13 Applied Andrology in Cattle (Bos indicus) Jorge Chacón* The conduct of a breeding soundness evaluation (BSE) on extensively managed Bos indicus bulls, particularly when this is done in tropical regions, presents particular challenges for both the handling of the examination and the interpretation of results. The former consideration includes poor facilities in combination with potentially fractious bulls; the latter includes a relative lack of relevant reference data on which to base decisions. Here, it is evident that reliance on the large amount of information collected on Bos taurus bulls in temperate environments is insufficient owing to differences that occur in genotype, environment and management. In this chapter, an attempt is made to describe a number of these differences and to place them within the context of conducting and interpreting the BSE of B. indicus bulls in tropical regions. Bos indicus is one of the two major species of the genus Bos, which probably originated from a common non-humped ancestor. For many people, B. indicus and zebu cattle denote similar animals, although the term zebu specifically refers to the humped cattle apparently developed by selection from non-humped B. indicus in India and Pakistan. B. indicus cattle have also been referred to as ‘indigenous’ cattle. Because most B. indicus genotypes throughout the world are humped, the terms zebu and B. indicus will be used interchangeably throughout the course of this chapter. Nevertheless, it should be recognized that as indigenous non-humped cattle exist in various parts of the world, the arbitrary use of the word zebu to denote B. indicus cattle might cause confusion. Within the India/Pakistan subcontinent, there are at least 30 separate B. indicus breeds, which are divided into six major groups (I, II, III, IV, V, VI) according to a classification by Joshi and Phillip in 1953 (Sanders, 1980). Of those foundation strains, groups I, II and III, which are represented by Guzerat, Nellore and Gir breeds, respectively, have had by far the most influence on zebu cattle breeding in Asia, Australia, North America and Latin America. Other composite breeds were developed more recently through various breed crosses. This is the case for the Indu-Brazil, which was developed in Brazil from a base that involved primarily Gir, Guzerat and Nellore foundations; it is also the case for the Brahman, which was developed in the USA by breeding Guzerat and Nellore (Gray Brahman), or Gir and Indu-Brazil, with some Guzerat influence (Red Brahman), and the probable inclusion of some influence from criollo type cattle. While phenotypic and productive features (including milk attributes) differ widely among breeds, the major use of B. indicus cattle in tropical and subtropical areas in the western world has been for beef purposes, either as pure or as crossbred animals. However, this reputation for poor reproductive capability raises questions about the relative roles of genetics, environment and management practices. The central question is whether B. indicus cattle are inherently of low genetic fertility or whether their poor reproductive performance is the consequence of a number of external influences, including environment and mismanagement. In this chapter, the latter opinion is supported. The extensive and stressful conditions under which B. indicus cattle are managed have confounded environmental and genetic factors and allowed the myth to develop that they can achieve maximum production with minimal input. The chapter will first address general physiological aspects of B. indicus bulls before leading into practical approaches for evaluating their andrological status, taking into consideration the genetic, social and management factors that may influence findings and their interpretation. Significant physiological particularities have been determined in B. indicus males. The ability of this genus to withstand the environmental conditions prevailing in the tropics has been widely recognized for many decades (Cartwright, 1955; Turner, 1980; Kumi-Diaka et al., 1981), although much of the original focus of study was on their capacity to resist the effects of climate. It is now recognized though that B. indicus cattle possess superior capabilities to withstand other adverse effects on cattle production in tropical areas as well, such as low quality forages, and diseases especially caused by haemoprotozoa and other parasites (Cartwright, 1980). B. indicus bulls have a greater capacity than B. taurus bulls to regulate their body temperature in a tropical environment. Studies by Carvalho et al. (1995) in Brazil showed that B. indicus sires have more sweat glands per unit area of the skin and greater sweat production