Successful anesthetic management of dogs and cats requires an understanding of basic physiology and pharmacology integrated with various clinical competencies relating to anesthesia and pain management. The approach to anesthetic management should always be systematic and follow a stepwise plan as outlined in Table 8.1. In some situations, a standardized form may be useful to organize relevant patient-related data (Figure 8.1). Similarly, the details of the anesthetic plan can also be itemized in a standardized worksheet (Figure 8.2).
At first glance, this approach may seem unnecessarily complicated and impractical. In reality, though, experienced veterinarians work through this process every day. They simply are able to move through the steps very quickly and efficiently when dealing with young, healthy patients presenting for routine elective procedures. By adopting this approach or something similar for every animal requiring anesthesia, the process will become second nature. Then, when presented with more challenging and complex cases, the veterinarian will be better equipped to identify the key issues and formulate a rational plan.
Rather than attempting to address all of the steps outlined in Table 8.1, this chapter will focus primarily on considerations for drug protocol and clinical technique selection. The other steps are covered elsewhere in this text and the reader is referred to chapters addressing patient evaluation, physiology, pharmacology, airway management, equipment, monitoring, fluid therapy, pain management techniques, and anesthesia for special procedures or diseases for more detailed information.
Based on Table 8.1, it is apparent that drug protocol selection constitutes only one component of the overall anesthetic management picture. While selection of an inappropriate drug protocol may undoubtedly contribute to a poor outcome, the reverse is not necessarily true. The selection of a perfectly reasonable drug protocol does not ensure that complications will not occur. Regardless of the drugs selected, vigilant monitoring of the anesthetized patient is required and supportive interventions need to be initiated when indicated.
Table 8.1. Systematic approach to anesthetic management of dogs and cats
Step | Details |
1. Evaluation of the patient | Integrate all patient-related information including: |
• Signalment | |
• History | |
• General inspection and temperament | |
• Complete physical examination | |
• Pain assessment | |
• Interpretation of laboratory tests | |
• Interpretation of other diagnostic tests | |
Determine physical status based on above | |
2. Review of the planned procedure | Integrate all relevant procedural information including: |
• Level of invasiveness | |
• Expected intensity of pain | |
• Potential complications | |
• Duration | |
• Requirements for patient positioning | |
3. Preparation of the patient | Initiate stabilization procedures, if required, to address: |
• Pain | |
• Dehydration | |
• Hypovolemia | |
• Anemia | |
• Electrolyte and/or acid–base disturbances | |
• Pneumothorax, pleural effusion | |
• Cardiac dysrhythmias | |
• Other decompensated disease states | |
Institute appropriate preanesthetic fasting interval | |
4. Formulation of anesthetic and pain management plan | Generate a comprehensive plan based on the above, including: |
• Selection of drug protocol | |
– Preanesthetic agents | |
– Induction agents | |
– Maintenance agents | |
– Supplemental anesthetic agents | |
– Analgesic agents | |
– Other drugs for supportive care | |
• Selection of clinical anesthetic techniques and equipment | |
– Injectable drug delivery | |
• IV catheters and accessories | |
– Airway management | |
• Endotracheal tubes and accessories | |
– Inhalant anesthetic delivery | |
• Anesthetic machine | |
• Breathing system | |
– Local, regional anesthetic/analgesic techniques | |
• Drugs, needles, nerve locator, and so on | |
• Selection of patient monitoring techniques and equipment | |
– Anesthetic depth | |
– Basic cardiopulmonary parameters | |
– Arterial blood pressure | |
• Oscillometric, Doppler, or direct system | |
– End-tidal carbon dioxide | |
• Capnometer | |
– Hemoglobin saturation | |
• Pulse oximeter | |
– Electrocardiogram ( ECG ) | |
• ECG monitor | |
– Core body temperature | |
• Thermometer | |
– Airway inhalant anesthetic and oxygen concentrations | |
• Airway gas monitor | |
– Arterial blood gas parameters | |
• Blood gas analyzer | |
– Others | |
• Selection of supportive care techniques and equipment | |
– Fluid and electrolyte therapy | |
• Fluids and accessories | |
• Fluid pumps, syringe pumps | |
– Thermoregulatory support | |
• Circulating water blanket, forced air warmer, conductive fabric warmer | |
– Mechanical ventilation | |
• Ventilator | |
– Other pharmacological support | |
