CHAPTER 22 Susan E. Leonard Northeast Veterinary Referral Hospital, Plains, Pennsylvania Anesthesia is an induced, temporary state with one or more of the following features: analgesia, paralysis, amnesia, and unconsciousness. Anesthesia is used to perform medical procedures that would otherwise cause severe or intolerable pain in an awake and conscious patient. General anesthesia works through the central nervous system (CNS) and results in unconsciousness and total lack of sensation. Sedation or dissociative anesthesia inhibits both anxiety and the creation of long‐term memories. Local or regional anesthesia causes loss of sensation in the targeted body part. An anesthetic is an agent that causes anesthesia. The anesthetic drugs are selected and the dose determined to achieve the type and degree of anesthesia appropriate for the procedure and the specific patient. The best anesthetic is the one with the lowest risk to the patient while still achieving the endpoints required to complete the procedure. The types of drugs that can be selected include general anesthetics, hypnotics, sedatives, neuromuscular‐blocking drugs, narcotics, and analgesics. Many of the anesthetic drugs can depress cardiac contractility, cause hypotension through vasodilation, and reduce the normal drive to ventilate. The need for anesthesia in the critical small animal patient is common for diagnostic sampling, invasive therapeutic procedures, surgical correction of underlying problems or maintaining amnesia, analgesia, and immobility while healing occurs (such as traumatic brain injury, severe burn injury). Unfortunately, these patients also have the highest risk of complications. Factors related to the health of the patient, the complexity of the procedure being performed, and the type of anesthetic administered contribute to the likelihood of adverse anesthetic events. A careful anesthetic plan must be created that includes preanesthetic patient evaluation and stabilization, premedication, anesthetic induction and maintenance, monitoring, and postanesthetic recovery. Risk factors for complications need to be recognized early in the process and steps taken to prepare for intervention should complications occur. The first step of any anesthetic procedure is the preanesthetic patient evaluation for potential risk factors for anesthetic complications. The health of the animal prior to the anesthesia has a great bearing on the probability of a complication occurring. A comprehensive history and thorough physical examination will reveal most of the immediate risk factors. A review of the point of care (POC) laboratory data and clinicopathological laboratory results can demonstrate additional factors that can be of concern. Occasionally, diagnostic imaging is required prior to anesthetic induction to better characterize a potential or immediate problem that might affect recovery from anesthesia. Several scoring systems have been proposed to assess the risk of perioperative mortality [1]. A simple stratification system developed by the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) can be utilized for classification of the patient’s anesthetic risks. However, it is not designed to provide a prediction of mortality (Table 22.1) [2]. Table 22.1 American Society of Anesthesiologists Classification of Physical Risk Factors for Anesthesia. Source: Adapted from Thurmon JC, Short CE. History and overview of veterinary anesthesia. In: Lumb and Jones’ Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia, 4th edn. Tranquilli WJ, Thurmon JC, Grimm KA, eds. Ames: Blackwell Publishing, 2007: p 17 [2]. Used with permission of Wiley. Every parameter of the Rule of 20 can have an impact on anesthesia. Preexisting problems that can affect the anesthetic event will include breed‐specific anatomical anomalies, cardiovascular disease, hemorrhage or anemia, hypoglycemia, acid–base imbalances, hypo‐ or hyperthermia, hypertension, hypotension, increased vagal tone, pain, and severe systemic disease. The Rule of 20 provides an ideal “check‐off” list when performing the preanesthetic evaluation. The sample form provided in Figure 22.1 can be adapted to meet the needs of the specific patient and the critical care team. Figure 22.1 Rule of 20 form to use in performing the preanesthetic evaluation of the critical small animal patient. This form should be amended to meet the needs of the specific ICU patient and critical care team. Review of the history begins with the signalment (age, sex, breed). Older animals have a higher risk of metabolic or structural abnormalities that could