than B. taurus bulls. The difference in sweat gland efficiency is thought to be the result of the distinct glandular shape in B. indicus versus native or imported Simmental (B. taurus) bulls (baggy and tubular shaped respectively). This characteristic is positively correlated (P < 0.01) with the perimeter of the sweat glands (540 ± 19 μm versus 382 ± 27 μm and 497 ± 17 μm, respectively). In addition, the number of layers of the epidermis (epithelial strata) was greater in B indicus than in native or imported Simmental (14.93 versus 7.15 and 4.5, respectively), and this was negatively correlated with body temperature during resting or exertion (Carvalho et al., 1995). The higher number of epithelial strata in B indicus may be involved in the maintenance of body temperature. Consequently, the sweating ability of these animals is greater and increases more quickly in a hot environment, thus allowing B indicus bulls to lose more heat by skin evaporation than European breeds. As a result, signs of heat stress are rarely seen in B. indicus bulls exposed to temperatures up to 37°C and high humidity (Da Silva and Casagrande, 1976; Carvalho et al., 1995). The smooth hair coat of zebu bulls has also been found to provide good resistance to solar radiation (Turner, 1980; Finch, 1986; Carvalho et al., 1995). B. indicus cattle are further recognized for their ability to better utilize low-quality forages and their lower nutritional requirements for maintenance than B. taurus cattle (Turner, 1980; Wildeus and Entwistle, 1984). Rekwot et al. (1994) suggested that B. indicus bulls are able to lower their metabolic rate during the dry season when good quality pastures are scarce. In general, B. indicus cattle exhibit a higher resistance to ticks and fly infestations than B. taurus cattle (Riek, 1962; Turner, 1980; Fordyce et al., 1996) as well. The skin thickness and its local defence mechanisms of the species could explain this feature. Haematological differences between B. indicus and B. taurus cattle have been reported too. Turner (1980) found higher red blood cell counts and haemoglobin levels in Brahman (B. indicus) than in Hereford (B. taurus) bulls in Florida, which concurred with earlier findings (Evans 1963). This condition, together with their mechanisms of heat loss, may explain the lower body temperatures and respiration rates observed in B. indicus during rest or after walking in a tropical climate (Cartwright, 1955; Turner, 1980; Finch, 1986; Carvalho et al., 1995). On testicular and scrotal thermoregulation, Turner (1980) reported that the scrotal skin in B. indicus bulls is hairless and less thick than that in B. taurus sires. These features may facilitate heat loss from superficial testicular vessels, and so act in favour of testicular thermoregulation. According to Brito et al. (2004), the ratio of testicular artery length and volume to testicular volume ratios were significantly larger in B. indicus and related crossbreeds than in B. taurus bulls. B. indicus sires also showed smaller testicular artery wall thickness than crossbred and B. taurus bulls (averages 192.5, 229.0 and 290.0 μm, respectively) and arterial to venous distances (averages 330.5, 373.7 and 609.4 μm, respectively) (Brito et al., 2004). Consequently, the proximity between the arterial and venous blood vessels in B. indicus males is more efficient in lowering the temperature of the arterial blood reaching the testicles. These physiological attributes might explain the lower prevalence of testicular degeneration – presumably resulting from environmental heat stress in the tropics – in B. indicus than in B. taurus bulls (Vale Filho et al., 1980; Kumi-Diaka et al., 1981; Wildeus and Entwistle, 1983, 1984; Crabo, 1988; Ohashi et al., 1988; Chacón, 2000). Factors involved in the modulation of puberty and sexual maturity have received scant attention in B. indicus compared with B taurus bulls. Moreover, the available information has been generated from limited bull populations. Although the chain of endocrine and other events associated with puberty attainment are similar in the two species, there is general agreement that B. indicus bulls reach puberty and sexual maturity at a later age than do B. taurus males, even when they are raised under similar conditions (Igboeli and Rakha, 1971a; Fields et al., 1979, 1982; Vale Filho et al., 1980; Wildeus and Entwistle, 1982; Silva-Mena, 1997). Reports on age at puberty and sexual maturity in B. indicus bulls differ according to the breed involved, the conditions of the study (particularly the nutritional management of the experimental animals) and how puberty and sexual maturity achievement were defined. Many studies have employed the definition of puberty of Wolf et