A accommodation; adenine; ampere; anode (anodal); anterior; axial; mass number.
A2 aortic second sound (see heart sounds).
a- word element. [L.] without, not.
α alpha, small letter; first letter in the Greek alphabet.
(A-a) Po2 alveolar–arterial oxygen tension difference.
A band filaments of myosin forming a dark (anisotropic) band in the sarcomere.
A-mode amplitude mode. See A-mode ultrasonography.
A–R–F sequence remodeling sequence of bone cell activity; means activation–resorption–formation.
A site see aminoacyl-tRNA binding site.
aa. pl. arteriae [L.] arteries.
āā [Gr.] ana (of each), in prescriptions.
AAALAC Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care.
AAAS American Association for the Advancement of Science.
AaDo2 alveolar-arterial oxygen tension difference.
AAFCO American Association of Feed Control Officials.
AA-MRSA animal-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
AA protein a product of α-globulin and the major protein component of reactive amyloid.
AAHA American Animal Hospital Association.
AALAS American Association of Laboratory Animal Science
AAUAAA sequence see polyadenylation.
AAVC American Association of Veterinary Clinicians.
AAVMC Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges.
AAVSB American Association of Veterinary State Boards.
Ab antibody. Called also gamma globulin (γ). See immunoglobulin.
ab- word element. [L.] from, off, away from.
a. viral mortality a viral disease of molluscs with a very high mortality rate. A disease notifiable to the OIE (see Table 22).
abamectin a mixture of avermectins derived from Streptomyces avermitilis.
abarticular [ab″ahr-tik′u-lr] not affecting a joint; away from a joint.
abarticulation [ab″ahr-tik″u-la′shn] a dislocation.
abasia [-ba′zh] inability to walk.
a. atactica abasia with uncertain movements, due to a defect of coordination.
choreic a. abasia due to chorea of the limbs.
paralytic a. abasia due to paralysis.
spastic a. see paroxysmal trepidant abasia (above).
trembling a., a. trepidans abasia due to trembling of the limbs.
abaxial situated away from the axis of the body, limb or part.
gaunt a. decreased abdominal size.
surgical a. see acute abdomen (above).
a. cavity the body cavity between the diaphragm and the pelvis containing the abdominal organs.
A-1 Pig with distended abdomen due to rectal stricture causing marked distension of the large intestine.
a. lavage see abdominal lavage.
a. pain may arise from an abdominal organ, the peritoneum or be referred as from spinal nerves.
a. silhouette the shape of the abdomen viewed from behind.
a. tunic see tunica flava abdominis.
abdominal sounds [ab-dom′-nl soundz] sounds heard on auscultation of the abdomen.
abdomin(o)- word element, abdomen.
abdominohysterotomy [ab-dom″-no-his″tr-ot′-me] hysterotomy through an abdominal incision.
abdominoparacentesis [ab-dom″-no par″-sen-te′sis] abdominocentesis.
abduce to abduct, or draw away.
abducens [ab-doo′snz] [L.] drawing away; pertaining to a movement away from the midline of the body.
a. nerve see abducent nerve, and Table 14.
abducent [ab-doo′snt] abducting.
a. nerve either of the paired sixth cranial nerves; each arises from the pons and supplies the lateral rectus and retractor bulbi muscles of the eye, allowing for motion. Paralysis of the nerve causes a medial strabismus and absence of third eyelid protrusion when the corneal reflex is tested. See also Table 14.
abduct [ab-dukt′ ] to draw away from an axis or the median plane.
abductor [ab-duk′tor] that which abducts.
aberrant pigment metabolism [ă-ber′nt pig′mnt m-tab′-liz″m] see inherited porphyria.
abiosis [a″bi-o′sis] absence or deficiency of life.
abiotrophic disease [a″bi-o-tro′fik] see abiotrophy.
spinal cord a. see hereditary neuronal abiotrophy of Swedish Lapland dogs (above).
abirritant 1. diminishing irritation; soothing. 2. an agent that relieves irritation.
abirritation [ab-ir--ta′shn] diminished irritability; atony.
ablactation [ab″lak-ta′shn] weaning.
ablastin [a″blas′tin] an antibody that inhibits the reproduction of some protozoan parasites.
ablate [ab-lāt′] to remove, especially by surgical means.
ablatio [ab-la′she-o] [L.] detachment.
a. retinae detachment of the retina.
ablepharia [a″bl-far′e-] congenital absence of the eyelids.
ablepharon [a″blef′-ron] see ablepharia.
abluent [ab′loo-nt] 1. detergent; cleansing. 2. a cleansing agent.
abnormality [ab″nor-mal′-te] 1. the state of being unlike the usual condition. 2. a malformation.
abnutzen pigment see lipofuscin.
abomasal [ab″o-ma′sl] pertaining to, affecting or originating from the abomasum.
a. dilatation see right abomasal displacement (below).
a. displacement see left abomasal displacement, right abomasal displacement (below).
a. phytobezoar see phytobezoar.
a. rupture see abomasal perforation (above).
a. torsion see abomasal volvulus (below).
a. trichobezoar see trichobezoar.
a. tympany see abomasal bloat (above).
