Application of Zymographic Methods to Study Matrix Enzymes Following Traumatic Brain Injury





Impact acceleration

Gelatin zymography


Frozen/lysis buffer

Nonidet P-40

Ding et al. 2009 (1)

Clinical population

Severe TBI

Gelatin zymography

Fluorometric assay


CSF protein extracts

Lysis buffer/Tris, SDS

Grossetete et al. 2009 (2)

Intracerebral hemorrhage

Gelatin zymography


Lysis buffer/TritonX-100

Gelatin sepharose 4B

Affinity purification

Grossetete and Rosenberg 2009 (3)

Closed head injury

Weight drop

Gelatin zymography

Cortical punch

Lysis buffer Brij 35

Triton X-100

Gelatin sepharose 4B

Affinity purification

Homsi et al. 2009 (4)


Cortical development

Gelatin zymography

Cortical hemispheres

Frozen/lysis buffer

Nonidet P-40

Ranasinghe et al. 2009 (5)

Peripheral thermal injury

Gelatin zymography

Whole brain

Total protein extracts

Reyes et al. 2009 (6)

Clinical population

Moderate/severe TBI

Gelatin zymography


Frozen/lysis buffer

Nonidet P-40

Vilalta et al. 2008 (7)

Spinal cord injury

Gelatin zymography

In situ zymography

Spinal cord

Frozen/Brij 35 lysis buffer

Gelatin sepharose 4B

Affinity purification

Yu et al. 2008 (8)

Closed head injury

Weight drop

Juvenile rat

Gelatin zymography

Cingulate, parietal cortex


Frozen/lysis buffer

Brij 35, Triton X-100

Gelatin sepharose 4B

Affinity purification

Sifringer et al. 2007 (9)

Blade lesion of cortex

Gelatin zymography

Frontal/parietal cortex

Brainstem, cerebellum

Total protein extracts

Yhamaguchi et al. 2007 (10)

Entorhinal lesion

Fluid percussion injury

Fluorometric assay


Lysis buffer/Tris

Kim et al. 2005 (11)

Fluid percussion injury


Gelatin zymography

In situ zymography

Frozen/cortex, hippocampus, thalamus

Lysis buffer, Tris/SDS

Truettner et al. 2005 (12)

Subarachnoid hemorrhage

In situ zymography


Sheba et al. 2004 (13)

Controlled cortical impact

Gelatin zymography

Whole brain/cortex

Fresh frozen/lysis buffer

Lysis buffer/Nonidet P-40, SDS

Mori et al. 2002 (14)

Scratch in vitro injury

Gelatin zymography

Culture media supernatant

Lysis buffer/SDS

Wang et al. 2002 (15)

Entorhinal lesion

Fluid percussion injury

Gelatin zymography


Lysis buffer/T-PER

Phillips and Reeves 2001 (16)

Aspiration corticectomy

Gelatin zymography

Frozen/perilesional cortex

Lysis buffer/TritonX-100

Vecil et al. 2000 (17)

Controlled cortical impact

Casein zymography


Lysis buffer/cytosolic extracts

Zhao et al. 1998 (18)

Listed are a sampling of published studies which have assayed metalloproteinase activity following brain insults. The majority utilize gelatin zymography. Notably, a wide range of models have been examined and choice of sample preparation may vary considerably. Extraction from fresh tissue is indicated simply by the area sampled while protocols which store dissected tissue prior to processing are noted as frozen preps

While several excellent overviews of these zymographic methods already exist for general reference (3, 20), we have found that direct application of these methods to tissue samples generated by traumatic brain injury (TBI) models may be problematic. In working with these methods, we have modified the standard gelatin zymography protocol in order to optimize assessment of MMP activity following brain injury. This chapter focuses on these modifications, which we have used to more confidently track gelatinase activity following TBI. We have not yet applied reverse zymography or in situ zymography to our models; however, others have done so successfully to reveal details of ECM response after TBI, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and spinal cord injury (8, 12, 13). The reader is referred to these publications for details as to how this additional methodology may be adapted for brain injury analysis. In the present chapter, the major procedural steps that we have applied to produce reliable results with gelatin zymography are described first. These include (1) sample preparation, (2) gel electrophoresis and incubation, (3) visualization of lysis, (4) measurement of signal, and (5) considerations of experimental design. Additionally, we discuss several aspects of zymographic analysis in brain injury models which deserve consideration in advance of experimentation. Foremost, depending upon model and level of injury, there may be challenges in pulling out detectable signal from standard tissue extracts. Moreover, different brain regions may also vary considerably in the extent or pattern of MMP signal. As described below, we have varied extraction procedures and extended the lysis development phase of the protocol to aid in signal detection. In our studies, at least two additional benefits for zymographic analysis have been observed relative to TBI. First, we have used the method to assay ECM-related mechanisms which might be part of specific therapeutic manipulations. Our data supports clear differences in MMP activity as a function of specific postinjury drug treatment. Second, the separation of pro and active enzyme species may reveal interesting spatio-temporal changes during injury–recovery cycles. These data can be combined with protein and RNA profiles to significantly enhance the extent of interpretation.