al. (1965) as the age at which a bull is first capable of producing an ejaculate containing at least 50 × 106 spermatozoa with a minimum of 10% progressive motility. Others have defined puberty by recognizing histological indicators of the onset of spermatogenesis in preparations of testicular tissue. While the latter method has the potential of achieving greater accuracy than the former, it suffers from the disadvantage of being unable to be repeated in the same animal. Scrotal circumference (SC) is the best predictor and indicator of age at puberty and sexual maturity in zebu bulls, regardless of breed, and even more than body weight or chronological age. In tropical Costa Rica, ongoing studies on a large population of Brahman (n = 323) and Nellore (n = 98) bull calves that are grass fed and supplemented with minerals have shown that all of those that were able to reach 28.0 cm SC at 16 months of age were sexually mature at this time. In addition, differences (P < 0.0001) in SC with age (27.5 versus 26.4 cm and 18.8 versus 18.0 months, respectively) were found at puberty in both breeds (J. Chacón, unpublished). This feature supports the use of SC as an indicator of puberty and as a selection criterion in young zebu sires, particularly as it also has other attributes, which include a significant correlation with sperm production, semen quality and fertility. Using Wolf’s definition, the age at puberty in supplemented pasture-raised White Fulani (n = 6) and Sokoto zebu bulls (n = 6) in Nigeria was reported as 15.5 and 17 months respectively (Oyedipe et al., 1981), whereas in similarly raised Brahman bulls (n = 12) in Yucatán, México, the mean age at puberty was reported to be 17 months, with a mean body weight and SC of 374 ± 22.5 kg and 28.6 ± 0.6 cm, respectively (Silva-Mena, 1997). Supplemented hay-fed Brahman males (n = 10), which were monitored from 8 to 20 months of age in Florida, attained puberty at around 15.9 months of age, weighing 432 ± 16 kg and with an SC of 33.4 ± 1.2 cm (Fields et al., 1982). This relatively large testicular size in contrast with a number of comparable studies could be attributed to this being a closed herd that had been selected and managed optimally for some years. In another study in Florida, and in the same breed, Morris et al. (1989) suggested that puberty was attained between 14 and 15 months of age. However, no semen collection was performed in this study, with age at puberty being estimated based on the period of accelerated testicular growth. In tropical Venezuela, Guzerat (n = 159) and Nellore (n = 60) supplemented pasture-raised bulls reached puberty at 18.0 ± 2.0 and 18.5 ± 2.7 months of age, with an SC of 25.6 ± 2.2 versus 23.6 ± 0.2 cm and body weight of 310 ± 42 versus 268.1 ± 12.1 kg, respectively (Trocóniz et al., 1991). Other studies carried out in the same location with Brahman bulls (n = 4) reported puberty at an age of 21.3 months with a mean body weight and SC of 287.3 ± 67.8 kg and 24.9 ± 2.4 cm, respectively (Ocanto et al., 1984). In considering these results and others from different world regions, it is apparent that both genetic and environmental influences can strongly affect the age at puberty in B. indicus males. Puberty, though, is not synonymous with sexual maturity or even acceptable fertility. For example, in yearling Tabapuâ (n = 246) zebu bulls (a B. indicus × B. Taurus crossbreed developed in Brazil), Corrêa et al. (2006) reported values for sperm motility and total spermatozoa per ejaculate (× 106) ranging from 14.0 to 42.0% and 91 to 315.8, respectively. Despite such values being consistent with evidence of puberty attainment, they would not permit these bulls to pass a BSE or to achieve satisfactory levels of breeding fertility. Those hurdles were not reached in these same bulls until they achieved a mean SC and body weight of 33.5 cm and 490 kg, respectively, which, in some bulls, was not until they were 2 years old. Studies based on histological analysis of the testis parenchyma and epididymal contents of young zebu males showed that only Sertoli and spermatogenic stem cells were found in the seminiferous tubules of 7-month-old grass-fed Angoni (short horn B. indicus) bulls in Nigeria (Igboeli and Rakha, 1971a). The onset of spermatogenesis was detected at 9 months of age, leading to the presence of first spermatozoa in the cauda epididymis at 11 months of age. Puberty was estimated to have occurred by approximately 14 months old in this breed (Igboeli and Rakha, 1971a). Similar results were found in two different studies by Aire and Akpokodje (1975) and Aponte et al. (2005), in Nigeria and Venezuela, respectively. In the first study, conducted with supplemented pasture fed White Fulani (n = 20), primary