34 Tooth Fracture


  • Traumatic tooth injuries may involve fracture of enamel, dentin, and cement or damage to the periodontium
  • May involve the crown and root of the affected tooth
  • Classified as uncomplicated fractures if they do not involve pulpal exposure and complicated fractures if the pulp is exposed by the fracture line
  • American Veterinary Dental College (AVDC) Nomenclature “Dental Fracture Classification” (images courtesy of AVDC: http://avdc.org/nomenclature.html)
    • Enamel infraction (EI): an incomplete fracture (crack) of the enamel without loss of tooth structure (Fig. 34-1)
    • Enamel fracture (EF): a fracture with loss of crown substance confined to the enamel (Fig. 34-2)
    • Uncomplicated crown fracture (UCF): a fracture of the crown that does not expose the pulp (Fig. 34-3)
    • Complicated crown fracture (CCF): a fracture of the crown that exposes the pulp (Fig. 34-4)
    • Uncomplicated crown root fracture (UCRF): a fracture of the crown and root that does not expose the pulp (Fig. 34-5)
    • Complicated crown root fracture (CCRF): a fracture of the crown and root that exposes the pulp (Fig. 34-6)
    • Root fracture (RF): a fracture involving the root (Fig. 34-7)

x25AA001rs Figure 34-1 Enamel infraction (EI): an incomplete fracture (crack) of the enamel without loss of tooth structure.

(Image courtesy of AVDC Nomenclature “Dental Fracture Classification”: http://avdc.org/nomenclature.html)


x25AA001rs Figure 34-2 Enamel fracture (EF): a fracture with loss of crown substance confined to the enamel.

(Image courtesy of AVDC Nomenclature “Dental Fracture Classification”: http://avdc.org/nomenclature.html)


x25AA001rs Figure 34-3 Uncomplicated crown fracture (UCF): a fracture of the crown that does not expose the pulp.

(Image courtesy of AVDC Nomenclature “Dental Fracture Classification”: http://avdc.org/nomenclature.html)


x25AA001rs Figure 34-4 Complicated crown fracture (CCF): a fracture of the crown that exposes the pulp.

(Image courtesy of AVDC Nomenclature “Dental Fracture Classification”: http://avdc.org/nomenclature.html)


x25AA001rs Figure 34-5 Uncomplicated crown root fracture (UCRF): a fracture of the crown and root that does not expose the pulp.

(Image courtesy of AVDC Nomenclature “Dental Fracture Classification”: http://avdc.org/nomenclature.html)


x25AA001rs Figure 34-6 Complicated crown root fracture (CCRF): a fracture of the crown and root that exposes the pulp.

(Image courtesy of AVDC Nomenclature “Dental Fracture Classification”: http://avdc.org/nomenclature.html)


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May 22, 2017 | Posted by in GENERAL | Comments Off on 34 Tooth Fracture

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