CHAPTER 3 The arthropod groups featured in this chapter are those that have more than six legs as adults: the Arachnida with eight and the Crustacea with even more. Apart from scorpions and venomous spiders, the eight-legged creatures of veterinary interest are all ticks or mites. These belong to a zoological group known variously as the ‘Acarina’ or ‘Acari’ (see Figure 2.1). This explains why drugs used to combat ticks and mites are called ‘acaricides’. Ticks are blood-sucking ectoparasites of worldwide veterinary significance. Although some are found in dry habitats, ticks are particularly important in warmer, wetter regions where they can be a serious constraint on agricultural production if not adequately controlled. Ticks have no obvious body segmentation (see Figure 3.1). Adult females engorged with blood resemble beans with projecting legs and mouthparts (see Figure 3.2). They vary in size according to species, life-cycle phase and stage of engorgement, but unfed adult females are typically some 0.5 cm in length. Figure 3.1 Adult tick feeding (an unengorged female Ixodes). Reproduced with permission of Bayer plc. Figure 3.2 Ticks (Boophilus microplus) in various stages of development and engorgement feeding around the eye of a bovine (Bos indicus). Reproduced with permission of C.C. Constantinoiu. Tick genera fall into two categories: The scutum covers the whole dorsal surface of the male ixodid tick (see Figure 3.3). It is, however, restricted to a small area immediately behind the mouthparts in females. This arrangement leaves her body free to swell grotesquely as she feeds. Ixodid ticks are said to be ‘ornate’ if their scutum has coloured patches (and ‘inornate’ if they do not). In some cases, the posterior margin of the body is sculpted by a series of notches to form ‘festoons’. Some genera have eyes at the side of the scutum. On the ventral aspect of the body, grooves around the anus and genital opening are sometimes useful for purposes of identification. Figure 3.3 Ixodid (hard) tick – from left: dorsal view of male; ventral view; dorsal view of female (legs shown in full only on left side of first drawing). Redrawn from MAFF 1986 with permission © Crown copyright 1986. Soft ticks have a wrinkled leathery body (see Figure 3.4) which does not distend to any great degree when they feed. Figure 3.4 Argasid (soft) tick – from left: dorsal, ventral and side views. Redrawn from MAFF 1986 with permission © Crown copyright 1986. The deleterious effects of ticks on their host are all associated directly or indirectly with their feeding activity. Each stage in the ixodid life-cycle takes a single blood meal over a period of several days. The volume taken is relatively small except in the case of the adult female, those of some species imbibing 300 times their own body-weight. Even after surplus water has been pumped back into the host as saliva, she is typically 2–3 times her unfed size. This large meal provides the protein needed for the production of a single clutch of between 2000 and 20 000 eggs. In contrast, argasid ticks take multiple small feeds and excess water is expelled through a gland behind the first pair of legs. The female argasid produces a small batch of eggs after each meal. The tick feeding apparatus has the following components (see Figure 3.5): Figure 3.5 Tick mouthparts. Redrawn after various sources. After the hypostome has been inserted into the skin (see Figure 3.6), most tick species secrete a fluid which hardens to form a cement cone. A dorsal groove along the hypostome permits an alternating flow of tick saliva in one direction and host blood and tissue fluids in the other. Initially, the feeding process is slow but it culminates in a phase of rapid engorgement. The cement liquefies when feeding is complete allowing the tick to detach. Figure 3.6 Section through a larval tick feeding on a cow. Reproduced with permission of C.C. Constantinoiu. Hard ticks have three developmental stages: larva, nymph and adult. Apart from size and sexual maturity, they are similar except that the larva has six legs and no spiracles. When not on the host, most are hidden in the debris that collects at the base of thick vegetation. This provides the humid microclimate essential for their survival, as well as protection from predators. Ticks tend to have very specific environmental requirements and these determine the geographical distribution and seasonal abundance of each species. In temperate and cold climates, tick development is halted during winter. In warmer climates, no break occurs if year-round rainfall maintains a favourable microclimate. If rainfall is seasonal, tick activity will be governed by plant transpiration rates and their effect on relative humidity within the vegetation mat. When ticks seek a host, they climb to the top of nearby foliage. A motionless posture is adopted with the front legs, which carry sensitive sensory organs, testing the air for chemical signals that might indicate the proximity of a potential host. This ensures they are ready to scramble onto a passing animal as soon as it comes in contact. This behaviour is called ‘questing’. Ixodid species are categorised as three-, two- or one-host ticks, depending on the number of animals used by an individual tick of that species