Abondance cattle French breed of dual-purpose cattle, mostly red, some red on belly and extremities.
aboral [ab-or’l] away from the mouth.
abortifacient [-bor″t-fa’shnt] 1. causing abortion. 2. an agent that induces abortion.
artificial a. voluntary or elective termination of pregnancy. See also parturition induction.
campylobacter a. see infectious abortion (below).
complete a. complete expulsion of all the products of conception.
incomplete a. abortion in which parts of the products of conception are retained in the uterus.
missed a. the animal was diagnosed pregnant, but found later to be open.
septic a. abortion associated with serious infection of the uterus leading to generalized infection.
spontaneous a. abortion occurring naturally. See also spontaneous abortion.
therapeutic a. abortion induced by a veterinarian for medical or other health reasons.
abortive [-bor’tiv] 1. incompletely developed. 2. abortifacient.
abortus [-bor’ts] a dead or nonviable fetus.
ABP see androgen binding protein.
ABPEE acronym for acute bovine pulmonary emphysema–edema. See atypical interstitial pneumonia.
ABR auditory brainstem response.
ABR test abortus-bang-ring test. See also brucellosis testing, milk ring test.
abrachia [-bra’ke-] congenital absence of the forelimbs.
abrachiocephalia [-bră″ke-o-s-fa’le-] acephalobrachia.
abrasive [-bra’siv] 1. causing abrasion. 2. an agent that produces abrasion.
Abrus [a’brs] pantropical plant genus of the legume family Fabaceae.
apical a. a localized suppurative inflammation of tissues about the apex of a tooth root.
cervical a. see vertebral abscess.
diffuse a. a collection of pus not enclosed by a capsule. More properly described as cellulitis.
facial subcutaneous a. a disease of cattle eating hay or pasture containing mature grass awns.
gas a. one containing gas, caused by gas-forming bacteria such as Clostridium perfringens.
hepatic a. abscess of the liver caused by a variety of infectious agents.
infraorbital a. occurs in birds as a sequel to chronic upper respiratory infection with sinusitis.
internal abdominal a. see retroperitoneal abscess.
maxillary a. see malar abscess.
miliary a. one of a set of small abscesses; the name derived from millet seed (size).
milk a. abscess of the mammary gland occurring during lactation.
pancreatic a. abscess of the pancreas, most commonly seen as a sequel to pancreatitis.
phoenix a. acute recurrence of a chronic periapical abscess.
primary a. one formed at the seat of the infection.
rete mirabile a. see pituitary abscess.
A-5 Pectoral abscess (pigeon fever) with swelling of the left pectoral region and the lower neck.
From McAuliffe SB, Slovis NM, Color Atlas of Diseases and Disorders of the Foal. Saunders, 2008
stitch a., suture a. one developed about a stitch or suture.
abscessation formation of an abscess.
abscission [ab-s’zhn] removal of a part or growth by cutting.
absorbefacient [ab-sor″b-fa’shnt] 1. causing absorption. 2. an agent that promotes absorption.
Compton a. effect see Compton effect.
differential a. the difference in the absorption of X-rays by different tissues.
percutaneous a. absorption of drugs or noxious substances through the skin.
absorptive [ab-sorp’tiv] having the power of absorption; involving absorption.
abu nini [Sudanese] see contagious caprine/ovine pleuropneumonia.
abuse [-būs’] misuse, maltreatment or excessive use.
ABVP American Board of Veterinary Practitioners.
a.c. [L.] ante cibum (before meals).
A. aneura Called also mulga. See acquired melanosis.
A. berlandieri contains tyramine which causes ataxia in sheep and goats. Called also guajillo.
A. cana can accumulate selenium if the soil selenium content is unusually large.
A. catechu cyanogenic plant. See catechu.
A. salicina contains toxic tannins; rarely causes incoordination, recumbency.
false a., black a. see Robinia pseudoacacia.
ACAID anterior chamber-associated immune deviation
acampsia [-kamp’se-] rigidity of a part or limb.
acantha [-kan’th] thorn[Gr.]; a spine-like structure.
acanth(o)- word element. [Gr.] sharp spine, thorn.
acanthocephalans [-kan″tho-sef’-lns] members of the phylum Acanthocephala.
acanthocephalid see acanthocephalans.
acanthocytosis [-kan″tho-si-to’sis] the presence in the blood of acanthocytes.
a. bullosa see epidermolysis bullosa.
infundibular keratinizing a. see intracutaneous cornifying epithelioma.
frictional a. see acanthosis nigricans (below).
