Section 4. Medical Terminology
Sarah Wagner and Joann Colville
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1. What is the correct term for blood in the urine?
a. Hemolysis
b. Uremia
c. Hematuria
d. Hemocentesis
2. What is the correct term for an increased leukocyte count not due to cancer?
a. Leukemia
b. Leukopenia
c. Leukophilia
d. Leukocytosis
3. What organ or area is affected by mastitis?
a. Uterus
b. Testicle
c. Hands
d. Mammary gland
4. What is the correct term for sticking a needle into a lymph node and aspirating cells for examination?
a. Punch biopsy
b. Lymphostomy
c. Lymphocentesis
d. Histopathology
5. What is the correct term for an inflammation of the urinary bladder?
a. Nephritis
b. Cystitis
c. Cystocentesis
d. Cystouritis
6. What is the correct term for the surgical removal of a mammary gland?
a. Mastotomy
b. Mastostomy
c. Mastectomy
d. Mammotomy
7. What does the term anorexia mean?
a. Low erythrocyte count
b. Not eating
c. Depressed
d. Abnormal heart rhythm
8. What is the correct term for an instrument used to examine ears?
a. Ophthalmoscope
b. Laryngoscope
c. Laparoscope
d. Otoscope
9. What term means “fever”?
a. Hypothermia
b. Pyrexia
c. Hyperthermitis
d. Caliente
10. What is the term for an inflammation of the brain and spinal cord?
a. Hydrocephalus
b. Encephalitis
c. Encephalomyelitis
d. Epilepsy
11. What is the term that refers to a benign black tumor?
a. Melanoma
b. Melanocarcinoma
c. Melanosis
d. Xanthoma
13. A dog’s spleen is enlarged. What is the correct term for this condition?
a. Splenomegaly
b. Hypoplasia
c. Analgesia
d. Splenoplasia
14. What is the correct term for a radiograph taken with air in the urinary bladder?
a. Cystogram
b. Aerocystogram
c. Electrocystogram
d. Pneumocystogram
15. What is the correct term for surgically creating a new opening into the urethra?
a. Urethrotomy
b. Ureterostomy
c. Urethrostomy
d. Urethrectomy
16. What is the correct term for heart muscle disease?
a. Pericarditis
b. Electrocardiopathy
c. Endocarditis
d. Cardiomyopathy
17. What is the term that means “a condition of death”?
a. Autolysis
b. Pathosis
c. Necritis
d. Necrosis
18. Sometimes lymph nodes enlarge because of an increase in the number of cells. What is the term for overdevelopment because of an increase in the number of cells?
a. Hypertrophy
b. Adenopathy
c. Hyperplasia
d. Metastasis
19. What term refers to an inflammation of the kidney?
a. Nephritis
b. Nephrosis
c. Renalitis
d. Uremia
20. What structure is inflamed in a keratitis?
a. Prostate
b. Retina
c. Conjunctiva
d. Cornea
21. A dog is born with a soft, swollen area over the anterior cranium. The veterinarian suspects “water on the brain.” What is the correct medical term for this condition?
a. Hydroencephalitis
b. Cephalohydrosis
c. Hydronephrosis
d. Hydrocephalus
22. Orthopedics is the medical specialty concerned with
a. Muscle and bone
b. Neoplasia
c. The reproductive system
d. Aged animals
23. Which of the following cells is normally found in the red bone marrow?
a. Oocyte
b. Squamous cell
c. Myocyte
d. Myelocyte
24. What is the term for a blood clot that travels through the circulation?
a. Thrombus
b. Thromboembolus
c. Embolus
d. Stroke
25. Which of the following literally means the “study of no feeling”?
a. Analgesiology
b. Analgia
c. Hypoesthesiology
d. Anesthesiology
26. What is the name of the area where the upper and lower eyelids meet?
a. Conjunctiva
b. Cornea
c. Uvea
d. Canthus
27. A collie is born with eyes smaller than normal. What is this called?
a. Hyperophthalmia
b. Anophthalmia
c. Microphthalmia
d. Ophthalmitis
29. Which of the following terms means “difficult breathing”?
a. Dystrophy
b. Tachypnea
c. Pneumothorax
d. Dyspnea
30. What is the term for a malignant bone tumor?
a. Osteodystrophy
b. Osteosarcoma
c. Osteomyelitis
d. Osteomalacia
31. What is the term for the procedure in which a sterile needle is inserted into the chest and fluid is withdrawn into a syringe?
a. Cystocentesis
b. Thoracorrhagia
c. Pneumogenesis
d. Thoracocentesis
32. What term refers to the medical specialty that deals primarily with tumors?
a. Oncology
b. Neoplasology
c. Neonatology
d. Cancerology
33. The veterinarian has noted in a dog’s record that alopecia is present. This means which of the following conditions is present?
a. Itching
b. Diarrhea
c. Not eating
d. Hair loss
34. What term refers to an animal drinking more water than normal?
a. Hydrophilia
b. Polydipsia
c. Polyphagia
d. Multihydrosis
35. A dog has had a cast on its leg for 5 weeks. When the cast is removed, the muscles on the affected leg are smaller than on the other leg. What is the term used to describe this condition?
a. Muscular dystrophy
b. Muscular atrophy
c. Muscular dysplasia
d. Muscular hyperplasia
36. Which of the following terms refers to a white blood cell count below normal?
a. Leukopenia
b. Leukocytosis
c. Leukemia
d. Anemia
37. A dog has swallowed a ball, and it is stuck in its stomach. What is the name of the surgical procedure performed to remove it?
