Data

3.1 Description of Animals and MPTP Treatments

All monkeys studied were male African green monkeys (Chlorocebus sabaeus), weighing from 5 to 8 kg at the beginning of the experiments. Note that these animals from St. Kitts, West Indies, have had several official taxonomic name changes during the course of our studies and are designated in various reports as Cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus, Chlorocebus aethiops sabaeus, and other variations, all being exactly the same type of monkey. The animals were given free access to water and fed standard daily rations of Harland Teklad monkey chow (20% protein and without isoniazide or other drugs or contaminants), and were hand fed or tube fed if necessary to ensure minimal nutrition and fluid requirements. They were sometimes given supplemental fresh tropical fruits, such as banana, soursop, starfruit, and guava. They were held in roofed enclosures in standard primate squeeze cages exposed to natural daylight at 17° North latitude with natural breezes and ambient temperatures. Care and treatment was in accordance with the US Public Health Service Guide for the Care and Use of Animals (37). All of the relevant protocols were approved by the institutional review committees. Antiparkinsonian drugs were not administered so as to avoid confounding results, except for l-DOPA administration to determine its effects on the model. Although most of the animals went on to participate in experiments for potential anti-Parkinson’s treatments, only baseline or pre-MPTP exposure data were included in the present analyses.

MPTP was administered intramuscularly over a 5-day period in most of the monkeys, with the total dose divided into five treatments. Four doses were administered at approximately 4 p.m., the following 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., the next 8 a.m. The fourth day was skipped, and the fifth dose administered at 8 a.m. on the fifth day. When an animal showed a significant early toxic effect, the fifth dose was skipped. The monkeys included in these analyses, however, all received either a total of 2 or 2.25 mg/kg. Some animals were re-dosed with various small repeated doses over a period of months, but these animals were analyzed separately to evaluate these different injection schedules.

3.2 Data Collection and Statistical Analyses

Behavioral data were collected by trained observers as described earlier and in detail by Taylor et al. (33). Regular inter-rater reliability testing was done, with discussion to minimize and reconcile differences and to prevent observer drift. These data were entered into a computer at the observation site from paper data recording sheets, which were then checked for accuracy. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Analysis System. After the assumptions for the use of parametric tests were confirmed (normality and lack of heteroscedasticity), the effects of observers, individual differences between monkeys, and repeated measures over time, dose response to l-DOPA were made using analysis of variance (38). Data from any observers that were significantly different from the other observers were dropped from the dataset. Post hoc tests, after ANOVA, used Student–Newman–Keuls test (at p  <  0.05) (38). Linear regressions were determined using PROC GLM from SAS (32). Approximately 33,000 observations entered into the different analyses.

3.3 How Does MPTP Treatment Change Motor and Behavioral Function?

Two hundred and eighteen monkeys were studied during a baseline period of 30–90 days before treatment and then the month following MPTP administration. From their normal baseline state, the monkeys became progressively parkinsonian during the first month. After some acute reactions during treatment, such as occasional vomiting, monkeys became progressively slower in their motor movements, showed decreased normal behaviors and activities, ate and drank less, and then developed more characteristic signs of parkinsonism such as bradykinesia, incoordination, delayed initiation of movement, freezing, and muscle rigidity, tremor with intention and at rest, and difficulties with ambulation and eating and swallowing.

3.4 Behavioral Differences 1 Month After MPTP Administration

Every scored and rated behavior changed during the first month. The Parkscore changed from a baseline of 0.97–29.47 during the first month (F  =  305, df  =  1, 6910, p  <  0.0001). There were significant differences between monkeys, however (F  =  13.41, df  =  217, p  <  0.0001). Conversely, normal behaviors, as measured by Healthy Behavior, were significantly reduced from 21 during baseline to 4.55 in month 1 (F  =  1515, df  =  1, 6886, p  <  0.0001), also with significant differences among monkeys (F  =  9.29, df  =  217, 6886, p  <  0.0001). The components which contributed to the Parkscore are shown in Fig. 1. Every item changed (p  <  0.0001, for all except vocalize, which was p  <  0.0004). Parkinsonian behaviors increased, and other normal activities decreased. Effects of MPTP administration on the individual non-Parkinson’s behaviors were detailed previously (33).