impact the delivery of anesthesia. Breed‐related problems such as brachycephalic syndrome, tracheal hypoplasia or sensitivity to anesthetics (such as sight hounds) must be factored into the anesthetic plan. A review of past medical problems should look for cardiac disease, hypertension, coagulation disorders, liver disease, renal insufficiency, hypothyroidism, hypoadrenocorticism, and pulmonary disorders that could affect the delivery, maintenance, metabolism of anesthetic drugs as well as recovery from anesthesia. The complete list of prescribed and over‐the‐counter medications is reviewed for evidence of drugs that might affect cardiac function, blood pressure, clearance of anesthetic agents or clotting ability. Patients that may have an impaired immune response or are immunocompromised (through disease or medications) are identified since perioperative antibiotics can be an important part of their anesthetic and surgical plan [3]. Since it is ideal to have the patient fasted prior to anesthetic induction, the time since the last meal or free access to water becomes important. A careful review of the patient problems list and current therapy is crucial to avoiding anesthetic problems. Knowledge of therapies that should continue throughout the anesthetic procedure, such as fluid therapy, oxygen supplementation or inotropic support, should be clearly identified and plans made to provide the needed support. Medications that could complicate the anesthetic event, such as insulin infusions or intravenous potassium supplementation, should be recognized and decisions made whether to discontinue these drugs during anesthesia. Any patient that is being anesthetized should have a recent and accurate body weight; however, some patients may require an estimated lean body weight if obese. The vital signs (temperature, heart rate, pulse intensity, mucous membrane (MM) color, capillary refill time (CRT)) begin the examination. The initial body temperature is important since most animals receiving anesthesia are at risk for hypothermia. An increased risk occurs in patients that are very young or geriatric, have small body size or poor body condition. Hypoglycemia, prolonged anesthesia times, high inhalant gas flow rates, procedures requiring open body cavities or large shaved areas, and vasodilation provide increased risks of hypothermia in the anesthetized patient. The physical peripheral perfusion parameters (heart rate, pulse intensity, MM color, CRT) can reflect hyperdynamic (tachycardia, red MM, CRT <1 second, bounding pulses) or hypodynamic (tachycardia (dogs), pale MM, CRT >2 seconds, weak or absent pulses) perfusion associated with hypovolemia, poor cardiac function or lack of vascular tone. Dehydration is observed through loss of skin turgor, dry MM and corneal moisture, and the sunken position of the eye within the orbit. In patients with interstitial deficits, procedures such as central line and feeding tube placement can be more challenging due to increased friction from interstitial tissues. Rehydration prior to anesthesia may improve ease of placement. Overhydration may be evidenced by peripheral edema, conjunctival edema or pulmonary crackles or rales. The heart rate and pulse rate are compared to identify pulse deficits suggestive of cardiac arrhythmias. Muffled heart sounds or jugular distension might reflect pericardial effusion that could impact cardiac performance under anesthesia. The respiratory rate and effort, breathing pattern, and lung auscultation can demonstrate most immediate problems causing abnormal oxygenation or ventilation. Significant breathing patterns and abnormal sounds identified on auscultation should be investigated before anesthetic induction (see Chapter 8). Severe respiratory disease may warrant rapid intervention so the airway can be secured and ventilation with oxygen initiated. A complete neurological examination is performed to assess the level of consciousness and mentation and identify any deficits that might impact the choice of anesthetic. This also provides a baseline for comparing pre‐ and postanesthetic neurological status. Auscultation and palpation of the abdomen will aid in assessing gastrointestinal (GI) motility. The GI motility and function can be altered by critical illness as well as by anesthesia. Anesthesia can cause gastric paresis and distension, which can impair ventilation and decrease venous return as well as put the patient at risk for aspiration pneumonia. Ileus is another common complication resulting from anesthesia and can cause a physiological bowel obstruction and mucosal