during its life-cycle. Note that this refers to the number of host individuals each tick feeds on – not the number of host species involved. The three-host life-cycle is the most common (see Figure 3.7): Figure 3.7 Life-cycle of a three-host tick (Ixodes): a/b – engorged female lays eggs on ground; c/d – larva feeds on first host and moults on ground; e/f – nymph feeds on second host and moults on ground; g – adult ticks feed on third host (details in text which uses same lettering as shown above). The life-cycle of a two-host tick is similar to that described above, except that the fed larva remains on its first host where it moults to the nymphal stage and feeds again. It now falls to the ground to moult and become a host-seeking adult. Thus, during the course of its life-span, it feeds on two animals: the larva and nymph on one and the adult on another. As will probably be obvious by now, the larva of a one-host tick seeks a host and remains on this same individual through both moults until eventually dropping off as a fully engorged adult. All ticks spend considerably more time on the ground than on an animal. The duration of the life-cycle depends on the climate. It may be completed within a single wet season in the tropics but often takes three or more years in temperate or colder regions. The generation time of one- and two-host ticks is generally shorter than that of three-host ticks as the skin provides constant warmth and humidity for those life-cycle stages that develop on the host. Soft ticks undergo one larval and several nymphal stages before moulting to become an adult. They take small feeds from many animals, as and when the opportunity arises. They can survive long periods between meals. Mating takes place on the ground. They are more drought-tolerant than hard ticks and are generally found in drier environments, often close to their host’s lair, pen or nest. Most species are active mainly at night. The size of the tick lesion depends on the depth of the bite and the array of biologically active substances injected into the host. Some genera, such as Rhipicephalus, attach superficially while others, like Amblyomma, penetrate deeply into the dermis. Typically, the cement that has been secreted becomes surrounded by a zone of oedema, inflammatory cell infiltration and epithelial hyperplasia. Extra information box 3.1 The damaging effects caused by ticks can be summarised as: Extra information box 3.2 Ticks are very efficient vectors of disease. Reasons for this include: There are two mechanisms involved in the transmission of pathogens by ticks: Pathogens that congregate or multiply in the tick salivary gland may be released at particular points in the feeding cycle. For example, Borrelia (the bacterial agent of Lyme disease) is transmitted from 48 hrs after attachment, whereas Theileria (a protozoan parasite) does not appear in tick saliva before the 5th day of feeding. Whole textbooks have been devoted to ticks and tick-borne diseases. There are numerous tick species, each with its own particular local significance and biological attributes. The scope of this text allows no more than a few examples to illustrate the complexity and significance of this group. Most ixodid ticks of veterinary importance belong to genera listed in Table 3.1. Identification to species level requires expertise, but the features outlined in the table (which are easiest to see in males or unfed females) may give a clue to the probable genus. Table 3.1 Some important ixodid ticks B = bacterial; BC = basis capituli; P = protozoal; R = rickettsial; V = viral. 1 Now regarded as a subgenus of Rhipicephalus. Minor genera include Haemaphysalis, which transmits a nonpathogenic Babesia species of cattle, and Hyalomma. In veterinary practice, the latter is most often seen on tortoises recently-imported from the wild. Ixodes species are mostly found in temperate or cooler climates. The most widely distributed member of the genus is I. ricinus, which acts as vector for a number of life-threatening protozoal and microbial diseases, including babesiosis and Lyme disease. Other species are more localised such as I. scapularis (also known as I. dammini) and I. pacificus which transmit Lyme disease in eastern and western parts of the USA, respectively. I. canisuga has a narrower host range and is associated with dog kennels and foxes in Europe. I. holocyclus seems relatively innocuous when feeding on its natural host, the Australian bandicoot, but its saliva is capable of paralysing or even killing a dog, calf or foal. I. ricinus will feed on any vertebrate host. The immature stages tend to favour smaller creatures (e.g. rodents) while adults prefer larger animals such as sheep, cattle and dogs. It is a three-host tick with a life-cycle extending over 2–7 years depending on weather conditions and availability of hosts. Host-seeking activity is seasonal, peaking in the spring, but where warmer summer temperatures accelerate off-host development, there may be an additional autumnal rise, particularly in the number of questing nymphs. Well-managed pastures do not provide the microclimate needed for off-host survival and so infestation is generally associated with rough grazing, moorland, hedgerows and woodland. Lyme disease is a trans-stadial