2 Materials

2.1 Sample Preparation

All extraction and zymography buffers are prepared just prior to use. All reagents are of ACS grade.

2.1.1 Tissue Dissection


Standard dissection tools, including razor blades for blocking, forceps, microtip probes, and fine tip iridectomy scissors



Platform for dissection chilled over ice



Sterile Ringer’s solution


2.1.2 Hippocampal Tissue Extraction


Pellet pestles with microtubes and pellet pestle cordless motor (Kimble Chase Life Science and Research Products, Vineland, NJ, #749520-0090)



Tissue Protein Extraction Reagent Thermo Scientific (T-PER) (Thermo Scientific, Rockford, IL, #78510)



Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit (Thermo Scientific, #23225)


2.1.3 Extraction of Corpus Callosum and Cortex

RIPA Lysis Buffer (Millipore, Billerica, MA, #20-188)

2.2 Gel Electrophoresis and Incubation

2.2.1 Gelatin Gels


Novex 10% Zymogram Gelatin Gels (10-well, 0.1% gelatin, Tris–Glycine, Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA, #EC6175)



Tris–Glycine SDS Running Buffer (10×) (Invitrogen, #LC2675)



Tris–Glycine SDS Sample Buffer (2×) (Invitrogen, #LC2676)


2.2.2 Gel Incubation


Zymography Renaturing Buffer (Invitrogen, #LC2670)



Zymography Developing Buffer (10×) (Invitrogen, #LC2671)


2.3 Visualization of Lysis


Brilliant Blue R (Sigma-Aldrich, #B7920-50G)



Destain solution 1: Methanol:glacial acetic acid:nanopure water (4:1:5, v:v:v)



Destain solution 2: Methanol:glacial acetic acid:nanopure water (0.7:1:8.3, v:v:v)


2.4 Measurement of Signal


G:Box ChemiHR System (SynGene)



GeneSnap Software (SynGene)


2.5 Experimental Design

2.5.1 Standards and Inhibitors


MMP-2 Standard (Millipore, Billerica, MA, #CC071); proenzyme  =  68 kDa nonreduced and active (59–62 kDa)



Purified human MMP-9 (Millipore, #CC079); proenzyme  =  88 kDa nonreduced and mature active form  =  82 kDa



N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) (Sigma-Aldrich, St.Louis, MO, #E3876)



Phenylmethyl sulfonyl fluoride (PMSF) (Sigma-Aldrich, #P7626)


2.5.2 Activation of Pro-MMPs

p-aminophenylmercuric acetate (APMA; Sigma-Aldrich, #A-9563)

2.5.3 Drug Manipulations


MK-801 (Sigma-Aldrich, #M-107)



Minocycline Hydrochloride (Sigma-Aldrich, #286710)


3 Methods Description

3.1 Sample Preparation

3.1.1 Tissue Dissection

Under general anesthesia (4% isoflurane in carrier 70% N2O, 30% O2), animals are decapitated, the brain rapidly removed, and regions of interest dissected on an iced platform (Note 1). Depending upon desired sample site, the brain may be blocked first to gain better access for dissection. Rinse the dissected tissue with sterile saline before extraction to remove any excess surface blood (Fig. 1; Notes 2 and 3). Fresh tissue is then homogenized directly in extraction buffer (for our samples, T-PER, RIPA, or Brij). We routinely dissect hippocampus, cerebral cortex, and corpus callosum from cases subjected to unilateral entorhinal cortical lesion (UEC), moderate central fluid percussion TBI, or combined TBI and bilateral UEC (TBI  +  BEC), as well as paired sham-injured animals. This method permits successful extraction of tissue gelatinases using a variety of buffer systems, both with and without detergent (Notes 4 and 5; see also Table 1. for details of published extraction buffers).

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