ischemia. A review of patient blood work and cage‐side point of care testing within 12 hours of anesthesia is ideal for preanesthetic screening. The POC testing should consist of packed cell volume (PCV), total protein (TP), blood glucose, blood urea nitrogen (BUN) or creatinine, electrolytes, blood gas analysis, blood lactate, coagulation profile, buccal mucosal bleeding time (BMBT), blood smear for platelet estimate, and urinalysis. The complete blood count and serum biochemical profile can demonstrate high white blood cell (WBC) counts (inflammation), low WBC counts (immune compromise), characterize anemia or erythrocytosis, and provide evidence of disorders of various organs. The PCV and TP will be used to determine the need for pre‐ or intraoperative blood products. The PCV should be >20% for adequate oxygen‐carrying capacity during anesthesia. A high PCV (erythrocytosis) impairs blood flow and necessitates either fluid dilution or blood letting prior to anesthesia. Patients at risk of requiring blood products during anesthesia should have their blood typed and cross‐matched to donor blood. A low TP or hypoalbuminemia warrants plasma or synthetic colloid administration to maintain the intravascular colloidal osmotic pressure. The role of protein binding in the pharmacokinetics of the drugs used for induction and anesthesia maintenance is considered when determining the need for plasma or albumin administration. A normal blood glucose is ideal for anesthesia. Hypoglycemia will contribute to hypotension, impaired compensatory responses to anesthesia, and depressed mentation. Hyperglycemia can cause fluid imbalance and alter mentation. An elevation in blood lactate suggests anaerobic metabolism and poor tissue oxygenation, requiring improved perfusion prior to anesthetic induction. Acid–base disorders should be corrected prior to administering the respiratory and cardiovascular depressing agents that are used for sedation and anesthesia. Oxygenation and ventilation, sodium (free water), chloride, phosphorus, uremia, proteins, lactate, and unmeasured anions can all impact acid–base status (see Chapter 7). Alterations of sodium, potassium, ionized calcium, and magnesium can be associated with changes in fluid balance, cardiac arrhythmias, mental depression, neuromuscular irritability, and prolonged bleeding. Oxygen supplementation, ventilation, fluid therapy, and electrolyte supplementation may be required to establish and maintain an acceptable electrolyte and acid–base status prior to anesthetic induction. Patients undergoing anesthesia are at risk for hypotension, which can cause or exacerbate preexisting renal conditions. An elevated BUN or creatinine and isosthenuria bring concern for renal disease. Anesthetic drugs that will affect renal blood flow or that require renal excretion should be used judiciously or avoided in patients with preexisting renal disease. Placement of a urinary catheter with a closed collection system before anesthesia will allow monitoring of urine output and fluid balance during anesthesia. A low BUN can be a reflection of poor liver function. If liver dysfunction is suspected, drugs requiring hepatic metabolism should be minimized or avoided. Coagulation abnormalities are common in the critical animal and anesthetic‐related events such as hypothermia or surgery may exacerbate an underlying clotting disorder. Prior to surgical procedures, the platelet number, platelet function (BMBT), and coagulation system are evaluated. Prolonged hypothermia associated with anesthesia must be avoided since it can cause coagulopathies (see Chapter 9), and coagulation factor dilution or inhibition resulting from aggressive fluid therapy (crystalloids and hydroxyethyl starches) can also impair the ability to clot normally. Survey chest radiographs should be evaluated for evidence of airway, lung parenchymal or pleural space disorders that could affect oxygenation and ventilation or potentially patient prognosis. Pleural fluid or air should be evacuated prior to anesthetic induction. Focused assessment with sonography in trauma (FAST) techniques for the thoracic and abdominal cavities may help to rapidly identify evidence of hemorrhage or other catastrophic consequences of trauma prior to anesthesia. An electrocardiogram (ECG) is evaluated prior to anesthetic induction. The presence of arrhythmias can warrant preoxygenation, antiarrhythmic agents or a change in anesthetic drug selection. The information from the history, physical examination, and blood testing is used to establish a plan for patient preparation and make a