spermatocytes were found at 9 months of age and spermatozoa were present in large numbers at 15 months of age in both the seminiferous tubules and all regions of the epididymis. In the second study, conducted with similarly raised Brahman bulls (n = 20), the onset of spermatogenesis was estimated to occur at an average at 9 months of age. Another event that occurs around the age of puberty in zebu sires is the detachment of the preputial mucosa from the glans penis. This is a gradual phenomenon starting at around 7 months of age in most zebu breeds and in Guzerat and Nellore bulls under tropical conditions is completed at around 16 months of age (Trocóniz et al., 1991). Ocanto et al. (1984) reported the total separation of the preputial mucosa between 18 and 22 months of age in Brahman bulls; as this phenomenon is reportedly dependent on testosterone levels, which, in turn, are increased by puberty, the nutritional status of the bulls may explain the delayed age reported for this event in this study. Nutrition plays a significant role in the onset of puberty and attainment of sexual maturity in B. indicus bulls (Igboeli and Rakha, 1971a; Crabo, 1988; Vale Filho et al., 1996). For example, supplemented pasture-fed Boran bulls (n = 27) in Ethiopia reached puberty earlier (16.4 versus 17.8 months, respectively, P < 0.05), were heavier (208.6 ± 6.0 versus 193.5 ± 7.6 kg, respectively) and had larger SC (24.5 ± 0.6 versus 23.3 ± 0.6 cm, respectively) than control animals that were not supplemented (Tegegne et al., 1992). Underfed young B. indicus bulls show impaired body growth, delayed puberty and a retarded development of their endocrine system and reproductive tract (Rekwot et al., 1994). Deficiencies of essential micronutrients, such as zinc, selenium and vitamins A and E can negatively affect gonadotrophin release by the pituitary gland, thus impairing the replication and functionality of Sertoli cells, as well as hormone steroid synthesis by Leydig cells (Dunn and Moss, 1992). Because the critical process of Sertoli cell division occurs during the peri-pubertal period only, nutritional deprivation at this stage can seriously and irreversibly impair the potential reproductive performance of young zebu bulls. Beef cattle production in tropical regions is largely dependent upon pure or crossbred B. indicus cattle that are extensively managed on natural pasture. Breeding of the herd is carried out by means of natural mating by using one or several bulls per herd. Data from tropical Costa Rica indicate that natural mating accounts for at least around 95% of the cows sired in beef farms. In general, B. indicus bulls are first bred at not earlier than 24 months. Breeding bulls are managed using continuous (i.e. the male mixed with the herd the whole year) or temporal mating seasons with one sire (single sire system) or several sires (multiple sire system). Data from the Andrology Section of the Veterinary School of the Universidad Nacional (UNA) of Costa Rica, based on 1100 BSEs of zebu bulls from the dry Pacific area, showed that 47.6% of the males (n = 524) were in a continuous mating system, and 49.5% of them were in multiple sire systems in which mixed-age or mixed-breed groups were common (Chacón, 2000). Additionally, around 7% of the bulls examined were over 7 years old. The mean of bulls per group in multiple sire systems in Costa Rica was 4.0 (range 3–11) breeding sires for an average of 101.8 (range 15–450) cows. The mean number of cows in a single sire mating system was 29.3 animals (Chacón, 2000). These data call attention to the fact that, regardless of the system used, there is a bull/cow ratio of approximately 1:25, which is similar to data reported from other tropical countries (McCosker et al., 1989). This management strategy is used by most farmers, as it is believed to represent the maximum breeding capacity of a sire in natural mating, and because it compensates for bull sub-fertility. The reproductive efficiency of breeding herds in tropical regions, where beef cattle production is based upon B. indicus breeds extensively managed on natural pastures, has often been reported to be low compared with those in more temperate areas, where B. taurus cattle predominate. Müller (1990) estimated that, in Central America, the yearly calving rate in beef cattle does not reach 50%, and stressed that poor reproductive efficiency of the breeding males contributes largely to this scenario – a situation that is still evident (Chacón, 2009). Similar calving rates reported from other tropical areas, such as in Mexico (Lamothe Zavaleta, 1990) and Colombia (Murgueitio, 1990), confirm this observation. How much of the problem is attributable to the sire’s role is, as