• Drugs, syringe pumps, etc | |
5. Implementation of the plan | Execute the plan as outlined above and initiate the following: |
• Monitoring of the patient | |
– Documentation of monitored parameters | |
– Interpretation of monitored parameters and trends | |
– Recognition of signifi cant abnormalities | |
• Management of patient-related complications | |
– Initiation of interventions and/or provision of supportive care where appropriate | |
• Management of equipment-related complications | |
– Recognize and troubleshoot equipment malfunctions | |
• Management of the patient at recovery | |
– Airway management | |
– Management of pain | |
– Management of excitement/dysphoria | |
– Management of hypothermia | |
– Recognition and management of other complications | |
– Provision of continued monitoring and supportive care | |
• Record keeping | |
– Documentation of all information related to the case | |
6. Retrospective evaluation | Complete an objective evaluation of the anesthetic and pain management plan and its outcome |
Numerous drugs are available to today’s practitioner and they may be combined and delivered in many ways. It is not necessary for most veterinarians to have all of these drugs at their disposal, and the use of many different drug protocols does not necessarily imply superior anesthetic care. However, familiarity with only a single anesthetic technique will, at best, limit the veterinarian’s ability to perform all of the diagnostic and surgical procedures common in today’s modern practice and, at worst, may compromise the care of certain patients.
Anesthetic protocols involving single drugs have largely been abandoned in favor of protocols that incorporate multiple drugs from different classes to achieve unconsciousness, analgesia, and muscle relaxation. This approach is referred to as balanced anesthesia. Most balanced anesthetic protocols have four different phases: (1) preanesthesia, (2) induction, (3) maintenance, and (4) recovery. Ultimately, the selection of drugs and clinical techniques for each of these phases will depend on patient-related factors, procedure related factors, drug availability, personal experience, and cost. The four phases of anesthetic management will be discussed in general terms below and a summary of key patient- and procedure-related factors will follow.
Preanesthetic medication
Almost all patients will benefit from the administration of a preanesthetic drug or drug combination prior to induction with an injectable or inhalant anesthetic. The goals of successful preanesthetic medication in dogs and cats are summarized in Box 8.1. In healthy dogs and cats, most preanesthetic medications are usually administered via the intramuscular (IM) or subcutaneous (SC) routes 15–20 minutes prior to induction of anesthesia. This reduces stress and anxiety in the animal and facilitates restraint for intravenous (IV) catheter placement. In patients with special needs where an IV catheter is already in place, the IV route may also be used for preanesthetic administration.
In most young to middle-aged healthy dogs and cats, preanesthetic medication usually involves a combination of a sedative and an analgesic. In patients requiring moderate to profound levels of sedation, the phenothiazine acepromazine or the alpha2 adrenergic agonist dexmedetomidine are the most commonly used options. In geriatric, debilitated, or hemodynamically unstable patients, or in any patient where sedation requirements are less, the benzodiazepine midazolam may be used instead. Opioids are routinely included as part of the preanesthetic medication in patients, even those that are not painful and/or will not be subjected to painful procedures. Synergism between the opioid and sedative results in superior sedation and reduces anesthetic requirements for induction and maintenance. The most commonly used opioids for preanesthetic medication in dogs and cats include the pure agonists, hydromorphone, oxymorphone, and morphine; the agonist–antagonist butorphanol; and the partial agonist buprenorphine. In patients where heavy sedation is not a priority and/or sedative administration is contraindicated, an opioid alone is often administered.
The anticholinergics atropine or glycopyrrolate have been commonly included in preanesthetic protocols in dogs and cats to prevent bradycardia and/or limit salivary secretions. The need for routine preemptive administration of anticholinergics in the preanesthetic period has been questioned in recent years as anesthetic drug protocols and monitoring standards have evolved. As is the case with any drug, the decision to use an anticholinergic should be based on an understanding of its advantages and disadvantages and should be made on a case-by-case basis.
Box 8.1. Goals of the preanesthesia phase in dogs and cats.