selection of premedication drugs. Interventions to consider include volume resuscitation (crystalloids, colloids, blood components), pain control (narcotics, adjunctive therapies), antiarrhythmic drugs, positive inotropes, vasopressors, and specific steps to normalize metabolic, electrolyte, and acid–base derangements. Patients at risk for adverse cardiovascular events will benefit from having cardiovascular drug doses (such as continuous rate infusion doses of vasopressor agents or positive inotropes) precalculated for rapid intervention if required. Patients with traumatic injuries, gastric dilation‐volvulus, airway disease, respiratory dysfunction or cardiovascular disorders can decompensate rapidly or respond negatively to the anesthetics or other medications administered. The anesthesia monitoring devices, including blood pressure, ECG, and pulse oximetry, should be placed on the animal during the patient preparation phase of anesthesia to allow continuous monitoring throughout all phases. Catheter placement is essential in critically ill patients both for monitoring and therapy. At least one intravenous or intraosseous catheter is necessary prior to induction of anesthesia. A second catheter should be placed if blood administration or rapid, large‐volume fluid administration is anticipated during anesthesia. Placement of catheters such as a central line, direct arterial line, urinary catheter, nasal oxygen and nasogastric tube prior to induction will minimize anesthetic time. However, the procedures may be more challenging and uncomfortable in the awake patient, making placement shortly after induction in these animals another option. Patients with intravascular volume deficits should have the deficit corrected through resuscitation with the appropriate fluid(s) prior to induction of anesthesia. Additional monitoring procedures such as urinary output and central venous pressure can help assess and maintain an adequate fluid balance during the anesthetic period. Administration of crystalloids is considered standard of care for patients throughout general anesthesia, and is recommended at a dose of 5–10 mL/kg/h. However, fluid choices and infusion rates may need to be altered for short or prolonged anesthetic procedures depending on the fluid balance, cardiac function, and blood pressure of the patient. Examples of patients that may require preoxygenation include those with pulmonary, pleural or chest wall disease, neurological disease, obese patients, and patients with abdominal distension (including ascites, pregnancy, and pyometra). Those patients with preexisting increase in work of breathing, brachycephalic breeds and patients with anemia would benefit as well. Preoxygenation for 3–5 minutes can increase the alveolar concentration of oxygen. This will provide a slightly longer time for hemoglobin desaturation than without preoxygenation. Preoxygenation can serve as a safeguard during rapid induction and intubation or during patient transfer into the surgery suite [4]. Arrhythmias should be treated prior to anesthetic induction when one or more of the following criteria are met: (1) the arrhythmia is impacting cardiac output and compromising tissue perfusion, (2) if the high heart rate is negatively impacting coronary perfusion, and potentially causing further arrhythmias or (3) prefibrillatory rhythms are noted (such as torsades de pointes, multiform ventricular beats or R‐on‐T phenomenon). If any of these are present, preoxygenation is instituted and specific pharmacologialc intervention is indicated (see Chapter 11). For bradyarrhythmias, atropine or glycopyrrolate is usually the first drug of choice. For ventricular tachyarrhythmias, lidocaine, procainamide or magnesium sulfate are common drug options. Anesthesia can reduce GI motility and delay gastric emptying. An appropriate time of fasting prior to anesthesia is desired to decrease the amount of gastric contents. When this is not possible, the administration of antiemetics and prokinetics in the perianesthetic period may decrease the risk of aspiration pneumonia. A nasogastric tube can be placed and used to remove gastric fluid and air to reduce the stimulus for vomiting. Medical management for an elevation in intracranial pressure should be considered prior to anesthetic induction in any patient with altered mentation, head trauma or a recent history of seizures (see Chapter 12). Interventions can include preoxygenation, maintaining a normal blood pressure, maintaining PaCO2 between 35 and 45 mmHg and ensuring adequate glucose levels. The head and shoulders can be