Basic Equipment for Microsurgical Experiment

Fig. 2.1
Basic set of instruments

Medical scissors (a) and surgical tweezers (b) can serve for laparotomy preparation, a needle holder for abdomen closing (c) as well as a pair of small tissue forceps (d). For the tissue dissection/preparation, a pair of 11–12 cm long microsurgical tweezers with straight and angled tip (e, f, g) can be used. For vascular clamping, vascular clamps (m, n) some of them are placed on the vessel using special tweezers (h) can be used. For preparation, dissection, cutting of the tissue and suturing, use various types of the micro scissors with length with sharp or blunt tips (i, j).

Precise suturing is possible with atraumatic stitches inserted using a micro-needle holder (k, l) in combination with straight micro forceps. Sterile cotton Q-tips are an invaluable tool for the gentle manipulation of tissue (o). Sterile gauze squares are used for draping of the surgical field and for moisture cover of abdominal organs. Special triangles can be used for blood removal in case of bleeding (q). Some sterile beakers are useful for warming saline (x; 37° C) before being used for moistening of tissues. The flushing of vessels can be performed using fine metal cannula made from an injection needle by brushing of the tip.

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Sep 17, 2016 | Posted by in SUGERY, ORTHOPEDICS & ANESTHESIA | Comments Off on Basic Equipment for Microsurgical Experiment

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