tick-borne bacterial condition caused by the spirochaete, Borrelia burgdorferi. It induces acute lameness in dogs and is characterised in humans by a fever followed by erythema and arthritis. In eastern USA, immature stages of the vector, I. scapularis, feed on small mammals, which are the reservoir for B. burgdorferi infection, and adult ticks mainly on deer. Canine and human disease is therefore seen most often in wooded suburbs or where leisure pursuits take people into environments with large deer populations. This one-host tick is the scourge of cattle production in many hot, humid climates. It is a vector for babesiosis (see Section 4.8.1) and anaplasmosis (a rickettsial infection producing debilitating anaemia, jaundice and abortion). In the wet tropics, these diseases curtail the use of highly productive European breeds, which have to be cross-bred with, or replaced by, tick-resistant Bos indicus-type or other indigenous cattle (see Section 8.2.4). The main Boophilius species are B. annulatus, which has a widespread distribution, although mostly eradicated from the USA, and B. microplus in Australia, South Africa and Latin America. They spend about three weeks on the host and the generation time can be as little as two months, so large numbers of host-seeking ticks can build up on pastures during the wet season. Of the several species of Rhipicephalus infesting livestock in sub-Saharan Africa, R. appendiculatus is particularly devastating. It congregates in the ears of cattle and other animals, where it can do substantial damage (see Figure 3.8), often exacerbated by secondary infection and myiasis. Toxins in its saliva can provoke general malaise (‘tick toxicosis’). If that were not enough, R. appendiculatus is the principle vector of East Coast Fever (theileriosis – see Section 4.8.2) and several other microbial diseases. Figure 3.8 Rhipicephalus feeding on ear. Reproduced with permission of I. Morrison. This is the brown dog tick. Adults are usually found between the toes or in the ears, while larvae and nymphs are often on the back of the neck. R. sanguineus transmits canine babesiosis and ehrlichiosis (a rickettsial infection) and can sometimes cause paralysis. Although primarily a canine parasite, it can also feed on other animals and humans. It has a very widespread distribution but is generally absent from cooler regions (including the UK). It is well adapted for living inside buildings and, if introduced from an endemic area, can establish in heated quarantine kennels or houses in climates otherwise too cold for its development. Amblyomma is perhaps the most attractive of the ticks as the scutum is highly ornate. The long mouthparts, however, penetrate deeply causing a painful wound prone to secondary infection. Most species infest a range of mammals, including cattle, preferring the head, ears and neck. They are of greatest significance in Africa, where they transmit rickettsial diseases such as heartwater and Q fever. One species, A. americanum, is widespread in the USA. It is known as the Lone Star Tick as the female has a large white spot on the scutum (see Figure 3.9). Amongst the diseases it transmits are Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tularaemia. It is a three-host tick with a three year life-cycle. Like I. ricinus, its immature stages tend to feed on smaller host species and adults on larger hosts, such as farm livestock, horses and deer. Figure 3.9 Amblyomma americanum (unfed adult female): note the white spot on the scutum and the festoons around the posterior margin of the body. Reproduced with permission of R.C. Krecek and L. Wadsworth. Species of Dermacentor important in the USA include: the Rocky Mountain wood tick, D. andersoni, which parasitizes cattle and other herbivores in the Northwest, the American dog tick, D. variabilis, which is mostly found on the eastern side of the country, and D. nitens, the tropical horse tick, found in Central America and neighbouring areas. In southern Europe and parts of Africa, D. reticulatus plays a similar role in transmitting a long list of protozoal and rickettsial diseases in cattle, horses and dogs. The American species are the principal vectors of Rocky Mountain spotted fever and can sometimes produce paralysis, particularly in calves. There are only three argasid genera commonly affecting domesticated animals: Argas, Ornithodorus and Otobius (see Table 3.2). Table 3.2 Some important argasid ticks Otobius megnini is known as the ‘spinose ear tick’ which gives a clue to both its appearance and life-cycle, the parasitic stages being spent deep in the external ear canal. O. megnini is different from other soft ticks as it uses only one individual animal during its life-span. The larva seeks a host and stays on it for several weeks, by which time it has moulted twice to the second nymphal stage. When this is fully engorged, it is up to 1 cm long, blue-grey, covered in spines and ready to leave the animal. All further development takes place off the host and the adults, which do not feed, complete their biological functions hidden in cracks and crevices. The feeding activities of larvae and nymphs invoke inflammatory responses and a waxy exudate. Secondary bacterial infection and myiasis may follow. The resulting distress can