elevated up to 15–20° and jugular vein occlusion is avoided. Hypoventilation leading to hypercapnia will alter cerebral vasomotor tone and predispose to altered intracranial pressures. Drugs such as opioids, dissociative anesthetics, and phenothiazines can induce hypoventilation. Some inhalant anesthetics, particularly halothane and nitrous oxide, can disrupt cerebral autoregulation and increase cerebral metabolic rate and oxygen consumption [4]. Altered drug pharmacokinetics, including drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion, can occur in critical patients associated with changes in fluid balance, cardiovascular function, albumin concentration, hepatic function, and renal function. Depending on the drug and the pharmacokinetic changes, drug doses or intervals may need to be altered or drug combinations used. Changes in the magnitude and duration of drug effects should be anticipated and adjustments made as indicated. A flow sheet should be prepared for every patient undergoing anesthesia with precalculated doses of emergency, anesthetic, and vasoactive drugs available for that specific patient in case urgent intervention is required. The clinician should be familiar with side‐effects of all medications administered. A list of common sedatives, analgesics, anesthetics, drug reversal agents, and cardiopulmonary resuscitation drugs, their recommended dose and common side‐effects is provided in Table 22.2. Table 22.2 Common sedatives, analgesics, anesthetic medications, reversal drugs, and CPR drug doses and common side‐effects. Doses are suggestions and may vary depending on drug combinations used and individual patient health status. * MAC is the minimum alveolar concentration at which 50% of patients will not show a response to a noxious stimuli. This will be lower when used in combination with analgesic agents. CPR, cardiopulmonary resuscitation; CRI, constant rate infusion; CV, cardiovascular; GABA, gamma‐aminobutyric acid; GI, gastrointestinal. One of the overall goals of the anesthetic plan is to minimize the time that the patient is required to be under anesthesia. Methods to consider for saving anesthetic time for patients are listed in Table 22.3. During the premedication phase of anesthetic preparation, the critical care team must prepare the anesthesia and monitoring equipment as well as the procedural or surgical suite. An example of a preanesthetic check‐off list is provided in Table 22.4. Equipment, drugs, and materials should be set up for immediate use prior to inducing anesthesia in the patient. Table 22.3 Procedures that can be performed prior to anesthetic induction to reduce time under anesthesia. Table 22.4 Example anesthesia check‐off list. ECG, electrocardiogram; ET, endotracheal. Premedication is the administration of drugs prior to anesthesia to prepare the patient for anesthesia and provide optimal conditions for the procedure or surgery. The goal is to reduce pain and anxiety, promote amnesia, decrease postanesthetic nausea and vomiting, allow restraint, and accomplish other patient‐specific targets. These drugs are administered any time within 15 minutes to two hours before the induction of anesthesia and can be given by intramuscular or intravenous routes. Medications can include tranquilizers or sedatives such as benzodiazepines and phenothiazines, opioid analgesic medications, dissociative agents, alpha‐2‐agonists and local anesthetics. Benzodiazepines are ideal to reduce anxiety and provide some amnesia and light sedation. Drugs such as lorazepam and midazolam may allow a lighter depth of anesthesia by reducing the risk of awareness during the procedure (see Table 22.2). Antiemetics such as maropitant (0.6–1 mg/kg SC or IV), ondansetron (0.5–1 mg/kg, slow IV), or metoclopramide (0.2–0.4 mg/kg IV) can be given to reduce postanesthetic nausea and vomiting. Prokinetics such as or metoclopramide or cisapride should be avoided in patients with gastrointestinal obstruction. When anesthetics or sedatives are used in combination, lower doses of each medication may be used to decrease the side‐effects of any individual drug. An opioid may be combined with the benzodiazepine if analgesia is desired prior to the induction of anesthesia. Common analgesic premedications include pure mu‐agonsists such as hydromorphone, methadone, fentanyl or morphine. The combination of medications such as a constant rate infusion (CRI) of fentanyl, lidocaine, and ketamine can provide a balanced plan for analgesia. Lidocaine has the added advantage of decreasing some ventricular arrhythmias, acute kidney injury, and