Minimize patient stress and anxiety
- Facilitates restraint
- Enhances safety for patient and handler
Decrease requirements for injectable and inhalant anesthetics
- Smoothes induction, maintenance, and recovery phases
- Provides better cardiopulmonary stability
Enhance perioperative pain management
- Provides preemptive analgesic effect
- Reduces intra- and postoperative analgesic requirements
Decrease autonomic reflex activity
- Provides a more stable plane of anesthesia
- Results in less arrhythmogenic potential
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug s (NSAID s) such as carprofen, meloxicam, deracoxib, firocoxib, and tepoxalin are common components of pain management plans for dogs and cats undergoing surgical procedures and are often administered prior to anesthesia. While they do not contribute to preanesthetic sedation and do not appear to have significant anesthetic-sparing effects, injectable NSAIDs (i.e., carprofen or meloxicam) may be given along with other preanesthetic medications 15–20 minutes prior to induction of anesthesia. Alternatively, they may also be injected at the time of recovery if intraoperative hypotension and/or hemostasis is/are a concern.
A flowchart outlining the thought process for designing preanesthetic protocols in dogs and cats can be found in Figure 8.3. Dosages for commonly used preanesthetic drugs from each of the three main categories (sedatives, opioids, and anticholinergics) are provided in Tables 8.2 and 8.3. For more detailed information on the pharmacology, indications, and contraindications of all of these drugs, please refer to Chapter 2.
Induction of anesthesia
The goals of optimal anesthetic induction in dogs and cats are summarized in Box 8.2. The transition from the conscious to the anesthetized state is usually accomplished by the administration of one or more injectable drugs. In specific situations, induction with an inhalant agent such as isoflurane or sevoflurane administered via a face mask or in an induction chamber may also be indicated. Inhalant inductions are not recommended for routine use because it is difficult to precisely control the delivered concentration of drug, and pollution of the local atmosphere with anesthetic vapor is significant.
Table 8.2. Common preanesthetic medicationsa in dogs
Drug | IM, SC dose in mg/kg | IV dose in mg/kg |
Sedatives: | ||
Midazolamb | 0.1–0.3 | 01–0.2 |
Acepromazinec | 0.02–0.1 | 0.01–0.05 |
Dexmedetomidined | 0.005–0.01 | 0.001–0.005 |
Opioids: | ||
Hydromorphone | 0.05–0.1 | 0.05–0.1 |
Oxymorphone | 0.05–0.1 | 0.05–0.1 |
Morphine | 0.3–1.0 | 0.3–0.5 slowly |
Butorphanol | 0.2–0.4 | 0.2–0.4 |
Buprenorphine | 0.005–0.02 | 0.005–0.01 |
Anticholinergics: | ||
Atropine | 0.04 | 0.02 |
Glycolyrrolate | 0.01 | 0.005 |
a Refer to Figure 8.1 for suggestions on how to combine drugs from each of the three categories; an injectable NSAID (carprofen, meloxicam) may also be administered as part of the preanesthetic medication if indicated.
b The maximum total dose is often capped at approximately 7 mg to prevent overdosing large breed dogs.
c The maximum total dose is often capped at approximately 3 mg to prevent overdosing large breed dogs.
d The maximum total dose is often capped at approximately 0.5 mg to prevent overdosing large breed dogs.
Table 8.3. Common preanesthetic medicationsa in cats
Drug | IM dose in mg/kg | IV dose in mg/kg |
Sedatives: | ||
Midazolam | 0.1–0.2 | 0.1–0.2 |
Acepromazine | 0.05–0.2 | 0.02–0.05 |
Dexmedetomidine | 0.01–0.03 | 0.003–0.01 |
Opioids: | ||
Hydromorphone | 0.05–0.1 | 0.05–0.1 |
Oxymorphone | 0.05–0.1 | 0.05–0.1 |
Morphine | 0.1–0.3 | 0.1–0.3 slowly |
Butorphanol | 0.2–0.4 | 0.2–0.4 |
Buprenorphine | 0.005–0.02 | 0.005–0.01 |
Anticholinergics: | ||
Atropine | 0.04 | 0.02 |
Glycolyrrolate | 0.01 | 0.005 |
a Refer to Figure 8.1 for suggestions on how to combine drugs from each of the three categories; an injectable NSAID (carprofen, meloxicam) may also be administered as part of the preanesthetic medication if indicated.