a. Gastrectomy
b. Gastrostomy
c. Gastrotomy
d. Gastropexy
38. What is the correct term for a drug administered to relieve pain?
a. Analgesic
b. Anesthetic
c. Antipyretic
d. Antitussive
39. A cat that has already delivered two kittens has another kitten stuck in the birth canal and is having difficulty giving birth to it. What term is used to describe this condition?
a. Pyometra
b. Hysterectomy
c. Dystocia
d. Paronychia
40. What does the term pathogenic refer to?
a. Neoplasia
b. Disease causing
c. Unknown cause
d. Road to nowhere
41. The veterinarian indicates in the record that a cat has otitis. What structure is affected?
a. Eye
b. Bone
c. Nose
d. Ear
42. An anesthetized cat’s heart rate has slowed to an abnormally low 30 beats per minute. Which of the following terms best describes this condition?
a. Arrhythmia
b. Murmur
c. Bradycardia
d. Tachycardia
44. An anesthetized dog has a blue color to its mucous membranes. What is the term used to describe this condition?
a. Icterus
b. Lipemia
c. Cyanosis
d. Xanthosis
45. What term refers to a benign fatty tumor?
a. Lipocarcinoma
b. Lipoma
c. Obesioma
d. Liposarcoma
46. What is an electrocardiogram?
a. A surgical procedure on the heart
b. Looking at sound waves from the heart
c. An electrical recording of the heart
d. A radiograph of the heart
47. A cat is exhibiting anisocoria. What is occurring?
a. The cat is not eating
b. The cat is lame
c. The cat is scratching
d. The cat’s pupils are different sizes
48. The granules in the cytoplasm of an eosinophil are
a. Purple
b. Blue
c. Red
d. Black
49. To torse means
a. To have decreased circulation
b. To fill with gas
c. To twist
d. To displace
50. The word part that means “long” is
a. Dolicho
b. Meso
c. Brachy
d. Trophy
51. The word part that means “growth” is
a. Dolicho
b. Meso
c. Brachy
d. Trophy
52. The word part that means “middle” is
a. Dolicho
b. Meso
c. Brachy
d. Trophy
53. The word part that means “short” is
a. Dolicho
b. Meso
c. Brachy
d. Trophy
54. Inflammation of the gums is
a. Stomatitis
b. Glossitis
c. Gingivitis
d. Pharyngitis
55. Inflammation of all or any of the mucous membranes of the mouth is
a. Stomatitis
b. Glossitis
c. Gingivitis
d. Pharyngitis
56. Inflammation of the tongue is
a. Stomatitis
b. Glossitis
c. Gingivitis
d. Pharyngitis
57. Inflammation of the throat is
a. Stomatitis
b. Glossitis
c. Gingivitis
d. Pharyngitis
58. Inflammation of the salivary glands is
a. Sialoschesis
b. Sialogen
c. Sialoadenitis
d. Sialocele
59. A salivary cyst is a
a. Sialoschesis
b. Sialogen
c. Sialoadenitis
d. Sialocele
60. Suppression of the flow of saliva is
a. Sialoschesis
b. Sialogen
c. Sialoadenitis
d. Sialocele
62. Difficulty standing is
a. Dyschezia
b. Dyspnea
c. Dysphagia
d. Ataxia
63. Difficulty swallowing is
a. Dyschezia
b. Dyspnea
c. Dysphagia
d. Ataxia
64. Difficulty defecating is
a. Dyschezia
b. Dyspnea
c. Dysphagia
d. Ataxia
65. Difficulty breathing is
a. Dyschezia
b. Dyspnea
c. Dysphagia
d. Ataxia
66. A displaced or malpositioned organ is referred to as
a. Epistaxis
b. Ecchymosis
c. Ectopic
d. Ectropion
67. An eyelid that is turning outward is described as an
a. Epistaxis
b. Ecchymosis
c. Ectopic
d. Ectropion
68. Blood under the skin produced by ruptured blood vessels in the area is known as
a. Epistaxis
b. Ecchymosis
c. Ectopic
d. Ectropion
69. A nose-bleed is also known as an
a. Epistaxis
b. Ecchymosis
c. Ectopic
d. Ectropion
70. Accumulation of water in the thorax is known as
a. Chylothorax
b. Pyothorax
c. Hydrothorax
d. Pneumothorax
71. Accumulation of fatty fluid in the thorax is known as
a. Chylothorax
b. Pyothorax
c. Hydrothorax
d. Pneumothorax
72. Accumulation of purulent fluid in the thorax is known as
a. Chylothorax
b. Pyothorax
c. Hydrothorax
d. Pneumothorax
73. Accumulation of air in the thorax is known as
a. Chylothorax
b. Pyothorax
c. Hydrothorax
d. Pneumothorax
74. Inflammation of the lacrimal gland is
a. Dacryoadenalgia
b. Dacryoadenitis
c. Dacryocystoptosis
d. Dacryoma
75. A tumor of the lacrimal gland would be identified as a
a. Dacryoadenalgia
b. Dacryoadenitis
c. Dacryocystoptosis
d. Dacryoma
76. A painful lacrimal gland is described as
a. Dacryoadenalgia
b. Dacryoadenitis
c. Dacryocystoptosis
d. Dacryoma
77. Prolapse of the lacrimal gland is described as
a. Dacryoadenalgia
b. Dacryoadenitis
c. Dacryocystoptosis
d. Dacryoma
78. A pug, with its very short nose, is an example of a __ breed.

a. Dolichocephalic
b. Mesaticephalic
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