hospitalization time in dogs with gastric dilation‐volvulus [5]. Some critically ill patients can be induced and intubated with higher doses of premedications. Rapid‐sequence anesthetic induction and endotracheal intubation techniques are employed in patients with critical illness. The purpose is to minimize the time between loss of consciousness and endotracheal intubation, allowing airway and ventilation. The patient is preoxygenated and injectable anesthetics such as propofol, etomidate‐midazolam, ketamine‐midazolam or alfaxolone are titrated until the patient loses the gag reflex. The injectable agents are often used in combination for several reasons: (1) when combining different mechanisms of action, analgesic effects can be increased, (2) adding drugs that work by different mechanisms can allow a lower dose of some anesthetics, including volatile agents, and (3) lower doses will decrease unwanted side‐effects of any single agent (see Table 8.12). Endotracheal intubation is immediately performed, followed by cuff inflation, oxygenation, ventilation, and securing of the endotracheal tube with ties. A complete description of how to perform endotracheal intubation and techniques to assure proper tube placement within the trachea is provided in Chapter 8, with tube sizes in Table 8.8 and Table 8.9. The endotracheal tube should have a thin coat of sterile water‐based lubricant applied to the tip prior to placement, confirmed with auscultation, visualization and ETCO2 measurement and secured with a tie. A back‐up plan for intubation should be in place in case standard tracheal intubation is not possible (such as brachycephalic abnormalities, intraoral or pharyngeal disease, or unable to open mouth). Using a stylet or guidewire, endoscopic visualization, transtracheal catheter or tracheostomy may be required. In addition, suction should be available to clear regurgitated GI contents, large volumes of tracheal fluid or salivary secretions. An oropharyngeal and laryngeal exam is performed in every patient at the time of intubation to evaluate for any masses, polyps or laryngeal dysfunction. When the airway is confirmed and secured, the patient is ready for maintenance of anesthesia with volatile anesthetics or constant rate infusion of injectable anesthetic and sedative drugs. Monitoring devices should be immediately connected to the patient and assessed to ensure an adequate level of anesthesia is achieved and the initial vital parameters are within acceptable limits. Careful patient monitoring is required throughout the entire anesthetic preparation and maintenance period. Balanced anesthesia involves the administration of different drugs to target anesthesia, analgesia, and neuromuscular relaxation. Often opioids are given during induction for analgesia with benzodiazepines for neuromuscular relaxation and volatile anesthetic agents used to maintain the desired plane of anesthesia. Anesthesia drugs are a contributing factor to negative physiological changes in the animal since certain drugs, e.g. inhalant anesthetics, phenothiazines, and propofol, can cause vasodilation. This will decrease preload and can cause hypotension. Anesthetic agents will also depress the respiratory drive. Manual or mechanical ventilation should be employed for any critical patients undergoing general anesthesia. Analgesic drugs in combination with sedatives can obtain neuroleptanalgesia. When used in combination with anesthetic drugs, neuroleptanalgesics can decrease the required dose for all medications since many of the drugs are synergistic. Local anesthetic techniques can also minimize the need for systemic analgesia and reduce the depth of anesthesia required. The five stages of anesthesia are listed in Box 22.1 along with questions that the anesthetist should consider when assessing the anesthetized patient in Box 22.2 [7]. The physical monitoring parameters that aid in determining the plane of anesthesia are listed in Table 22.5. Physical parameters such as jaw tone, palpebral and corneal reflexes, presence or absence of voluntary movement to surgical stimulation and eye position are used to assess the plane or depth of anesthesia.
Anesthesia of the critical patient
Preanesthetic evaluation
Physical status
Normal healthy patient
Sterilization surgery
Mild systemic disease
Fracture in a stable patient without identified systemic injury or disease (cardiac disease, hyperadrenocorticism, etc.)
Severe systemic disease
Fever, anemia, shock
Severe systemic disease that is a constant threat to life
Severe shock, uncompensated cardiac disease, uremia, GDV, etc.