Box 8.2. Goals of the anesthetic induction phase in dogs and cats.
Facilitate a smooth, rapid transition to general anesthesia
- Avoids or minimizes excitement (stage 2 of anesthesia)
- Provides adequate muscle relaxation for endotracheal intubation if indicated
- Provides a suitable duration of action to allow completion of the procedure or transfer to the maintenance phase
Maintain adequate cardiopulmonary stability
Injectable induction protocols may use either the IM or IV route. The IM route is technically straightforward and may be preferred in certain situations where large numbers of relatively young, healthy patients are being anesthetized for short routine procedures (e.g., spay/neuter programs in animal shelters). In most cases, higher total doses of drug are required with this route, and there is no possibility to titrate to effect. While the IV route usually requires placement of a catheter, it offers the advantage of dosing to effect and is usually associated with more rapid inductions and recoveries. Since IV access is recommended for most patients undergoing general anesthesia anyway, catheter placement prior to induction is simply good practice. For these reasons, IV induction protocols are preferred for most dogs and cats requiring general anesthesia.
Injectable IM induction agents commonly used in dogs and cats include ketamine combinations, tiletamine–zolazepam (Telazol®, Pfizer Animal Health, New York), and alphaxalone-CD. There are numerous IM protocols that have been reported for general anesthesia in dogs and cats and most combine the preanesthetic medication and the induction agent(s) in a single IM injection. Most of these cocktails involve various combinations of dissociatives, benzodiazepines, alpha2 agonists, and opioids. A few selected protocols are presented in Tables 8.4 and 8.5, though this list is by no means exhaustive.
Injectable IV induction agents commonly used in dogs and cats include ketamine, Telazol, propofol, thiopental, etomidate, and alphaxalone-CD. Other supplemental drugs may also be administered concurrently and are referred to as coinduction agents. In the case of ketamine, this practice is well recognized, as a benzodiazepine (diazepam or midazolam) is almost always coadministered to counteract ketamine-induced muscle rigidity and potential seizure activity. Though not mandatory, coinduction agents can also be used with propofol, thiopental, etomidate and alphaxalone-CD to minimize their dose requirements. This benefits patients by smoothing out the induction phase and reducing the potential for adverse cardiopulmonary side effects. Diazepam, midazolam, and lidocaine (in dogs only) are the most commonly used coinduction agents in small animals. The combination of a coinduction agent with propofol, thiopental, etomidate, or alphaxalone-CD tends to be most useful in patients that are not profoundly sedated after the preanesthetic period and where higher doses of IV induction drug are anticipated. Note that if midazolam has been given IM as part of the preanesthetic medication, it may be appropriate to reduce or eliminate the dose of benzodiazepine given IV as a coinduction agent. Dosages for commonly used injectable and inhalant induction and coinduction drugs in dogs and cats can be found in Tables 8.6 and 8.7. For more detailed information on the pharmacology, indications, and contraindications of all of these drugs, please refer to Chapter 2.
Table 8.4. Selected IM anesthetic protocolsa for dogs
Combination | IM Dose in mg/kgb | Comments |
DexmedetomidineKetamineOpioid | 0.005–0.013–6See Table 8.2 | May administer dexmedetomidine and opioid first and follow with ketamine 10 minutes later |
TelazolOpioid | 2–10See Table 8.2 | Telazol is reconstituted according to the label instructions and the opioid is added in separately |
DexmedetomidineTelazolOpioid | 0.005–0.012–4See comment | To reduce injection volume, Telazol may also be reconstituted as follows: 2.5 mL dexmedetomidine plus 2.5 mL butorphanol (10 mg/mL) or 2.5 mL hydromorphone (2 mg/mL) or 2.5 mL morphine (15 mg/mL)The combination is then dosed at 0.02–0.04 mL/kg |
a Recovery times may be prolonged with any dissociative-based IM protocol.
b Lower end of dose range will result in heavy sedation/immobilization, while the higher end will produce general anesthesia of variable duration.