Acanthospermum plant genus of the Asteraceae family; originated in tropical America.
Acanthospiculum [ak″an-tho spik’u-lm] see Onchocerca.
acapnia decrease of carbon dioxide in the blood.
acarapisosis a disease of the adult honey bee (Apis mellifera) and possibly other Apis species caused by the honey bee tracheal mite Acarapis woodi, which parasitizes the respiratory system resulting in moderate to high mortality. A disease notifiable to the OIE (see Table 22).
acarbia [a-kahr’be-] decrease of bicarbonate in the blood.
acardia [a-kahr’de-] a developmental anomaly with absence of the heart.
acardiacus [a″kahr-di’-kus] [L.] having no heart.
otodectic a. see Otodectes cynotis.
pulmonary a. see Pneumonyssoides.
acarid [ak’-rid] a tick or a mite of the order Acarina.
Acarina [ak″-ri’n] an order of arthropods (class Arachnida), including mites and ticks.
acarinosis [-kar″-no’sis] any disease caused by mites.
acarodermatitis [ak″-ro-dur″m-ti’tis] skin inflammation due to bites of parasitic mites (acarids).
Acaroidea a superfamily of the order Acarina.
acaryote 1. non-nucleated. 2. a non-nucleated cell.
accelerated conduction syndrome see accessory tract atrioventricular conduction.
linear a. very high energy (1–20 mega volt) X-ray machine to administer radiation therapy treatment.
serum prothrombin conversion a. (SPCA) clotting factor VII; see proconvertin.
acceptor [ak-sep’tr] a substance that unites with another substance.
hydrogen a. the molecule accepting hydrogen in an oxidation–reduction reaction.
access [ak’ses] surgical term for the ease of reaching the target organ or site in an operation.
Accipiter genus of birds of prey that includes goshawks and sparrowhawks.
acclimation [ak″l-ma’shn] the process of becoming accustomed to a new environment.
amplitude of a. the accommodative range of an eye.
histological a. changes in morphology and function of cells following changed conditions.
accreditation given a stamp of legitimacy and dependability by an authorized agency.
ACE angiotensin-converting enzyme.
acellular [a-sel’u-lr] not cellular in structure.
acelomate [a-se’l-māt] having no celom or body cavity.
acephalobrachia [a-sef″-lo-bra’ke-] congenital absence of the head and forelimbs.
acephalocardia [a-sef″-lo-kahr’de-] congenital absence of the head and heart.
acephalocardius [a-sef″-lo-kahr’de-us] a fetus without a head or heart.
acephalochiria [a-sef″-lo-ki’re-] congenital absence of the head and forefeet.
acephalogastria [a-sef″-lo-gas’tre-] congenital absence of the head, thorax and stomach.
acephalopodia [a-sef″-lo-po’de-] congenital absence of the head and hindfeet.
acephalopodius [a-sef″-lo-po’de-us] a fetus without a head or hindfeet.
acephalorachia [a-sef″-lo-ra’ke-] congenital absence of the head and vertebral column.
acephalothoracia [a-sef″-lo-tho-ra’se-] congenital absence of the head and thorax.
acephalous [a-sef’-ls] headless.
acephalus [a-sef’-ls] a headless fetus.
Acer [a’sr] trees of the family Aceraceae.
acervuline [-sur’vu-līn] aggregated; heaped up; said of certain glands.
acetabular [as″-tab’u-lr] pertaining to the acetabulum.
a. cup the acetabular component of a total artificial hip arthroplasty.
a. dysplasia see hip dysplasia.
a. plate an orthopedic plate designed specifically for repair or fixation of the acetabulum.
acetabulectomy [as″-tab″u-lek’t-me] excision of the acetabulum.
acetabuloplasty [as″-tab’u-lo-plas″te] plastic repair of the acetabulum.
acetal [as’-tl] an organic compound formed by a combination of an aldehyde with an alcohol.
acetate [as’-tāt] a salt of acetic acid.
a. base cellulose acetate sheet used as support or base for X-ray film.
acetic [-se’tik] pertaining to vinegar or its acid; sour.
acetoacetate [-se″to-as’-tāt] see acetoacetic acid.
acetokinase [as″-to ki’nās] enzyme catalyzing the phosphorylation of acetate using ATP.
a. poisoning in companion animals causes narcosis, gastritis and renal and hepatic damage.
acetonemia [as″-to-ne’me-] ketonemia; see ketosis.
acetonuria [as″-to-nu’re-] ketonuria.
acetophenazine a phenothiazine, similar to chlorpromazine, used as a tranquilizer.
acetophenetidin see phenacetin.