Moribund patient not expected to survive with or without surgery
Severe uncompensated systemic disease (trauma, infection, malignancy, etc.)
Brain‐dead patients to be used as donors
Does not apply to veterinary medicine
Physical examination
Point of care and laboratory testing
Diagnostic imaging
Patient preparation
Drug name by class
Dose and route
Common side effects/Notes
0.02–0.04 mg/kg IM, half dose IV
Increased heart rate and myocardial oxygen demand
0.005–0.01 mg/kg IM, IV
As above
3–40 μg/kg IM or IV then CRI 0.5–2.0 μg/kg/h
(125–375 μg/m2; CRI 25 μg/m2/h)
Vasoconstriction, bradycardia, decreased contractility, may cause vomiting
4–20 mg/kg IV
Respiratory depression, vasodilation, arrhythmias, local reaction, CV depressions
2–4 mg/kg slow IV; CRI 1–4 mg/kg/h
Prolonged recovery, seizures with recovery
All can be given as anticonvulant, muscle relaxer or in combination with an opioid as neuroleptanalgesia
0.2–0.5 mg/kg IM, IV; CRI 0.1–0.5 mg/kg/h
Does not mix well with many medications, may cause phlebitis; dysphoria
0.07–0.4 mg/kg IM, IV; CRI 0.1–0.5 mg/kg/h
Can be administered IM if necessary
1–4 mg/kg IM, IV
1–5 mg/kg IV, IM (induction); CRI 0.1–0.5 mg/kg/h; 2–10 μg/kg/min
Tachycardia, may increase intracranial pressure
1–4 mg/kg IM, IV
Bradycardia, respiratory depression,
0.1–0.4 mg/kg IM, IV; CRI 0.1–02 mg/kg/h
kappa‐agonist, mu‐antagonist, only for mild pain
0.005–0.02 mg/kg IM, IV
Partial mu, slower onset, difficult to reverse
2–10 μg/kg IM, IV; CRI 2–10 μg/kg/min
Urine retention
0.05–0.2 mg/kg IV, IM; CRI 0.01–0.04 mg/kg/h
Panting, dysphoria
0.05–0.2 mg/kg IV, IM; CRI 0.13 mg/kg/h
Panting, dysphoria
0.2–1.0 mg/kg IM; CRI 0.1 mg/kg/h
Panting, anaphylaxis IV
0.05–0.2 mg/kg IV, IM
Dysphoria, decreased GI function
3 μg/kg IV; CRI 0.05–0.3 μg/kg/min
GABA agonist induction agents
2–3 mg/kg (dog), 4–5 mg/kg (cat) slow IV or IM; CRI
0.1–0.15 mg/kg/min
Respiratory depression
0.5–2.0 mg/kg IV; CRI 0.02–0.1 mg/kg/min
Vomiting, apnea, clonic twitching, cortisol deficiency; minimal effects on cardiovascular system, use with benzodiazepine
2–8 mg/kg IV; CRI 0.05–0.5 mg/kg/min
Apnea, hypotension, short duration
Local anesthetics
1–2 mg/kg IV loading then 25–75 μg/kg/min
Avoid use in cats
Paralytic agents
70–100 μg/kg IV
Hypoventilation; no analgesic effects
0.1 mg/kg IV; CRI 3–8 μg/kg/min (reversal neostigmine 0.02–0.04 mg/kg IV or edrophonium 0.1–0.2 mg/kg IV with atropine)
Paralysis will cause apnea; patient must be ventilated; no analgesic effects
0.01–0.1 mg/kg IM, IV (maximum dose 3 mg/dog, 1 mg/cat)
Vasodilation; no specific antagonist
Volatile (inhalant) anesthetics
All cause cardiovascular depression, which is dose dependent; no analgesic effects
*MAC 0.87
Malignant hyperthermia, arrhythmias
*MAC 1.3
*MAC 2.3
Rapid recovery (may be too rapid in some cases)
Nitrous oxide
*MAC 188
Should not be used alone nor with closed cavity gas‐containing disease
Reversal agents
0.01–0.02 mg/kg IV
Reverses benzodiazepines
Equivalent volume of dexmedetomidine 0.09–0.4 mg/kg
Reverses dexmedetomidine
0.02–0.04 mg/kg IM, IV
Reversal of mu‐agonists, multiple doses may be necessary due to short duration
CPR medications
0.04 mg/kg IV
Epinephrine (low dose)
0.01 mg/kg IV
Hypertension and tachycardia
0.4–0.8 U/kg IV
2–4 mg/kg IV
Neurological side‐effects (cats more susceptible)
5 mg/kg IV
External defibrillation
4–6 J/kg monophasic; 2–4 J/kg biphasic