Fig.  1.
Individual behavioral components of the factor sum score, Parkscore, are shown at 1 month after MPTP. The standard error of the means is plotted, but is so small that they are almost invisible. All of these behaviors changed significantly in the first month as determined by analysis of variance. Parkscore would equal the sum of those behaviors, except freeze divided by 5.

3.5 New Factor Analysis and Loading of Behaviors

Since factor analyses are sometimes dependent upon the specific sample of data, the same type of factor analysis was run again on these newer data. The five principal factors were replicated, and the component individual behaviors are shown in Table 4. Many of the loadings, which are shown from the new analysis, are almost identical to the previous analysis (see Table II in Taylor et al. (33)), but some of the parkinsonian behaviors show higher loadings, consistent with the fact that, as a whole, the monkeys in this sample were more severe. There was more variability in the nonparkinsonian behaviors, probably because this dataset included more data from animals with significant parkinsonism. There were no monkeys in the present data that had not received MPTP (normal monkeys), but there were extensive baseline/normative data from the same monkeys prior to MPTP administration.

3.6 Response Variability in Response to MPTP

We repeated the same approach described by Taylor et al. (33) initially to examine the degree of variability. The animals were categorized into five severity scores (0, 1, 2, 3, and 4) by rank of Parkscore at 1 month. It was apparent from this analysis that some animals showed much greater sensitivity to MPTP, becoming more parkinsonian more rapidly in the same fashion. Approximately 44 monkeys were in each severity group. Group 0 had values of Parkscore from 0.45 to 7.3. Since there were no normal controls in this dataset, all of these monkeys were treated at least with 2.0 mg/kg of MPTP, and some with more. The next groups had Parkscore ranges as follows: Group 1, from 7.3 to 14.3; Group 2, from 14.3 to 26.4; Group 3, from 27 to 60.6; and Group 4, from 60.7 to 98.3. The animals that became more parkinsonian in the first month were also more likely to die from some complication of the disease. To determine the impact of severity on the rate of progression or possible recovery, we analyzed these animals during the first 4 months after MPTP treatment, computing slopes by each severity grouping for each month. Groups 0, 1, and 2 remained fairly flat, with some suggestion of increases after 3 months. Based on their classifications of severity after MPTP, none of the monkeys in these severity groups were different during the baseline period, although some significant slopes in opposite directions were identified (see Fig. 2). After MPTP, Groups 0, 1, 3, and 4 showed highly significant increasing slopes in the first month, and Groups 3 and 4 showed significant decreasing slopes of Healthy Behavior at that time. Of course, mean values of Parkscore during the month ranked perfectly with severity classification (since the groupings were based on these 1 month data). Thereafter, both Parkscore and Healthy Behavior remained stable (no significant increasing slopes for Parkscore or evidence of recovery from decreasing slopes). The only exception was Group 3 in the fourth month, which showed an increasing slope for Parkscore (p  <  0.003) and decreasing Healthy Behavior (p  <  0.03). Group 4 animals showed the steepest increases in the first month and remained highly parkinsonian during this time period, although, as with initial sensitivity to MPTP, there were some individuals that did better. The Healthy Behavior scores were always inverted, with the highest scores in Groups 0 and 1. The numbers of observations per period analyzed ranged from 1,015 in the baseline to 160 in one of the groups in month 4. Because the number of animals was not constant over the period, the slopes were analyzed independently for each month so that more severe monkeys that died in a previous month would not affect the slopes in the next month, although these could have influenced changes in the mean scores. From these data, the previous report, that severity ranking in the first month would predict the outcome, continued to be true for this time period, although with significantly larger numbers of animals there are clearly some exceptions. In addition, 4 months is clearly not long enough to assume that there is no recovery, as we have learned.

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Jul 18, 2016 | Posted by in EXOTIC, WILD, ZOO | Comments Off on Behavioral Assessment in the African Green Monkey After MPTP Administration

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