yet, undetermined. However, a lack of periodic andrological control to determine the suitability of bulls for natural breeding certainly contributes to the poor reproductive performance that is often encountered. This observation is reinforced by the fact that, when andrological monitoring is applied, it often results in the identification of bulls with poor reproductive capabilities. It is considered that routine identification and elimination of problem males from breeding herds would help to counter the probably erroneous view held by some authors that B. indicus bulls have an inherently low fertility. Fertility is a multifactorial status to which both males and females contribute. Males must produce a fertile ejaculate and be competent in delivering this to the female. Females must be able to produce fertile oocytes and provide a reproductive system compatible with sperm transport, capacitation, fertilization of the ova, and embryo and fetal development. The fertility of naturally mating B. indicus breeding bulls, when measured by means of their pregnancy or calving rates, must embrace a wide range of decisive factors, which can include climatic stressors, cyclicity and fertility of females, nutritional constraints, sexual behaviour and a number of management considerations that are particularly pertinent for this species. For example, B. indicus bulls tend to spend more time in courtship than do European breeds, and this is possibly associated with females tending to spend less time in oestrus. Observations that Brahman bulls may miss mating opportunities owing to focus on a particular female (Aguilar Chavarria, 2008) have yet to receive scientific validation. Under natural mating conditions, the fertility of B. indicus bulls differs between studies. Chenoweth and Osborne (1975) studied the performance of Brahman bulls 16–31 months old in Queensland, Australia. They found lower libido scores in this breed associated with its lower pregnancy rate (54.9%) compared with Shorthorn–Hereford (B. taurus) (64.4%) and the Africander crossbred (B. indicus) (79.1%) after breeding with 20 to 35 cows for 7 weeks individually. Although no differences in semen quality were noted between breeds, it is noticeable in this study that Brahman bulls were not selected before the mating period, so they also had the highest prevalence of presumed testicular hypoplasia (11.1% versus 1.4% overall), which could have accounted for these fertility differences. In fact, individually, many Brahman bulls performed as well as the best sires from the other breeds. Moreover, the use of some young Brahman bulls (16 months old) probably influenced the differences found as a result of sexual immaturity and lack of mating experience compared with the other bulls tested. Crockett et al. (1978) reported the pregnancy records from mature (4 year old) Angus (B. taurus), Hereford and Brahman bulls in Florida, which were naturally mated with groups of 30 heifers for 90 days. Here, breed group affected pregnancy rates, being lower for the Brahman genotype (72%) compared with the other breeds (89.9%). It should be noted, though, that these bulls were selected on the basis of phenotype records as the main criteria. Silva-Mena et al. (2000) studied the sexual behaviour and pregnancy rates of Brahman and Nellore bulls (n = 15), which were bred individually with groups of 16 oestrus-synchronized heifers in Mexico. The mean pregnancy rate under these conditions was 59.2 ± 5.8%, which was similar to values reported for European breeds by Pexton et al. (1989). The conception rate in 38 adult zebu bulls individually mated with groups of 24.0 ± 13.6 cows in the southern area of tropical Costa Rica showed significant differences according to the andrological status of the bulls tested (Navarro et al., 2008). Bulls ranked as sound for breeding achieved a higher pregnancy rate compared with unsound sires (82.5 ± 12.1% versus 28.4 ± 30.5%, respectively, P < 0.05). Although no statistical differences were found for the conception rate between the sound and deferred (or questionable) sire groups, the latter category tended to show a lower pregnancy rate (77.4 ± 27.2%). These data support the contention that, if B. indicus bulls are selected on the basis of attributes related to fertility, they can perform as efficiently as any other sire group regardless of genotype under natural mating conditions. This theory is supported by McCosker et al. (1989) who recorded low pregnancy rates (below 40%) in the Brahman herds studied in northern Australia. This was attributed to a high proportion of unsound sires detected after BSEs were performed; a situation compounded by the widespread use of aged bulls (>8 years old), many of whom were positive carriers