In debilitated and/or hemodynamically unstable patients, induction with an opioid (usually fentanyl, remifentanil, oxymorphone, or hydromorphone) in combination with a benzodiazepine (midazolam or diazepam) given in alternating IV increments to effect often produces a smooth induction and facilitates transfer to the maintenance phase of anesthesia. This approach will be discussed in more detail in an upcoming section.
Maintenance of anesthesia
Goals of the anesthetic maintenance phase in dogs and cats are summarized in Box 8.3. Unless an IM injectable induction protocol has been used, most procedures lasting more than 15 minutes will require the administration of additional anesthetic agents to extend or maintain anesthesia. This can be accomplished with either injectable or inhalant anesthetics. Any of the IV injectable agents listed in the previous section can be used in smaller “top-up” doses given to effect if the duration of anesthesia only needs to be extended for a few minutes. Repeated redosing with thiopental is not recommended, as redistribution sites may become saturated, leading to a prolonged recovery.
Table 8.5. Selected IM anesthetic protocolsa for cats
Combination | IM Dose in mg/kgb | Comments |
Dexmedetomidine Ketamine Opioid | 0.01–0.02 5–10 See Table 8.3 | May administer dexmedetomidine and opioid first and follow with ketamine 10 minutes later |
Telazol Opioid | 2–10 See Table 8.3 | Telazol is reconstituted according to the label instructions and the opioid is added in separately |
Dexmedetomidine Telazol Opioid | 0.005–0.01 2–4 See comment or Table 8.3 | To reduce injection volume, Telazol may also be reconstituted as follows: 2.5 mL dexmedetomidine plus 2.5 mL butorphanol (10 mg/mL) or 2.5 mL hydromorphone (2 mg/mL) or 2.5 mL morphine (15 mg/mL) The combination is then dosed at 0.02–0.04 mL/kg |
Xylazine Telazol Ketamine Opioid | 1–2 5–10 4–8 See Table 8.3 | To reduce injection volume, Telazol may be reconstituted as follows: 4 mL of ketamine (100 mg/mL) plus 1 mL of xylazine (100 mg/mL) The combination is then dosed at 0.04–0.08 mL/kg and the opioid is added in separately |
Dexmedetomidine Telazol Ketamine Opioid | 0.002–0.004 2–4 1–3 See Table 8.3 | To reduce injection volume, Telazol may be reconstituted as follows: 4 mL of ketamine (100 mg/mL) plus 1 mL of dexmedetomidine (0.5 mg/mL) The combination is then dosed at 0.02–0.04 mL/kg and the opioid is added in separately |
Ketamine Midazolam Opioid | 8–10 0.2–0.3 See Table 8.3 | |
Alphaxalone-CD Opioid | 10–12 See Table 8.3 | May not be suitable for invasive surgical procedures |
a Recovery times may be prolonged with any dissociative-based IM protocol.
b The lower end of the dose range will result in heavy sedation/immobilization while the higher end will produce general anesthesia of variable duration.
If longer-duration injectable maintenance is required, propofol is considered the drug of choice and can be administered as a continuous rate infusion (CRI) for extended periods of time. After appropriate preanesthetic medication and IV induction, propofol CRI doses for anesthetic maintenance in dogs and cats range from 0.2 to 0.8 mg/kg/min and are often supplemented with ketamine, midazolam, dexmedetomidine, and/or opioids as indicated.
Most contemporary small animal veterinary hospitals are equipped with inhalant anesthetic machines, so the most common means of maintaining anesthesia in dogs and cats is to use isoflurane or sevoflurane. For longer and/or more invasive procedures, it is also common practice to supplement inhalant anesthesia with other drugs during the maintenance phase to reduce inhalant requirements once preanesthetic medications have worn off. This may be accomplished in several ways, including the use of local and regional anesthetic or analgesic techniques, or the administration of supplemental systemic drugs such as hydromorphone, oxymorphone, morphine, fentanyl, remifentanil, lidocaine, ketamine, midazolam, and dexmedetomidine. These techniques will be discussed again later in this chapter.