lead to further self-inflicted damage. Ornithodorus species are small argasid ticks, the largest growing to a little over 0.5 cm long (see Figure 3.10). They are generally associated with animal burrows and so only occasionally spill over to livestock to become established in stock pens. One African/Middle Eastern species buries itself in sand in shady places and feeds on the lower legs of cattle. Tethered animals or sleeping humans can suffer from multiple bites or tick toxicosis. Ornithodorus spp. can carry numerous diseases. It is an important vector of the African swine fever virus and transmits Borrelia species causing human relapsing fever. Figure 3.10 Adult Ornithodorus. The poultry tick, Argas persicus, is a common parasite of poultry in warmer climates. They are straw coloured when unfed and spend the day hiding within crevices in poultry houses. They take a blood meal at night, usually selecting a site beneath the wing. Although generally of minor clinical significance, they can reduce productivity. Large numbers cause anaemia and even death, especially in young birds. They transmit spirochaete and rickettsial infections and some species invoke tick paralysis. They are sometimes found on migratory birds visiting temperate regions. Like ticks, mites are eight-legged arthropods belonging to the Acarina (see Figure 2.1). Unlike ticks, which are exclusively parasitic, mites occupy countless terrestrial and aquatic niches with only a tiny minority adopting a partial or completely parasitic lifestyle. Some free-living mites do nevertheless have veterinary significance. For example, some species of forage mite, which are pests of stored food products such as cereals, hay or straw, can induce allergic reactions if they come into contact with animal or human skin. Pasture mites (also called ‘oribatid mites’) are part of the natural fauna of permanent grasslands and can be very numerous, particularly during summer months. They are relevant to veterinary medicine for a completely different reason – they act as intermediate hosts for anoplocephalid tapeworms (Section 5.3.5), transmitting the infection when they are accidentally swallowed by grazing animals. As most parasitic mites are associated with a skin disease called ‘mange’, they are called ‘mange mites’ to distinguish them from free-living relatives. Their classification is complex but fortunately can be ignored for the purposes of this book. For clinical consideration, mange mites are more conveniently divided into two groups according to their location on the host: subsurface (or burrowing) and surface (or nonburrowing) mites. Almost all mange mites complete their life-cycle on the host. Transmission is therefore mainly by direct contact between hosts. Mites progress from a six-legged larva through one to three nymphal stages to the adult. Females lay only one large egg at a time (see Figure 3.11) but, as generation times are relatively short, large infestations can build up quickly. Figure 3.11 Female Psoroptes mite with egg. Anatomically, there are many similarities with ticks (see Figure 3.12). Mites are, however, much smaller. Many are barely visible at less than 0.5 mm long. They have a soft body, although some possess chitinous plates or bars. There is no head but projecting mouthparts comprise sensory palps and chelicerae. The hypostome, which is such a prominent feature of tick mouthparts, is absent from all but a very few parasitic mites. The position of the anus is sometimes useful for identification. Figure 3.12 A surface mite (the poultry mite, Dermanyssus). Redrawn after Hirst, 1922 from Roberts and Janovy Jr., 1996 with permission of McGraw Hill Education. Help box 3.1
Arthropods part 2: ticks, mites and ectoparasiticides
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Ticks
3.2.1 Key concepts
Body structure
Mouthparts and feeding
Ixodid life-cycles
Three-host ticks
Two- and one-host ticks
Argasid life-cycle
Disease transmission
3.2.2 Hard ticks (Ixodidae)
Common names include:
Main infections transmitted
Castor bean tick
Long palps; anal groove curves in front of anus
P: babesiosis; B: Lyme disease, tick pyaemia; R: ehrlichiosis; V: louping ill; paralysis (I. holocyclus)
Blue tick
Mouthparts short; BC-hexagonal
P: babesiosis; R: anaplasmosis
Brown ear tick (cattle); brown dog tick
2- and 3-host species
BC-hexagonal, short palps, festoons
P: theileriosis, babesiosis; R: ehrlichiosis; paralysis (some species)
Bont ticks; lone star tick
Long palps, ornate, festoons, banded legs
R: heartwater, Q-fever, Rocky Mountain spotted fever; B: tularaemia
Rocky Mountain wood tick, American dog tick, Tropical horse tick
3-host (most species)
BC-rectangular, short mouthparts, eyes, ornate,
P: babesiosis; theileriosis; R: Rocky Mountain spotted fever, anaplasmosis, Q-fever; B: tularaemia, Lyme disease; V: equine infectious encephalitis etc.; paralysis (some species)
Ixodes ricinus
Lyme disease (borreliosis)
Rhipicephalus appendiculatus
Rhipicephalus sanguineus
3.2.3 Soft ticks (Argasidae)
Common names include:
Spinose ear tick
Cattle, horses, dogs etc.
Americas, India, southern Africa
Sand tampan
Small and large mammals
Tropics and subtropics
Fowl tick
Warmer climates
3.3 Mange mites
3.3.1 Key concepts
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