of venereal diseases (e.g. Tritrichomonas foetus). The routine use of mixed age groups of breeding bulls was also considered to be a factor that contributed to the fertility problem observed. After BSE was applied to the Brahman bull stock as selection criteria, together with sanitary controls of the herd stock, subsequent pregnancy rates increased markedly (≥90%). Many decades of use and refinement have confirmed that the BSE is an essential tool in diagnosing and eliminating bulls of potential low fertility, thereby contributing to the reproductive efficiency of cattle herds. Much of this benefit has been obtained with B. taurus cattle in temperate regions. However, it is evident that even greater benefits are possible if widespread use of the BSE is adopted within B. indicus beef herds managed under extensive conditions in the tropics. This is because beef cattle in the tropics are generally managed either as herds under extensive grazing conditions or as small groups attached to local communities. Both systems are usually distinguished by the absence of a proscribed breeding period or season, as well as by a lack of adequate records for either productive or reproductive parameters. In addition, veterinary assistance is absent or infrequent, with the consequence that there is inadequate identification and elimination of those animals that have undesirable breeding characteristics. Bulls are often managed in multiple sire systems under extensive conditions, rendering it impossible to identify males of questionable fertility by means of their individual performance records. Therefore, bulls with reproductive problems often go unnoticed and are retained in the breeding herd, thus causing considerable economic losses. If such problem bulls are dominant within multiple sire breeding groups, the adverse effects on fertility can be compounded. Lack of a finite breeding period tends to obscure the extent of unsound breeding bulls in the herd as well. It is apparent that the importance of the bull’s role in ensuring herd reproductive efficiency, particularly in systems based on extensive management, has been neglected in the tropics (McCosker et al., 1989; Müller, 1990; Chacón, 2000). A contributing factor is that most B. indicus bulls are selected as breeding sires based solely on phenotypic characteristics, which are not necessarily related to their reproductive performance under natural mating conditions (Chacón, 2000). This was apparent in a survey of beef farmers in tropical Costa Rica, who were asked which were the most important factors that they considered when purchasing a breeding bull (Fig. 13.1). In this study, most bulls were selected based on muscle composition, frame, breed-specific features, pedigree and other characteristics associated with ‘type’. In contrast, reproductive aspects of the bulls, such as testicle size (i.e. SC), which are critically important for bull fertility, were underestimated in importance as selection criteria (Chacón, 2009). When questioned on the utilization of the BSE in B. indicus herds, only 20% of beef farmers considered this examination to be a prerequisite to purchasing a bull (Chacón, 2009). Moreover, 88% of farms had never practised a periodic BSE on their bulls. This confirms that the BSE is not a common routine procedure in extensive B. indicus operations, as corroborated by observations in Australia (Chenoweth and Osborne, 1975; McCosker et al., 1989). Furthermore, traditional ranchers, who are most often the breeders of pure B. indicus sires, are often more reluctant to accept a BSE on their bulls as a result of perceptions that range from potential economic disadvantage to irrational myths (Chacón, 2000). Such perceptions must be countered with rational scientific information if the bull BSE is to become accepted as an essential and routine management practice for beef producers in the tropics. Unfortunately, veterinarians are often not aware of how important a complete bull BSE is under these conditions, and continue to base their evaluations solely on aspects of semen quality and, in particular, on the assessment of sperm mass activity of the collected semen. In general, this practice does not include a complete clinical examination of the sire and, therefore, has led people to wrongly consider a bull BSE as just a ‘semen examination’ (Chacón, 2000). A similar picture emerges from other tropical regions (McCosker et al., 1989). The tendency to undervalue the importance of the bull in herd reproductive performance is reflected in the relatively minimal attention given to studies in the tropics of the breeding performance of B. indicus bulls and the factors that interfere with their efficiency. An indicator of this imbalance is