Acetosella vulgaris Rumex acetosella.
acetyl [as’-tl, as’-tēl″ -se’tl] the monovalent radical, CH3CO, a combining form of acetic acid.
acetylandromedol [as″-tl-, as″-tēl-an-drom’-dol] grayanotoxin (andromedotoxin).
acetylcoenzyme A [as’-tl, as″-tēl’ ko-en’zīm] see acetyl CoA.
N-acetyl loline alkaloid a compound thought to contribute to fescue poisoning.
acetyl-β-methylcholine see methacholine.
acetylpromazine [-se’tl pro’m-zēn] acepromazine.
acetylsalicylic acid [-se’tl-sal″-sil’ik] see aspirin.
AcG accelerator globulin (clotting factor V).
esophageal a. see megaesophagus.
acheilia [-ki’le-] a developmental anomaly with absence of the lips.
acheiria [-ki’re-] a developmental anomaly with absence of the forefeet.
achillobursitis [-kil″o-br-si’tis] inflammation of the bursae about the gastrocnemius tendon.
achillodynia [-kil″o-din’e-] pain in the Achilles tendon or its bursa.
achillorrhaphy [ak″-lor’-fe] suturing of the gastrocnemius tendon.
achillotenotomy [-kil″o-t-not’-me] surgical division of the gastrocnemius tendon.
achlorhydria [a″klor-hi’dre-] absence of hydrochloric acid from gastric juice.
Acholeplasma [a″ko-le-plaz’m] a genus of the class Mollicutes and related to the genus Mycoplasma.
acholia [a-ko’le-] lack or absence of bile secretion.
acholuria absence of bile pigments from the urine.
inherited congenital a. see achondroplastic dwarfism.
inherited a. dwarfism see achondroplastic dwarfism.
inherited a. with hydrocephalus see bulldog calves.
achromat [ak’ro-mat] an achromatic microscope objective.
achromatous [-kro’m-tus] colorless.
achromaturia [-kro″m-tu’re-] colorless state of the urine.
achromia [-kro’me-] the lack or absence of normal color or pigmentation, as of the skin.
achromocyte [-kro’mo-sīt] a red cell artifact that stains more faintly than intact red cells.
achromoderma amelanosis; lack of pigment in the skin.
achromophil [-kro’mo-fil] see achromatophil.
Achtheres a genus of the class Crustacea which parasitize freshwater fish.
Achyla a genus of fungi which cause disease in fish reared by fish culturists and aquarists.
achylia [-ki’le-] absence of hydrochloric acid and enzymes in the gastric secretions.
achymia [-ki’me-] deficiency of chyme.
acicular [-sik’u-lr] acicularis [L.]; needle-shaped.
bile a’s steroid acids derived from cholesterol. See also bile acids.
a. hydrolases major group of enzymes present in lysosomes.
inorganic a. an acid containing no carbon atoms.
keto a’s compounds containing the groups CO (carbonyl) and COOH (carboxyl).
a. phosphatase see acid phosphatase.
acid–antigen plate test [as’id an’t-jn plāt] see rose bengal test.
acid citrate dextrose [as’id sit’rāt dek’strōs] see ACD.
acid-detergent fiber [as’id de-tur’jnt fi’br] see acid-detergent fiber2.
acidemia [as″-de’me-] abnormal acidity of the blood.
acidic [-sid’ik] of or pertaining to an acid; acid-forming.
acidifying solution a solution used in fluid therapy for alkalosis.
acidophile [-sid’o-fīl″] see acidophil.
acidophilic [as″-do-fil’ik] 1. easily stained with acid dyes. 2. growing best on acid media.
hepatocellular a. bodies see cytosegresome formation.
compensated a. condition in which the compensatory mechanisms have returned the pH toward normal.
hypercapnic a. respiratory acidosis.
ruminal a. acidosis caused by an altered metabolic state, usually lactic acidosis, in the rumen.
uremic a. see metabolic acidosis (above).
aciduric [as″-doo’rik] capable of growing well in extremely acid media.
acinar [as’-nr] pertaining to or affecting an acinus or acini.
acinetic [as″-net’ik] akinetic.
aciniform [-sin’-form] grapelike.
acinitis [as″-ni’tis] inflammation of the acini of a gland.
acinous [as’-ns] made up of acini.
ACLAM American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine.
aclasia, aclasis [-kla’zh, ak’l-sis] pathological continuity of structure, as in chondrodystrophy.
acme [ak’me] the critical stage or crisis of a disease.
contagious equine a. see Canadian horsepox.
interdigital a. see interdigital pyoderma.
acneiform [ak’ne-form] resembling acne.
acokantherosis the state of being poisoned by Acokanthera spp.
Acomys cahirinus see spiny mouse.
aconite [ak’-nīt] see Aconitum.
acoprosis absence or paucity of feces in the intestines.
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