Table 8.6. Anesthetic induction and co-induction agents in dogs
Injectable induction drugsa | IV dose in mg/kg |
Propofol | 2–10 |
Thiopental | 5–15 |
Midazolam b /ketamine | 0.1–0.4/3–10 |
Telazol | 2–8 |
Etomidate | 0.5–2 |
Alphaxalone-CD | 1–3 |
Coinduction drugs | IV dose in mg/kg |
Midazolam b | 0.1–0.4 |
Lidocaine | 2–4 |
Inhalant induction agents | Delivered for induction (%) |
Sevofl urane (MAC 2.3%) | 4–5 |
Isofl urane (MAC 1.3%) | 2.5–3.5 |
Possible combinations of above c | |
Propofol alone | Lidocaine/propofol |
Thiopental alone | Lidocaine/thiopental |
Telazol alone | Lidocaine/telazol |
Etomidate alone | Lidocaine/etomidate |
Alphaxalone-CD alone | Lidocaine/alphaxalone-CD |
Midazolam/ketamine | Lidocaine/midazolam/ketamine |
Sevofl urane alone | Midazolam/lidocaine/propofol |
Isofl urane alone | Midazolam/lidocaine/thiopental |
Midazolam/propofol | Midazolam/lidocaine/etomidate |
Midazolam/thiopental | Midazolam/lidocaine/alphxalone-CD |
Midazolam/etomidate | Midazolam/sevofl urane |
Midazolam/alphaxalone-CD | Midazolam/isoflurane |
a The lower end of dose range is usually feasible if preanesthetic medication has been administered or coinduction agents are to be included.
b Can substitute diazepam at the same dose.
c It is usually recommended to administer the coinduction agent(s) and immediately titrate the primary induction drug to effect.
Recovery from anesthesia
The ideal anesthetic recovery should be rapid, complete, and stress free for the patient. In selected cases, drug reversal may be indicated to hasten recovery. Commonly used reversible drugs include dexmedetomidine (reversed with atipamezole), midazolam and diazepam (reversed with flumazenil), and opioid agonists (reversed with pure antagonists such as naloxone or the agonist–antagonist butorphanol). In other situations, supplemental sedation may be required with low doses of dexmedetomidine, acepromazine, or midazolam to prevent or treat dysphoria or agitation. In all cases, management of pain must be a priority and the most commonly used postanesthetic analgesics are opioids and NSAIDs. Occasionally, adjunctive analgesic agents may also be indicated as part of the pain management plan. Please refer to Tables 8.8 and 8.9 for injectable and oral postoperative analgesic dosage recommendations.
Table 8.7. Anesthetic induction and coinduction agents in cats
Anesthetic/coinduction drug3 | IV dose in mg/kg |
Propofol | 4–10 |
Thiopental | 5–15 |
Midazolamb/ketamine | 0.1–0.3/3–10 |
Telazol | 2–8 |
Etomidate | 0.5–2 |
Alphaxalone-CD | 2–5 |
Coinduction drugs | IV dose in mg/kg |
Midazolamb | 0.1–0.3 |
Inhalant anesthetic agents | Delivered for induction (%) |
Sevoflurane (MAC 2.6%) | 4.5–5.5 |
Isoflurane (MAC 1.6%) | 3–4 |
Possible combinations of abovec | |
Propofol alone | Isoflurane alone |
Thiopental alone | Midazolam/propofol |
Telazol alone | Midazolam/thiopental |
Etomidate alone | Midazolam/etomidate |
Alphaxalone-CD alone | Midazolam/ |
alphaxalone-CD | |
Midazolam/ketamine | Midazolam/sevoflurane |
Sevoflurane alone | Midazolam/isoflurane |
a The lower end of the dose range is usually feasible if preanesthetic medication has been administered or coinduction agents are to be included.
b Can substitute diazepam at the same dose.
c It is usually recommended to administer the coinduction agent(s) and immediately titrate the primary induction drug to effect.
Box 8.3. Goals of the anesthetic maintenance phase in dogs and cats.
- Maintain an adequate level of unconsciousness, analgesia, and muscle relaxation throughout
- Maintain adequate cardiopulmonary stability
- Facilitate adjustment of anesthetic depth if indicated
- Ensure a predictable, smooth recovery

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