the ratio of publications concerning reproductive aspects in the male (20%) compared with the female (80%), and the low emphasis given to studying the reproductive aspects of B. indicus (19%) compared with B. taurus males (38%) (Galina and Russell, 1987; Galina and Arthur, 1991). Further, 42% of published research was associated with aspects of artificial insemination (AI) compared with 10% on natural mating (Galina and Russell, 1987). Thus there is a strong case for promoting much higher acceptance of bull BSEs in extensively managed beef cattle herds where B. indicus type cattle are predominant. Its performance should both provide relatively accurate information and be economically feasible. The ensuing sections will describe the different components of a thorough and practical andrological examination of B. indicus sires under field farm conditions. Although semen collection and evaluation are important aspects of the bull BSE, it should be emphasized that other aspects are of equal importance. At the outset, date of evaluation, farm name, owner and location should be recorded, as well as an unambiguous identification of the bull being examined. One example of the latter is a clearly visible brand number on the upper lateral region of the femoral area. Ear or horn tattoos, and permanent ear tags (using either legible letters/numbers or electronic labelling), are also used. On some farms, additional information can include the bull’s birth date. This is a useful method of determining bull age, particularly as determination of the age of B. indicus bulls by estimating dentition can pose risks to operator safety because restraint facilities are often not optimal and the temperament of this type of cattle is, in general, uneasy. Unfortunately, the provision of birth date is not common, and age information is provided by branded numbers, which represent either the year of birth or of consecutive calving. Some bulls lack any form of permanent ID and are just identified by name (e.g. 13.1% of bulls submitted for a BSE in tropical Costa Rica), which complicates the certification of the sire in case of selling, purchasing or future examinations. There is a need for regulation of this matter by local or regional zebu breeders (Chacón, 2009). Accurate recording of age for B. indicus bulls is important for several reasons. For example, age is positively and significantly correlated with SC and semen quality. Similarly, the breed of the bull should be recorded, as B. indicus genotypes differ in SC and body weight relationships, as discussed later in this chapter. There is also a higher prevalence of venereal diseases and of skeletal and testicular pathologies in aged (i.e. >7 years) bulls. Another consideration with retrained older bulls is the risk of inbreeding – a factor whose effects are probably underestimated in tropical beef cattle stocks as a result of inadequate record keeping. Age of the bulls is further important in terms of relative ranking of the bull breeding team when results of the BSEs conducted on a particular farm are consolidated. Older bulls tend to have a shorter reproductive life expectancy – owing to a number of problems, as discussed above – so they should either be culled, or if particularly valuable, be used for monitored hand mating programmes. The bull BSE should be based on a compilation of the considerations described above, and also include a history of nutritional and reproductive management, previous illnesses, abrupt weight changes prior to examination and any available information on preceding reproductive performance of the sire. Problems such as lameness, or any systemic disease causing fever, may adversely affect mating ability and spermatogenesis. Any potential existing problems in the cattle population, such as low heat observation, low calving rate or further reproductive problems, such as abortions, should be investigated as well. The breeding system employed, i.e. single or multiple sire, bull to female ratio, continuous or seasonal breeding and physiological status of the females (e.g. primiparous, first calf or multiparous and post-partum interval) should be recorded. In multiple sire systems, if the male is subordinated by a dominant bull partner, he is likely to have few chances to access the sexually active group of females. This system has the disadvantage of favouring social dominance, especially when age is not uniform in the group, which is often the case in the tropics (Blockey, 1979; Chenoweth, 1981; McCosker et al., 1989; Rodríguez et al., 1993; Chacón, 2000). Dominance is not necessarily related to bull libido and fertility. In addition, dominant older sires tend to monopolize mating opportunities with females, or at least prevent