Only appropriate conductive gel should be used; alcohol may ignite. Caregivers must NOT be in direct contact with patient
Internal defibrillation
0.5–1 J/kg monophasic; 0.2–0.4 J/kg biphasic
Ensure equipment is ready and functioning (catheters, anesthesia machine, monitors, fluid pumps, surgical table, warming device, suction, defibrillator, chest tap set, ventilator settings preset)
Shorter patient preparation time
Shorter transit time to the surgical suite
Prepare endotracheal tubes, eye care. Several sizes available, cuff inflation mechanism tested, inflation syringe and tie‐ins laid out, corneal lubricant available
Allows rapid intubation, cuff inflation, and tie‐in with appropriate tube size
Shave prior to anesthetic induction
Done after premedication
Cross‐match or blood typing
Speeds delivery of blood products when needed
Calculate and print emergency/anesthetic drug doses based on weight
Speeds delivery of medications
Shave over both chest and abdomen when surgery of both cavities could be required (trauma, esophageal foreign body)
Saves time in patients with transdiaphragmatic problems
Prewarm lavage fluids
Saves time and improves patient temperature
Prepare a preanesthetic check‐off list
Promotes complete patient care
Keep surgical supplies sterile, organized, and readily available
Prevents surgical delays due to equipment nonavailability
Use additional staff when available
Can scrub in for surgical procedures, help the person(s) monitoring, get necessary equipment, care for newborns in C‐section
Lay out surgical attire (gloves, gowns) and equipment in advance
Shortens anesthetic time
Have the surgeon help initial set‐up of patient in surgical suite. Staff does final patient scrub while surgeon scrubs and gowns
Shortens anesthetic time
Material to set up
Gas anesthesia machine
Ensure oxygen hooked up, tubes hooked up, appropriate size reservoir bag, leak test, ensure sufficient volatile agent
Surgical prep area
ET tubes of appropriate sizes, check cuffs, check separate anesthetic machine if used, eye lube, laryngoscope, ET tube cuff syringe and tie‐in
Surgical and prep table
Warming units turned on, clippers and scrub ready, eye lube, ET tube tie, cuff inflator, laryngoscope
Anesthetic and emergency drug list
Printed and ready, drugs nearby with syringes and needles. Anesthesia related drawn up prior to induction
Monitoring sheet
Monitoring and recording vital parameters every 3–5 minutes, along with start and stop time of anesthesia and surgical procedures and all drugs recorded
Surgical equipment laid out
Gloves, gowns, caps, masks, surgical instruments, sutures, warm lavage, scalpel blades, cautery, additional equipment
Materials for anticipated procedure
Examples: thoracocentesis set for trauma patient, meds and towels for puppies/kittens, feeding tubes, bandages, suction, defibrillator, etc.
Anesthetic or therapeutic ventilator
Check that settings are appropriate and test prior to connecting patient
Monitors ready
ECG, SpO2, oscillometric or Doppler blood pressure, ETCO2, arterial line and necessary set‐up
Patient preparation
Necessary IV or other catheters, presurgical diagnostics (bloodwork, clotting times, radiographs), stable for anesthesia (pain medications, fluid resuscitation, preoxygenation, etc.)
Anesthetic induction
Anesthetic maintenance

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