less dominant animals from accessing females, even though they are more likely to have a higher prevalence of reproductive problems (McCosker et al., 1989; Pérez et al., 1992). McCosker et al. (1989) reported low conception rates in herds located in tropical Australia in which multiple sire breeding systems used Brahman bulls of mixed ages and where up to 82% of the calving cows were impregnated by the dominant bull. Furthermore, Rodríguez et al. (1993) reported that the dominant zebu (Indu-Brazil) bull was responsible for most (63%) of the bull-related sexual activity in the breeding herd. If this is generally so, the general belief of most farmers in tropical areas of the effectiveness of using a bull/cow ratio of 1:25 is not well founded. In continuous mating systems, many of the cows in the herd could be either pregnant or non-oestrous, thus lowering the ratio even more. Consequently, using a multiple sire breeding system in which the bulls are of mixed ages is often not efficient and can contribute to decreased reproductive outcomes. The physiological status of the cows is also important, especially in relation to cyclicity and fertility. Early or middle post-partum cows (<5 months) that are still feeding calves have higher probabilities of being non-oestrous, especially if they are not in good body condition. In heifers, genetic or nutritional factors may contribute to lowered cyclicity and pregnancy rates that should not be attributed to deficiencies in the bull(s). Bulls that have been undergoing sexual rest may show semen/sperm characteristics that are typical of senility and sperm accumulation within the extragonadal system. These include increased sperm concentration, lowered sperm motility and vigour, and evidence of sperm deterioration, such as detached sperm heads and damaged acrosomes. Conversely, bulls that have just been removed from the breeding herd in which they have been active may show semen characteristics that are typical of high rates of extragonadal sperm transport. These include, above all, relatively low sperm concentration. In either case, these findings are often temporary, emphasizing the importance of considering the reproductive history of the bull when drawing conclusions from the spermiogram. The term libido describes the willingness and eagerness of a male to mount and to attempt service of a female, while mating ability describes the physical suitability of the male to complete a service (Blockey, 1979; Chenoweth, 1981). Several methods have been developed to measure libido, mainly in B. taurus bulls, in which the sire’s sexual response is evaluated during exposure to a restrained non-oestrous or oestrous cow for a certain interval (5–10 min). In B. taurus bulls, the libido score is highly correlated (r = 0.98) with the proportion of heifers served during a breeding season and has proved to be highly repeatable in this species (r >0.6) in consecutive trials under corral conditions (Price, 1987). Libido is highly inherited in bulls (heritability, h2 = 0.5–0.59) and has been shown to be significantly correlated with sexual activity in the breeding pasture (Chenoweth, 1981; Hernández et al., 1991), although this does not necessarily translate into pregnancy rates. Blockey (1979) reported in Australia that at least 30% of bulls from several breeds with satisfactory semen quality had poor libido. In fact, libido is not significantly correlated with other reproductive traits, such as SC or semen quality. When standard libido and serving capacity tests are applied to B. indicus bulls, they often achieve low scores in comparison with B. taurus bulls. This is considered to reflect differences in sexual behaviour between the species and not a genetic tendency for low libido in the former group. Given these particular differences, the application and interpretation of the results obtained after applying such tests to zebu sires are fairly difficult. For example, the sexual activity of B. indicus bulls seems to differ if tested under corral or grass conditions, and the repeatability of libido score results is less than that reported for B. taurus. Indu-Brazil bulls undergoing libido evaluations performed fewer services under corral conditions during a 30 min period than they did under grazing conditions (Hernández et al.
Universidad Nacional (UNA), Heredia, Costa Rica
Physiological Characteristics of Zebu Bulls
Puberty and Sexual Maturity
Breeding Management of B. indicus bulls in Tropical Areas
Fertility in B. indicus bulls
Bull Breeding Soundness Evaluation (BSE)
General background of the BSE in Bos indicus
General information and sire’s history
Reproductive management
Libido and mating behaviour
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